
A Nice Conversation 1

Valentina wanted her own personalized tour.

As she continues walking through several rooms, Valentina takes the opportunity to get lost on the road without Alfred noticing, and went to see the mansion in her own way.

He walked calmly through the great corridors looking at the elegant paintings, after going down some stairs he found a long polished corridor.

- WOW, Mmm, I know Valeria told me not to do anything stupid but ...


and with those words he took momentum with his body and slid down the corridor without stumbling.

- Miss Valentina? -

Alfred won't find her.














Returning with valeria and king.

- WHAT?!

Valeria did not understand anything he was saying, A winner? She did not remember having participated in a contest. She was wondering if what King said made sense.

- Exactly as you heard it, a lucky winner who ... took the jackpot - King smiled a bit nervous-

- So, I won a contest that I didn't even know existed? -

They weren't going to tease Valeria.

- Yes, you will see, it was a secret contest and ... I would be the judge so I would enter any store and choose the person who would call the most ....-

King wanted to invent something but Valeria didn't take her eyes off him, it seemed like she was eating him with her eyes, so something came to mind for


- eh? -

- If that's exactly what it was, attention, and you did it -

Valeria blushed a little because of what she said.

- * Did I call your attention? * - she thought something moved-

she never heard anything so cute coming from someone, that made her think that maybe she wasn't so ugly.

- seriously? -

- Yes, your spot on your eye made you different from others and that's why I chose you-


I knew that this was not going to last long, Valeria felt very offended and at the same time sad it was incredible that she only gave her that just because "HIS stain made her different", Valeria touched her eye somewhat disappointed.

- huh, I see-

- oh? I said something wrong?-

- No nothing, let's just keep walking heh -

- W-well -

Everything was in an uncomfortable silence, king wanted to break the ice but was stopped as Valentina out of control for the place.

- CAREFUL!!! -










Vociferously he told them to turn away

They moved away as quickly as possible and Valentina ended up crashing into the wall and standing as if nothing had happened.


- Valentina, what are you doing? -

Valeria was very angry with her friend.

- heh heh Ups-

- ahgg-

- This, what was that? -

King didn't understand what had just happened then Valentina remembered.


Valentina was happy exploring the house alone, finding various beautiful objects on her way and fabulous rooms while wandering around the beautiful fine wood floor, but there was someone desperately looking for her, it was Alfred, she did not want to stop at all, when she came to another hallway leading to a door, she heard Alfred call her

- Miss, where is he? -

- * Right, Alfred was looking for me, it would be better to do this for the last time and go with him and give him the typical excuse that I had lost, GOOD ahead * - he thought -

when gaining momentum it slid at full speed but there was something that was playing against she, the aforementioned door at the end of the corridor opened from the outside causing that when valentina crashed it would open repeatedly and then show us the previous scene.

End of flashback

- heh heh well it's a long story -

Valentina didn't want to say anything, but thanks to the noise she made, Alfred managed to find her.

- Miss, how good that I found her, where was she? He was very worried - sighed the butler-

Valentina felt Valeria's burning gaze on the back of her neck and decided to make her excuse.

- W-well, I just got lost -

- But how is it possible? He was following me-

-... ah-

- Of course Valentina, it is VERY rare that you get lost if Alfred was your guide-

With this, Valeria tried to say that she already knew that Valentina had been purposely lost because she had heard that excuse before.

- * you're not even a good actress * - she thought, frustrated with his brown eyes-

- Well, if that's the case, there's no need to worry, these accidents usually happen here -

- Yes, I'm sorry miss, next time I'll be more careful -

- !!! -

Valeria could not believe that they both had believed that lie, something that Valentina came out unscathed and decided to change the conversation.

- oh! Come on guys, it's my fault for being so distracted -

- Don't worry, Valentina is understandable -

- It is true that accidents do happen -

The atmosphere between them was disgustingly cloying, which Valeria wanted to express on her face.

- * they disgust me * - he thought -

- But hey, as I was saying when I got lost in the mansion, I couldn't help but see several rooms on the way and I have a question, how come you have animals from the zoo? -

- Zoo? -

Valeria couldn't believe this house had something like that. He turned to King to see if that was true.

- Actually your friend is right - he touched the back of his neck with some shame-

- Really? Here? , in his house?-

King found her expression amused by what she said.

- I'm not lying to you, if you want I can show you-

- IF you see, it will be fun-

Valentina wanted to motivate her friend to be more expressive and this made Valeria accept.

- Well OK-

- I agree if so I will show what remains of the mansion to Miss Valentina -

- Agree alfred -


With everything decided both parties took their way, meanwhile with Valeria and King.

Walking towards what was respectively a small zoo, Valeria searched for the right words to apologize for her friend's behavior.

- King, I'm very sorry about what happened a while ago with Valentina, mostly she doesn't do those things-

Who was he kidding, her friend wouldn't change.

- No need to apologize, I don't care, after all I told them they could feel at home - he paused to laugh a little - heh

and it seems that he got it right -

- oh my god, what a shame ha ha-

the atmosphere was acceptable, valeria covered her face in shame but also had fun with the situation, king on the other hand was glad to have ended the discomfort between them so he used his hand to put it on valeria's shoulder and get closer more to her to see her face.

- ha ha and I also understand adventurous people as your friend -

Valeria blushed a little for that act but did not worry and showed him a kind smile.

- Well, if you say it like that, I think it's fine-











