
I'm Not Good At Confrontations part. 2

.This may evoke feelings

.What kind, I do not know

.Or maybe you'll just go wtf. Doesn't matter, I'm a reader, not a writer. xD


I wondered how this was going to go. If I would be angry the minute I saw them. Or just disappointed maybe? But not this. Not this confused mass of just about everything under the Sun. That also cherishes these three in front of me. Just not what I was expecting of myself.

The three young ladies in front of me were teary eyed, bundled up with their knees to their chest, and sniffling. They freaking made me feel as if I were the bad guy!

Ugh, so let's explain how we reached this point.




After my quick escape and Rufus explaining the who's and what's he had witnessed while the life giver (Mrs. S.. kind of a mum title since he knows were are a rather estranged family) had left him with 'my mate's family'.

"Rufus, buddy, I don't have any mates yet. Okay, change that, I have not claimed them as my mate just yet. Does that make more sense?", I had changed my wording due to him giving me the stink eye. I swear he's got a lot of sass for such a little guy.

"Friend... You are denying your given right as alpha! They yearn for you! I have heard their talks, I learned their ways to assist you! I know you can do this! As your faithful friend I am willing to share whatever knowledge you need to acquire them!" Rufus was adamantly pushing for this.

Only I now have to correct him in his.. rather skewed way of explaining things. Once again I was sighing. I've been doing that alot lately. "First off little buddy, I don't need to acquire them. They are valuable friends. You don't just acquire people like collectible toys. Just like I don't see you as a pet but more my friend."

"And two - I'm rather scared that you're too absorbed into me mating with them. They havn't done anything to you, have they?"

Rufus gasped at me. Jumping up and down while he defended them, "They would never! I can swear on my mole rat honor that they have only treated me well. They talk to me, feed me only the finest of cheese, and wish that you would notice their desires! Nothing more!"

They freaking bribed my buddy Rufus with cheese.

God damn it.

I headed home to, at least, clean up and put some fresh clothes on. I even packed my lucky mission gloves! I needed to feel my best if I was going to confront my three closest friends. Aside from my brainwashed friend, Rufus. Sigh, I hate confrontations.

I had asked Rufus if he knew where the girls would be since I didn't want to call them yet. Last thing I need is another set of problems to rear its head from that dilemma.

"They went to the bonniest mates' home. I believe the beloved cub mentioned they needed a game planned for your return." He was already snuggled into my cargo pants pocket but still yelled out to me.

"So they went to Bonnie's house? Wait, why are you calling K.P 'cub' now?"

"The alpha father of her home calls her Kimmie-Cub! I knew not why until recently. She smelled of the blood of whoever she slain while you were gone. The strong ferocity she showed in her eyes when her siblings angered her shall forever be remembered."

I got nothing. I don't think I can actually explain that to my little guy without having an entire other explanation.

Okay then. I'm off to Bonnie's home.




Just a quick jog and voila! Thirty minutes later I'm already here.

I still have to say, that even though I have come here often, I'm impressed by the mansion Bonnie's parents own. Every room is nearly the size of my living room at home. Their bathrooms all have jacuzzis. There is a bidet for every toilet. Every shower has at least three showerheads. Chandeliers are EVERYWHERE!

Seriously, it is the most energy wasteful place I have ever seen and it is fabulous.

I think Rufus fell asleep, like he always does when he relaxes in my pocket, so that means I have to head in 'alone'. So much for assisting me!

I reached the door and was about to ring the bell when Mrs. Rockwaller opened the door, "Little Ronald! You're back! Oh the girls have been quite upset with you gone and heard no word from you." She was in her outwear, which is typically a form fitting dress and low heeled shoes.

"They nearly tore up this entire town just trying to find you! Well then, go on upstairs, all three of them should be in Bonnie's room watching more lifetime shows. I swear I have never seen them so depressed before! Alright, I'm off to shop for dinner and restock the pantry, so you make sure to apologize properly to them okay? Mwah!"

I swear that woman is a tornado in action every time we meet. Always hustlin' and bustlin' and going back and forth. No wonder she keeps in shape so well.

And so, with that kiss on my cheek, she was gone.

Effectively leaving me alone with three young ladies. Three young ladies I would gladly assist in whatever they pursue... Three young ladies that need talking too. Two of which are vying for my affection... And only me that seems to be sane.

I walked slowly to be honest. Some times I was fuming in my head. Other times I was melancholic. I mean honestly, I know any other person would love to be in my shoes! But I'm an average guy. I like average. In fact, normality is something I want now after all this hubbub! Ain't gonna happen, but hey.

I had finally reached the bedroom door.

Opening the door I was greeted by a sight that I was not ready for. Yep, you guessed it. Three crying young ladies eating junk food while watching lifetime movies.

I literally have no idea how to start this conversation. I've mentally resolved myself over and over and over and now? I'm stumped.

"Ahem..." I coughed a little to get their attention, but that didn't work.

"Ahhhheeemmm!!!!" And that's when they faced me. Teary eyed, bundled up with their knees to their chest, and sniffling. I havn't done anything and now I feel like a bad guy!

Resolve Ronald! Be resolved and resolute!

"Ron!!" They all shouted together. They even tried to get up and run to me.

"Stop!" None of them expected that out of me.

"Sit back down..." My tone brokering no objection.

"We need to talk." And that's when they realized that something was really really wrong.

I don't think I was putting on any mean facial features or even walking differently. But everything just felt wrong about me.

I turned the T.V. off and grabbed the chair Bonnie uses at her study table so I could sit in front of them...

I did try to sit up and stare at them... I could not.

With my back slouched and my head low, "Why?"

Tara was the first to answer, "Why what, Ron?"

Oh she just had to sound so innocent didn't she? Like you don't know! My.. anger? Disbelief? I don't even know anymore... It bubbled in me. Like the waves on the beach, constantly ebbing back and forth.

Deep breaths Ron. Just look up.

"R-ron? Why are you crying?" Kim's voice was crackly. Oh she realizes now. Even Bonnie's face was no longer tan but now a pale white. And crying? Huh, I guess I was.

"Why did you all betray my trust? Why?"

Now it was Bonnie's turn to speak up, "We didn't.. We didn't do that! You know you can always rely on us!"

Can I? Really? I know I'm being a hypocrite. I brought your sister's to multiple orgasms, even if they forced themselves on me, and even made Brittney mine for a moment. But at least we were all aware. We knew just what happened..

I never knew what you were doing...

Finding my voice again, I have to do this, "Then why did you take advantage of me? Out of everyone in my life, EVERYONE, I trusted you three the most. Hell, I cherished everything about you all. No matter what, I tried to be there. I've known you Kim, and you Bonnie, for over ten years. Tara, the princess in my life, near several. So why?"

I'm not ashamed to say my voice kept cracking. I did continue to shed tears. They... well so were they.

I don't know why but my body moved on its own. I stood at the edge of the bed and looked at the three ladies who kept me being me. Who made this entire experience of being reborn bearable. It's only been.. huh, my b-day is soon, so almost fifteen years I've been here. And I'm honestly surprised I've made it this far.

"I cared about you girls.. I've never noticed.. I am sorry I never noticed... But what you've done is *ape me. You took advantage of me.."

There wasn't a dry eye in the room... Hardy har har...

"I can't even hate you three.. I'm just.. ", once again, another damn sigh.

Kim was hugging me first, then both Bonnie and Tara jumped at me.

All three of them were saying 'please, please forgive me' and yet my mind was going another direction.


"What?", all three of them said.

So I looked down at them and said it again, "Punishment. Isn't that what you always say Bonnie? Well then, now I am saying it. You three get a punishment."

This would be going better if they didn't look like I just killed a puppy.

"Sixteen. That's one year and a little bit more until my b-day. You have to earn my trust back. Prove to me that I can. I know you love me. I don't even doubt that... Just.."

I keep sighing. God damn this is too much if you ask me.

I pull away from them to head to the door. I turn around to see them in a sobbing heap.. I feel like a bad guy...

With an audible 'click', I turn back to them. "Do you girls trust me?"

Heh, they all shook their heads up and down like little bobbleheads. I shouldn't be doing this. I don't even get why I want to.

"Then it's time for your first punishment... Turn around."

But I'm only a sidekick. Sidekicks don't have to be good or bad.

Though I did notice all three smile when they turned. I guess it doesn't matter right now does it?

Just to let ya all know. I don't take things in a bad view most times. Actually, I take quite alot of things in good humour. So if you feel you might say something that offends me? No worries. We all good in the hood. :)

Also! Wanted to mention that 35% of my readers are male, 20% are female, and 45% don't even know yet! You know what that means? 100 % of you all are perverts.

Hope you enjoyed the story. /bow

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