
Chapter 4

Upon entering the change rooms, i swiftly put on my uniform and make my way out as fast as humanly possible. Well if only i were human. As i leave a hand goes over my eyes and mouth, dragging me into a closet. When whoever dragged me here let go i was met with piercing crimson eyes.

"The hell you want sparky?" I ask boredly.

"Who the hell do you think you are! Your just an extra and you should know your place!" He growls in a hushed tone.

"Well for one im Mikey Takahashi and second my place is at the top unlike you, extra" i retort.

His eyes flared with anger, but then there was a hint of mischief behind those crimson orbs. Leaning close to my ear he lets out a low growl, before nipping my ear slightly with his teeth. I shiver. My face immediately exploding, covered in red.

"W-what the hell are y-you doing.." I growl.

"Showing the extra their place" he grumbled.

Leaving my ear he travels down to my neck, nipping at it before finally biting me. I let out a squeak at the sudden contact. I feel him smirk against my skin as he once again goes up to my ear.

"Dont ever call me an extra again or you'll regret it" he teased before leaving the closet.

'The hell was that!' I think to myself.

Face still beet red, i make my way to class with my head down. In my view a wolf like tail passes by me. I'll ignore it for now, i can't even think straight at the moment. Sighing i arrive at the classroom, obviously late for class. I guess all of lunch had passed by when we were in that closet. Iida obviously distasted with me being late gets up and starts to harass me. I shoot him a cold, hard, dead glare, immediately shutting him up. I make my way to my seat and grumbke as i look out the window. I want this day to be over.

~Le Magical Time Skip~

The final bell rings. Finally i cant go home! I jump out of my seat and make my way quickly out the door, avoiding the blazing glare of crimson that follows my every move. Racing out the front doors i bump into someone, but i dont care. I dont want to be here and besides im gonna be late for work.

Making my way home through a sketchy part of town, i sense that i am being followed. Taking a sharp left into an alleyway i hide in the shadows. When the figure walks in i pin them to the wall. Im met with a surprised look from a... Pikachu? No hes a person? But looks like a pikachu? Oh whatever i dont have time for this.

"Who the hell are you" i seeth, growling through my teeth.

"I...i'm Kaminari Denki! Im in the same class as you! I was just making sure a lovely lady like yourself wasnt attacked~!" He shouts while trying to look cool still.

"Im not fucking weak pikachu. You should be looking out for yourself, you were too easy to corner" i grumble before letting him go.

"S-sorry! Here um can i walk you home? Maybe we can go get coffee or something!" He exclaims kind of shyly.

'Hes kind of cute' i think to myself.

"I would take you up on your coffee deal but i have to go home and get changed for work" i begin "boss will kill me if im late".

"Wait you have a job? But your only i highschool, arent your parents supposed to-" he starts.

"DONT YOU DARE TALK ABOUT YM PARENTS" i rage " You have no right to assume what my life is like".

'No longer cute' i thought.

He jumps back startled and bows, before he can get another word in i walk away, i dont want to be fucking late and now im in a piss poor mood.

Reaching my house i go to my room and change, ignoring my brother and my mother ignoring me. Why can't it go back to the simpler times when i didnt have a quirk? Why did i have to be a late bloomer? Its all my fault.

********⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️*********

*************CUTTING AHEAD*************

Once in my room i head to my connected bathroom, i open a drawer. Its full of razors and bandages. Pulling out a fairly thick blade i place it to my arm. Its my fault.. Its my fault... Its My Fault... ITS MY FAULT.... ITS MY GOD DAMN FAULT!!! Red lines fall from my arm, a crimson liquid falling to the ground. I deserve more pain... More suffering... Its all my fault... Nothing will ever be the same because of me!

Tears stream down my eyes as i continue to slice at my arms. This medication makes me numb and i hate this feeling. Id rather be dead.

I clean myself up and get ready for work, i have a long shift of faking smiles and acting nice.

My uniform isnt much. I work at a maid cafe so i guess you cant expect much from the attire. Mostly lace and its up my ass, got to love going by societal norms of women being basically sex magnets. I walk towards my door ready to leave, looking back at a picture on my wall. A tear slipping from my eyes and a breathy 'im sorry' and im on my way to work. May this shift not be completely terrible.