
Chapter 4.1: One Step Ahead

During the intermission between the expeditions to the Tundra region on Naverius...

At the moment, Josua is lazing around on his sofa in his Personal Quarters. Something has been bothering him for a while. This was something that's been ongoing for some time at this point.

"We got AIS, but... Why didn't they use it during the fight against [Elder] in space after it manifested itself?" He was scratching his head.

Granted, the anime adaptation showed the whole fight with [Elder] after it assumed its planet-sized Dark Falz form being it fighting against myriads of ARKS Ships that seems to be specialized in combat, with the addition of what would later be known as the AIS Vega, a variant of the AIS for space combat.

The only issue being... That those combat ships and the Vega were introduced MUCH later in the game, as in Episode 6. This was something he found out after reading the comments on the anime when it depicted the battle between ARKS and the newly-resurrected [Elder].

With this in mind, from one thing to another, it led him to a terrifying conclusion: aside from the combat ships that might already exist even in Episode 1 (alongside the gateway ship that has a belly-mounted gun and the platform ships that has missile launchers, as seen in Episode 3 during the fight against Profound Darkness after Persona absorbed the F-Factors from protag and Matoi), ARKS actually has no other means of engaging in a proper space battle.

If those combat ships goes down or whatnot, the remaining ships that are basically civilian ships would have to be defended by ARKS ops. Even if those ops uses AIS to help defend the ship, it's not to say it's bad, but it's terribly inefficient, since they can't actually chase away the enemy, lacking means to travel through space proper.

"Fuck me... Might as well start the thing now..." He stressed over the issue, sighing multiple times at the thought of it.

He could go two ways: manifesting a starship from the games he's familiar with, or just go and make a damn Gundam. Starships have the benefit of massive firepower and the ability to travel through large distances easily, but the mobility that it has doesn't exactly mean it could maneuver around during combat easily. Putting aside the fact that starships are giant hit boxes compared to Gundams, they require an active power source to power the ship. Being generated from aether, or even photon, it's powered by either of those. He doesn't exactly know how to make some power core with those properties, hence he will have to discuss this with Xiao if he plans to go down this route.

Meanwhile, with a Gundam, one could basically waltz around the battlefield with ease, and depending on the loadout, they could decimate an entire starship on their own. Problem is... The pilot might not be able to withstand the Gs during maneuvers, and not to mention, Gundams are way larger than an AIS, so more likely than not, they'll have to be deployed from the ARKS Ship directly, which means that the distance travelled would be greater.

Do note however, that the problems for the two solutions above ARE solvable. It's simply a matter of whether it's achievable while ARKS is still in it's current state. Perhaps by the time he needs to battle the Profound Darkness Matoi in Episode 3, these two solutions would already be in active use, and the kinks have been worked out.

"It's definitely easier to make a Gundam. Question is... Hmm..." He mumbled as he pondered on thought.

Should he go down the Gundam route first, the question becomes: which one he should choose? Among the series that he's familiar with, he's more leaning towards to the Gundams from Iron-Blooded Orphans. But compared to the ones from SEED (and SEED Destiny), IBO seems to lack energy-based weaponry (aside from the Mobile Armor and their Phase Cannons). There's also from the Unicorn series, that pretty much could get powered up by emotions thanks to their psychoframe, and even to a terrifying degree, affecting reality as a result.

"So much choices... But..." He sighed.

Realistically, the Barbatos is the easiest to reproduce, since it's much more recent in memory compared to the SEED or Unicorn ones. However, the lack of proper flight gear for long-distance space travel is pretty much the glaring drawback.

"Maybe..." He was tapping his finger.

He's of a mind to affix the wings from the Strike Freedom Gundam of the SEED series. While it's been a while since he's seen the damn thing, thankfully, he bought the gunpla, along with Barbatos', shortly after he was transported into this reality. It was a part of his impulsive buys, since he was interested in gunplas, but simply didn't have the cash in the previous reality, as stated before.

Putting aside the iconic wing design, the propulsion system used for the wings were pretty powerful. The question would be on how he could power the damn thing, since the propulsion system used a hybrid nuclear-beam engine in the SEED-verse, while Barbatos utilizes the Ahab Reactors.

"Eh, it'll work out, I guess..." He shrugged.

He could just ask Xiao on this. Wow, he's REALLY leaning on Xiao for these matters. Not an ideal thing, but he's not exactly THAT smart to be able to calculate, understand and design things with proper science. The most he could do is guess how things works from their appearances, and if it's too complicated, he'd only be able to scratch the surface.

Forget about propulsion or flight systems, those two things are the hardest to guess in this kind of thing since for mechs, they're different in how it operates.

While Josua's puzzling his mind over this issue, speaking of the devil, Xiao came back from wherever he went. Though if he had to hazard a guess, Xiao probably went to either his Mothership or to Ro'Kamiz on Amduskia.

"Oh, it's you, Xiao." Josua was snapped back from his thinking when he noticed Xiao entering the living room.

"What's up, Josua? Looks like you're overthinking about something again." Xiao chuckled, guessing what Josua's doing.

"You got me there..." Josua shrugged helplessly as he explained the nagging issue in his mind.


"Hmm... I see..." Xiao nodded in understanding.

"It's not like I don't understand your worries. Given that ARKS never actually had to fight against any hostiles in a space battle for the past forty years, it's not a surprise that you'd think that ARKS is pretty unprepared for such a thing should it occur." He sighed.

He was also helpless in this. After all, Luther is still in control of ARKS. And not to mention, Xiao is only a copy of Xion, and an inferior one at that. Even in the original timeline, where he took Xion's place by the end of Episode 2, he was unable to do anything when Matoi became the Profound Darkness in the latter half of Episode 3. This is not even mentioning the events in Episode 4, 5 or 6, the last two of which Josua wasn't even familiar with prior to his transmigration into this reality.

"And to supplement our lack of mobile combat platforms in space, you want to build these... Gundams?" He tilted his head, asking Josua.

"Yep. It'll be faster if I just show you." Josua nodded as he brought him along to his desktop in his bedroom in the Personal Quarters.

He had stored many shows in a hard drive in the desktop. The size of it was probably around 6TB. At that point, he had only like... 200GB of free space remaining inside that particular hard drive. Aside from some horror shows like The Walking Dead series and World War Z and the such, he had anime shows stored in it as well. He downloaded the entire series of Gundams that he liked, such as the SEED series, IBO series, and the Unicorn OVA series. The three were one of his favorite series, aside from the Build Divers series, which was also inside the hard drive.

He then showed him some episodes of the series to help highlight the Gundams. The revenge fight for Lafter against JPT Trust in the 2nd Season of IBO, the last episode of the Unicorn OVA, the Strike Freedom's Full Burst utilization in Episode 39 of SEED Destiny... Just to name a few. And this was just the Gundam series. He also added the YouTube webseries "Obselete" to the list and got Xiao to watch it as well.

"Don't look at how some of these are so dated. Look at how they design their mechs, their AIS." Josua said as Xiao was focused on watching the highlighted episodes.

Those scenes in question were certainly something else. While Xiao wasn't impressed with what was shown, he was certainly intrigued in how they depicted the mech fights. Considering what he had heard of Earth and its level of technology from Josua, he doubted that Earth could reach that point in a hundred years or so.

But thanks to the introduction of Aether, it wouldn't be too far off before Earth could also field what was initially thought to be in the realm of science fiction to the inhabitants of Earth. Xiao didn't need to calculate that much to reach such a conclusion. However, the requisite would be that Aether Technology would be developed to that point in the first place. And that remains to be seen.

Back to the topic in hand...

After an hour and half of watching the episodes, and him requesting to watch several more episodes to get some context, Xiao then asked Josua to follow him back to the living room to sit down on the sofa.

"I gotta say... While I think some of it is simply unrealistic, you Earthlings sure have quite the imagination." Xiao sighed in admiration.

"What can I say? Unless we actually discover methods for FTL or even making these mechs viable, these shows would be the closest thing we get to an idea of how it would be." Josua chuckled, feeling the nostalgia of him watching the shows during the first time around.

No matter the reality, some things remain the same. Mankind's curiosity of space would always spark stories of science fiction, regardless of the imperfections those stories will have.

"I mean... Those shows I just showed you might have some space battle in it, but it's mostly geared towards mech combat, be it in space or on a planet." Josua then said.

"If you want to see something related to space battles... I can recommend series like Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Space Battleship Yamato, and the Expanse. I'll also refer you to games like EVE Online, Elite Dangerous, and Star Citizen." He continued.

Xiao, who was pondering, then replied, "Ok. Be sure to send me the files on the shows, and the necessary files to play the games you've said."

"Sure." Josua nodded as he interacted with his virtual desktop and sent the files.

Yes, he actually had the files in the desktop on this side as well. Geez, convenient plot device, ain't it? Regardless, he had the files on hand. He sent it to Xiao's side, and within 15 seconds, the whole thing was sent.

"Man, ARKS tech still beats Earth tech, even with Aether to boost the thing..." Josua sighed.

"Okay... Got it. I'll be sure to spend some time with these- why are you still looking like that?" Xiao raised his brow.

"Nah, it's nothing. But... How are you gonna play those games? They require connection to the Aethernet, you know?" Josua asked.

"Haha, don't worry. Thanks to you having your computer here, I was able to understand Earth's overall infrastructure. While the basic principle is quite easy to crack, the transmission itself took me awhile to be able to infiltrate. Not to mention, having been to your place over there, I've managed to establish a sort of... Mesh network that could connect me from this side to yours without them suspecting a thing, since it'll be masked as you accessing the network!" Xiao waved his hand.

Sighing helplessly, Josua then said, "Okay... Let's move on to the next thing I'm thinking...", and began to outline his idea of a new class.



It's pretty much the synonym to the word that's always described him: Jack-of-All-Trades. That word described him very well in his previous reality: he can do a lot of things, but not a master at those things. Such a talent isn't suitable in the previous reality, since most job requires people to be specialized at something. Try as he might, he simply forces himself to specialize at something, but at the cost of his drive.

In this reality, however, being a Jack-of-All-Trades doesn't exactly mean it's a bad thing. He simply needs to apply his knowledge and imagination to whatever he wants to do with his aether and/or photon abilities.

His combat knowledge is all over the place, with heavy knowledge on melee (barehanded or with generally a lot of weapons, except for unique ones like tonfas, nunchakus or the such) and ranged combat (guns, bows, less complex magic).

The problem surfaces with his lack of depth in knowledge of combat with exclusive or intricate techniques and/or magic.

This is not even mentioning of him combining separate Photon Arts into a new one. Though, it's not to say he can't use them in a combo. Rather, since he's proficient, he's been thinking on how to make it into a new thing. But, because he's not exactly knowledgeable in such a field, he'd have to rely on others to help him, particularly those with the knack.

While Xiao isn't exactly one, his ability in just sheer calculation and computation more than made up for it.

"Hmm..." Xiao pondered as he listened to Josua's words.

Basically, Josua wants to make a class that suits him more. Problem is... Classes are almost, if not, always introduced to the rest of ARKS, and it's never meant just for only one person. At the thought of this, Xiao furrowed his brows.

"Don't worry. I think this class would also be applicable to everyone who's interested to change into it. Only... It's gonna be extremely demanding." Josua reassured Xiao, but at the last part, he couldn't help but sigh.

This was the one drawback of the class. At the very least, one must be at least Lvl. 75 in two classes: a melee class and a ranged class. Melee class includes Hunter, Fighter, and Braver. Ranged includes Ranger and Gunner. Another requirement that makes it slightly different than other Scion classes is that it requires one to be at least Lvl. 75 technique class. Technique class includes Force, Techter, Bouncer, and Summoner.

Since Braver, Bouncer and Summoner has yet to be introduced (the closest one being Braver), they'll also be included later on after they're introduced. Of course, he didn't mention the three classes in question, since they've yet to be introduced. At this point, Azanami is still trying to get this certified, or even she's still taking lessons (or at the final part of) from Regius.

As Josua explained the conditions that should be put in place to get the class, Xiao furrowed his brows in ponder.

"Three classes... Isn't that a bit.. Much?" Xiao raised his brow.

"I admit, it's indeed a bit much. Although, it is for a reason. This class that I have in mind... It's meant for those who needs to be flexible depending on the situation on the field. Not to say that what we already have aren't, especially with the sub-class system. However... It's simply not practical since the weapons we can use with that system are restricted by the class and sub-class we got equipped for the time." Josua then explained away.

Xiao simply nodded in understanding as the other party explained the reason, and at the end, he sighed. The flaw within the current class system is what Josua had said. While there are ways to circumvent the flaws, it just doesn't solve it at the core.

Perhaps this is also the reason why in Episode 5, they introduced the Scion class, with the first being the Hero class, while three new Scion classes would be introduced in Episode 6. They're all classes that were made to address the issues with the limitations of specialized classes that ARKS had for years now.

In a sense, the Meister class, the one he's planning to make, might be a model that would be used for the Scion classes. Funnily enough, it's actually plausible, lore-wise, although in the lore they never explained it.

"Having three classes on Lvl. 75 as a requirement to get this class is simply me trying to make sure that those that picks this class would at least be competent enough to know that this class... Is a class that will be dependent on what they have in mind of the kind of things it can do, and it's goal." Josua explained his reasoning on the strict requirement.

After pondering for some time, Xiao nodded reluctantly, agreeing that the current system is simply ill-equipped for the tasks that operatives has to do in the field.

"Okay. With the establishment being made... We go to the weapon." Josua clapped his hand.

"So... What do you have in mind?" Xiao asked.

"Hmm... Multi-role weapons. Like my Gurenbana, but maybe... Less eccentric in form?" Josua answered while tilting his head in uncertainty at the last part.

His weapon, while it's very versatile, is simply too niche in terms of its form. It's a fucking umbrella, and it's not exactly the best way for a weapon's form. Putting aside the aesthetics, sometimes it may even take a bit too long during the battle to transition, especially for those who aren't familiar with the concept of a multi-form weapon or how it works.

"For example, a Sword that can be split into two, and then shortening it's blade, thus making it into a pair of Twin Daggers Or, by linking the handles at their bottoms while keeping the length of the blade, it would become a Double Saber." Josua said as he showed it on a holographic display.

"Another one would be like the guns that I showed you, in which a pair of Twin Machine Guns that when combined, can become an Assault Rifle or even a Launcher in the form of a Sniper Rifle." He continued.

From the explanation that took about ten minutes, Xiao nodded as he understood what Josua was saying. By having a base form, from which the weapon can be developed into having other forms it can transform into, it eliminates the need to have multiple weapons in an operative's inventory, therefore allowing them to have other items that may be life-saving, or they could pick up more loot or the such.

It's not that hard to create such a weapon, since ARKS already has Gunblades, which can be either a one-handed Blade, or a Rifle of sorts. That, and Josua's unique weapon, Gurenbana, that can transform into multiple forms that fulfills different roles.

The two discussed the details further until the end of the day, where Sarah and Maria finally returned from their duties for the day. The four had their dinner, and with the discussion basically done, Josua and Xiao agreed that the class would be created once ARKS has been reclaimed from Luther's hands, and that more details have been ironed out.

With that being said, Xiao then withdrew to his mothership that's hidden in another space. He then would spend some time every once in a while to take a look and analyze everything from these things. This would last until the time where they'll enact the plan to slowly oust Luther from his grip on ARKS.


"I guess it's time to do this then." Josua sighed as he stood up from the sofa.

His habit of sighing from the previous reality never disappeared, even after he was transferred into this reality! Some say it's bad luck to sigh often, but to him, it's a habit at this point, to help him calm down.

The time of the day is around noon. Currently the day is the next day after his discussion with Xiao on how to strengthen ARKS in space combat and on creating the Meister class.

He opened up the comms display and proceeded to press call onto a certain someone.

"Yeah, can we meet? Got something that might be of interest." He curtly summarized his explanation.

"Yeah, sure." The voice on the other end replied.

"Okay. Franca's, in 10." He nodded and ended the call after saying that.

He got himself ready and departed his PQ towards Franca's Cafe. He went down the elevator to the Gate Lobby, and then went to the elevator between the class counter and the medical bay, directly behind the middle elevator that's near the boarding gate.

Through that elevator, he arrived at Franca's in almost no time. Since it was time for lunch as well, given that he only got breakfast that was made by Sarah before she left soon after, he sat down at a table and ordered a Lunch Special for the day: A double-cheeseburger with a side of crinkle cut fries and an iced lemon tea for the drink.

As he waited for his order to arrive, the person he called arrived. It was the dark-skinned Female Hunter Newman.

"Yo, Josua. Been awhile." She greeted him.

"Yeah, indeed it has, Su." He smiled as he shook her hand and she sat down.

The Female Newman, whom later introduced herself as Su during their previous reunion with the rest of Oribe's Unit, was like the typical ARKS rookie. Had things gone as intended, she would've perished, along with most of Oribe's Unit. Thankfully, for her, Josua's actions managed to prevent those from happening. She came here without questioning much, since she was indebted to him.

"You said you got something interesting. Do tell." She tilted her head, asking with interest.

"Yeah. Here's the thing..." He said as he leaned forward with a serious face.

The situation suddenly became a bit more... Tense, in a sense. Su, who noticed it, also became a bit more serious. In the meantime, Josua secretly activated a sort-of private mode device to keep the conversation from getting overheard, assuming it works as intended.

"I plan to create a squadron. This squadron will be the spearhead of ARKS against the Falspawn, and also, to protect ARKS from those who wish to harm it, be it from the inside or out." He said with a serious face.

Su raised her brow when she heard the last part.

"What do you mean with that last part?" She just went straight with her question.

"Before I tell you... Will you join me or not? Because once you hear this... You WILL be targeted as well." He asked for her confirmation.

"..." She remained silent for a few moment.

Inside his mind, Josua was a tad worried that she'd refuse. Or rather, another nagging worry is that she might me Luther's spy. However, that's simply unlikely, considering her personality. Even if she acts to seem rash, her idle actions reflects her nature clearly as someone who's indeed rash and rather straightforward.

The silence only lasted for a few moments before she opened her mouth to answer him.

"Sure." She said succinctly.

Her single answer shocked him. It was more due to how she sounded so... Determined. Or rather, she sounded as if she didn't have any doubt. All of the turmoil was inside his mind, while his face on the outside remaining serious.

He sighed, and said, "Okay. Since you've said it, there will be no turning back. I'll give you the basic summary then."

She leaned a bit further to listen in.

"ARKS is currently controlled by one person, and that person will not hesitate to discard ARKS once he achieved his goal. In short, to him, ARKS is simply but a tool, as a means to an end. As to his identity... He's the current head of the Void Research Group, Luther." He blatantly said in summary.

It took a few minutes before she processed what he just said to her. When she finally does, however, she almost jumped from her chair.

"Now that you've heard that, you're in the same bandwagon as me, and some others. Welcome to the Crimson Ops Squadron." He chuckled as he offered to shake her hand.

"It's not like I got any choice, yeah?" She sighed as she shook his hand.

By the time they finished the whole thing, Josua's order was about to arrive. Josua then disabled the private mode device.

"Also, don't worry. Nobody heard of our conversation. I made sure of that." He said, reassuring her.

A few seconds after that, his lunch order arrived.

"So... What do you want to order? My treat." He offered her.

"Hmm... Then, I'll have..." She said as she looked over the menu.

'With this, it's all starting to come together.' He smirked in his head as she then made her order.

Sorry for the long wait. It really took me awhile to get to do this proper. Aside from my mom having to be rushed to the hospital due to issues with her breathing (she got out now, turns out fluids were building in her lungs, and some lung infection), and my big sis (and those who lives in her house, aside from her three kids that remains healthy) getting COVID, and me being busy with Typesetting work, yeah.

Josua070creators' thoughts