
Realm of Azurè

Everyone knows the story of the creation of the universe, but do they really know or are they being fed comforting lies? One such lie might hold boundless truths inside it, yet one wouldn't choose to believe. More often than not, we ponder these endless questions and it leads us always to the same thing. One such question has led a particular being on a hunt for some answers, but he never quite knew when he had the question.

MadEmperorNero · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
19 Chs


Everyone knows the story of the creation of the universe, but do they really know or are they being fed comforting lies? One such lie might hold boundless truths inside it, yet one wouldn't choose to believe. More often than not, we ponder these endless questions and it leads us always to the same thing. One such question has led a particular being on a hunt for some answers, but he never quite knew when he had the question.

Hades sat on his throne in Olympus and was casually looking at the sparkling gems while he sipped a glass of ambrosia. He held a high position in the Highborn faction, but after witnessing everyone fail time and again, he started to wonder about if his way was the right one or if he needed to change. Staring into the blinking gems, he suddenly had an idea. Instead of destroying the world and recreating it, maybe he could guide it. After all, he only needed more souls and with more he'd get more power. With that idea, he began to plan and put events in motion.

Today was supposed to be a quiet day, but instead he called over his trusted friend and began to share his idea. His friend was none other than Lucifer Morningstar. Lucifer wasn't a God, but he falls in the category of demigod and all he had ever wanted was to ascend. Due to the nature of his father, God, it was the one thing that couldn't happen. Lucifer listened to Hades' plan without interrupting and then slowly spoke.

"You're a madman for even thinking of this," Lucifer said, "but I'm on board. What's my role in all this?"

"Nothing much really. I just need you out of Hell for a while. The less you know, the easier to hide your involvement."

"Of course I can get out, no problem!"

With that, Lucifer disappeared form his spot and Hades sat smiling with a calm grin.

'The world will soon fear the advent of the Highborn, then we'll see just who can come out on top.'


In a dry and arid desert, one man could be seen walking out of what appeared to be a sand dune. He had on some dark grey sweatpants and a tight fitting black tank top on that showed his well defined muscles. Lucifer had long gotten used to heat and the heat of the desert was nothing more than a stroll through the park on a pleasant day for him. His appearance was currently of a two meter tall African American with an Afro so tall, it almost doubled as a second head.

'Well, I'm finally out. Let's see what the world has been up to since I was last here.' Based on the position of the Sun, it seemed like it was just past the middle of the day. He pointed his body eastward and unfurled his wings. Sensing no wind coming, he took off, leaving nothing but the sand resting as if he was never there in the first place.

He decided not to fly too fast and just enjoy the heat of the sun and the wind on his face. Other birds flew up to him and then immediately flew away in a hurry. After a few hours, he made it to the nearest city and immediately looked for a hotel. He'd had demons do his work for him over the years, so he wasn't lacking in money, but he also wanted to do some research before he bought a place. He happened to arrive at a hotel called, The Charioteer, it had multiple stories and it looked to be well kept.

"Hello, Sir, how may I help you?" Upon his entrance, the clerk immediately greeted him.

"I'd like to purchase a room for a few nights, if any are available," Lucifer replied without adding any charm to his words.

"You're just in luck, but first may I get your name?"

"Lucian Morningstar."

At the utterance of his name, the clerk immediately started typing. After a few seconds, he turned his computer screen over to show him the room.

"Your wife had already came in just an hour ago and purchased a room for you both,"

"I'm sorry, but I don't have a wife," Lucifer replied, "What did this mystery woman look like?"

"She was about one and a half meters tall, cream colored skin, and her eyes were blue....or green...I think," The clerk responded, "She said to tell you the room, Room 963, hand you the key, here you go, and that your stay was fully paid for,"

At this, Lucifer only felt confused but if someone else wanted to pay for him then it was better he save his money. His room turned out to be up on the ninth floor facing the outside of the city. From so high up, he could just barely see the people and he could marvel at how it seemed like the horizon was just shy of touching the sky.

Walking out of the room, was someone he hadn't expected to see, but still he managed to smile and hide his shock behind his calm demeanor. "To think that my absence would stir the feelings of you, Little Angel, that you went ahead and planned our honeymoon before me," Lucifer said mockingly, "Have you finally given your heart over to Your Devil here or are you sent to take me back?"

For a second, the woman stared at him with an icy glare before she took a deep breath and calmed down. When she opened her eyes, they were a mix of blue and green with astute swirls of silver and gold mixed inside. She walked over to Lucifer who had a lecherous grin and leaned forward in his ear, making sure to emphasize her charms and grab more of his attention.

"Old Devil," she said enticingly, "I asked you here because this Little Angel needs your help,"

"Oh?" Between the beautiful sight of her almighty breasts, the scent of her pure skin, her voice that was just musical, and the piquing of his curiosity, Lucifer was just in a delightful place. Besides her womanly charms though, he was intrigued with what was so bad that she had to personally set all this up to speak with him.  Without another word, he stepped past her and made his way to the chair sitting in a corner.

"So what is so bad that the All Seeing, Uriel, has to ask for the help of Your Devil here?"

Seeing as her ploy by using her charms didn't work, Uriel softly sucked her teeth and sat on the bed to look Lucifer right in the face. For a while she didn't say anything as if she was mulling over what to say before she finally seemed to relax and then spoke.

"There's something about to happen in the future and I need your help to stop it," she said plainly.

"Ah, the old Potential-Apocalypse-In-The-Future scenario. Okay well if we're going to role play, then you'll have to do a very good job of looking miserable," Lucifer said coyly trying to make her angry enough to reveal more intel.

Uriel's face reddened at the constant teasing, but she remained firm and kept speaking calmly, "I know it involves you and I can't see past a certain point. Once you made the decision to leave, I felt the universe shudder and it seems like something is targeting the Gods."

"Mmmhmmm," Lucifer nodded. To be honest, most of what she said didn't make sense to him. He was only here for a vacation, not detective work, so in the end he rejected her fully. The last words she spoke to him told him to look towards St.Duriel's Cathedral if he ever changed his mind. With that, Uriel disappeared the moment talking had ceased.

Unbothered, Lucifer then showered and left to start his vacation. This time, he told himself, I'll make sure to have one Hell of a good time.

{Mount Olympus: Aphrodite's Castle}

"I'll let you go to Earth as long as you promise to convert more mortals to my influence. I'll bestow to you one of my powers to use as you see fit, but the moment you betray me, you'll lose your life, you know that right, Sylpha?"

"Yes, Mother. I only want to go to get some new toys, but if I can snatch some Faith for you then I'd be happy to do it," Sylpha replied with a small bow.

"Good child, now go. The longer you stay, the longer it takes for you to get back and we both know if you're caught by that horn dog, Zeus, then I'd never see you again."

"Yes, Mother. May love guide us to eternity." With that, she disappeared and began to make preparations for her visit to the human realm.

"May love guide us to eternity." Aphrodite said softly as she sighed deeply. Her daughter was wild child who always needed new toys. She never learned to cherish anything.

As Aphrodite was deep in thought she heard some footsteps approaching her throne. When the light shined on who it was, she let out a bitter smile coupled with words dripped in sugary honey.

"Why if it isn't Uncle Hades, how nice to see you here,"

"Hello, niece, I have a favor to ask of you if you don't mind," Hades said with a small formal bow.

"What can this lovely one do for you?"

"Well you see, this is quite difficult, but I need you to personally see to this matter of your dear uncle. I have these two friends who would never see eye to eye, but I really need them to see each other for who they are,"

"So, why me and not my son Eros, Parvati, Bastet, or the others?"

"Because you're the one I'm close to who wouldn't try to seduce me the moment I grace your presence with my handsomeness," Hades said raising his head and puffing his chest out a little, "But all jokes aside, I came to you because you're the best at what you do,"

"Listen here, Vasta, Bert, Carl!" Aphrodite called out sharply and then pointed at the three men who showed up. Vasta was a tall man roughly 2.12 meters (6 feet 9.5 inches) tall and had thick muscles wrapped around his entire body. He currently wore a suit completely designed of chain mail, but each link was dragon scales with runes carved in them to boost his overall might. With just a step, he moved in front of Aphrodite faster than one could blink and prostrated himself on the ground.

Bert was a shorter man about 1.84 meters (6 feet) tall and had thick arms, thick legs, a broad chest, and a slightly round stomach that showed he loved eating as much as he did training. Bert was adorned in a simple cotton shirt, but the threads were a mix of spider silk and moonstone ore. His pants were no different from Vasta's dragon mail, but instead he had the scales sized to fit him only in his vitals while his joints were reinforced with the dragon mail of his own. Bert had appeared less than half a second later as he too also bowed down. With his recently balding hair, the top of his head looked like an eyeball staring right at you.

Carl was a special case. He only wore normal clothes because he still thought he was human. Carl had learned about the truth of the universe long ago, but he only considers himself blessed beyond belief. He was pretty average in looks, but to ensure his life, he always kept a mysterious glow around himself. At the same time as Bert, Carl matched his actions exactly to the movements and like the other two awaited their orders.

"If I wanted my ass licked, I'd ask these three fine gentlemen to do it," Aphrodite said gesturing at the three men. "Now tell me why you're here or I won't be nice anymore. I know you're always up to something,"

With a sigh, Hades thought to himself the pros and cons of her knowing and decided that she'd probably forget once she found a new fling. 'No need to tell her everything,' he thought, 'I just need to tell her what she wants to know.'

"Well, I recently set Lucifer up on a blind date by convincing him to take a vacation, but the thing is he's never fallen in love and I need him to fall in love,"

"Lucifer? As in Morningstar?!" Aphrodite yelled in shock. "Are you fucking nuts?! Why didn't you hook him up with me?"

"He's immune to your charms and I need him to fall in love so he can finally have a Queen," Hades voiced out dramatically. "He's my best flame bro and it makes me feel awkward talking about my marriage when he hasn't even felt the pleasure of a woman who truly loves him. And that's where I need you to come in,"

"What's in it for me? I'm less inclined to do this now, you know,"

"I'll give you this," Hades presented a small glowing sphere. It seemed to be pulsing as if it had a heartbeat. It was only about the size of a marble, but it seemed like it had vast amounts of power hidden inside.

"Is that a-"

"Pure soul? Yes, it's the first one I have managed to come across in a long time,"

"You know what giving me this means, right?"

"I'm willing to do whatever I can to help my Flame Bro find love," Hades said tossing the soul as it floated to Aphrodite.

"I'll do it. He'll find that one person on Earth that is meant for him," Aphrodite said with a creepy shine to her eyes. "I'm going to nurture this soul before I let it open in Azurè. Was that all you required of me, dearest Uncle?"

"Yes, that is all. I'll be taking my leave now." With that he disappeared back to his home. Aphrodite now had a lot to think about, but the first thing she did was send the three men to go watch over Sylpha and make sure she didn't get herself killed. She could come back at any time, and the men have to follow her instructions as if she was an incarnation of Aphrodite herself. The three men nodded and disappeared as well to Sylpha's room to help her pack.

"I also forgot to mention, if you plan on turning that soul into an incarnation, then I suggest you wait and make sure conditions are right on Azurè. The Star Dragon is going on his Century long rampage and I'd rather another incarnation not get killed," Hades voice carried over from the air.

"Thank you for the heads up, Uncle, anything else?"

"Ah yes, I almost forgot. The name of the soul is Rose Westen. Make sure she lives a good life on Azurè."

I’m pretty busy with schoolwork for the time being, so my chapters will be released weekly. I do apologize in advance, but I will try my best to make my story very enjoyable for you guys.

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