
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasie
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297 Chs

A 'New World'

Returning to the village, the weight of their recent ordeal lifted slightly as the familiar sight of the protective bubble enclosing the merfolk's abode came into view. The elder of the village, Markol, greeted them with a mixture of relief and solemn dignity. As they approached, his eyes searched theirs, looking for signs of the toll the mission had exacted on them.

After receiving a brief report of the mission's outcome, a subtle expression of amusement crossed Markol's ancient features. "Only one casualty," he mused aloud, his tone balancing the gravity of the loss with recognition of the mission's high stakes. "It is a sorrow to lose even one, but considering what you faced, it is a fortunate outcome indeed."

Eliss, still feeling the residual drain from the use of powerful magic, took the opportunity to inquire about the shards from the destroyed crystals. "Elder Markol, do you still have shards from the destroyed crystals that were powering the portal?" she asked, her voice a blend of curiosity and fatigue.

Markol nodded, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "Yes, we have preserved them, but why do you ask?"

She explained her thinking: "They could be invaluable for our future journeys. Their power could aid us greatly."

Understanding dawned on Markol's face, and he responded warmly, "Indeed, we shall organize that. The portal is nearly prepared to function once again, and in the meantime, you and your companions should rest."

Gratefully, the team accepted the guidance to their quarters, a series of rooms crafted from the same shimmering materials that adorned the rest of the village. The spaces were soothing, imbued with a soft, ambient light that seemed to emanate from the walls themselves, perfect for recovery.

Eliss took a full day to recover her strength, the magical exertions having deeply sapped her energies. Meanwhile, Amukelo woke earlier and spent his morning engaging with the merfolks, eager to learn more about their culture and share stories of the surface world. During their conversations, he presented the shards they had collected to Eliss, who had a specialized spell for storing such items safely. "These will be safe with you, Eliss," he said, handing them over. "Your magic has always kept us a step ahead."

As they prepared to leave, with the portal now shimmering and ready, Markol approached them once more. His demeanor was more formal this time, a reflection of the gratitude he felt. "I must thank you," he began, his voice resonant in the quiet of the morning. "Without your aid, we would have faced far greater losses. Your bravery and quick thinking have saved many lives."

Amukelo responded with a respectful nod, acknowledging the elder's thanks. "We are grateful for the shards and the opportunity to use the portal, Elder Markol. It has been an honor to stand with your people."

"And the honor is shared," Markol replied, his hand extended in a traditional merfolk gesture of respect.

With final preparations complete, Amukelo, Eliss, and Erohan gathered at the portal. The shimmering gateway pulsed with energy, casting an ethereal glow that reflected off their hopeful faces. Stepping forward, they each took a deep breath, exchanging looks of mutual support and determination. 

As Amukelo, Eliss, and Erohan stepped through the portal, they were immediately struck by the stark contrast between their expectations and the reality before them. Instead of the untouched mythical land they had envisioned, they found themselves in an expansive, elegantly designed room that resembled a traditional hall of sorts.

The space was lined with polished wooden panels, and recessed lights peppered the ceiling, casting a soft, uniform glow across the room. The floor was a continuous stretch of smooth, light wood, reflecting the minimalistic yet grand design of the architecture. At the far end of the room stood a striking, ornate display—a traditional altar or shrine, intricately decorated and gilded, imbued with an air of solemnity and ancient dignity.

However, the serenity of this beautifully designed hall was marred by signs of recent violence. Debris was scattered across the otherwise pristine floor; a large hole punctured one of the elegant wooden walls, and dark stains of blood were smeared across the wood, telling tales of a recent conflict.

Their arrival did not go unnoticed. Almost immediately, they were surrounded by a group of humans, which added to their confusion. These people were dressed in traditional attire that was unfamiliar to the trio: flowing black robes over wide gray hakama pants, each ensemble completed with a katana tied at the waist. The colors varied subtly across the group, suggesting differences in rank or role.

Before any questions could be voiced, one individual, who appeared to be the leader, stepped forward. His demeanor was commanding, and his clothing was slightly more embellished, indicating his status. He quickly took notice of the necklaces Amukelo, Eliss, and Erohan wore—a recognition that shifted his initially suspicious gaze to one of cautious intrigue.

"Follow me," he said, his voice calm yet authoritative, suggesting not just a request but an expectation of obedience. His recognition of their necklaces seemed to afford them a temporary pass, a brief respite from immediate hostility.

With uncertainty shadowing their thoughts but few options available, Amukelo gave a subtle nod to Eliss and Erohan, signaling compliance. They followed the leader through the grand hall, their senses heightened to every detail around them—the rich texture of the wood, the solemn beauty of the shrine at the end of the room, and the tense atmosphere that the bloodstains added to the scene.

As they moved, the trio remained alert and watchful, understanding that while this world was not the uncharted territory they had hoped for, it was clearly layered with its own complexities and mysteries. The presence of humans in traditional samurai attire, the unexpected violence, and the solemn architecture suggested a blend of cultural richness and underlying turmoil that they would need to navigate with care and diplomacy.