
Dan-Bi, painters club???

The next morning,


Dan-Bi and No-Eul were walking to their classrooms escorting one another.

"How is your stomach, are you feeling better?, You should have stayed at home for some days, you didn't even give me the chance to visit."

"I am fine , I just can't stand missing lessons you know that, right?" No-Eul replied.

"It's been so long since I last saw grandpa and grandma Dae, I think I should go greet them after school., What do you think."

Dan-Bi really had a liking for the two old couple, they are very close friends of her Nana.She would always go with her Nana to greet Grandma Dae almost every week before her illness became worse. That was when she met No-Eul, they became close friends since then.

"If you feel like that, then no problem," No-Eul said as she smiled at her friend.

"Do you know about the Power Quill writing competition?."

"No, I don't, why did you ask?, when do you begin to care about writing?. Are you not into painting instead?" She bombarded Dan-Bi with her questions.

"Hey, calm your nerves, it's a competition for high school students...." She took her time to explain to Dae No-Eul.

She was only absent from school for a day and that's because of a little health problem, and she had noticed a lot of difference in Dan-Bi, 'Could it be that she had been reborn. Her appearance, the way she talks and behavior towards people had changed. Where is the real Dan-Bi.?'

Even though she prefers this new Dan-Bi she still can't believe that within a short period Dan-Bi will be this way, the way she wished Dan-Bi is. 'Or am I hallucinating?' She asked herself.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my friends body?."

Dan-Bi was startled by that question. "It's me Dan-Bi, what are you thinking?."

"Really?, you have changed somehow. Where is the Queen Bee, I met two days ago?. where did you keep her." No-Eul asked jokingly.

"I don't know what you are talking about, see you after school." She said trying to ease No-Eul's suspicion and ready to run.

Right now they were already in front of year 2C classroom which is also No-Eul's classroom. As she turned around to leave, she ran into a hard rocky chest.

"Oh, I.. I... am sorry", she stuttered as she looked up to see the face staring at her. 'It's him, Yo-Han'.

"It's okay" He said looking down at her hands that were still on his chest.

She noticed this and removed her hands immediately, she felt embarrassed by what just happened. She had lost herself in the blue eyes looking back at her not minding the environment. But now that she realized what happened. She couldn't look at him anymore, so she ran off.

Although Yo-Han was still looking serious and aloof, he was smiling inside since he found it amusing. 'This girl '.

He left the scene and entered the class with No-Eul and some other students coming behind him.

During Lunch break. Yo-Han was the one waiting this time. He had being while eating at the same time. Yet 'she' had not arrived. He had made this spot his personal spot since only he and Dan-Bi sits at the table. And also since it's at the edge of the cafeteria, a little bit secluded.

He brought out his phone when he remembered that he had an unfinished business. 'The strange Message '.

'Should I read it or not? ', 'No, I shouldn't, I don't read messages from unknown sources. '. 'I think I should read this one, I have got nothing to lose'. Something inside him told him that the message is not from just a stranger.

He finally decided to read the content of the message after much contemplation.

[Unknown] : Hi... It's Dan-Bi,... your new friend. I Just wanted to say Hi.

Upon seeing the message he laughed at himself. ' why did I wait until now to read this. Uh?'

'Could it be that she is too embarrassed by my reaction this morning. Was that why she ran off?. Ha, so she is starving herself again. "

[Master Han]: Are you starving yourself again?.

[I am Dan-Bi]: NO.

[Master Han]: Why are you not in the cafeteria then?.

[I am Dan-Bi]: ...

He looked up and he saw her walk over to her usual spot. She sat down opposite to him after placing her food tray on the table. She was still a little bit embarrassed, thus she did not look up to see his face, even though she wanted to, she just couldn't, she kept staring at her food.

"Sorry, I didn't reply your message. When I saw that the notification is from an unknown user, I decided not to read it because that's what I do." Yo-Han apologized.

' why should I explain myself, when did I start doing this?.'

She looked up for the first time as she asked. "Why did you read it at last?."

" I obeyed my instinct. It occurred to me that I needed to read it even though it's strange, but I did."

' oh, now I understand, we didn't exchange our contact info, so it's reasonable for him not to know that it's me.' Dan-Bi thought to herself.

She did not respond, she just took out her phone, typed somethings and pressed the send button.

"I just sent you all my active social media IDs. Save them now."

" Okay...will you eat your food now?." Yo-Han asked as he continued his meal.

"By the way, how did you get my ID?, I don't remember giving it to anyone."

'How am I to answer that question?. I can't tell him tell him that I made someone trace his digital footprints from the last time he logged into the school's 'painters club' blog page."

"I...I...the admin of the painters club is a close friend, she gave it to me." she lied.

Yo-Han knew she was lying, he had only know her for days but he knew she removes invisible dirt from her fingernails when she lies.

"Mn...Are you going today?"

"Where?" Looking confused, 'Is he taking me somewhere?? Hmn?, Where would I want to go?'.

Yo-Han looked at her expression, and he smirked at what he saw, ' This little girl, she still doesn't know, I thought she loves art so much.'

"Painters club class." he replied, "It's today, after P. E, you don't know.?"

"I... I...No I don't," she wanted to find a reasonable lie, but she couldn't.

"I thought you were reconsidering taking the painters club serious. Seems like you were joking the other day." He said smiling warmly.

"No, I wasn't, I am really serious, I just didn't have the chance to find out the allocated time." She retorted looking away from his torturing gaze.

He laughed mildly at her reaction. ' This is one of the few times someone will make me laugh.' he said to himself.


The school gave all the several extracurricular activities a certain period and that of the painters club comes immediately after P. E . It so happens that P. E is the last activity of the day for most students. Only those taking part in the painters club and some other extracurricular activities for the day wait for an extra 50mins to an hour.

Today No-Eul had no other activity after P. E, so she went to meet Dan-Bi, they are to go home together to greet Grandma and Grandpa Dae. She met Dan-Bi just as she was walking out of her class.

"Are you ready?, I am done for today already, let's go." She said as she turned to leave.

"Sorry, I can't go now" she said with a pleading face.

"Why?, we agreed to go together already, why are you backing off now?." No-Eul asked.

"I have to go for the Painters club class, I will find another day to visit Grandma and Grandpa Dae. Please I have to go." She replied like a puppy face.

"Dan-Bi, painters club???." She asked with a startled expression.

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