
Re: Trash in the Apocalypse

Jun opened his eyes back to where everything first started. Back to the past when the world hasn't changed. In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by the undead, Jun, a young survivor haunted by fragmented memories of his past lives, finds himself thrust into a desperate struggle for survival. Will he find answers to his questions, or will he die and start over again? If... he can start over one more time. [World Loading...]

Arba · Urban
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10 Chs

Try Not To Kill

Jun slowly led the old zombie inside the pharmacy. The zombie followed him like a dog to a bone.

Sheila gasped seeing the familiar figure stumbling forward. It didn't take long to notice the abnormalities as she half believed Jun's previous claim.

"Show's over." Jun bashed the old man's head, causing a loud crack to echo through the room. Those who heard it couldn't help but jump in surprise as far crept down to their spine.

"Adrian, go outside and close the gate. It doesn't matter if you make some noise as long as you secure the gate."

"As for you Miss Sheila, please take this coat rack as a temporary weapon."


"Go outside and start killing zombies. I'll get Adrian some weapon. I'll follow you outside in a minute."

Sheila absentmindedly nodded her head and waited with Adrian outside.

Jun looted the dead zombie and its body disappeared after that leaving a small crystal on the floor.

No matter how he tried denying reality, Carlos finally everything upon seeing a body disappear in front of him.

With a deep sigh, he stood in front of Jun. "What about me? What should I do?"

Jun stared at him for a few seconds. "There are three types of people I hate the most. Rapist, molesters, and abusers." He stepped closer and looked Carlos in they eye. "Don't get in the way. Don't die. That's the best thing you could do. A simple reminder, you're not the first one who wants to kill me."

Jun left to search for weapons and found some knives in the kitchen. Not the best weapon but better than nothing.

He ignored the hateful gaze Carlos was giving him and went outside.

Adrian received his knife and brandished it a few times, trying to get used to it.

There's only one reason why Carlos is still alive. It's because of the note regarding recruiting Sheila.

[Notes: 1. Complete the quest chain. 2. Found Black Haven. 3. Help Your Gang Members. 4. Finding Friends. 5. Get A Healer - Sheila Arada is nursing graduate and works at her parents pharmacy. She can can be recruited forcefully or once the following conditions are met: she desires to become stronger or help other people, and her love life is settled. PS. She either remains single or gets a lover. Don't kill the people courting her or she will refuse to join you no matter what.]

Currently, Jun had some plans for Carlos. Either he or Adrian assassinate him, or he sends Carlos to the zombies as fodder.

Once again, he doesn't want this type of people to work under him. Better for them to be dead than cause more suffering to other people.

"Are you two ready?"

"Yes, boss!"

"Uh, what are we doing out here exactly? Shouldn't we be hiding inside?"

"Hiding is for the weak. You two are gonna under me directly, so you need to be way stronger than anyone else. We're gonna grind some experience for you two to level up. By the way, Sheila, my name is Jun. I'll protect you and make you strong so you can help other people and use your medical skills to heal them. I'm not interested in your body, nor any of my men. Follow me and you won't suffer."

Adrian glanced at the two but remained quiet. Sheila was surprised seeing something appear in front of her but after thinking for a bit ultimately said yes.

Jun completed one of the requirements for the quest chain and now he just need to Rob 10 people.

Jun taught them a few survival and fighting techniques. Basically, stab through the eye, drop them to the ground if you can, and always be aware of the surrounding.

As the bright sunlight shonr over the desolate streets, Sheila and Adrian stood side by side, their weapons at the ready as they prepared to attract the attention of the undead.

Sheila wielded a coat rack, its metal frame tough and sturdy, while Adrian gripped a knife tightly in his hand, his eyes focused and determined.

With a nod of silent agreement, the two rattled the metal gate.

Jun watched from a safe distance behind them, his eyes narrowed in concentration as he observed their movements as they lured the zombies into their trap.

But amidst the clamor, Jun's attention was drawn to another figure lurking near the door.

Carlos, the quiet observer, watched from the door, his eyes glittering with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Though he acts the way he does, he knew that the key to survival lay in learning from those who had faced the dangers of the apocalypse head-on, and he was determined to glean as much knowledge as he could from the people before him.

The few words shared by Jun already gave him some direction on how to pick a weapon and how he should fight.

He watched in trepidation as running zombies appeared and charged at the gate.



As the gate stopped the zombies advance, its durability started decreasing. Each hit the gate received deducted a point to it's life.

Adrian and Sheila retreated at first, but after seeing the growling and clawing zombies stuck at the gate, the two soon started attacking.

With each strike of Sheila's coat rack and each thrust of Adrian's knife, a zombie fell.

Carlos studied their techniques with rapt attention, committing their movements to memory as he sought to emulate their skills.

As the last of the dozen zombies fell beneath the combined onslaught of Sheila and Adrian, Jun approached them, his eyes alight with admiration and respect.

"Good. You fought well," he praised, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "Unfortunately, you didn't levelup, so we have to go out and search for more experience."

Sheila and Adrian exchanged a knowing glance, their faces lighting up with pride and fear at Jun's words.

Seeing their reaction, Jun told them an important information.

"You don't become a zombie just because you were bitten. You become a zombie when you get bitten and die. Levelups can heal you of any physical wound, and cherry on top, you get skills depending on your profession when you turn level one. That means Sheila can gain active medical skills. Everything will make sense after you level up."

Jun saw Carlos holding a knife and smiled at him. "Well, look who's feeling courageous. Good thing we are looking for frontliners."

Carlos paled hearing he will be assigned a frontline position. "N-no, I'm okay. I'm good here, I'll just stay here and hole up until things settle down."

"Tsk, tsk. My friend, nothing is for free in this world." Jun pulled out his shotgun from his dimensional storage, shocking Sheila and Carlos. "Either you help us clear zombies, or I'll kill you right now, so no one will stab us in the back."

Carlos wanted to reject but facing a pump shotgun face to face was really persuasive.

"O-okay, I'll do it."

"Nice. If it helps, I'll be with you on the frontline." Jun patted Carlos' shoulder, then went over and whispered something to Adrian.

Adrian didn't say anything and just nodded his head.

"Alright, everything is good to go. Follow me to my house."

[Note: Dead or Alive - Go back to your house and confirm father's death.]

The group of four just got out of the gate when they saw shambling zombies headed towards them.

Jun happily watched the slow zombies as they inched closer. "Better late than never!"


The group used teamwork to fight the horde of undead.

Jun took care of the few running zombies that sometimes come out of nowhere while Carlos tripped the slow zombies with a leg swipe.

If he's facing an isolated zombie, he would quickly finish it gaining some experience, but if there was too many, he would trip and run.

He was getting into the rhythm after the fourth try, and adrenaline kept pumping into his veins.

As the group fought two dozens of zombies, Adrian and Sheila finally leveled up. On the other hand, Carlos should be on the brink of leveling up.

Due to fighting in a group, the experience gained when killing a zombie was divided into four. Additionally, Adrian and Sheila have a 10% experience boost.

The group rested next to an overturned jeepney, providing cover from the prying eyes of the zombie horde in the distance.

The horde was wandering at the front gate of a nearby public school as something seemed to interest them over there.

"Alright, as long as we don't do anything stupid, that horde shouldn't come here."

Jun saw the front gate of his house, but searched around for something else instead.

On one of the alleyways, a dumpster gets repeatedly pounded by three zombies. There's a fat zombie with huge oily hands, a sexy zombie in a revealing clothing, and a grandpa zombie with a messed up hand.

Jun didn't waste time and immediately closed in.

"Boss, watch out!"

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