Marcus James died, with his death leading to an unknown yet powerful entity. He has wishes, goals and dreams. Can he fulfill them? Or will he suffer in his second chance at life? Follow him along his journey to becoming the ultimate ZET-MAN! Warning! None of the characters and universes are owned by me or are my ideas. I only use them as a tool for entertainment for myself and others.
Jin trained for the next 5 hours intensely. He could now push himself to near death, resulting in normal zenkais, but they were weak. He didn't want to abuse the method too much, since it feels like a cheat way to gain strength. But after this one session. He gained a 1.4x increase on his power level...
Which was decent enough to call it a day. He turned off the gravity, then left the room drenched...
However, while he was training, an interesting set of thoughts ran through his mind...
His true self. He was in a pleasant situation before, but since a couple hours have passed since then, he could reflect on the situation a little more...
He noticed that both he and ZET were both swallowed up by a new 'entity'. It was unstable, to say the least... but not necessarily 'bad'.
'This is terrible... I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do from here on... it has left me with more questions than answers...' Jin thought.
"Nova, do you have any idea on what is going on with me?" Jin asked. Since Nova gained minor omniscience, she could 'potentially' have answers concerning this issue he was having.
[...I do, actually. I have two new information to discuss with you Jin... and you won't like it...]
Nova stated in a troubled tone. Jin, hearing this, was worried to a degree, and both news, apparently, were shitty news to boot...
"You can tell me. It's best to get this over with so I can fix it." Jin said, scoffing a little.
[Well, your first issue concerns your soul/s stability... rather, its instability... Jin, 'Zet' no longer 'lives'... After pulling that stunt by forcing your emotions and instincts to its limits a week ago. He inadvertently disappeared, then merged with you, the original soul/template...]
Nova stated. But Jin didn't find this new info regarding him too surprising. He knew he felt oddly complete, yet not... It was an interesting feeling to him, yet it felt natural..
"Let me continue... with him now forcing this 'fusion' he made us/me whole once more, but since it was done so suddenly, it has its side effects... and those adverse said effects, are what transpired with Raven.' Jin stated.
[Correct... And, as of now, your soul looks... disgusting... It's black and white representing your 'yin and yang', so to speak, and at the moment. It is all mush and chaotic... As of now, you barely have a sense of 'good' and 'evil', and the only thing keeping you grounded is your 'MIN' stat being so high. Since your 'MIN' stat is what keeps you calm. If you do encounter a situation that is too much to handle, you might end up doing something you will regret...]
Jin listened to the explanation with a troubled expression. This is extremely bad, or he thinks so... He new that this explains why he was so 'odd' while growing up, and why he felt little to no emotions to a certain degree... He was never truly 'whole' to begin with... He and everyone else is lucky that the 'bad' side never became the main personality, or it could have been bad for DC as a whole...
"Is there any way to fix this issue that you know of?" Jin asked.
[...There is only one... find a method that helps the soul find balance... and if you ask, then no. Simply meditation methods won't make you 'complete'. It will only help you improve your 'MIN' stat. This, however, will take time, Jin. As in months to a year's worth of daily practice... the soul is a sensitive thing. One mistake could cause a catastrophe... you were just lucky that your imbalances were in the right places...]
...It was one thing Jin hated, and it was luck. The fact he was lucky enough to not ruin the planet and everyone was horrible... "Shit... I'm going to need to go on quite the quest to find a method like that..." Jin pondered on what he could do...
But then he remembered a certain character... the greatest martial artist from the 31st century...
'Karate-Kid... he's the only one that I know of who could help me with this problem...' Jin thought.
"Nova. What's the next issue..." Jins stated tiredly.
[Well... it's your pheromones... they are extremely potent, to a concerning degree... exactly 25.62x stronger than a regular man's own...] Nova stated.
Jin could do nothing about this 'issue' for now. He could ask nova to try to inhibit it from being so powerful, but that could only cause negative things to happen in his body. Stopping natural biological functions is far more risky than simply adding new ones...
But, none the less, he saw where Nova was going with this conversation...
"Let me guess... this was why Raven was so infatuated with me with our second encounter... poor thing doesn't know that she's a victim to her own body... still, pheromones don't make you fall in love with someone, if you have no interest in that person, the pheromones are as good as useless..." Jin stated. Chuckling a bit.
[That is true, but what happens when that girl does like you? It could be an issue... and a massive one too, Jin...]
"It's fine. For now... We can solve that issue later, for now. That method is far more important at the moment. The thing is... how to get it..." Jin wondered. He wasn't sure the guy would give up something so convenient...
"Project 'B-1 trillion' on halt... Project 'The method' begins..."