
Re: That Time My Mother Got Turned into a Monster!

“In “That Time My Mother Got Turned into a Monster!” Adam Hunter, a young boy with an unusual passion for the mysterious and miraculous, has grown up with a deep connection to the natural world. However, he never could have imagined that one day he’d find himself entangled in a horrific magical mishap. Adam Hunter tells the story of his mother’s supernatural transformation into a terrifying creature that occurred during a magical accident. As he watched his mother being turned into a monster, something inside of him snapped. What once were loving glances and caring words were now replaced by the snarls and growls of a savage beast. From a young age, he resided with his mother, father, and brother in a seemingly flawless household. They are closely related and have strong ties with his father’s brother, a married man with two daughters. The Hunters live in relative peace and harmony as a family. However, a wise and gentle witch near the edge of a small village is far removed from society. On one fateful day, his father performed an unknown ritual whose purpose was obscure to Adam and his brother, and a terrible accident occurred. The spell becomes corrupted and disturbed halfway through. As a result, Adam’s mother was transformed into a wretched creature with claws and fangs. Terrified but determined to help her, Adam’s older brother Allen embarks on a harrowing quest to save her from both the curse and a dangerous group of dark sorcerers. In a desperate attempt to save the mother he knew and the woman who had loved him unconditionally, he set out to find a way to change her back. At age 20, Adam Hunter embarks on a harrowing journey through a dangerous but intriguing world of magic and mystery. As he struggles to find a way to reverse the curse and save his mother, he must navigate the dangerous world of magic and confront his fears and limitations. Though his journey is filled with challenges and trials, Adam Hunter never wavers in his determination to save his mother. Through it all, he discovers a deep inner strength that only arises in the face of dire adversity. Along the way, Adam Hunter uncovers dark secrets as he faces powerful adversaries but ultimately finds a way to overcome the curse and restore his mother to her human form. He had been through hell and back, but Adam’s perseverance had paid off in the end. But this is only the beginning of Adam’s journey, as he soon realizes that the darkness, he has seen is simply the tip of the iceberg. As his quest for a cure leads him deeper into the underworld, influential figures attempt to sway his heart and mind. Adam is faced with several choices that will test the limits of his morality. Through his journey, he will meet many people, some kind and some not, some who believed in him and some who wished only harm on him. He finds others who have succumbed to the same fate as his mother, which only serves to fuel his desire to find a cure for all those afflicted. Ultimately, he learns that true power comes not from magic but from the strength and dedication of one’s self. And with this newfound strength and determination, he can save his mother and the others he cares deeply about, bringing her and them back from the brink of madness. And although the curse had been lifted, Adam soon realized the true, unaltered truth about the cost of his actions.

Bellstory101 · Fantasie
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Re: That Time My Mother Got Turned into a Monster! - Prologue

Monsters plague our world, and this wasn't the first time something horrifying had happened. I'd heard rumors; we all did. Monsters were a common pest in our little village, with no magic to protect us from the hordes of beasts roaming around. But this time, it felt different. In the early hours of the morning, just after midnight, my mother's screams woke me up with a loud crashing noise, followed by the howling sound of a loud bang. I dashed upstairs to investigate and was horrified to find my father kneeling beside my mother, who lay pale and motionless on the floor. He looked up at me, his eyes wide with fear and confusion; he'd done something terrible. Something that he shouldn't have done.

He begged me to let him run away, to save himself. He wanted me to run away with him. But I couldn't leave my mother to die. Without a thought, I rushed to my mother's side, but suddenly, she began having seizures. I watch in horror as her body undergoes something I can only describe as a mutation of unknown proportions.

My heart skipped a beat as I watched in horror, my eyes widening in disbelief. The room reverberated with the haunting sound of bones snapping, the sickening scent of blood permeating the air. Each clawed strike from my mother's grotesque form sent tremors through my soul, igniting an indescribable fear deep within me. Time slowed to a crawl as I fell to my knees, paralyzed by the surreal scene unfolding before me. It was as if a nightmarish veil had been lifted, revealing my mother's true, terrifying nature — a monster hidden beneath a façade of love.

"Father! What have you done!" I yelled as tears streamed down my cheek.

I fell to my knees, my heart pounding in terror and disbelief, as a fearsome metamorphosis overtook my mother. With each passing second, her body contorted and twisted into a dreadful, abominable grayish, blush humanoid creature, radiating an aura of darkness. As her snarls and growls filled the room, my father's expression betrayed a mixture of shock and horror. Before any of us could react, my mother lunged at him, her elongated claws ripping through his flesh and bones effortlessly. Blood splattered the walls, the floor becoming a gruesome canvas of carnage.

The sheer brutality of the attack was soul-shattering, a nightmarish scene etched forever in my memory. The fear coursing through my veins was relentless and overwhelming, like the rapid rush of a violent river. Her eyes glow a bright pulsating purple as her mouth growls with rows of sharpened teeth like daggers. She rose from feasting on my father's dead body and turned to me. Fresh blood drips from my mother's lips as her jet-black hair grows longer and longer. The scent of my father's spilled blood hangs high in the air.

My mother, who had always been so kind and gentle, was now a monster. No matter how often I told myself it was true, I couldn't wrap my head around that fact. The woman who had raised me to be brave and strong and shown me what kindness meant was now a creature of pure evil.

Her eyes glowed a bright pulsating purple like a demon. Double rows of sharp teeth filled her once beautiful mouth like rows of daggers. Her jet-black hair fell around her face in unruly tangles. I had thought her kind and loving, a gentle soul that would never ever hurt anyone. This creature was not my mother.

To the rest of the world, she was nothing more than a dangerous creature to hunt down and destroy, but to me, she was still the woman who had given birth to me, loved me, and raised me. As I stared in horror at the monster standing over my father's dead body, I backed away as quickly as possible, my mind swirling with confusion and disbelief. The monster in front of me seemed to have only one thing on its mind - finishing what it had started. The words "my mother is a monster" echoed in my head over and over again, yet I could not believe it.

I feel a lump rise in my throat as I stare at the monster my mother has become. Her gentle, compassionate voice is a distant memory, replaced by a gruff, harsh tone that fills me with fear. Her face may still have her features, but they are twisted into a cruel mockery of her former self. 'How can this be real? How can someone as sweet and gentle as my mother change so drastically?'

My stomach clenches in dread as my mind reels from shock and disbelief. This has to be a dream, a nightmare that will wake me back up in my own bed. The monster that is now my mother was not the woman who had raised me so lovingly, whose warmth and affection had soothed my childhood. The beast that now wore my mother's face came to a sudden halt, its body shaking with the effort of containing its desire to tear me apart. I lay there, too stunned to move or even scream, as she turned toward me.

My heart pounds so loud it sounds as if it might burst out of my chest. As I watched, her eyes were no longer filled with tenderness but with a bloodthirsty ferocity that sent a wave of terror through my body. A burning smoke seeps from her gaping mouth as if the pits of hell were burning for all time, deep within her belly.

She crawls on all fours toward me, blood dripping from her lips. Her eyes lock with mine as her mouth hangs open. I could see my mother's features all over. Despite the grayish-blue tinge of her skin, she still held the otherworldly beauty from before, just warped.

"Adam..." she whispered as she came closer.

It was only then that she saw herself in the mirror. The face staring back was unfamiliar and frightening. I watch as she tilts her head and traces a clawed finger down her cheek. It was as if whatever force had unleashed this bizarre transformation was trying to mock her, to show that, in this world, everything she knew was changing and fast. Instead of the smooth, soft skin she had once had. Her long, curly hair had turned from a dull brown to a deep, silky black, while her once pale skin had taken on a pallid grayish-blue hue.

My mother stares back at herself in the mirror's reflection. She touches the long, sharp teeth jutted from her mouth, framing its twisted grin. Her fingers slide over her elongated teeth. She felt the sharp tips of her fingernails and winced, realizing that even her nails were razor-sharp, almost akin to talons. I could tell my mother felt the bile rise in her throat as she tried to scream, but the sounds of her animalistic growl drowned out any attempt to speak.

The sight of her mutated features caused her to let out a shriek of anger and sorrow as she retreated beneath the bed, hands clenched in fists before her face as the sobs threatened to break her apart. The sheer horror of her metamorphosis was too much for her mind to bear. As she lay there, trembling underneath the blankets, she could almost hear the sound of her heart beating furiously within her chest. From beneath the bed, she looks at herself in the mirror. Despite the darkness beneath the bed, she could see all this due to the strange luminescent glow emanating from her now demonic eyes.

Suddenly, a sharp stabbing pain shot through her head, making her cry out again in anguish. Her eyes darted about the room, desperate for answers; she scoured the area for any sign of what had caused her grotesque metamorphosis.

Then, as if in answer to her silent plea, a small vial of dark red liquid caught her gaze. Its glow was ever so faint, as if it were glowing from within, calling to her with a siren song that she could only hear. My eyes went to where her eyes were looking. That's when I noticed the glowing vial a few feet beside the nightstand on my father's side of the bed. 'My god, what has he done to Mother?' She closed her eyes tightly and curled into a ball, fighting back sobs.

Her emotions were just too overwhelming for her. Every fiber of her body felt wrong, and the more she looked at herself, the worse she felt. She closed her eyes tightly, willing the horrifying sight to go away, hoping that when she reopened them, her features would somehow return to normal. But those wishes were in vain. Her appearance remained unchanged.

Only then did I realize my mother still lived, trapped inside the monster she'd become. Behind those eyes, behind that twisted, disfigured form, was the woman who had taught me what love meant and cared for me with so much patience and compassion. She was still there, hidden beneath layers of flesh and bone. Though she had grown horns and a tail, her form still had many distinctive characteristics of her true appearance. For instance, her dark hair remained, though it had taken on a new life of its own, constantly moving and swirling around despite there being no apparent source of wind. Her appearance may have changed, but she still possessed the same kind-hearted nature. Her face had grown in some respects, but I could still make out the faint traces of her motherly expression.

I saw the horror in her eyes as she looked back at me, her expression filled with fear and desperation. She was trying to fight against the monster that had taken control of her, desperately trying to remember who she was, but to no avail. I saw the tears in my mother's eyes as she tried to tell me that she was still there, but only a hideous roar of agony left her throat. I suddenly felt a horrible sense of guilt wash over me. The thought that the creature before me held the soul of the woman who'd given me life flooded me with grief. I'd always known that my mother loved me more than she loved anything else in the world. In fact, I'd even say she loved me more than she loved herself.

'How could I bring myself to hurt this being, who was my mother in all but appearance and name?'

I slowly gathered the courage I could muster to crawl towards her.

No matter how terrifying she appeared, she was still my mother. My heart pounded in my chest with each step I took, fearing that the monster would turn and lash out in anger at the sound of my movements.

But I had to try to save her.

She was all I had ever known, and I couldn't just abandon her to this fate. With trembling legs, my mind raced with a hundred thoughts. I feared her but felt sorry for the pain her transformation must have caused her, but I had crossed the hardwood floor towards the monster that once was my mother. With each inch I moved closer, her glowing eyes met mine, and my heart skipped a beat. Despite all her monstrous features, I could still see the same mother who had rocked me to sleep on countless lonely nights.

I crawled up to her, reaching out a trembling hand to touch her. Her skin felt warm and soft, like she hadn't become a monster at all. Though red as blood, her eyes gazed down at me with tenderness. No matter how hard I tried to deny it, I knew my mother still lived deep down. She reaches out to touch my face, and I let her.

"Adam..." she whispered as she tried to caress my cheek, but her talons were too long.

She flinches, but for the first moment since her change, I don't hesitate. I try to pull her closer, but she pulls back. The glow of her purple eyes gleamed back at me from the darkness beneath the bed.

No matter what she looked like now, she was still my mother, and I had to find a way to help her.

That was ten years ago...