
Realm Of Deaths

Mated by fate to a snow wolf as a mermaid, it a rare occurance. A mixture not supposed to be linked, Being the ever first merman blessed with one from my realm. someone striped me from that golden opportunity I've been gifted with, for greed, selfishness and lust for power. who ever dares to touch or hurt my mate have to settle it with me. Because no one is born a hero or a villain, they're made by those around them and the world is about to turn me into a villain, then I'll be the villains lord.

Ivoryaseems · Fantasie
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21 Chs

2. Trip ||

Nora smiled at Rayd while patting his head "That more like my Baby Brother". Rayd smiled back after wiping the remaining tears in his eyes.

Another earth shattering growl echoed through the forest once more, this time around both Nora and Rayd freeze while fixing their gaze to the creature adjacent to them.

It a huge wolf with a very shape claws and canines, It so huge that the duo siblings looks like mere ant in front of it. Rayd gulped a mouthful of saliva shifting his gaze to his sister who also did same being in sync with her brother. Rayd whisper under a slow and some how shaky breath "It so fucking huge and beautiful".

"Language kid", she said looking at Rayd who was so immersed in staring at the wolf which he some how found amazing.

Nora stare at the wolf ones more trying to figure out what her brother found amazing. "Then your brain cells most be off duty" Nora said to Rayd who was tittering at her upon seeing the expression on her face which kind of have a hint of distain towards the wolf.

"But jokes aside, the wolf is really Beautiful and it elegant even at its wolf form". Rayd said inching closer to the wolf which was a bit distant to them and just kept staring at them without blinking.

"It fur as white as snow and the eyes, OMG Nora look at it eyes, it drowning me, I cant wait for it to shift back to it human form".

Nora shoot Rayd a dirty glare which he kept quite the moment he saw that, "It not time for playing neither is it for a chit chat".

The wolf growled louder this time around as if it had had enough of the duo chit chat before charging at them with an unremarkable speed emitting a very strong Aura which shook the trees each time it pass by them, the loud thud it made with it feet result to the ground shaking while the two struggle to maintain their balance on the ground.

"It seems pretty strong but I can deal with it, you can only interfere when that shit got the upper hand, get it?". Rayd said to Nora who nod in response.

"Be careful cox I promise the sea goddess nothing is gonna happen to you, that the main reason she let you tag along, if somethine happen she'll kill me".

"Don't worry about me I'll be fine cox you're here with me", Rayd answered while smiling at her.

The wolf leap in the air extending it claws toward Rayd face who react much faster moving backward while the wolf land few inches in front of him, the wolf growl loudly into his face exposing his shape canines which are ready to sink into his skin anytime soon.

Nora was a bit worried even though Rayd was a great warrior, but with the lack of water which actually slowed his movement, his having a hard time using his legs at full speed cox his not properly use to it.

The wolf charge at a much faster speed closing the little space between them within few seconds and swing it claws at Rayd chest which send him flying into the tall trees.

Rayd fell face off to the ground while coughing a mouthful of blood as he made impact with one of the tree, Nora was worried her brother could get injured before they get to their destination, her face flush with anger mixed with hatred which were all directed towards the wolf, she decide to step forward but was stopped by Rayd, "Told you to only interfere when it get the upper hand".

Nora get the seriousness in his tone and stopped to look at him, "you Owk" she asked as Rayd reposition himself facing the big wolf whom he can clearly see a glint of proudness in its eyes. Rayd smirked on seeing this, "Am fine sisi, you know I never get hit for nothing right".

That when Nora realizes what her brother did, he only get hit when he wants to know the strength of his opponent, even back at their Realms no one ever hit him in a duel unless if he allows you too.

"You know it scares me seeing you hurt like that, it hit you pretty bad". Nora said while moving away from her brother to get a better show of the somehow not so duel.

The wolf charge at it fullest speed the moment Nora step aside as if waiting for the referee to be out of the court so the match could continue.

Rayd tap his feet on the ground and it starts shaking vigorously which sort of get the wolf by surprise, As the shaking intensified, tones of Stones start emanating from the ground which are at least size of a small rock, with swift movement, Rayd waved his hands to control the stones which all flew toward the wolf direction with high speed.

The wolf moves backward in fright which was clearly visible in it eye, With a quick movement the wolf moves few inches away to avoid the stones that kept dropping and some still aimed at him. The wolf howled at the charging rock pebble as if commanding them to stop and then breath out a mouthful of Air which collide with the stones freezing them before shattering them to dust while few landed on it head.

Nora who was watching them with uncovered excitement in her eyes muttered to her self, "Who could have thought the little pet mastered his Earth Core Element".

The wolf growled with anger flushed on it face giving forth more of it deathly aura which intensify with every step it took charging head up towards Nora. 

Hy...................... Everyone

Actually this my first time writing a novel, i hope u guys will support, read and motivate me for more exciting and interesting chapters.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thanks for reading Realms Of Death {R.O.D}

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