
Chapter 5- Small talk, Battle, and Skills

AN: I have no idea how paragraph comment works, I see the comments but not the paragraph it was talking about so even if I want to reply I simply can't, especially for comments without enough context.


Currently I'm walking along the outskirts of the monster zone along with Akari. In the anime, Akari has a brother complex and only wants to take care of her brother, so why is she an adventurer now?

" Akari, do you mind if I ask you a question?"(Ende)

"As long as it's not too personal"(Akari)

Akari winks at me and smiles while saying that. Kuuuhhh....that's cheating.

"Why did you decide to become an adventurer?"(Ende)

"Well I'm an only child-"(Akari)

"You're an only child!?"(Ende)

What!? Then what happened to Akihisa? Or is it that he simply doesn't exist in this world?

"W-what's wrong? Is there a problem with me being an only child?"(Akira)

Akira looks at me with a complicated gaze while saying that.

"Of course not, no problem at all. I was just surprised since I thought you have a younger brother or sister especially with the way you interacted with me, you were so mature."(Ende)

"Ehehe~~~ even if you compliment me you won't get anything from me you know? But I'll give you plus 50 points for that compliment."(Akira)

There it is, the infamous point system which tortured her younger brother in the anime.

"So anyway, the reason I became an adventurer is because I don't really have anything else to do. I'm an only child and my parents are working in a different country, I've also finished my studies so I thought might as well try different things before finding a life partner and settling down for good."(Akira)

" Hmm is that so...then would it be possible to apply for the position of life partner?"(Ende)

[It's only your first day in this world and you're already trying to court a girl whom you just only met?](Lyra)

In my defense, I've liked her for a really long time already, even if there are some differences they're still pretty much the same person.

[Hmph...just don't forget the reason why we came here.](Lyra)

"Quit joking around, look over there."

Tch, no good huh,too bad...I looked at the direction Akari is pointing to and there I saw something resembling a jelly like substance. That must be a slime huh? I thought it would look more melty and gooey, but it actually resembles the slimes that can be found in DQ.

[ The slimes that you refer to as melty and gooey also exist in this world. They are the evolved form of the slime in front of you. Now go and defeat that slime so you can clearbyour mission.]

Indeed, I pulled out the kitchen knife strapped to my waist and prepares to attack the slime when my concentration was suddenly interrupted.

" Is that all you have? A kitchen knife?"(Akira)

"Yes, a friend of mine told me a kitchen knife is more than capable of defeating a slime though?"(Ende)

Is something wrong?

" Well it is enough to defeat a slime, but do you know how to defeat a slime?"(Akari)

"Won't it be defeated if I repeatedly stab it?"(Ende)

After all, even people die when they are killed. So why won't a slime right?

"It seems like it was the right choice for me to cone along with you huh. Do you see that floating thing inside the slime?"( Akira)

She's definitely not talking about the leaves so it's probably that marble looking thing. Lyra what is that?

[That is a slime core, slimes are pretty resillient monsters especially against physical attacks but just a single hit on the slime core will be enough to defeat any kinds of slime, well as long as they a core.](Lyra)

( You should have probably told me about such an important thing before heading out you know?)(a/n: parentheses will be used when Ende is talking to Lyra internally)

[I was going to tell you but i got distracted when we met that woman, sorry....](Lyra)

( No need to apologize, after all I was also distracted). After that Ireturned my attention to Akira.

"That's a slime core right?"

"So you do know about it, yes that is a slime core. As you've said earlier if you repeatedly stab the slime then it will be defeated but you will also sustain some damage, after all that slime is also a living creature it won't just stay still as you attempt to kill it. So the best way to defeat a slime is to take some distance while aiming for the core to defeat it instantly, if you're using a weapon then a spear would be the best option especially for beginners since it has a longer reach."(Akira)

So that's why she was kinda surprised when she saw my kitchen knife. It wasn'tvthe ideal weapin when facing a slime. Well beggars can't be choosers, it was the only weapon available after all.

"So aim for the core right?"(Ende)

"Yes, aim for the core if possible. If you think you can't defeat it then don't hesitate to retreat and I'll take care of it."(Akira)

I nod to Akira's words. Silently I approached the slime that is busy eating dried leaves, when I was near it, preparing to stab it's core to finish things in a single blow it suddenly stopped moving. I was distracted because of that and the next thing I know the slime has alreadybthrown itself toward my direction.

"Shit it actually noticed me approaching"

I immediately tried to avoid the slime by jumping backwards,"Phew that was a clise one". But because of my jump the distance between me and slime grew apart. While thinking how to defeat the slime I suddenly heard something in my head.

[Skill: Covert Action(E-) obtained]

[Skill: Jump(F+) obtained]

"Skills? Is this the effect of Skill Collector?" While distracted by the sudden announcement, the slime once agin hurled it's body towards me and manage to land a hit. It wasn't as painful as I thought It would.

[ Well base on stats alone then you are stronger than the slime, but since you don't know how to use that strength, you and the slime are quite evenly matched. Try observing that slime for a few seconds, you might get something usefull.]

Following Lyra's advice I focused my attention on the slime, it tried to attack me several times but because I was focusing on it I was able to prooerly dodge it's attacks when I heard another voice in my head.

[Skill: Appraisal(E+) obtained]

I got another skill, but whats the point of this skills if I dont even know how to use them and what their effects are.

[ For now I will explain the effects of the skills you got and how to use them, and later on you can check them on your status board.

Covert Action: Temporarily erases the presence of the user for five seconds. Cannot affect others with detection type skill of a higher rank.

Condition: must be out of sight of the target.]

Jump: Instantaneously perform a jump within a range of one meter.

Condition: Can only be used once every 10 seconds.

To use the skills you just need to focus and think of the skill you want to use. For now try focusing on the slime for a few seconds]

When I did as Lyra said another window appeared in the corner of my vision.

[Skill: Appraisal obatained]

[Now focus on the slime and while saying "appraisal" in your mind]



Name: None

Race: Slime

Lvl: 5/20 Exp: 15/60

STR: 10





[Evolution not available]

Skill: None

Racial Skill: Absorb, Dissolve

Absorb: a slimes racial skill that allows it to absorb the mana in the surroundings and from the things that it eats.

Dissolve: a slimes racial skill that allows it to dissolve things that enters its body. Can only dissolve leaves and carcasses.

So this is the effect of appraisal huh. No wonder they call slimes as the weakest monsters. With all this information, I can definite it now.

I immediately hid behind a tree and tried using [Covert Action], suddenly I felt something different with my body I can't really explain it though. No,no,no I only have five seconds after all I need to finish this quick.

I started running towards the slime, which isn't even paying any attention to me thanks to [Covert Action], when I'm just a meter before reaching it I prepared my knife and use [Jump] instantly closing the distance.

I aimed for it's core, when I was about to hit it the slime finally noticed me but it's already too late. My kitchen knife pierces the gellatinous body of the slime and hit the core, after that the slime's body started dissolving until only the slime core remained.

[Slime defeated, gained 80 exp]

[Gained 2 levels]

"It seems like I leveld up."

While muttering to myself, I picked up the slime core and heard a music fanfare inside my head( So the mission is complete? Lyra show me the mission.)

[Main Mission](Complete)

If you want to live as you please in this world, you will need strength. Go to a nearby monster zone and defeat a single slime.

Slime defeated 1/1



Beginners weapon of choice

Finally, but where do I get the weapon?

[ While in the mission tab, just think the kind of weapon that you want and it will appear in your inventory. Though I suggest doing that after we return home.]

While rejoicing about the completion of my first mission, someone approached me.

"Good job, you really handled the situation well."(Akira)

" Thank you, but it was actually more difficult than I thought. And also thank you for looking after me."(Ende)

" No need for that, you're fighting style is quite rough around the edges so I suggest you join the Guild as soon as possible. After all you can team up with others and the fights will be much easier."

It is as she says, but even if I join the guild I doubt I would team up with others. After all I have my secrets to protect, and I still haven't use my [Summon] skill. My future companion should be more than capable of easing the future battles.

[ Rather than easing battles, if you choose a companion properly then you can just destroy anything in your path you know?]

(Tsk,tsk,tsk, Lyra for your information I'm the type of gamer who prioritizes what I want rather than what is meta.)


" It is as you say Akira, so how about teaming up with me then."(Ende)

[Didn't you just said you won't be teaming up with anyone?]

" Haha, sorry Ende but only guild members who have a difference of a single rank or the same rank are allowed to team up for official missions. If you really want to form a team with me then you better get stronger faster, if that's the case I might even think about your earlier proposal you know*winks*."(Akira)

Earlier proposal? The life partner one? Now another reason to get stronger pops up.

"I'll take your word for now, how about we head out now?"(Ende)

" Huhuhu, allright let's get out of this place"

We then went out of the forest and went our separate ways. On my way back to my home I started thinking about some things.

( Stronger, I need to get stronger fast. I also need to use my [Summon] skill, I guess I will summon her then.)

I couldn't help but smirk while thinking about my future companion.

This went longer than I wanted, i just couldn't think of a proper way to finish the chapter much earlier on.

EndeAnfangcreators' thoughts