
Getting To Know You...

Chapter 5 - Getting To Know You...

That... actually went better than I originally expected...

I thought of that as Ram accompanied me around the manor, giving me tour of the mansion. While recalling my conversation with Roswaal or Rose as I call him.

As I recalled my conversation with Roswaal, or Rose as I call him, it honestly caught me off guard when he accused me to be the one who stole Emilia's Royal Badge. He didn't do that to Subaru, even if he was suspicious he did not make blatant move like that. But at same time it make me realize that I'm a different person from Subaru, and thus I needed a different touch so I can dance according to his instrument

It's obvious that whatever was written in Echidna's Gospel Book was related to me. If I recalled correctly the book was different, it acted like the prototype of a book that could show few alternate timelines, in a way similar to Kaleidoscope. Granted it was not perfect, and would never reach the potential of the second magic, even if it only showed a limited number of possibilities, it was still considered to be more effective than any of the other Archbishops gospels.

He needed me to stay, and I'm sure in his gospel book showed timelines where I chose to go off on my own. I would not be surprised if it did, I was considering it after all. I will live in some village and start new life after asking him for quite a considerable amount of money. A part of me was still screaming at me, demanding to leave, to get away from this place. To start a new life, just like in the "What If" route, where Subaru chooses to escape with Rem.

I still think about that option. Seeing what I was going to face... even the bravest person would think twice about accepting such a fate. Even though I had the body of a Heroic Spirit I did not grow up during the age of gods. I was brave, but I still had doubts if it was enough. People who grew up in the modern world had a different way of thinking.

Reading about this Roswaal decided to manipulate the coming events himself. He made me look like the bad guy, and then Emilia came to my defense -I'm actually still surprised she did, and even more so that Puck decided to join her- it was going to make me feel grateful towards her. Then in return, since I don't have anywhere else to go, becoming a free guest that and being treated as nobility would of course be very appealing, not to mention the favor I now owe to Emilia. Thus leading to my wish of staying here.

I was able to read his intentions clearly enough... however I feel there still something more... he was still hiding many things. My newly acquired instincts told me so and since they come from Saber... I just couldn't be wrong.

Then again, he is not the only withholding things.

"Do you get everything this far, Aaron-sama?" Ram asked.

It has been an hour since we finished breakfast. Emilia has excused herself and went her own way, saying she needed to keep up with her studies. Since she pretty much lived in forest, she lost touch with the world for quite some time. She needed to know more about what was actually happening in Lugnica so she could become good King.

"Yep." I nodded to her "The east wing has suites for welcoming visiting nobles, with rooms for entertaining guests and other facilities. The west wing contains the servants quarters, spare furniture and books not meant for the archive."

"The main wing is used for general residence, the first floor consists of the dining room, bathrooms for relaxation, and things like that. The second floor consists Emilia-dono's and Roses offices and rooms related to their work. Third floor is the sleeping rooms for guest and main residence.

"Breakfast is usually served around nine in morning, today was ten because Rose had business to take care of. Lunch is served around two lunartime, and dinner is at seven."

I did not manage memorize everything, however at least I know where I should go so I don't get lost. This place is huge, almost like the Marina Bay Sands resort in Singapore covering nearly 200 thousand square meters of ground.

Ram stared at me for moment, observing me "Ram is surprised, Aaron-sama really was listening. He doesn't look to be paying attention."

"I'm a man of many talents, I suppose." I chuckled "However you are right, I did have something on my mind but at same time I can't just ignore you right? That would be rude of me."

"... Aaron-sama is very courteous." Ram nodded in an approving manner "Actually listening while not looking like it. Very handy for spying."

I let out small chuckle at her blunt way of speaking "I will take that as compliment, thank you. You are also very watchful and keen for a maid." I said nonchalantly. I give her small grin and quirk of an eyebrow when see her body seems tense a bit "What? You did not expect me to bite back, didn't you?" I asked in amusement

Aaron : 1, Ram : 0

As expected Rams face was void of any emotion, however the slight glint I saw in her eyes was speaking otherwise, though I could not the intentions behind it "I see... Aaron-sama really does have sharp tongue." She nodded in understanding.

It was left unsaid but I could tell what was on the tip of her tongue. Unlike Rem, Ram was clearly the more rational and sharp twin, she could control herself better. Even losing her power did not change the fact she was still a prodigy in past. She may be weaker, but her mind was still as sharp as ever.

No wonder she is the one that Roswaal trusts to make the judgment about Subaru...

"Since Aaron-sama going to stay in here, we're going to need pick out an outfit for you." Ram commented, changing the topic "Aaron-sama's outfit is clean and appropriate, but obviously you can't live only with a single set of clothes." She gestured to what I wore "We will have make clothes for Aaron-sama and for that we need to take your measurements."

Handmade clothes? Now that is something surprising. I never thought I would wear some of those...well, technically all clothes are handmade, what I meant are clothes that knitted together by hand, not factory made.


"Then, let's go back to the servant quarters." Ram told me as we begin to make our way "Ah, I almost forgot, there one more resident that lives here."

One more resident? Ah right, it was... Beatrice...

That's right!

During breakfast I felt like something was missing! It was Beatrice's presence! She wasn't with us when I talked with Roswaal! If I recall she was supposed to attend breakfast with Subaru! So why was she... Ah.

I see... so that's why... if I recall correctly Beatrice attended breakfast because she had met Subaru when he was wandering around after waking up from being treated by Emilia. She probably felt intrigued by him because he could enter her library without her permission and observed him further.

But now? She didn't have breakfast because I never entered her place. We never met, so she probably did not have any reason to leave her library. Hmm, I don't know whether this is good or bad, I'll have to see how things play out.

"One more resident?" I asked, pretending not to know what she was talking about.

"She is the librarian under Roswaal-sama's contract." Ram answered "This way." She opened the door nearest to us and then...

... Books...

That's what crossed in my mind the moment I lay eyes on this room, no matter how far my vision spans take me, I can only see shelves filled to the brim with books in any direction. They are all stored neatly and in a reserved manner, there not a single one that looks out of place

I had seen library's before, big ones at that. But... wow... I must say, this is clearly something else

"Impressive." I breathed out as I stared at the sea of books "Really impressive, I must say I've never seem a library at this level." And I'm being honest, I may be not fan of books, but this? This is still quite a spectacular view.

"You have good taste, not surprising seeing you looks like someone who knows what they doing, I suppose."

A high-pitched, feminine voice that sounds like a child broke my attention away from the library. I shifted my gaze to the front, to a girl petite, young looking girl. She was probably only few years older than my little sister and...

While I do admit she's cute, like, really cute, but the way she is dressed, and her hairstyle... I mean... what the hell that hairstyle called anyway?! Twin-drill?! Okay, I should expect this since this is fantasy world but... really? She's almost as bad as Roswaal! Granted they share about the same age and come from the same time period, but still...

"Ah, sorry for staring like that." I apologized as I bowed to her.

"This is Beatrice-sama." Ram introduced her "She is the one who is managing this place. This library is filled with Roswaal-sama's books. Both private and forbidden."

"Hn." Beatrice grunted while flipping a page of the book currently holds.

"I'm Aaron Pendragon, it is nice to meet you Beatrice-san." I introduced myself politely to her.

Beatrice looked at me as if a was some kind of foreign object before turning to Ram with an inquiring look.

"Beatrice-sama, Aaron-sama will live here as a guest from now on. He has helped Emilia-sama and thus Roswaal-sama decided to pay him back by allowing him live in this place for free."

I don't mind you explaining things but did you have to add the "for free" part... I find it a bit offending. Especially since you were the one who left Emilia alone in the city!

"Is that so? Hmm, at least you don't look like an idiot, I suppose." Beatrice commented while looking me up and down, giving me an appraising gaze.

"Thank you Beatrice-san." I replied, narrowing my eyes and focusing further, trying to look thoughtful "Pardon me, but you're not Human are you?"

Beatrice eyes narrowed as well, her blank voice marred by an interested look "You're sharp, not surprising, I suppose."

"Indeed, Aaron-sama is famous for having two faces." Ram commented absently "He has very sharp tongue despite his chivalrous appearance."

"Hello pot, my name is kettle." I dryly chimed and I can see her right eye twitch at my comment "Nice to meet you." I added with a wry grin.

Aaron : 2, Ram : 0

"Hmph. As long you don't bother Betty then Betty has no problem, I suppose." Beatrice said with another grunt before she slowly approached me "Don't move." She warned as she raised her hand at me.

I narrowed my eyes at the warning, then I remembered what was about to happen. Just like in Canon, Beatrice will take mana from me as she did to Subaru and if I recall it is not a pleasant sensa-




And then she flew.

The blonde twintailed petite girl was repulsed from me by an unseen force when her hand make contact with my body. And by repulsed I mean got flung away, two or three feet away from my position as if she just got struck by boulder her own size!

I blinked, once, twice. My mind trying to comprehend what the hell just happened. Why did Beatrice get blasted away like that?

I noted that Rams body become tense, her uncaring eyes for once filled with wariness and she took one or two steps back from me. Her hands twitched, probably ready to cast a spell if things turned sour.

What actually just happened? I mean, Beatrice did try to take my mana and in Canon Subaru clearly showed how unpleasant it was, so why was it was Beatrice who... oh... Oh... I get it!

"You were trying to take my mana weren't you?" I asked with slight frown.

Beatrice meanwhile sat up on the ground, her appearance was a bit messy but overall she looked fine. For once her blank and impassive face was filled with shock "What was that?!" She demanded.

"My Magic Resistance." I answered honestly "You were trying to take my mana without my permission, I think it did not approve." Trying to drain mana from someone who had high Magic Resistance forcefully, without permission, can be quite dangerous. Nasuverses Magic Resistance system is pretty strong compared to other anime. Especially considering this Sabers dragon blood.

"M-Magic Resistance?" Beatrice showed a flabbergasted look for moment "Magic Resistance is not supposed to work that way, I suppose!"

"I don't know how your Magic Resistance works but mine is like this." I said in dry tone "If you want to take my mana, all you need is ask Beatrice-san." It's not like I have problem with it, I have an A-rank Mana capacity, I don't think I will even notice any drain that Subaru could survive

"I'm sorry for causing mess for your library." I added when I noticed the shelf Beatrice crashed into a moment ago, scrambling the books on the ground. I approach her with an apologetic look "Are you okay?" I asked as I offer her a hand.

"Betty is fine, I suppose. Just a bit shocked." Beatrice said as she slowly stood without taking my hand and inwardly I grimaced.

Great. Way to start an relationship with someone who could possibly send you home Aaron, good job. Quick! Think of a way to fix this! Let see, if I recall Beatrice is like Puck, an Artificial Spirit.

Which means...

"Here." I kept offering my hand to her "You want to take some of my mana right? I'll allow it so you won't get blasted again."

As far as I recall that's how Magic Resistance is supposed to work. That is why Saber was able to be healed by Irisviel when she was in Fourth Holy Grail War. In the Nasuverse Magic Resistance depends on the owners intention. If they allow it then it will spells through. However, if not, well, the results where demonstrated effectively just now.

Beatrice stared at my extended hand, despite her face showing no emotion there wariness was tangible. However she nonetheless still extend her hand and took mine.

The moment our hands grasped each other, I grabbed hers firmly and-


I called mana worth from inside me. When I used Mana Burst for the first time against Elsa I barely felt anything. It was almost like I just running in place for a short time. Now I feel the same sensation, however this time I decided to increase the strength of my pull and let it flow through my hand holding Beatrice's.

Electrical turquoise colored energy sparked to live around us, illuminating the room with its color, I did not feel anything from it despite the ominous look and it blowing away everything around Beatrice and me. I heard Ram gasp and saw Beatrice's face once again morph to shock while at same time also gasping. I ignored them as I slowly closed my eyes to start to focusing on controlling my now blazing magical energy and let it flow to Beatrice.

I don't know how long, but I'm sure it took more than twenty seconds for the magical energy that crackling around us to slowly begin to weaken. It's brightness dimmed and the wind it caused also began to calm down.

After making sure that the mana flow around my arm became more controllable, I let my grasp on her hand slip, releasing her. Wew, that... was not tiring at all actually, but I definitely felt that. Actually controlling my Mana was trying me more out than the drain my reserves took. I mean, Mana Burst practically causes my mana to create a repulsing force like a jet boost. If I'm not careful I can make Beatrice bloat like a balloon and explode.

Yikes, clearly not a very good mental image.

"Whew, how about that Beatrice-san? Does the amount of..." I trailed off as I opened my eyes and saw the spirit now no longer standing but once again sitting in floor, clutching her chest, her breathing ragged "Beatrice-san?"

"Oh dear." Ram spoke aloud, voice blank of any emotion "Beatrice-sama has been molested by Aaron-sama." She said that as if it was a common occurrence, her face not even twitching "Ram shall report this to Roswaal-sama." She finished while giving me dirty look.

I shot her unamused look and opened my mouth to retort. However I closed it when I found that I also didn't know what actually happened. For all I know I just overcharged her with mana, sending her into the state that was almost like...

God damn it... this woman...

Aaron : 2, Ram : 1

"G-Giving Betty such a high amount of mana without any warning." Beatrice seems to finally regain her breath and stood shakily, her face flushed a bit "You're lucky to have such a handsome face, people won't think of you as an idiot at first glance, I suppose."

I grimaced openly at the insult and put an another apologetic face "I'm sorry Beatrice-san, I was just trying to pay you back for harming you before and..."

"Hmph!" Beatrice puffed her cheeks and brushed the dirt on her skirt "Well, with the amount of mana you gave me, I can forgive you I suppose. At least you look very regretful."

I was, I truly was. I already tried my best to control the flow but it still seems like it was too much! Ugh, I didn't do what I think I did, right? I'm not child molester! Granted Beatrice is actually four hundred years old, but her appearance! Her appearance! Gaahh!

"If there is nothing else then please leave." Beatrice told us in a blank and slight irritated voice "Betty needs to clean this mess." She gestured to the books at her feet from her crash and my mana burst, making me grimaced further.

"Sorry Beatrice-san."


"Forgive him Beatrice-sama, Ram will make sure what happened to Beatrice-sama gets known to Roswaal-sama so Aaron-sama can take proper responsibility."

"I don't want to heard that from someone who failed to do her duty and almost got Emilia-dono's insignia stolen or worse, gotten her killed by Elsa Granhiert."

I held back the smug grin that threatened to appear on my face and only looked on nonchalantly under her irritated look. Do not expect me to go down without dragging you with me, you pink oni!

Aaron : 3, Ram : 1

"You two certainly getting along pretty well, I suppose." Beatrice commented dully while observing us.

Ram eyes widened a small fraction and she took two steps away from me while shaking her head "No, no, no. Aaron-sama just trying to get know Ram since Ram is very attractive and beautiful. Unfortunately for him, Ram's loyalty belong to Roswaal-sama so he has no chance to win Ram over."

She is not a very modest person is she? Shouldn't she have said "No, no, master and maid relationships are forbidden", "No, no, as a maid it wouldn't be prudent for me to harbor feelings for my master" or something like that?

And to add another insult she finished with a bow as if to apologize for 'regretfully rejecting' me. I must admit that was a very good move, a solid blow to solar plexus!

Still, I refused to lose that easily.

"Actually, I prefer Rem-san over Ram-san." I said with small smile

"Rem?" Ram seems surprised at my reply

"I love blue more than pink. As matter of fact, I like color blue, my armors fabric is blue, remember?"

"I see... so Aaron-sama has an obsession with blue things, unexpected. I shall warn my sister to avoid being alone with you then."

Geh! Okay, that was a good comeback! Tsk, not bad. She clearly is a very difficult opponent to beat, but make no mistake, I'm will not go down because of-

"Betty doesn't care about that, Betty wants you two to get out pf here now!"

Beatrice watched as the duo got out of her library with an irritated look. Really, don't they know library are supposed to be quiet places? She could still hear the pink one claim her point over the blonde.

Her irritated expression slowly turned tired and uncertain, she slowly fell to her seat and took few deep breaths as if she just went through marathon.

That boy...

"See? I told you he is unique one."

The artificial spirit of the library turned around to see Puck appear from the corner of the bookshelves. The cat spirit's face showed a smug and intrigued expression, eyes closed and relaxed.

"Bubby..." Beatrice called, her lips felt very dry at the moment "That boy. What is he?"

Puck, hovering lazily in the air paused, one of his eyes opened giving Beatrice a look "I don't know. He is no demihuman, he doesn't show any traits of being one after all."

"But there is no way he is a human." Beatrice's face curled to small scowl "That boy's mana is too much! Way too much, I suppose. And incredibly dense too..."

There was no need for Beatrice to finish her words, Puck knew what she was trying to say. He held same opinion about that boy after all .

"I know, it doesn't feel like Satella, but more akin to the other Witches of Sin then a normal humans. Still, if his power would have such a raw feel to it, I would call him the reincarnation of one of the Witches. Or at least one of their vassals."

To Puck, Aaron's mana was strong and very potent, even surpassing him in his beast form. That was something no human should have. For moment Puck considered the possibility that was Aaron perhaps something akin to a spirit. However the blond knight is not, he is clearly alive and solid, he lives like normal people do. So that theory was dismissed. In Puck's mind, it would be safe to say that he was actually more like the Witches, someone who has transcended into something else. A higher being.

"He could be, I suppose. Betty can sense the Witches miasma around him." Beatrice said with scowl as she recalled the boy's aura.

"But that Witch miasma pales compared to the raw power we can sense from him." Puck replied while flicking his tail lazily "The Witch aura we feel from him also is not active, rather it is stagnant." The cat spirit explained "If he is the reincarnation of one of the Witches that managed escape from their seals, the Witch miasma wouldn't be like that. It would be flowing freely from his body. It feels more like a Curse if you ask me."

Beatrice pursed her lips hearing that. Bubby has a point there. She herself actually barely smells the Witch miasma around him, as if it was mostly covered by another scent. A Scent she did not recognize, and seeing she was born in the era where Witches where still lurking around, it's not them, whatever it may be.

But one thing is sure... that smell... whatever that... what thing is... it is powerful enough to be considered as one of the strongest and most dangerous existences in the world.

And that thing was standing in front of them only moments ago, in form of a man, walking around as if there is nothing wrong with its existence!

"And Bubby thinks having him around his daughter would be good? Betty doesn't think so."

"I agree with you on that, but that boy is really being sincere when it comes to Lia. He really wants to protect her and keep her safe." Puck responded with heavy sigh

"... He looks dependable enough, I suppose." Beatrice commented uncertainly "Betty can tell he is someone who can handle himself pretty well, I suppose. But Betty still thinks it's too risky."

"That was what I thinking too." Puck agreed again and he seems to become more annoyed as he began to pawing his furry head "But Lia seems to be enjoying his presence very much!"

"... Does she fancy him?" Betty blinked in slight surprise.

"No!" Puck denied instantly, the idea of his daughter fancying a boy horrified him "I doubt Lia even knows what "Love" is and how it feel. No, it's more like she is... both intrigued and happy to have someone else to talk to." He sighed in exasperated manner, truthfully he was kind of confused why Lia seems to enjoy Aaron's company. They only even met a day ago for God's sake!

Was it love? Was his daughter... no, she is not. Puck was sure of that, and he was not in denial! He's sure whatever it is, it is not love! He knows that! It makes no sense. Lia is clearly not in love with him, so why?

Perhaps Lia is only happy that someone doesn't care about her being a half-elf. Someone who talk to her as if it doesn't matter. Puck understands that Lia's kind is almost universally hated. Half-elves are seen as demons, because of Satella's deeds as the Witch of Envy.

"And Bubby doesn't want to separate his daughter from her only friend, I suppose." Beatrice nodded in understanding "Betty understands completely."

"You can say so." Puck reluctantly said that with another sigh. Emilia needed someone to talk to other than him, it wasn't healthy for his daughter to close herself in. And besides, Aaron at least cares for Lia safety "Anyway, what is your opinion about him Betty?"

Beatrice pursed her lips into a thin line and stared at where the boy went. What did she think about him? Truthfully she didn't know. The boy seems to be not that bad in her opinion. He did not hold any ill intent toward her and was sincere when apologizing for causing her harm.

And the mana he gave to her was more than enough to sustain herself without a recharge for a few days. Even right now she can feel the magical energy flowing inside her very clearly. This was the largest portion of mana she received in years!

In a way... the power and energy he radiated... it actually reminded her of...

The image of a beautiful white haired woman smiling and drinking tea crossed her mind. The artificial spirit felt a pang in her heart for moment before she banished it away.

No... It was nothing, only a coincidence...

"As long as he doesn't bother Bubby's and Betty's place, Betty doesn't care." She said while puffing her cheeks.

She knew that was lie. And she was aware that Puck also knew it. Neither said anything about it. Because right now she herself was still unsure about him.

More observation was needed, so she can give her opinion about the boy.

"Hmm... Aaron-sama's outfit really is knitted very well." Rem commented as she held the coat Aaron wore, leaving him in only a t-shirt and pants "The material and the silk too."

'Of course they are! That is from Hugo Boss!' Aaron thought as he observed the blue haired maid rubbing his coat.

"We don't have silk and material like yours Aaron-sama, will it satisfy you if we use our own?"

"I don't mind at all, you need not trouble yourself with expensive material." Aaron answered with a shrug.

Right now he was with Rem in the servant's quarter. Ram already left since she has her own duties to follow.

"Then, Rem will take your measurements." Rem said as she picked up the tools and approached the blond "Spread your arms, Aaron-sama."


Aaron did what the maid ordered, spreading his arms to allow the Rem to take his measurements. The pseudo Saber felt his cheeks warm at the closeness, usually it was a man who took another man's size but... now it is not just a girl, but a really cute one as well. And she's so close he can practically smell her!

"Your face is red, are you feeling ill Aaron-sama?" Rem asked as she noticed Aaron's face

"No." Aaron let out small cough and shakes his head "It just... ths is kind of embarrassing."

"Embarrassing?" Rem asked, tilting her head slightly in confusion

'Cute! God damn it! You're not helping me here!' Aaron groaned internally "Well, from where I'm from, it's usually a man who takes the measurements of another man. So it makes me kind of self-conscious." He said honestly.

"Rem sees... well it can't be helped since we don't have a male servant, please bear with it." Rem said as she resumed her work, arms wrapping around him to measure his torso.

'Somehow I'm not surprised you say that.' Aaron thought sourly. He was about to drop the topic, it was already awkward enough, with how close they were. However something suddenly crossed his mind. He begin consider the pros and cons of his idea for moment before decided to take a risk "Rem-san."

"Please call me Rem, Aaron-sama." Rem informed

"Rem then."

"Yes, is there something Rem can help you with?" She asked

"... Do I smell weird?"

At the question Aaron watched as the blue haired maids body visibly stiffened. The grip she had on the measuring tape also tightened. That already answered his question enough. He continued to try his best to appear nonchalant. This particular topic mostly ended badly when it came to Rem.

"Its just... having a girl this close to me, I'm worried that I smell bad."

"Rem sees..." Her voice was still stoic and neutral, but there was small edge in there "Aaron-sama does smell weird in Rem's opinion, yes."

"Really? Ahhh, maybe I should take bath after this if I smell weird." Aaron gave small nod while putting on a contemplating look "By the way Rem, do you have free time after you finish your duties this night?"

"Rem usually does. Why?"

"I'm foreigner in here, I noticed that the currency used in this country is different." Aaron said "And since I'm going to live here from now on, I want to learn about it.. And I want to learn more about this kingdom as well. If you don't mind, I want you to tutor me in that aspect."

For the first time since their conversation started, Rem rose her head to stare directly into his eyes. Icy blue meet forest green. The formers gaze was just like its color, cold and freezing. Aaron felt right now he was being judged, and he won't be surprised if he was. No thanks to that Witches scent, right now he was in a very difficult position.

"Why not ask Nee-sama?" Rem asked in a monotone-

Aaron face turned dull at the question "Yeah, like that would happen." He said in equally flat voice "I don't think I will learn anything if I spend time with her."

They would probably spend most of their time throwing insults and arguing against. And while Aaron must admit Ram's presence is enjoyable for him - the bantering and talk, it reminded him of home- he knew he would have to learn about this world if he wants to survive with his sanity intact. And if he wished to really learn then he needed to rely on Rem.

Not to mention he already saw how Ram 'taught' Subaru in Canon. Yeah, safe to say, she was clearly not a very good teacher in his opinion.

And at same time he was going to make her trust him, or at least prevent any hostilities before they started. The image of a defenseless Subaru being pummeled to death by her crossed his mind and Aaron hold back grimace. Seriously, the idea of someone living under the same roof as you literally smashing you to death was not very appealing.

"Why? Nee-sama is a great person." Rem asked again, offended by someone dismissing her sister.

"I know, but we will spend all the time arguing, rather than me learning anything." He decided to give the honest answer to her.

Hearing that, Rem must admit he has point there. She had briefly seen how the two interacted after all when they came to the servants quarter.

"Beside, I prefer blue over pink." Aaron added with a shrug, prompting Rem to blink


"I mean you have blue hair and eyes." He mentioned while gesturing to her "Blue is more refreshing, I like it. I think you look better than your sister."

"... Rem will look into it Aaron-sama." Rem answered with a thoughtful voice after a small pause "Rem makes no promise though."

"It's fine, and if you don't want to then it still fine." Aaron dismissed with a smile and shrug "I'm not going to force you."

Rem did not give any verbal response, only nodding to him, all while still doing her work. After a moment she leaned back and wrote the results on some paper before returning her gaze to him "It is done Aaron-sama, you can leave if you wish to."

"Sure." Aaron nodded, putting his coat back on "By the way Rem, tomorrow morning from around six or seven I will spend my time in the backyard practicing. Emilia told me to tell you or Ram so can you two please inform me when breakfast is about to served?"

"I see, very well. Rem will inform Nee-sama as well. Does Aaron-sama need to be awoken?"

"No, but IF you pass by my room around seven then please check if I am already up. If I'm not then please wake me up."

"Understood." Rem nodded to the young man "Lunch will be served soon Aaron-sama, you can wait in the dining hall if you wish to."

"... I think I will skip it." Aaron said after moment of considering "I'm not too hungry right now, if someone is looking for me, please tell them that I'm in the backyard and practicing my swordsmanship." He really needed to train seriously if he wishes to survive in this World

Rem only blinked once before she nodded again "Understood, then should Rem save your lunch for later?"

"No, it's fine, you don't need to prepare lunch for me. I'm just going to eat when its dinner time. Thank you Rem."

"Don't mention it Aaron-sama."

The pseudo Saber give her one last smile before he turned around and walked away. Rem's blue eyes locked to him as he turned his back to her, never once to stray from him. Only when he is out of her sight, Rem found her lips curled to small frown, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

What was that... that man planning?

Truthfully Rem did not like him. While she did feel grateful that he both had helped Emilia-sama was doing Roswaal-sama a great favor, the scent he radiated...

At first Rem did not smell any witch scent from him, no. As matter of fact the first thing that crossed her mind was... power. He smelt of raw power, raw mana. As if he was mana that taking the shape of a human, power in the shape of a man.

And she found herself enraptured for brief moment when she looked at him. The way he carried himself, the way he walked, his every gesture . He is very... charming if you want to put in a word. There was a regal aura that seemed to be emitting from him, and it did nothing but imbue his good appearance.

Then when she had to opportunity to get a better smell of him, her awe turned to pure terror and horror.

The Witches scent.

Tough small and covered, the stink was still there... hidden, lurking and latched onto his powerful aura like an insect burrowing in the dirt, like a parasite...

If someone who has that much power possesses a Witches scent then... he was definitely dangerous! Dangerous with capital "D" as matter of fact!

The power she felt was enough to make her feel small, and now it was added with the witch scent. Terror and fear is the only thing she felt the moment she realized just how dangerous this person is.

It takes every ounce of control she had to not showing any signs of fear, of weakness when taking his measurements. She was sure she still slipped few times and that man caught her tenseness but decided to not think about too deeply about it.

She was tempted to scream "NO" when he asked her to spend time with him at night! Hell, she even tried to push it onto her sister, something that she usually doesn't do since she doesn't want trouble her.

But it seems that man still insists on picking her, and he has good reasons as well...

And then he started to compare her with her sister and...


Rem, in a sense, was at a loss for words at that time. She didn't know what to say. That was the first time someone picked her over her sister without knowing anything about them. There was strange sensation in her stomach, she found it not unpleasant but she quickly dismissed those feelings.

That was obviously a trick... he can't be trusted... while the witch scent around him was small and barely noticeable, it's still there.

Roswaal-sama has told them to not act rashly since the man was dangerous, and coming from him it mean something. But the archmage did not have any choice since he was indeed indebted to him for helping Emilia-sama. If the news come out that she had her insignia stolen...

Well it would be very bad for the house...

What should she do now?

She bit her lip, she needed to ask Nee-sama about this!

"I see... So that was the situation..." Roswaal said with thoughtful face, for once there was no sign of his usual playful aura around him.

"So what should we do Roswaal-sama?" Rem asked with anxiety, her sister was standing by her side.

"... It's difficult situation. I know just how traumatizing this is for you Rem." The clown mage said while giving a look to the blue haired maid "But in any case, like I said previously, there is nothing we can do."

Rem look like he just slapped her and Ram showed a frustrated face.

"Roswaal-sama, allow me to replace Rem." Ram said "We only spent a short time together, but if it's Ram, Ram sure that man wouldn't-"

"No, we can't do that unfortunately." Roswaal cut her off swiftly "As much as I want Rem's safety, I'm sure he has his own motive in picking her rather than you." Though Roswaal actually had a guess why Aaron picked Rem over Ram he won't said it aloud "And for now, we're at a disadvantage, as much as I hate it we have no choice other than to let him have this first move."

Hearing that Rem looked crestfallen while Ram looked upset at the final decision. Seeing this Roswaal carefully picked his words to reassure them

"Do not worry, I'm sure that boy won't do anything to Rem. Obviously he's not going to harm her in any way for now." Not yet at least, but he left that unsaid. That boy has plan for Rem, Roswaal can see that just by hearing the report from the blue oni "For now, we humor him. Rem, you go and 'tutor' him as he wishes. And please remain as discreet as you can."

"Yes, Roswaal-sama."

Seeing the maids acceptance, the clown mage frowned with a slightly regretful look on his face "To ask this from you, it must be very hard. I apologize..."

"It's fine, it is Roswaal-sama's order and Rem shall follow it." Rem politely with a bow "Then, Rem shall go to Aaron-sama's room now."

"Please do, and Ram, you can go with her if you want. I'm sure he would 'understand' why accompanied Rem."


The Court Magician watched as his subordinates walked out, leaving his office. His complicated and thoughtful face turned to a smirk the moment he was alone as he began pondering about his guest

The boy is not stupid, Roswaal was aware of that. Just by their small talk moment ago he at least managed to catch glimpse of what he intends to. But at same time, Roswaal also did.

Aaron Pendragon is a cryptic and sharp person. He is a good liar alright, he knows how to hide lies under the truth. He was a bit surprised by the display but Roswaal has hundreds of years of experience. He won't let a boy not even a tenth his age get the best of him.

He is not a Pawn like Ram and Rem, but he's still a just a piece nonetheless. He may have already reached the end of the board, able to transform into anything he wanted, but he was still just a piece in his chess game. And right now he is playing as a Knight.

He is perfectly aware just how uncomfortable the young Knights presence is to Ram and Rem, especially Rem. Roswaal wouldn't be surprised if she lashed out at the Knight at any moment, however he can't have that now.

Not when Puck himself seems to be in support of the boy.

He was not surprised that Emilia supported him, but Puck as well? Now that was something shocking even for him. If the cat spirit approved of his presence, then if something where happen to that boy because of their hands, the result would not be pretty. Not at all.

He already has a guess why Aaron wants to have Rem. The boy is sharp, he has good Instincts. He must be aware that Rem is uncomfortable with him and wishes to improve their relationship.

Of course he did that because he has his own goal. Roswaal can see it in his eyes, he is ambitious, he has purpose and a destination. It reminded him of himself when he was young and eager -though he still is determined right now, everything for his mistress.

He probably wishes to create roots in this house, a strong foundation. And Roswaal will allow it to happen, simply because that is what he wants as well. Because Roswaal needs him, he is the main key to release his mistress from her imprisonment. And at same time the boy also needs them as well, he can see it clearly even if he tries to hide it

'It looks like things are shaping up to be a... Interesting year.' He thought with chuckle

"And because of that, Ram can't allow Aaron-sama to be alone with Rem." Ram said with blank face.

"Because of what? You did not say or explain anything!" Aaron replied with twitch in his left eye. It seems to be doing that a lot recently. Hopefully there won't be anything permanent because of it.

"Ah? It seems Aaron-sama is not as sharp as Ram thought. To not understand such a simple explanation."

"You just barged in here along with Rem and did not explain anything when I asked you. Was your brain that not sharp enough to construct a proper answer for me?"

"Nee-sama is a very smart person Aaron-sama, her words are beyond anyone understanding."

"Rem is right, Ram is not at fault that Aaron-sama can't understand the quality of Ram's answer."

The young knight's eye twitched again "So it's two on one huh? Fine, I'll back down. And you Ram-san, as expected of you, you bring support because you can't handle me alone. I'm disappointed with you, to bring someone else into our conflict."

"On contrary, Ram brought Rem into our conversation so Rem can hold back Ram as to not cause Aaron-sama's sharp tongue become dull. It would be a shame if such tongue can't be used anymore."

In the end he did not learn anything that night. And for obvious reasons, he came to hate clowns more than ever, especially the magic using variety.

He really despises that clown...