
An (Normal) Interesting Family (edited)


(AN if you see mistakes let me know please)

Hey there, my name is Leo Keter and well what I have to say is both parts amazing yet unbelievable, well Its incredible hard to describe what has happened to me, well actually should I say, what had happened to my family.

We are…were…We were once normal human beings living on an unremarkable planet known as Earth, a family of five British Citizens who were all born and raised in London, the capital city of the United Kingdom.

I and my older and younger siblings went to school while our parents worked, my dad Benson worked in facilities management for a local coffee factory while our mom Elizabeth found joy in working as a furniture shop seller.

My older sister was working towards becoming a member of the Taxation Office.

I was dedicated to being an Olympic Swimmer and Commonwealth World Champion.

And my younger sister, well she was young and still had yet to choose what she wanted to do in life.

In my personal opinion we Keter's were just another normal British family living their lives and pursuing our life's gaols.

So, it no doubt came to a horrific surprise for us to inexplicably meet an untimely demise via a truck smashing into our small family car on one of London's highways.

From an outside perspective it seemed to be a rather cliché way to die, as my family was living in an age where certain media liked displaying people getting hit by a vehicle of some kind was a sure way to get sent to another world with some overpowered cheats.

This was very true for my family, however the horror and trauma of the method of going to said other world with those cheat powers, inflicted damage on all of us.

I can't say about my family's rendition of events, but I can still remember the twisting steel and the shattering glass skewing my body, how my bones broke and the painful sensations of feeling my body being ripped in half by a multi-ton eighteen-wheeler, even while being torn in half I could still feel the flames and stakes of metal in me, the heat, the coldness.

And then the sight of the scene of that event haunts my nights, I still see the lifeless strewn about bodies of my family, I can still see my mothers sightless stare, my father's missing head, and my siblings, they, we…we…I don't want to remember it.

That was my PTSD, and I have a strong feeling that the rest of my family have their own traumatic accounts on what they felt on that horrible day.

Either way, once my sight was reduced to darkness I felt both horrific coldness sweeping into my core before an all-encompassing warmth filled me, it was hard to describe but the feeling of both warmth and coldness was a feeling I could still faintly remember as one of my first and oldest memories.

The sensation didn't last long as I soon found myself waking up on a pure white surface facing up towards the most amazing cosmos stary night sky I would ever see.

I was stunned for a moment before I quickly realised my body was in fact still intact despite what my latest memory said otherwise.

I found that my family was all together in this strange place, and while we all made sure we were all fine it didn't take long for IT to address us.

I can't really recall that meeting well enough, there was some sort of pressure and push that had my head scrambling for clarity.

It was strange as the meeting didn't last that long despite the amount of information we were given right then and there, my mind felt like it would split or burst into flames with how much shit was shoved into it.

And that wasn't the only thing that was painful, my body and along with my families suffered from extreme body modification, the pain and trauma of the car crash paled in comparison of the pain we all went through as our very existences were altered on a fundamental level, physically, metaphysically and right down into our souls.

I'm not sure about everyone else, but I'm sure we all gained alien urges and other impulses that we would not normally want to act on nor had any sort of feeling on such uncommon attitudes.

The desire to control, to conquer, to devour, to burn, to destroy, the wants and needs of conflicting emotions raged throughout my mind as three monumental existences greater than my own threatened to erase what I could call me myself, I still feel the squeeze sometimes.

In the end I still came out of it as the leading personality if not perverted or altered in so many different ways.

I know we spent days or weeks coming to terms with our changes, the fact that we all went through it together definitely brought assurance to one another, in the beginning we all slept together just so we could keep each other comforted.

To know that even though we suffered we all would still support each other no matter what happen.

Also, we had to make sure dad was okay as well, he is now a she after what IT has done to us all, my siblings I try and help but it's mainly mum guiding "her" through the unexpected gender change, I can't imagine how it must feel to drastically change like that despite our own form changes, but at least they are the same gender as us unlike our dad.

As I said it took weeks to get somewhat used to the changes of our bodies, it will take longer for dad though, next however it took even longer to get used to our "space ship" within another Universe, I cant tell you the headache it caused us.

The crew on board aren't really people for a lack of a better term, to describe them, well they are human mostly, but they seem to act like intelligent NPCs from a video game, they can follow complex orders to the letter, but it is really uncanny how they respond to us among other things.

There was a tinge of fear in us all, it largely petered out during a month of exploring the whole 30km of ship from bow to stern, it was scary and amazing from how much stuff was in the ship which we learned it to be called the Red Tear, a Gloriana class Battle Barge the flagship of the Blood Angels Space Marine Chapter.

The architecture both outside and inside the ship was awe inspiring, from the carvings in the walls and the decorative statues we'd find of a Great Angel, I could go on for hours on end about what this ship had in it's hallways, the unbelievably decorated reception hall, the throne room mixed with a ball floor, training centres featuring many different kinds of equipment, the master bedroom suites and so much more.

During the first month aboard the Red Tear, my family and I took it upon ourselves to test what we all could do, well that idea was quickly stopped once we cracked the hull and blew out nearly several decks, the repair work needed to be done was staggering and it put a dour mood on everyone when we nearly crippled our own ship.

So to find out how powerful we were a random planet with breathable a atmosphere was singled out for training purposes, and it was there where we really found out just how earth shatteringly powerful we truly were, and I cant stress this enough the abilities titled Anti-World do not lie, half a planet was burned from I did, and through families effort we managed to crack open the crust and disintegrated enough it for us to see the core of the planet, all this from training.

A sense of numbness settled on us but it soon was replaced by a strange mix of giddiness and responsibility or determination, the excitement I felt about having world ending powers was like a power fantasy come true but at the same time it wouldn't be right nor responsible for us to use such godly power on a civilised world, one filled with a brimming population, I don't feel like being called a monster even though I now have become one.

But that didn't matter, as far as I was concerned only my family mattered in this foreign universe.

The week that heralded the end of the month was filled with exploration of the ship and further testing of our new bodies in both power and other areas, like for example the different forms we could take on and use their own unique power set.

It was definitely strange to see my hair colour change and gain different bodily features like five fluffy tails to oversized strange horns on my head, at least my bodily proportion didn't change like the first time, but if their was one thing great about it is that we all look sexually stunning, our forms were definitely to die for, I for one when I was still human longed for a killer body, but having big tits wasn't ideal for my swimming career back then, now though I loved my new sizes.

But once the second month started we quickly found out what universe the FIRST sent us to, at first I thought we were in a Halo and Mass Effect crossover given how we found an active Mass Relay which had about three UNSC looking military Frigates among some smaller civilian looking ships.

It would be months latter that we'd find out that Star Wars elements were also apart of this strange mixture of sci-fi settings.
