
Re: The Last Rose

When the first 2 gods descended, they fell in love at first sight, and the moon god created several roses to gift to the sun god as a sign of his affection. Those same roses were then passed down to their descendants, mortals, to take care of them. Roses are usually red, but the first roses exist in different colors, and whenever a mortal pluck one of the original roses, they are blessed with unimaginable power. A few of the roses have been found, and several others are waiting for their chosen one, but one, in particular, has never even been spotted, the black rose. **************************************************************** P.S. Yes, as the tags said, there will be romance, but this is also action and comedy. All characters' art will be posted in the paragraph comment. All arts are AI-generated. **************************************************************** Disclaimer: Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief. **************************************************************** Created a Ko-fi account: Any dono is appreciated: ko-fi.com/perseus_silver

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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551 Chs

Chapter 232: What Lilith Promised

|Author's note: Exams are almost finished guys, just a few more days, have I done well? No, I suffer under pressure. Am I smart, no, far from it. Will I fail? I don't know, I have faith that God helped me and guide my hands as I chose random answers in multiple choices.|

Perseus POV

"Dad, a minute please." Orion pulled me aside on my way back

I followed him and I see Ivy and Asher there with these worried looks respectively. They then tell me that they've managed to come upon and eavesdrop on a secret meeting where a lot of people are planning to assassinate the fake roses. They didn't manage to listen to all of it since they were close to being found out by patrolling mages.

But they did hear of the group sending some to assassinate those in the demon continents, and if any of those fake rose lords die, the demons will accuse the top brass of their enemies and has a chance of igniting war earlier than anyone wanted.

"What do you want to do? We can help if you want." Orion offered "I know we shouldn't meddle, but we'd thought that you'd need to know."

"Well, it's not like killing any of these assassins will do us any good, we'll only slow it down, and as much as I hate to say this, but this fake rose crap isn't natural, they are meddling with something that even a goddess does not know the outcome of, Lilith is nothing but a spectator, and if someday, somehow, there are side effects, even she can't predict what they may be.

"Our universe is something that no one in the world can truly understand, not your mother, and neither does her parents can understand the full extent of it, science and medical research are nothing but pushing the limits of what nature has to offer. I have to stay on the sideline for this one and have it play out, I hate to stay aside, but I'm gonna have to.

"I hate war, I hate that this project succeeded and is still being carried out for mass production. The only good thing is to stop at its source, so I'm just gonna hope that these attempts will at least reveal to me the location, that's all I'm hoping for and you guys...well, just keep an ear out, but don't do anything."

"And what if the side effects are none?" Asher asked "We don't like to think about it, but what if it succeeds? I mean, Mom Maple is a goddess of death, and she apparently says that souls can end up reincarnating in a body of another world the other day, and the knowledge just comes and goes into their head, what if there's some other greater being that input this knowledge in their head?

"And what if this being somehow exists? And if they do, why haven't they stopped it? Do they want to see the world crash and burn or do they think that it's not as dangerous as you think?"

"Great question, but let's not think about it, don't tell anyone else about this though, I'm already more uncomfortable about it as is."

"Dad, has anyone ever told you that you can give off an imposing presence sometimes?" Ivy asked "Especially with that talking with all the emotions behind it, if you use that tone, you might just be a great motivational speaker."

"Someone actually did, my ex said that once, as for the latter half, I practice it as motivational and emotional talk is a required trait for being the protagonist."

"Um, do our mothers know that you have an ex?" Maple asked with a concerned tone

"Yes, do you know Dawn?"

"So you got back with her again?"

"Um, I only asked whether you know her or not, I'd really got together with her?"

"Oops." she then clamped her mouth as the other 2 have this panicked look on their face knowing that their sister just revealed something she shouldn't

Asher was just silent, but his expression was visual enough to know that you can know of the turmoil happening in his head. Orion was pinching his own tail behind his back.

"As much as I want to know whether she's a mistress or one of my future wives, don't tell Lilith, or Leilah, Leilah is like the one more accepting towards it for some reason, but Lilith is very vocally against it. I have good chemistry with Dawn, mostly cuz she learned about me during her times of possessing the body of my ex, and sometimes she did attend our secret dates."

"You're like, not even 18 yet yet." Maple pointed out "How long ago was this?"

"I'm sure that when you go back, my future self will explain everything, but Dawn huh...if Lilith finds out..."

"What will happen?" Asher asked curiously

"She has promised to castrate me. Ruka would probably volunteer to chip in as well."


I can see his hand weakly and slowly move to like protect his groin area, I can understand, the thought of it scares me.


The 3 separated and I can see the 2 future sons of mine chiding and scolding Ivy on her way out who was apologizing profusely and was also scolding herself, a funny sight, sort of reminds me of what I'm trying to fight for, my own sense of peace.

I went back home, and the only ones who were there are Maple and my fox, the others are out, Ruka is having pancakes with Vince at this nearby café while the rest are shopping for these perfumes, which I don't get, we already own and create some, why support competition and my grandpas are just accompanying them, the chief is off on his own somewhere, doing some personal investigations.

"You're walking slower than usual, your face is also that of indifference, you're hiding something, you're keeping a neutral look to stop people from asking out of concern." Maple commented

"Since when were you me, stop being so observant all the time."

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