
Reaching For the Stars

Charlie Yang is suddenly pushed into a new unfamiliar yet familiar world with the memories of his alternate self! With a power no one else has, technology to be discovered, and famous works not existing in this new world, how will Charlie reach the stars? Rising through heartbreak, join Charlie as he and his Achievement System achieve greatness! 1-2 chapters daily. Will increase in the future. Chapters are around 1,500 words in length. Discord code: rvVt3sB3vn Cover credits: @ksb_x4 Please contact me if you wish for the cover to be removed.

CyanSuch · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
98 Chs

Chapter 74

I waved to Charlotte and she waved away at me.

Seeing her turn her back to me and walk to her friends, I walked out of the gates of her grade section and walked to where my friends were waiting for me.

Along the way, I bumped into people who would greet me and jokingly congratulate me on my job as an ancient dynasty prince.

The situation was always similar.

"You're… Charlie right?"

"Yes… hello."

"I saw you on TV dude."

I eased a polite smile into my face.

"That is great to hear...I didn't really expect people to recognize me at school."

"Haha, cheers man. I knew I saw you somewhere."

I laughed and thanked him.

More people approached me as I walked and I responded to them all courteously.

Getting used to this might be… a little difficult.

Keeping a smile on the outside, I walked with my backpack slung over my shoulder and went along with my day.

Wednesday. December 15.


[John: "Charlie. The news is great. We've been getting multiple requests concerning you by multiple people. Even some monthly magazines want you for January's Monthly Issue."]

"Ah really?"

Monthly Magazines? Popular ones?

Achievement points? Crack open achievement egg?

Gimme that.

[John: "Yup. The Winter Fashion Show was a success. I'll give you the details when you get over here."]

"Sounds good."

Natsumi curiously asked me, "What's up?"

"Good news. Apparently, my debut was very successful and magazines want me on their monthly issues."

She shook her hands with a smile.

"Congratulations! Which ones are they?"

"Hmm.. No clue. He said he'd give me the details over at the HQ."

"Oh… okay."


I glanced at her as she stared blankly into the wall, lost in her own thoughts.




"Alright, since Spring is coming up, your refreshing vibe and looks are exactly what the clothing lines want."

Things are lining up very nicely for me…

We've got a busy schedule, but a busy schedule is way better than an empty schedule.

Some people usually end up with nothing to do and that's when their hype and career debut starts dying down.

Fortunately, that will not be the case for me. I think.

I'll be working and modeling a little bit for the issues chosen for me, and then in February I'll be releasing Talking to the Moon.

The recording should take place near the time I'm having the photoshoots.

The issues will probably be released near April or during Springtime and hopefully, I'll get a few jobs for the Summer.

Not only that, but Crocodile's video we took a few months ago will also finally be advertised.

"How many jobs are we doing?"

"Hmm… Not sure. I'm sure you can take them all, though."

I nodded.

"Tomorrow will be an early photoshoot. I think you're ready, though. The clothing brand presents stylish and fresh clothes for the upcoming Spring. Just looking like yourself at school will do."


"Clothes will be given to you when you arrive there in sets. You should quickly wear set #1 and you'll be given further instructions there. Your efficiency will decide how quickly everyone goes home."

"At what time is it?"

"It'll be in the afternoon and we'll be taking a few pictures on the outside and the others will be inside. The fashion brand this time prepared a huge haul of clothes so we'll have around a week for you to get pictures taken in all of the clothes."

"A week... Will any of the days be in the morning?"

"No, all of them will be done in the afternoon to accommodate for your school schedule."

He smiled and joked, "...feel special yet?"

"Hahaha, yes."




The Host's recent success has allowed for more attention from the public! Complete this photoshoot successfully to the best of your ability!


500x Achievement points.

1,250 Modeling Points.

Bonus Points (0)]

I was changing into the first outfit in the bathroom until I received a ding inside my head.

I really wasn't expecting a quest so this a happy occasion.

Apart from the achievement points, I'll get from people viewing the magazine, I'll get 500 from the system. Not only that I'll also get bonus points.

Let's quickly get to work, then.

I exited the door after changing.

The fashion trend right now was basic as could be. I was wearing a baggy white colored shirt with the brand's letters in green in the middle. A casual logo t-shirt.

The brand kind of reminds me of clothing companies like Guess or Champion.

The pants didn't really matter much since it was just the shirt that was being displayed so I just wore black jeans.

Right now, the camera crew is just setting up the lighting and where the picture will be taken.

It looked like a scene at the park with a small bench behind and a few trees.

"Are we all set up now?"

A man at the camera stand called out to everyone.

Everybody nodded and I walked forward to meet him.

"Good afternoon, I'm Charlie."

I had already met and introduced myself to every other staff member as a courtesy and the fact we'd be working for a week. Only I hadn't greeted him yet.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Liam and I'll be taking photos of you for the week. I've heard good things about you so my expectations will be high."

We shook hands.

"I won't disappoint."

"I believe you. Alright, I believe you've already read the prompt so just start doing your thing, and I'll take some good pictures of you."

Huh… he seems… a little too casual about the job?


I nodded hesitantly and walked towards the camera view.

Well, the shoot will just be a young kid in school so it shouldn't be too difficult.

I pointed my hand up and loosely let my fingers fall.

My index finger stood straight and I placed my index finger on my cheek with a pondering expression.


Usually, models don't spend as much effort creating expressions or body language when they're just presenting the clothes.

Of course, this is what differentiates the good from the bad.

I'm not just going to stand there and let them take pictures of the shirts. Else, what better am I than just a mannequin?

And… cough. The bonus achievement points for hard work are also an incentive.

I switched to a more open body by leaving my arms behind my back and looking towards the sky with a curious expression.

I tilted my head slightly and instantly heard a click of the camera.

"Good. I want you to keep making poses like that. Try to make more interesting pictures. The casual clothes you're wearing right now are expensive and the trademark of the clothing company. Uniqueness is better for things like this."

I nodded at him.

I morphed my face into a smirk and raised my leg up.

Liam switched angles unnaturally quickly and another click was heard.

On his face, I saw an amused and approving expression while holding his position steadily.

I smiled at the camera and made another pose.

I think both he and I understood that we'd be going home early.


"Good job everyone. Let's keep working hard."

"Good job everyone."

We all high-fived each other and I wiped my sweat.

The clothing brand was recently moving towards the direction of athletic wear and for some of the pictures, Liam wanted me to look sweaty.

Luxury clothing going into Athletic clothing. Liam said it was very bold of them and therefore we had to take unusual pictures.

"Could we really not have just splashed water on his face?"

"No, you see his rosy expression on his face? The sweaty and exhausted complexion? Just splashing water doesn't have the same look. Anyway, there's no problem. We finished today's shoots and did some of tomorrow's. Good job everyone."

I grabbed the outfits from the pile I left them on and walked towards the person who gave me the outfits.

Before I could say anything, "Keep them."


"Keep the clothes. They're yours."

...They're mine?

Free clothes?

"Wow, thank you."

They're expensive too.


She pat my shoulder.

"Good job today. It seems we won't have to work for an entire week."

From behind us, Blake's voice called out.

"I heard Charlie did a good job?"

I turned around and saw he was walking with Liam towards us.

"An excellent one. I must begrudgingly accept that I might have to take back what I said."

"Hahaha. You better give me those 20 dollars."

"Why so jovial? I've won every single bet apart from this one."

"Eh? It's not my fault your conditions are always so inhumane. Only tireless monsters like Charlie are able to do this."

"It is your fault for accepting the bets. However, I must agree with you that Charlie is indeed a tireless monster."

"...I can hear you…"

Both of them at the same time replied, "That's the point."

I looked at them speechlessly.

"You want me to slow down? Y'know what? I really like you guys so I'll extend the shoots to two weeks since I like you so much."

Liam laughed nervously and began patting my arm.

"Please please, Charlie. I was merely jesting."

We laughed together.

"Let's get here early tomorrow. I think we can experiment a little bit with the surroundings and the pictures."

Everyone agreed.

"Charlie, make sure to bring a towel and a bottle of water."


A towel?

Ah… Of course.

He's going to make me exercise and sweat heavily for the other sportswear…

Before I could turn the key to unlock the door, from the other side, someone else was unlocking the door.

The door opened and I saw Charlotte peeking her head from behind.

"Hi, Charlie!"

I bopped her nose and she looked at me in confusion.

"Hi, Charlotte. Remember to always ask who it is before unlocking the door that quickly. Who knows if I'm a bad guy."

She snatched the clothes bag from my hand and grabbed my hand to quickly pull me inside.

"Mmm… but you're not a bad guy."

"Who knows if I was a bad guy? What if I stole the keys and I was planning on replacing the milk in the fridge with spoiled milk?"

She slapped my arm.

"Okay, okay. I'll ask who it is before opening the door."

I smiled at her.

"Do you want to drink some warm lemon honey tea? It's getting pretty cold at night."

I locked the door and she went to the couch to snoop around the clothes bag with the expensive brand name on it.

"Yes, please. By the way, who gave you these clothes?"

"Hmm? Did I not tell you that I was going to model some clothes?"

"...I didn't think you'd be modeling for Keia."

Keia was the name of the clothing line. Apparently, their luxury clothes are not cheap.

"Don't you have some Keia shirts and dresses?"

"Yeah, I don't know what Mom was thinking when she bought them. They're really comfortable though."

"Yeah, they look good."

"Yep. So they gave you the shirts and pants for free?"

"...Yeah. I think I did a good job and so in their happiness at going home early they just gave me the clothes."


She snooped inside the bag and took out the clothes.

"Wow... " she expressed her astonishment once again, "So you're a Keia boy now?"

"...I'm Charlie."

I responded speechlessly.

"Alright, Keia boy."

She took out the sports outfit.

"Why does this one smell good? Did they make you put on cologne for a photoshoot? Ew? Why is it wet?"

…It… It… smells good?




Is it Charm that changed this? Or… ah, of course, great body passive.

Memories struck my mind.

Ah, of course. Wow.

I remembered that one time in the gym when Natsumi said I smelled weird.

Chapter 11

Helping her up, she started sniffing and her nose scrunched up.

I laugh at her face, "What's up?"

"You… smell weird."

My face reddened, I completely forgot to spray deodorant. I mentally facepalmed and bashed myself for forgetting the item.

In my defense, I didn't even think I'd meet anyone here.

"No like, not weird. You don't smell weird. You just– you just smell like... It's not a bad smell."

She sputtered out after seeing my embarrassed face.


Huh, so she really is a pervert. That's fine…

An odd scene I would never before think of appeared in my mind and I quickly shooed it away.

With a red face, I slapped my cheeks. What the hell man?


I felt a finger poking my cheek obnoxiously.

"So why is it wet? Did it rain on the way here?"

Deadpanned, I answered her question.

"It's my sweat."

"Ah… No wonder the skies are gr— Did you say sweat?"

I nodded. "Sweat."

She tossed the sportswear at me and cleaned her hands with my shirt.

"So that's why you put cologne. You should know cologne and sweat is a bad combination. Use deodorant, not cologne."







"...That's… I didn't put on cologne."

She looked at me.


"So you think sweat smells good huh?"



"Shut up."

"You're just like Natsumi. Both of you are perverts."

She coughed.

"What? You've done perverted things with Natsumi? Charlie! You're 16 years old and have a career ahead of you! What type of things are you doing?! I admit I was wrong at first and I now find she's a very nice person… but to do such things!"

She slapped the top of my head roughly and declared with an exasperated expression.


She took a deep breath.

"What have you got to say for yourself, young man?! Do you want to give Mom and Dad a heart attack?"




"Why aren't you saying anything?"

"You... How do you jump to conclusions like that?"


"You… Who said I was doing anything perverted with Natsumi? I said both of you are perverts that like smelling sweat."


She opened her mouth to say something and then closed her mouth.


Her face reddened and she covered her face with her hands.

"Pervert. What were you thinking? What type of dirty things are ruining your mind? Huh? What were you thinking of?"

"I wasn't thinking of anything."