
RE: Monster Devourer System

Yuri have seen loved one's perish, home destroyed, comrades ripped apart and communities demolished by mutants. Death was inevitable, he knew that a time would come that all the people he knew and including himself will perish from the hand of the mutants. But never have thought that he'll be the last man standing, he then realized there's no reason for him to figth, only then he let his guard down, and only then he learned how die. "Bro...Wake up!" A gentle voice of a young girl echoes on Yuri's ear, as comforting smell of roses reminds him the home. He opened his eyes and saw a familiar looking girl. Its her little sister. A tear drop from his eyes, as he suddenly hug the unprepared girl. "Kyaaaaa, let gooooo"

SirLazeAlot · Fantasie
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6 Chs


New found strength surge within Yuri's body, his fatigue lessened while as he body became ligther than usual.

Hunger soon follows, like the first time he mutated its almost unbearable. but without having time to eat Yuri endure it. as he dashed to the nearest building.

Yuri kicking the knob and the door immediately swangs open.


A there's a woman inside that yelled in fear.

Yuri ignored her before walking inside and dropped Alice on the ground.

He turned around and watched the door while readying his spear.

Groowling soon follows before a dark red lion like creature with a singular large claw in its arm in its front paw suddenly barged inside.

Yuri gritten his teeth as he send a powerful spear thrust to the beast forehead, drilling a hole, before the monsters can even reach his body.

*Ding*"Exp +2"

A hairless dog creature also made an entrance but he it struggled to squeeze itself to the gap in the door because of dead monsters body.

Yuri casually pulled his spear and shove it to the monsters collar bone hitting a major vain that made the monster bleed like a spring.

Yuri sat down and watch the monster die slowly as he catch his breath.

*Ding*"Exp +1"

"Alice?".Yuri bellowed.

Alice didn't answer.

He turned his head back, and saw her shaking while hugging her legs.

Yuri slowly stands up and sat next to my sister patting her head.

"We'll be alright." i consul her. Ignoring the fact that people around us are dying outside while they scream to there demise.

I can't blame her acting this way, but she need to accept the reality that this is what the worlds is rigth now.

"um...I know you." the woman behind us suddenly said.

I turned my attention to her before giving a Glare. In which she responded by shutting her mouth.

She look familiar, if i remember correctly she the same age as me, she the cute woman in the neighborhood with the big melons.

First rule don't easily gave your trust to someone you just meet, even how harmless they look, you'll never know what diabolical thing they would do just to survive, and i learned that the hard way.

Standing up , I scooped the black blood, from the monsters that are flooding on the floor. and covered myself in it.

I also walk towards alice and did the same with her.

"I know this smells uncomfortable, but i need you to indured it."

Alice looked at me and nooded.

I then glared at the woman.

"You should do the same or maybe you want to die first?"

The woman was so terrified that she hurriedly walked towards the me and covered herself with dark blood.

This monster blood smells like rotten egg, but this will mask out scent. and will renders the mutants extreme sense of smell useless.

Travelling without hiding your scent could be considered as suicide, while letting your blood drip on those scenarios are death sentence.

There are more less disgusting ways to mask your scent, but this one is the only available option.

The woman suddenly retch.

"Do you want to die, lady?"

The woman frightfully shaked her head.

"Then, hold that thing in!"

Thankfully the woman didn't throw up.

Vomit could also attracted those monsters for some reasons.

My stomach reminded me that I'm still hungry, i don't think i can eat peacefully with this woman and my little sister watching.

"Hey, woman."

"Wha-what is it Sir?"

"Bring my sister away from this room." I said while cleaning the blood from my makeshift spear.

"Ye-Yes Sir." She answered.

That woman took Alice in the other room.

I'm sure she won't do anything stupid since her life depends on me.

This is one way to insure the loyalty of people, she can keep her life, as long as she doesn't piss me off. but thats only for a short term. people are unpredictable creatures after all.

I approached the carcass that where stack on the door i pulled the lion like monster first. then a hole appeared i sticked my head out.

The mutants are still running around but there's no human left in sight. A monster saw me so i hurriedly step back and waited for his arrival.

Then soon enough the mutant tried to get through inside the door, but a raised my spear and gave it the old love tap.


The mutant stopped moving after a hole appeared on its head,

*Ding* "Exp +2"

With the door fully sealed, i can now eat peaceful.

Eating a huge carcass was a very long process, its a good thing that everything tastes good if your almost dying from hunger.

From this day forward I can't eat normal human food, because they would all taste like shit, and wouldn't even make me full.

Unlike this mutant meat that would probably never run out while tasting like raw beef, and could taste better if roasted, but i don't have time for that.

So I begin my feast.

The bones was brittle, the large claws was crunchy, and the other stuff are soft and chewy.

The only thing that i won't eat was its stomach, i don't want to know what human parts are inside of its mystery pouch.


"Level 1 Mutated Agility Type DNA acquired"

"Agility Increased by 5."

"Mutation Skill (Razor Claw 1/10 Strands) acquired."