
ch. 17 reunions

(AN: power stones people.)

"Come on let me go!" Naruto exclaimed as he struggled out of his aunts chains, seeing kana make no move to release him he got an idea before smirking. "I'll let you use them tonight, I know how much you like..."

"Shut it DATTAKANE!" She yelled as she released Naruto with a bright red face.

"Big bro!" Exclaimed a child

'Hmm' turning Naruto was met with the sight of konohamaru and his gang. "Oh sup kono how you been?" Naruto asked

Grinning konohamaru replied while pointing to his headband. "good, I'm a ninja now!"

Nodding Naruto asked "who's your teacher?"

"It's Ebisu-sensei, so big bro what you been up to?" Konohamaru asked back

"Nothing much just training and the occasional mission." Naruto answered

"Ruto you can talk to your minions later we have to go meet the hokage and get me into the konoha shinobi corps." Kana stated impatiently. 'I also gotta piss and ask Tsunade for a check up.' She thought to herself worried

'Don't worry kit I'm sure it's nothing, you both use protection.' A feminine voice rang out in her mind

'I know kurami but…' she trailed off as Naruto picked her up after saying his goodbyes to the group of kids, than took her away with a body flicker.

As they disappeared Sakura and ino turned the corner "where they go!" Ino exclaimed as Sakura looked around

"Big bro had to go to the hokages office." Moegi replied

Nodding ino and Sakura disappeared as well.

*hokage office*

"Lady Tsunade please focus." Shizune Speke with a resigned sigh

*burp* "it's to early." Tsunade whined while tossing a paper weight at Shizune

Giving a low groan shizune was about to leave when "yo sis, baa-Chan!"

Blinking both Tsunade and shizune turned to the window to see a blond teen with six whisker marks and shining blue eyes.



As Tsunade and shizune were moving to greet Naruto they noticed a grinning red head in his arms. "Ah brat who's the tomato?"

"WHO YOU CALLING A FUCKING TOMATO DATTEKANE!" The red head screamed as she got out of Naruto's arms and stomped over. "LOOK AT YOU, YOU OLD HAG YOU HAVE TO USE A HENGE!"

Growling Tsunade stomped over to kana and replied "WHO YOU CALLING OLD YOU STINKY BRAT!"

'God dammit baa-Chan.' Naruto groaned out in his mind.

Just then there was a knock on the door glaring at the red head Tsunade spoke "come in!"

Opening the door ino and Sakura rushed In. "Ah Naruto it is you!" Sakura exclaimed.

Blinking Naruto turned and replied with a nod "Sakura." Than looking back he spoke "baa-Chan meet kana uzumaki."

"Wait uzumaki?" Ino asked before her eyes widened "you got married!"

"Huh." Looking at each other Naruto and kana burst out laughing.

"No little girl we're not married at least not yet, but we are both uzumaki's." Kana replied amused

"What do you mean?" Ino asked

"Naruto is from the uzumaki clan they were allied with konoha but were destroyed during the second ninja war." Tsunade replied

"Wait Naruto is from a clan, but he grew up as an orphan?" Sakura asked

Palming his face Naruto replied "yes my parents died in the kyuubi attack." Than palming his fist he turned to Tsunade "that reminds me I need to talk with you in private later."

Raising an eyebrow at the seriousness in his voice she nodded before speaking "so where'd you find her?" Tsunade asked while thinking 'she must of been that kiri kunoichi the spy spoke about, to think he actually found another uzumaki.'

"Ah I was actually hiding, back in uzu." Kana replied after calming down from Tsunade earlier provocations.

Widening her eyes Tsunade asked "really I thought you were in kiri."

"Nah I'll tell you about kana later baa-Chan, but I think it's time." Naruto replied meaningfully

Narrowing her eyes at Naruto Tsunade asked "are you sure Naruto?"

Stealing his eyes Naruto replied "yes I'm strong enough to defend myself now."

Smirking Tsunade nodded "alright I'll get the paperwork ready."

"Wait what's going on?" Asked ino speaking up for the first time and not being able to hold in her questions anymore.

"Naruto here is going to take his seat as uzumaki clan head." Than taking in a breath of air she added "as well as reveal his parentage."

"Parentage?" Ino asked with shining eyes while thinking 'gossip material!'

"That will be revealed at the council meeting tomorrow." Tsunade replied already knowing what ino was thinking.

"Tch I'll just have daddy bring me tomorrow." Ino pouted

"Anyways it was nice meeting you all again but I have some more important things to talk about with baa-Chan." Naruto replied while giving Tsunade a deep look.

Nodding Tsunade shooed the others out as she and Naruto talked.


"So you and Naruto?" Asked ino while looking at kana.

Raising an eyebrow kana replied with a happy nod "of course Naruto is kind, caring, loyal, and strong."

"Strong but he was the class dobe." Ino asked confused

Narrowing her eyes kana replied "yes but that was before anyone trained him, Naruto was self trained and yet he beat the ichibi jinchuuriki during your chunin exam."

"Jinchuuriki?" Ino asked while Sakura looked just as confused

"Yes it refers to someone with a tailed beast sealed within them." Kana replied while tapping her foot 'do they teach this kids nothing in the academy?'

"Wait that phycho was a jinchuuriki than?" Asked Sakura

"Yes gaara is a jinchuuriki, and he isn't bad anymore, he's actually the kazekage now." Kana replied

"Wait isn't he like our age?" Asked ino

Smiling kana replied with a smile and laugh "ya you should have seen Naruto's face. He whined about it for a whole day, but I guess it did inspire him to step up his training and plans." She mumbled that last part but ino still heard

"Plans?" Ino asked while kana just gave her a mysterious smile.

*hokage office*

"YOU DID WHAT!" Tsunade screamed

"I made kana the jinchuuriki of Kurama's yin half and now due to some unforeseen circumstances she and I are kinda sorta both the jinchuuriki of two full powered kyuubi's." Naruto replied with a nervous chuckle,

"BRAT!" Tsunade screeched as she threw a paper weight at Naruto causing him to disappear in a flash of yellow than reappear at the window.

"Now now I see this as a total boon for konoha." Naruto replied cautiously

"Yes but now the council and danzo." She ground out threw gritted teeth.

"Ah about that." Naruto started with a cold grin.

Narrowing her eyes Tsunade asked "what did you do?"

"Well as we know Danzo has complete control over the civilian council and some of the shinobi council so I decided to take care of the ROOT of the problem." Naruto answered with a smirk

"What. Did. You. Do?" Tsunade whispered half hopeful and half horrified at the paperwork

"Simple Danzo is now nothing more than an advanced clone of mine completely under my control and by extension his root and all those on the council that he controls are mine as well." Naruto answered with a laugh

Widening her eyes Tsunade was speechless "that's…"

"Amazing right! Now there's no tumor holding the village back, and root will serve its original purpose, a deniable force at your disposal." Naruto spoke while giving a wide grin

Hearing him Tsunade slipped back into her seat before giving off a cackle "haha YES! That old Warhawk is dead!" She cheered while pulling out a sake bottle.

"Ah there's one more thing." Naruto replied after a few seconds

"Hmm what is it?" Tsunade asked back

"Kana said she wants to join konoha's shinobi corps, oh and also where's yugao and the perv?" Naruto asked

"She's on patrol should be back tonight and jiraiya is probably peeping he was here earlier. Just send your girlfriend back in here." Tsunade replied with a wave

Nodding Naruto used their link as kyuubi jinchuuriki to ask kana to come back.

Opening the door kana looked at Naruto than tsunade "alright ruto go and find your godfather I need to talk with the hokage about my transfer to konoha's shinobi corps."

Nodding with a shrug Naruto disappeared into a yellow flash. One of the anbu who just came back into the room fell from his spot and exclaimed "the fuck hirashin!"