
Re: Trash in the Apocalypse

Jun opened his eyes back to where everything first started. Back to the past when the world hasn't changed. In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by the undead, Jun, a young survivor haunted by fragmented memories of his past lives, finds himself thrust into a desperate struggle for survival. Will he find answers to his questions, or will he die and start over again? If... he can start over one more time. [World Loading...]

Arba · Urban
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10 Chs

Skill Book

Jun stared at the door to his father's room. As expected, there was no name tag to be seen which could only mean one thing.

Jun took a step forward and grabbed the doorknob. Now, he just need to turn it to open it but the simple task seem to become impossible.

He took a deep breath then chuckled softly. "How many times did I have to do this? How many times did I kill you, dad?"

With a forlorn expression, Jun turned the knob and the door finally opened.

Standing next to the bed, an old man turned to look at Jun. His teeth clattered from excitement seeing a prey appear in sight.

The old man's face was dried up and full of wrinkles with cheeks sunken on both sides. There was no muscles on the arms and legs making every movement difficult, almost causing the old man to stumble.

"Rarr... Argh!"

Jun couldn'y help but smile wryly as he watched his old man.

"Hey, dad. I'm sorry to make you wait and suffer. I hope the previous me knows this little trick to save you some pain."

Jun walked forward and embraced his father, tears finally streaming down his cheeks.

His dead father bit the flesh he could reach,which was his shoulder.

He ignored the burning sensation and whispered, "If I knew that this would be the last day we could see each other, I wouldn't have shouted at you. I wouldn't have left you. I would have treated you better. I would make myself someone you could be proud of! But now everything is too late. I will find Anna. I will search for mom and grandma. I will make you proud."

Jun's hand that lay on his father's head produced some red light, followed by a series of notifications.


[Rob activated! You used 10 energy.]

[Stat check... 14:4... check complete.]

[You overpower the target, Daylight Robbery activated instead. Please choose 5 items to take.]

Jun ignored the nauseous feeling he suddenly got and muttered something under his breath, causing a small crystal to appear in his hand. His father's physical body slowly turned to stardust flying back to the heavens.

Rob randomly loots items from the target, but with Daylight Robbery, Jun can choose 5 items instead.

He doesn't really understand why it works but based on his guess, it was because zombies don't have dimensional storage, so he can directly rob their essence shard itself.

There are obvious downside to the skill. He can't activate Daylight Robbery if the target has the same POWER stat and he can only use it if he can grab the target.

After the body disappeared, a glowing book dropped onto the floor.

Jun picked it up.

[Would you like to learn the skill book, 'Blueprint Creation'?]

[Blueprint Creation - Lvl.1]

[Description] Scan an item to save it to the blueprint library. You can make an item from the library as long as you have enough materials. Blueprint Creation is limited to 10 items, you need to delete a blueprint slot to scan new items. Drains 10 energy after scanning an object.


Blueprint Creation is another godly skill that is essential in any groups survival. It is a production skill that helps tremendously in creating offensive, defensive, and supportive items as long as you have a physical item or a blueprint that you can copy.

Of course, Jun would learn the book. It was a memento of his father being one of the top engineers before he became a wastrel.

[You learned the skill book, 'Blueprint Creation'!]

Jun took a deep breath to settle his feelings down. Everything that happened in the last hour subconsciously caused him to tense up.

Now that he have time to slow down, he could finally caught his breath and relax.

"I need a simple weapon for everyone."

Jun scanned his baseball bat. A blue light came out of his hand and travelled all over the baseball bat.

[Scan complete!]

[Wooden Baseball Bat]

[Description] A regular baseball bat made from wood.


- Log x1


- Planks x 8


- Saw

- Sharp Tool

Completion time will vary depending on the tools used.

"Right, I need tools for this shit. Gotta browse dad's wares in the back. I remember he has this one toolbox he loves.As for guns, I need to establish a base first before I start planning on making guns. They need a specific machine before I can even dream of crafting them."

Jun searched the room and took all the books in the bookshelves. Most of them were engineering books, mixed with some algebra and books about physics.

He found his dad's phone and lazily fell on the bed. He checked the debuffs he got from getting bitten and decided to get healed by Sheila later on.

He scrolled up on a message conversation looking for something, he then stopped at a recent conversation two weeks ago.

Anna: Dad! We moved houses again. Please stop stalking mum.

Dad: I know. I'm sorry I got caught. Where did you moved?

Anna: Not far, we went back to old granny's house. Please stop talking to mum and send some money! I need to buy something for my class.

Dad: Okay. I'll send them to your card.

Anna: How's older brother?

Dad: He's still rebelling...

Anna: Its your fault!

Dad: I know, I'm sorry.

Dad: Anna? You still there?

Seeing that the following conversations were his father asking for a reply, he closed the app.

"Old granny's place.. should I try and check there? It's still Day 1 of the apocalypse, so they shouldn't have moved yet..."

"No... I don't have the power nor the resources to travel. I'll get mobbed with regular zombies on the road, and killed by evolved zombies if I'm not careful. This needs to wait a bit..."

Jun went to his room and changed to a pair of new clothes, storing a few pairs in his dimensional storage as extra. If he wants to save more space, he can get a bag to put all his clothes in.

With things finally settled, Jun went and fetch the toolbox in the backyard and made sure it has basic tools in it: a hammer, a hand saw, a wrench, a screwdriver, a utility knife, a tape measure, different sized pliers and a level.

He didn't really know how to use the last one but he still kept it incase he needed it.

After getting everything he needed, he went back to the kitchen. His subordinates were amicably eating some snacks with soda on the side.

"Well, it's nice seeing my new recruits already getting along with each other. You guys are not planning a rebellion, right?"


"Good. Now, since two of you just reached level one. I will teach you the basics."

Jun spent a few minutes explaining the basics to get Adrian and Sheila up to speed. Since Edward is already listening, he doesn't need to explain it again once the guy levels up.

"Now, did you guys receive a quest?"

Adrian and Sheila nodded. "Yes."

As one of the first few people who leveled up on their respective professions, they received an additional quest.

The two gave a brief run down on what they need to do to finish their quest.

After hearing the details, Jun smiled naughtily.

"Perfect! I also have a quest I haven't finished yet. I need to Rob 10 people, so we are going back to the bank to finish all of our quests at the same time."

"But before that, let's go loot some planks."


Just across the house was a small hardware store, untouched, full of resources.

Gravel, sand, iron bars, and lumbers can immediately be seen around the loading bay, with an overturned jeepney lying on the middle.

"Don't make too much noise. Clear the grounds first then we search for planks. Don't bother with the store unless we can't find any planks outside."

Under the hot glare of the midday sun, Jun, Adrian, Sheila, and Edward entered through the destroyed portion of the wall of the loading bay, their movements silent and deliberate as they scanned the area for signs of movement.

The air was thick with tension as they prepared to face the zombies that lurked within.

As they rounded a corner, the first of the undead came into view—a grotesque creature with cascaded flesh and vacant eyes, its movements sluggish and erratic as it shuffled towards them with outstretched arms. It was one of the workers sent flying by the jeepney when it crashed.

Without hesitation, Jun sprang into action, his baseball bat swinging through the air with lethal precision as he delivered a powerful blow to the zombie's skull, sending it crashing to the ground with a crisp thud.

Adrian and Sheila followed suit, their weapons flashing in the sunlight as they dispatched the approaching threats with ruthless efficiency.

Adrian would turn invisible and stabbed the zombie from the back while Sheila would trip the target before plunging the coat rack to it's head.

Edward, the newest member of their group, hesitated for a moment before joining the fray, his nerves evident in the tremble of his hands as he made a fist.

"Basic Punch!"


The zombies head was sent backward followed by a loud crack from its neck.

Unfortunately, Edward's excitement caused a bit of trouble as someone started pounding on the door leading into the store.

By the way, what skills will you get if you level up right now?

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