
RE: Merlin

Alex Sheppard Was an American made man, He was a Seal and a master of combat, Alex Died an early death in Afghanistan by a careless mistake by a God, Alex was Dead... God was Ashamed and decided to repay the soul that paid the price for his careless mistake, Reincarnating into The World of 'Merlin' for the first world, [AN - So I'm a big fan of the series 'Merlin' so I decided to make my own fanfiction of it! If you have seen the series then you likely understand... That ending! God! They need a sequel!!!]

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The Witch in a Singers skin

The Feast proceeded smoothly and everyone was smiling, Uther Stood up to make an announcement,

"Thank you, everyone, for attending tonight! It is a long battle we are waging, but one we will win!" Uther said to the cheers of the audience,

Raising his hand Uther shushed the crowd and continued, "Tonight we have a special guest! a voice known throughout the kingdoms as a legendary voice! It is my honor to personally introduce the one and only, Lady Saphire!" Uther said as the curtains on the side of the room opened and a woman with black hair and wearing a white dress entered,

(AN - I forgot the real name the woman went by...)

Shawn shot to his feet yelling for the guards as he made his way in front of the royals,

"Guards!!!" Shawn yelled,

the guards and many of the military were already aware of who he was and with his commanding tone they shot up and quickly surrounded the woman their weapons drawn and pointing at the woman,

"Shawn! what is the meaning of this!" Uther shouted,

Shawn backtracked to the king and whispered in his ear, "Remember I can see magic, This woman is not who she seems she is wearing this skin, It may be an assassination attempt," Shawn quickly backed up to give the king back his space before waiting for his orders,

"Are you certain?" Uther asked,

"I would not have acted otherwise, My Lord" Shawn nodded

"Well, then can you find a way to remove it?" Arthur asked,

"Already have!" Shawn said smiling,

"Alright please do so..." Uther said,

Shawn walked forward to the woman, "this is your last chance to remove your disguise and surrender and you may be treated mercifully," Shawn told the woman,

"What are you talking about! what disguise!" the woman shouted,

"I see, then you refuse..." Shawn said before slashing out with his sword and cutting through the necklace she wore and resheathing the sword in an instant,

The necklace dropped to the floor and Shawn picked it up, already aware of the old woman standing in her place,

"You were given a chance and you refused, do not blame me for your actions, Guards this woman is under arrest for an attempted assassination of a member of the royal family restrain her immediately, don't forget to gag her and blindfold her, Wizards and witches need their voice to chant their spells and their sight to see were to cast them, Rare cases allow otherwise however," Shawn said as the guard moved,

"And don't forget to search her..." Shawn said,

"Father... Its the woman from before..." Arthur said,

"Indeed... Shawn, you may have just saved my sons life as the woman you just stopped swore to kill my son! you must be thanked properly for this! the best I can do at the moment, however, is give you the chance to become nobility should you accept it?" Uther said,

The crowd gasped,

"The last time that was done was 40 years ago!" the people began to chatter,

"I will not refuse your goodwill, Lord, and I fear there are many trials to come for Camelot..." Shawn said,

Uther nodded grimly at the foresight of a man he had quickly come to trust, "we can hope for the best, but for now, the festivities should begin once more as because of you we have yet another thing to celebrate!"

The hall quieted eventually and Uther stood, "For the second time in my time as King I am promoting a worthy man to nobility! The man before you henceforth a Lord under Camelot, And would announce an Engagement between him and my Ward the Lady Morgana!" Uther said,

The crowd gasped and sputtered, Not only becoming a noble! but a noble under Camelot! that was akin to saying he was 2-3 in line for the throne! And an Engagement to the Ward Lady Morgana! Uther worked fast!

"My Ward, One who I have loved as a daughter! What say you to the engagement?" Uther asked,

"I... I accept..." Morgana mumbled before restating it more clearly,

"I accept! The engagement!" Morgana said with more courage glancing at Shawn with a red face,

"Lord Shawn! What do you say to the engagement?" Uther asked ceremonially,

"I gladly accept!" Shawn answered looking to Morgana,

"Then it is decided! you two shall be engaged! the wedding shall be held in a half years time!" Uther announced,

The crowd roared in applause and the hall didn't quiet for the rest of the night, Shawn sat beside Morgana and spent the time talking with her, Such a kind heart she had,

Morgana found Shawn beyond attractive and even more fascinating then she expected along with all his qualities matching with hers perfectly,

"It would seem were family now!" Arthur laughed,

"Indeed! Things moved quite fast today! haha" Shawn laughed,

"Indeed they did, But what do you truly think of Morgana?" Arthur asked

"Truly? She is wonderful and beyond what any man deserves I am beyond happy and I could ask for none better!" Shawn answered,

"Why thank you! Lord Shawn," Morgana appeared chuckling at his new title,