
Here I Am

"Mama, please tell me the story again!" My Mama smiled big, like it was the first time she was telling me the story of how she met Papa. I love how excited she gets whenever I want to hear the story. She looks so happy, and I never get tired of hearing it. It is the best story I have ever heard.

"Okay, sweetheart. But after this, go to bed, okay?" I giggled and nodded.

"It was in high school, we were both freshmen. I was homeschooled that's why I didn't know how to interact with other people or make friends, even, until your papa sat down beside me. He was all sweaty. I had no idea if it was because he was nervous or he just ran 10 miles to school. I looked at him, and tilted my head. He looked so cute," Mama giggled and I saw Papa blush.

"Mama, you don't have to say that every time," Papa told Mama. Mama smirked at Papa and continued her story.

"Your Papa looked at me and then smiled nervously. I swear I could hear him whisper, "ah, pretty.. p-pretty lady.." under his breath. It was so adorable," I felt my heart melt. I wish I could be like this to someone, one day. They look so happy.

"He talked to me first, and I didn't want to be rude, so I talked to him, too. But he accidentally held my hand, and then something felt weird, but good. That's when the world started to change. It was colorful, and amazing, and I couldn't get enough of it. I have heard so many stories about how it happens and how it looks, but those stories that made me happy before was nothing compared to the experience. Your Papa was the one. That's when I knew."

Papa shed a tear, but he immediately turned around. Mama was also crying, but it was obviously tears of joy.

I have heard this story a million times, since when I was six-years-old, but it never gets old. It will always be my favorite story.

Mama wiped away the tears she shed and smiled again, "Come on, darling. Time to sleep. Is that alright?" I nodded as a response.

"May I have a glass of milk, Mama?" I asked politely.

"What's the magic word, Keira?"

"Please, Mama."

"Alright, sweetheart. I'll be right back. Go to your room, I'll bring it to you." I went upstairs after Mama told me to. I waited for her to bring it to me, and when she did, I fell asleep immediately.

*Today, February 13, 2018*

I'm Keira Michelle Cooper, and I am currently a senior. I have been thinking of that moment a lot lately. The last time my mother told me that story, and the last time my dad shed a joyful tear.

The last time we were all happy.

"Miss Cooper! Pay attention!" I was startled by our Professor's voice. I heard everyone laugh, and I felt embarrassed.

No one even understands why I wasn't paying attention.

I sighed, trying not to cry. Damn it, I can't break down on campus. It's too risky.

My mother died two weeks later, after that story. She was already sick, and we knew it was gonna be soon until she passes away. That's why I never got tired of listening to her stories. Three days after that, she was rushed to the hospital because she fainted while cleaning the living room. And she got a lot weaker.

It was traumatizing, considering I was only nine, and my best friend already left me before I could even succeed. That was seven years ago, but the pain still somehow feels like it was only yesterday. This hurts like hell.

I miss you, Mama.

"Something bothering you, sis?" I was startled once again.

"You scared me, Krystal." I said in monotone. I come off as if I'm a robot to everyone. I don't know when it started, but I just learned to keep my emotions to myself these past few years. Papa and I aren't even close anymore.

"Really? I can never tell. Are you being sarcastic?" She asked.

"No, not really. I don't like sarcasm. It is the lowest-" I couldn't continue what I was trying to say when Krystal cut me off.

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of humor, and it shall never be used for anything because it's pretty much useless, I know!"

I raised an eyebrow. I guess she already knows me. Cool.

A guy who was all sweaty came in, panting. I tilted my head. He's cute. But he's an hour late.

"Oh, Mister Black, you've decided to show up. Sit down."

"I'm sorry, Professor Delton." He sat down beside me. It was an empty seat.

"H-Hey," he greeted while catching his breath. I looked at him coldly. I didn't know how to respond so I just ignored him.

"Well, that was rude." He cleared his throat, "I said, hey."

I raised my hand, and that was the only response he got from me. I put on my earphones and maxed the volume. I'm gonna listen to some music to avoid human contact.

"Damn, this girl can talk, can't she?" I felt frustrated because I could still hear him. But instead of me, he was talking to Krystal.

"Yeah, she just doesn't want to. Leave her alone, for now. She's just kinda sad."

Damn right.

Leave me alone.