
Reader's transmigration

join the story of a otaku who gets transmigrated to another world! - he is not the hero! nor the hero's companion! read the story of our mc who gets accedently transmigrated along with the hero. --- here's a spoiler: - hero swipes his gender to become she. - she (The hero ) likes mc very much and by very much I mean Veryyyyy much(we have yandere development here!) - mc is overpowered (he becomes so op that even gods feel threatened) if you want to know more , what are you waiting for.. Start reading! do comment and don't forget get those power stones afterall you all are my motivation! --- The art in the above cover is not mine if the 'original' owner have a issue please me email me on : adityashindeams25@gmail.com

AMS_Originlord · Fantasie
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3 Chs


Rey who had been dragging Aditya spotted an open Cafe across the street from the university as he turned to him.


Rey let go of Aditya's hand subconsciously as he looked at Aditya's simple yet natural smile ,the same smile he saw in his childhood and for a moment he felt complex feelings building up looking at his childhood friend's smile.


"What? is there something on my face?"

Aditya's expression returned to his deadpan face again.

Rey pointed at his face and opened and closed his mouth like fish out of water.

"you- never mind forget it. nothing bro"

Ray slumped his hands down in defeat.

"But that's cheating..."

- - -

While observing the Cafe, I was unable to hear Rey clearly. "Huh, did you say something broh? That's a pretty good restaurant let's go there"

(broh : a word for brother in short)

Rey puffed up his cheeks like a squirrel and pouted his cheeks like puffer fish.

"Nothing... I said nothing! Now get you're ass moving! who reaches last would have to pay the bill!"

Rey ran off towards the restaurant before I could reply.


What's wrong with this dude Today?

- - -

Huff* Huff*

We reached the restaurant's counter almost at the same time as we ran out of breath.

I pumped my fist in the air, I won!

It's not easy to maintain my Otaku lifestyle with the money I earn from my part-time job, unlike certain rich guy.

"pay up! Rey, it's your treat"

"cha I would definitely win next time!''

The young lady at the counter blushed as saw Rey remove his mask and sunglasses to order for both of us.

"A Table for two please! pretty miss"

'' Y-yes Sir have a nice stay, Sara! please take these 2 gentlemen to a table with a good view"

"Please, come with me Sir"

A maid named Sara took us to our table.

At a glance, I can tell this table definitely gives the best view of the busy street of London. being with a good-looking friend sure comes with benefits, if I had come here alone I'm sure the counter lady and maid wouldn't be this generous. the maid even winked at Rey while handing us the menu.

I ordered a simple burger and pizza which are my favorites while Rey ordered dishes like bullets firing from a machine gun.

- - -

"what you are angry about Rey? don't express your anger on your food, broh"

As soon as I pointed out Rey's strange behavior, he started eating even more furiously, his canine tooth sticking out...



I shook my head as I glanced at the sore loser. What's this dude angry about? despite being rich enough to buy this restaurant with his pocket money alone.

Whatever, I'll just enjoy my burger that tastes tastier somehow.


[Rey's Pov]

What's wrong with me today?

I didn't feel much when he used to call me brother in our childhood but why do I feel bad whenever he calls me 'brother'?

what's the deal with him?!

'Bro this! broh that! it feels even worse with that deadpan face of his! '


While looking at Aditya's face, I felt my anger subside little by little as I looked at him silently eating with the same expressionless expression of his which looked quite innocent and cute to me.


I felt bad for my behavior as I recalled the incident at the University but what could I do!

I couldn't control myself looking at his bloodshot eyes...

- - -

Rey fell into his thought as he recalled how he met this mysterious and strange guy for the first time

Rey still felt a chill in his spine when he recalled the horrific incident in his childhood if not for Aditya's presence at that time he would be in his grave now. that was the first time he met Aditya who had the same deadpan expression as ever with exception of his Mini version.

- - -

Unaware of it, I was staring at him till now.

I fell dazed yet again as I looked at his face as he is nibbling on his burger like a hamster.

cough* cough*

This idiot! Seeing his expressionless face, I couldn't tell he choked on his food as he ate quietly!

cough* cough*

I quickly held up my glass of water to his mouth for him to drink.

"You idiot! If you are choked by food, you should drink water! And I am the one chomping down the food not you dammit! How did you even choke on your food while eating so slowly?!"

gulp* gulp*

"Ahh that hit the spot. thank you broh"

a vein popped on my forehead hearing the word 'broh' again.


Suddenly I felt a strong urge to visit the toilet. Agh I should not have eaten this much as I have eaten moderately at my mansion before.

"You wait here, I'll be right back after I use the restroom" I clutched my stomach as it churned. can't hold it anymore!

I stood up as I made my way toward the public toilet across the street..

"Shit in peace broh!"

I almost slipped on my foot when I heard his shout.

I glared at him as he looked to the side and began whistling. I know you did that on purpose! now people near giving me weird glances!

Ahh, fuck it! I will remember this Adi! the revenge would be taken ten folds! I turned my head and made my way to the public washroom before I face even more embracement.


Once Rey had gone, Aditya sat alone in his seat as he reflected on what had just happened.

he put his hand under his chin and stroked the nonexistent beard as he recalled a famous Saying:

"Wise is the person who said even if you understand everything, act like a fool who doesn't."

Although Aditya acted like he didn't notice, he had been observing Rey's strange behavior since they started eating.


What's wrong with Rey? Is he consuming some strange substance or something?!

I felt cold sweat running down my back as I recalled how Rey was staring intensely at me Like I killed his family or something!. He didn't even blink! I can still feel the glint in his eyes.

Due to the Intense stare, I even choked on my burger while eating and why was he then suddenly behaving like a mother lecturing me on table manners?!

Don't tell me he is?!

A sudden possibility struck Aditya's mind like thunder.

Is Rey consuming drugs due to stress or something?!

Despite being born with a golden spoon Rey's life was anything but easy. He was constantly under threat from his father's business entanglements and even from his siblings and family members. In fact, the incident that happened to him in his childhood occurred because of his own uncle. He was a human being at the end of the day, so of course, he would accumulate stress while facing all of this.

I nod my head at my thought.

If Rey had heard his thought he would have coughed blood at his thought process.


let's not make random guesses.

I'll just ask him when he returns...

- - -

While Aditya was contemplating if his best friend was on drugs or not and what to do about it...

Rey exited the restroom with a tired look on his face as he wiped his hands with a napkin.

Rey looked across the street finding the familiar figure of his best friend who looked expressionless while doing weird actions with his hands in the air.

A complex emotion stirred in Rey's heart. He controlled his emotions as only a simple smile remained on his face.

He waved his hand towards Aditya as he started crossing the street as the red light hit the signal.

Rey felt pain in his chest and his stomach churned yet again as each step he took turned heavy.

He bit his lips hard enough to draw blood as his vision started to blur out and the pain in his chest intensified.

At that moment it happened the incident that changed both Rey's and Aditya's lives forever.

While sitting in his seat Aditya saw Rey crossing the street, Aditya noticed his friend's strange behavior and his ears twitched as he heard the sound of a vehicle. he turned his head to the right at the source of the sound. He saw a big truck making its way toward his friend on the empty street at full speed.

He jumped out of his seat without hesitation with all the strength he could muster he ran toward Rey to push him out of the path of the truck.

Rey looked up only to see half blurred image of his friend running towards him as if his life depended on it with a clear expression of desperation on his face.

Rey felt like time had stopped. he couldn't move his legs even if he wanted like they were locked.

Rey's heart started beating louder and louder.

Ba-dum* Ba-dum*

Suddenly he heard the sound of tires moving on the road as flashlight flashed on his face.

Aditya moved with inhuman speed to reach the spot where Rey was standing still.

"YOU Idiot! get out of the WAY!"

As Aditya reached him and pushed him out of the way, another truck appeared on end he had pushed Rey onto.

At that moment Aditya felt time stopped as he noticed the nameplate at the front of the truck which read:



Thumb* thumb*

Both Aditya and Rey were simultaneously struck by the trucks at the same time. But the strange thing was that no one was on the street at the time when it should have been crowded.

Even more mysterious was that both the trucks and the bodies of both Rey and Aditya along with the blood splattered on the road vanished in thin air.

- - -