
Reaction Fan Fiction Ideas

This will be where I post my ideas for reaction type fan fictions. Nothing too crazy will need to be specified, only perhaps the characters involved and to make the reactions realistic and true to said characters involved. This will also include video games and other things like that, so don’t expect just anime. Even so, that should be fairly rare, like only one or two at most by the end of this. I won’t be updating this very frequently after the first couple chapters, due to me only really wanting to see these types of ideas done for series I really enjoy, and because crossovers wouldn’t make as much sense here as they do in my other collections of ideas. They are technically still possible to do, however, so I might do some in the future. ————————————————————————— This was previously titled using the term “requests” rather than “ideas”, so many ideas I have will reference that term. I apologize if by labeling them as “requests” I have made people think I was taking requests from others for my ideas. ————————————————————————— I’m still going to update this every now and then, but for now this and my other collections will be updated pretty infrequently.

Jackson11111111 · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Re: Zero Season 2: Ram’s Confession and an Awake Rem’s Reaction to it

What started the thought process that led me to creating this chapter was an idea that I came up with; this idea is for a certain reaction to an event in Re: Zero Season 2. Basically, the idea is as follows: how would an awake Rem react to not only the revelation that Roswaal let her and Ram's home village be destroyed by the witch's cult without interfering, but also to the revelation that Ram loves Roswaal despite that? I think it could be an interesting twist of events where Rem first is heavily confused, before she switches over to anger towards her sister. That "anger" part might be a bit untrue to Rem's character, given her idolization of Ram, so maybe instead just have her stay heavily confused. Either way, these revelations being revealed to Rem leads to the bond between her and Ram worsening, and Rem growing more distant from her. This, in turn, causes Rem to develop as a character, learn to not put her sister on a pedestal, and to a degree lessen her inferiority complex. Her relationship with Roswaal also becomes far more complicated. Perhaps she no longer wants to work as a maid at the mansion, or even stay near him. The relationship there is for you to decide. It's definitely one of the most original ideas I've posted on any of my collections so far, unless someone's already done this and I just haven't seen it yet.