
Reader's transmigration

join the story of a otaku who gets transmigrated to another world! - he is not the hero! nor the hero's companion! read the story of our mc who gets accedently transmigrated along with the hero. --- here's a spoiler: - hero swipes his gender to become she. - she (The hero ) likes mc very much and by very much I mean Veryyyyy much(we have yandere development here!) - mc is overpowered (he becomes so op that even gods feel threatened) if you want to know more , what are you waiting for.. Start reading! do comment and don't forget get those power stones afterall you all are my motivation! --- The art in the above cover is not mine if the 'original' owner have a issue please me email me on : adityashindeams25@gmail.com

AMS_Originlord · Fantasie
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3 Chs


The trucks that collided with Aditya and Rey merged together to form a large transportation truck.

The big truck drove into what could be described as a tear in space filled with sparkling stars and endless darkness.

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[Location: Omniverse - Var]

Inside a truck, a middle-aged man with a supple beard wearing a grey uniform with a name tag on the chest pocket was cursing as he looked out of his truck's window.

The name tag on his shirt read: 'Truck-Kun'

"Shit! I made a mistake"

"Those old hags would definitely cut my pay. I'll somehow manage them, but what about the rumors those hags will spread?!"

Reputation was everything to him in business. If rumors about his mistakes spread his customers would not trust him or hire him for their job. In the worst-case scenario, he would have to work for cheap or even for free as a redemption.

"What to do?! My reputation is at stake here now!"

Now his career was on the line. The customers who hired him this time were big shots. If they were nobody or any other customer he would have resolved it himself but these big shots were out of his league.

This scene of a truck driver being grumpy would have looked normal if not for the fact that the truck was suspended in outer space.

There is a saying in the business world that says "Treat your customers like gods "

The difference is that this time the customers are actual Gods from different universes, multiverses, and even Omniverses, and the old hags Truck-Kun was cursing are Primordial Origin Gods which are few of the first generation gods to come into existence, and the ones who survived the Great War of Gods.

As Truck-Kun ruffled his hair in frustration, a thought suddenly struck his brain. He grinned as he nodded to himself.

"This might work... ha ha ha I am a genius!"

Truck-Kun was a god himself and in his business, he could not tell lies. Otherwise, he would be subject to divine execution or in the worst-case scenario existence swipe.

After facing divine execution he can revive again after a century or two. However, if he faced existence swipe he would be wiped out of existence itself and that's a true death for a God.


What if Truck-Kun didn't lie but told only half the truth?

In the system of gods, this is one of the biggest loopholes. It is one that many gods abuse. Even Kun, who never failed or made a mistake in all his existence which he took pride in, chose to do so today.

As the saying goes: 'you are not responsible for a mistake you made if you're never caught doing it in the first place.'

"I'll just say your job's done and get out of their domain before they sense anything and who cares about a normal human boy appearing in a random location in the Omniverse of Var which is the biggest and oldest Omniverse anyways "

Omniverses of Var the biggest and one of the premodial Omniverse in existence compared to it the universe of the Milky Way where Earth resides is as small as a grain of sand.

In such a vast Omniverse locating a big universe is like trying to find a unique particle of a sand on a beach then what are the chances of finding a random human mortal?

- Nearly impossible

As Truck-Kun thought more about his plan the more assured he felt of its success.

"Then it's decided, apologies human mortal! What is his name, Aditya? I'll remember yar name forever. I feel sorry for you, Someone like you who risks your own life to save others are very rare in this era"

"Therefore I'll give a blessing for cutting your life short"

Truck kun pondered which blessing he should give Aditya as he scratched his supple beard

'I should give him something that he can use to survive most places in var '

'Something that can guide him to the top of the food chain '

'Something that can guide him about the unknown like a self-encyclopedia'

Suddenly Bulb lit in Truck-kun's mind.

"What was it called again? Something human fiction was it? Oh, I remember now a 'System'! it fulfills all of my criteria '"

"Aditya you're lucky you are gonna experience a genuine system that's a dream come true for many of your kind! Let's Name it Aaa 'Survival' System! "

" I, Truck-Kun the God of transportation here by bless this mortal 'Aditya Shinde' with the blessing of 'System of Survival'! "

-And that's how a certain God hit his and other gods, goddesses foot with his own axe.

Because the motal human he was pitying was by no means a normal mortal human. He was something that was feared even among Perimodial Origin gods since the age of War of Gods, At the present era he was forgotten as his traces from the history were removed intensionally and now only the oldest of the oldest the 'True Gods' knows his once existence.

Giving this thing in the human shell a blessing was like giving an ancient dinosaur wings.

Unaware of destiny's plot a certain God was satisfied with his plan.

"Now , visiting the old hags is the only task left to do."

Truck-kun stretched his back as a cracking sound came.

"Ah My back hurts the age is sure catching up to me. It's Time to get back to work!"

Truck kun vanished from space as he made his way towards his next destination.

Truly ignorance is bliss*

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