
Real Traveler

I plan to travel to different worlds, but if because of some reason i won't be able to continue writing, i at least finish the current story arc. It's prohibited to publish this work on another web page without authors approval, it does not matter if that's the translation or not. I will publish Russian version, after I finish one story-arc on the following web page: ficbook.net , with following name "настоящий путешественник". If something will change, I’ll post here. (I don't own any of the anime or comic story in which my character travels; I don't own cover picture; if you have a Problem with the Picture I can remove it) To clarify, in next worlds our MC will have(or use) only his mind defense, idic memory and of course knowledge. Only in next universe I'll explain why. You must understand, that storyline is not 100% the same. If you don't like it, you can go and read mangas or watch animes.

AlanCrownfield · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs



"Good morning Saikyo-sama – Nia bowed her head to her clan's matriarch, which personally came into this camp. Normally in the war time, clan's heads leave the village only when Hokage does the same, that's why she was a bit surprised when she came into her tent and woke her up, Nia didn't even have time to do morning activities."

Saikyo just waved her hand.

"Nia like you probably understood I'm here to give you a personal and very important mission for our clan and for our future." – matriarch looked at her and after seeing her determined look continued with serious and sad voice – "But for you the mission may be a little bit hard do, however you are the only one, who has a chance. Are you ready to do this for the clan and our village?"

"Hai, I'll do my best!"

"Good. Your mission is to make Ichimaru Yamanaka sleep and then transfer him to the ANBUs, that will come to you after you are done." – she saw her terrified and scared look and didn't stop on that, if she did stop and let her think more about this, Nia could make a wrong decision – "I understand your feelings, don't worry nothing bad will happen with him, he just will start working in secret department, in addition to this you can get a child from him" – on this moment she winked her, Nia reddened because of embarrassment – "Don't forget that's for our clan and village your belongs firstly to clan." – matriarch said with serous face.

'You should do this, did you forget how long time he ignored our feelings, after we give birth to his child, he won't have any other choice, but to be with us.'


'If he starts work in special department, with his powers he will work mostly in the village, think about it he won't go on the forefront and be safer.'

'hmmm.. I think you're right; I'M GOING TO DO THIS FOR HIM'

"Hai I'll do my best Saikyo-sama" – Nia said with fire in her eyes.

"Good girl, then listen to instructions…"


"Great, F**king great. That's why I hate Aristocrats and Konoha, why I wasn't born in Kumo(Cloud) or Iwa(Rock), in Kumo there is the rule of jungle, it means if you are strong you are right, in Iwa there are only 3 clan's left and 1 of them rules the village like a royalty and like I've heard they have the smallest number of true missing-nins, it means the ones who are not under cover.

Not only this Nia already awakened her powers and it means her illusions are a lot stronger than before, however like Sharingan this power has a big disadvantage, their clan's members after awakening have split personality." – A Looooong siiiiiiigh.

I looked at her – "And what should I do with you? Wait a second, secret department in the ANBU is only root. What could they do when my family would have start searching me? Wait the question is, on the Danzo's place, what could I do to solve this problem?" – I realized the answer and I didn't like it at all. – "I may don't have time, I must hurry up and return home and rescue mother and father" - I took out the scroll for sealing the living beings, which is filled with interstitial fluid and medical chakra, then I unsealed a breathing mask and I put it on her.

After this I sealed her away, on the teleportation I didn't want to lose more chakra than it's necessary, when I teleport living being with myself I must use as much chakra as the subject has, as for myself, I don't even use 1/20 for my teleportation. But before I move leave, I send clone outside our territory with an anchor seal from the underground our barrier won't detect me and for last I leave a gift for ANBUs.

"What a waste, I can't stay and say my favorite phrase from Naruto" – I placed a big seal on the door, which will detonate after the door is open – "Yosh. Bye bye." – I blinked and when I opened my eyes I was in a dark placed illuminated with fuin-light bulbs(fulbs), I went there, where I store scrolls with people, and placed the scroll with Nia on the shelf.

'Okay now I must prepare myself, I don't know what will happen when I arrive and it's better to be prepared, than dead."

I removed weighting seals and started concentrating, after a few seconds a green chakra enveloped my body, the leak of the chakra was not big so chakra coat was not bog as Lee on the Chunins exam, after this I unsealed Strength of a Hundred Seal – 'tsunade, like me, didn't finish the seal yet, so I can't recover limbs or even organs just close the wound' - and teleported home's basement.

Right when arrived, I sensed our barrier was defending the house and 2 people were on the ground floor, one of them was very weak. Furthermore, I sensed a slight tremor from outside the house and it came from opposite direction of the place, from which our house is attacked.

'I can't waste time' – I opened the door and ran upstairs, when I came out of the basement I saw my mother sitting on the floor and searching some specific scroll, next to her there was my father laying on the ground, with large wound on stomach, I wan to them and started giving him first aid with mystical palm.

"ICHI how... ?" – my mother shouted up and opened a scroll, in which I recognized a healing scroll, which has some amount of healing chakra.

"Not now, tell me what happened and who tries to break our barrier." – She understood that we didn't have time for this and started.

"When I was coming back from store I met your father who was running to me with worried face, he just said to me that a few dozen Jonin level troops from Iwa broke to the village and right now Hokage is not in the village, when we heard a signal for evacuation." – she breathed in and continued – "We though, that it was better to lock into our house, but when we entered our clan's territory, clan's defense fell and 3 Jonins attacked us, you know me, I couldn't do anything in open combat unprepared, so your father was covering our retreat, he was successful, until we met Gindo Yamanaka" – she gritted her teeth – "This cursed elder, lied to us and just as we were about to stand by his side and give fight or at least retreat together he attacked Takeshi, I reacted very fast and placed a explosive seal on his hand and activated disposable barrier, which consumed half of my chakra to win some time and enter our house, thankfully we succeeded. After 2 minutes you arrived." – she finished her story, when I was done with the most serious problems and placed a seal for rest.

I focused with my empathy to detect how many enemies there're outside, I couldn't use chakra detection, because defense was blocking any chakra.

"Hmm, there are 5 people outside."

"I just saw 4 of them" – my mother answered confused.

"5th senses unlike normal human, his emotions are way too little… muffled, weak"

"Did you awake empathy already?" – she was surprised, my father just smirked and grimaced the same time.

"Yes, but the 5th person is most likely from root, they tried to capture me with the help of Nia and her clan, but I ran from them away, and I want to do the same right now." – as I said this I deactivated 1st gate and the seal on my body.

"But we are surrounded, and we can't leave your father here, and I have only 1 scroll for living people, but it is somewhere in my workshop." – she answered and emitted sadness, with slight hope.

"I have one too, but we don't need more. I'll leave the biggest present I have, and we can leave." – I unsealed a two-meter scroll and placed it in front of the closed door, then I summoned 4 shadow clones and nodded to them, they moved into the basement and after they created a small, but strong barrier there, I told to my family.

"Don't worry I'll explain everything later, right now just grab my hand and don't be too surprised." – I placed my hand on father and sealed him into my scroll, then I turned to my mother grabbed her hand and started filling her corpse with my chakra, she didn't resist so the process went smooth. When I was ready, I placed my second hand over explosive seal and gave it a signal, next I deactivated the barrier and teleported away, before this explosive turn everything in 80m into ashes.

'After clone escape from underground they won't understand that we escaped with teleport, unfortunately I still didn't have any explosive with enough heat to destroy even the teeth, although I should have done some business here, so it's not a problem.'

Please write in the comments, if i have grammatical error. Thank you.


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