
Realm of the Transcendants

"Where should I go now?", he sighed. Naoki Ozawa had always considered himself "lost" and devoid of a "reason to live" after the death of his mother. Ironically, it was that lack of purpose and desire that had made him cross the realm of a universe that needed those two in order to survive and become stronger. Out of all the worlds in that universe, he was transported to the world of Zenia, a world dominated by women, where the supreme deity despises men and had not blessed them with much world energy and great aptitude. In this realm, where the soul is the foundation of strength, feeding on other souls in order to be powerful is commonplace. A place where might makes right and the weak are left behind with little to no opportunities. He soon finds out that he's not strong and is pathetically weak, unable to even beat the weakest monster. However, he later saw that he possessed a strange talent—the ability to comprehend souls. In a world of medieval fantasy x cultivation, we follow the story of Naoki as he finds his way into a universe unbeknownst to his own. 》 ART: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1D8kp2S5pwOxTgE-vR2bkH7DTlDLlBBJ_?usp=sharing 》For mobile Webnovel users: bit.ly/RoT_Art ✥ Author's Words: 【After, multiple considerations, I will be writing 1000 words instead of 3000 words per chapter from volume 2 onwards :3. Naturally the length of each volume will remain the same. (15k+ words). This will mean faster releases and less laziness on my part. Thanks for reading!】 「ALL OF MY ART IS AI GENERATED, BUT I'D APPRECIATE IT IF YOU CREDIT MY NOVEL AND INFORM ME IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO USE THEM.」 》While this is technically Harem, this is not some dumpster fire-level trash that only seeks to fulfill male fantasy—if you are here for it, then better try elsewhere. 》This is similar to Japanese Light Novels—so expect that the novel will be like so. 》I sincerely believe in Dialogue > Narration because I like seeing characters develop rather than some all-knowing narrator spoon-feeding every piece of information. It's also more interesting to read characters speak than reading plain text in my opinion. Although, there are instances, especially when a character is alone, that I mostly fill with narration.

Lacyan · Fantasie
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55 Chs

『Vol. 2 Extra: Ice Ball』

It was a cold and eerie night, the sound of two people happily chatting could be heard—far away from one particular individual.

"They didn't have to be so harsh..."

Naoki was sitting amidst a clearing on the meadows—hugging his knees. It seems that he was ostracized by the two, after what had happened.

"Maybe I should have considered Raelei-san's offer..." Naoki laughed at the thought, cheering himself up.

Reminded by the person, he began to practice his Ice arts—since he had nothing better to do. No matter how he tried though, he still couldn't make any more than a pebble.

A few moments passed...

"This... it's the 7th ice, and I'm already wearing out my soul." Naoki panted, it seems that learning it was not easy.

Naoki had quite a robust soul—with its ability to recover faster than average. He does not require sleep since his soul is resistant to Soul Sickness, but even this was starting to take a toll on him.

"Oh yeah—it's quite late to be realizing this but... it's still hard to believe that this is real."

Naoki had looked up at the stars, the marvel gems of the sky had mesmerized him. He had not recognized a single constellation yet somehow the scenery had brought him comfort—he began to recall the moment that he was transported into this world in the first place.

"Come to think of it, I wonder how Fujiyama-san is doing—is she also in this world? No way..." Naoki humored the thought.

The person that he saw at the train station began to surface in his mind. Back in his old world, she was known for being diligent and proper. Knowing this, Naoki thought of her as another stuck-up person—until that day that they were transmigrated.

"I never thought she was quite easy to talk to, even if our conversation was short." Naoki sighed, taking in all of what has happened thus far.

It could be said that this was Naoki's first time in a while that he had reflected alone like this—the series of events was quite hectic, after all. He began to recollect all of his memories, both the bitter and the sweet.

"This is...!" Naoki looked at his hand.

To his surprise...

It was a fist-sized ice ball—he had not noticed it all.

"But... why!? I wasn't focusing at all."

Surprisingly, the ice didn't bring him discomfort, even if it was extremely cold. It was a weird phenomenon for Naoki when he first discovered this—while the ice was chilling, it didn't harm or affect him at all.

<That's because you've tried to understand a part of your soul.>


"Oh, it's just you, Lea." Naoki sighed.

This was Leariz telepathically communicating with Naoki—it seems her powers could extend even outside her Domain. Naoki had learned not to question her, or else she might work him to the bone again.

<I'll pretend I didn't hear that...>

<Anyways, the language of souls can help you increase your comprehension—essentially teaching your nodes to learn the Ice art. One such way is by understanding a deeper part of your soul—which turns your soul to be more fluid.>

While Leariz was being vague about it, Naoki had understood. It seems that the "soul" existed in all things, even the things that are not living, and all it needs is to be understood. This was why some people are talented and some are not—they differ in that they, whether unconsciously or consciously, understand the language of souls.

<Now, it's time for your alchemy lessons~> Leariz said mischievously.

"Yes..." Naoki grimaced, reluctantly agreeing.

While he had wanted to get stronger, Naoki had still dreaded his Alchemy lessons—mainly because Leariz could just toy with him. He had to swallow his pride though—he had to accept these defeats, for now.

Hello!!! I know this extra is relatively short and there is a reason for that—I'm going to make more Vol. 2 Extras (Which may already be evident if you saw this late.)

Thanks for supporting Realm of the Transcendants!

With an "A", not an "E"!!!

Lacyancreators' thoughts