
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasie
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Just Making Sure

"No way right?"

Repeating that out loud a couple times while he backtracked he had to make sure he wasn't going crazy. "There's just no way." Entering each of the rooms he grabbed all the paper that was lying around there before and gathered them all up. Taking the book out of his bag he opened it back up as a small part of him hoped this wouldn't work. "let's see what happens." Grabbing the pages as well he shoved him into the book and waited a second to see what would happen.

"Here goes nothing."


However besides the sounds of rustling paper as Xilo fiddled with it, nothing else happened. No sounds, no changes, it was still the same as before and honestly Xilo was slightly okay with that. "Thank my sanity, though maybe it needs other things besides just this?" He couldn't completely rule this method out just yet, so he still decided to keep collecting them from now on. "I guess i'll keep an eye out for anything else that might work with it." After all, Xilo was sure there were still a couple things he could do to try and figure it out, besides this thing had to have some kind of use.

"I just got to figure it out that's all."

Shoving everything back into his bag he went to check the other rooms that he had missed before to make sure he wasn't missing anything. "Just to be safe." Going from room to room he found a couple more pages lying around along with some small jewelry as well as he left the last room. "Not the worse finds." Looking down at the couple of rings he found, he figured they would be at least worth something even if it wasn't anything big as the sounds of footsteps down the hall entered his ears.

"Seems far away but it looks like the speech is over and people are beginning to explore, I should probably move on for now then."

He knew he would have to run into people at some point and even fight them but for right now he just wanted to take advantage of his head start while not having to worry about such things. "Time to go deeper." He had seen where the hallway had led before when he checked before just to get an idea of where he was and now was the time to use it. "This seems to just be a normal living area, But up ahead led to a courtyard...Let's check that out and see if it can bring me anywhere." Most likely there was a vault of some kind in this place but he had no idea where that could even be but if he could find the main room of the castle then maybe he could get his hands on a map or a layout of the place if he was lucky. Until then he would just keep scavenging and hoping no Astral beasts or people attacked him.

"Right...I forgot those were here for a second, where are they even?"

Thinking it was a bit strange that he hadn't seen one Astral Beast so far he just blamed it on the people who came before him as he headed to the courtyard. "This place sure is huge." Looking at the size of the hallway as he walked he tried to keep an eye out for anything out of place or something that would attack him but besides endless statues of armour there wasn't much for him to see. "Is that a banner?" Stopping he saw a blue banner covering the walls near a couple paintings as he walked up to it to get a better look. "Weird..I feel like i've seen this before." Looking at the symbol on the banner Xilo tried to recall where he had seen it.

"A star with a tear rolling down it's...Cheek? I feel like I should remember seeing this before but I don't."

Looking at the painting beside it he tried to jog his memory but nothing was coming to him. "I can think about it while moving I guess." Turning away from the banner he continued walking as a small creaking sound rattled behind him that he missed. "Not too much further I think." He could already see the sun beginning to poke through the opening up ahead of him the further he walked as he picked up his pace a little bit. "A crying star...." Searching through his memory bank of symbols he reached the arch way to the outside world where a door would normally be but this one seemed broken. "Finally something that seems fitting for this place." Looking at the first thing that finally looked unclean and like ruins Xilo looked at the sun shining through as the sound of a swinging blade entered his ears finally.


"That was close."

Barely dodging he watched a silver blade enter the corner of his eyes while he spun around to face whatever had attacked him. "Figures." Looking at the walking suit of armour as it stared at him Xilo wasn't too surprised. "Read a lot about these things in old stories, just never thought I'd actually see one, So much for not fighting just yet." Looking at the Knight armour as it moved forward he sighed as a dagger of ice spawned in his hand as he lazily swung it.

"Hey Lexi, I found something."

Holding a blue book in her hand Tearia flipped through the faded pages as she tried to make sense of it but it only left her confused and with no choice but to tell the others. "It doesn't seem valuable anyway." A book with over half it's pages missing and faded writing seemed useless to her, so she figured it wasn't a bad idea to get the group together and see if they could make anything out of it. "This will also let me get some more information on how they'll act." She knew they had made a deal at the start of this group but anyone can just say things and this was a small test to see if she could get anything real out of them.

"What is it Rose?"

Happy New Years. c:


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