
Re: Goose

or How I Reincarnated as a Goose and got OP really quickly. "MC-kun got hit by a truck?" "God gives out reincarnation opportunities as candy?" "But as a Goose???" "Honk honk? (What's wrong with that?)" First few chapters are gonna be pretty bad Note: This is not a serious fic and written for fun(bored) Worlds Traveled so far : Familiar of Zero, Shield Hero, JoJo, DxD Possible Worlds: MCU, Shimoneta, Metamorphosis, Jumpchain

Fifth_Goose · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Spear Hero?

I choose neither of them I suddenly used D4C to travel to another world while leaving Fou with Louise

and then a screen appeared in the white void

[Travelling to another world]

[Time slows down in the ZnT world]

[User will be Aged to 20 years old when ***********]

[System Absorbing inferior system]

[Status unlocked]

[Plot Changed, Plot will be readjusted soon.]

Wait what do you mean by tha-.

"O' Holy Saint Heroes, Please Save Our World." A random priest said

"Honk?/What?/What?/What?" asked by all four of us

Everyone took a look at their surroundings and noticed weapons in their hand and noticed a goose with a spear in it's beak

"mfmHonmkf" Hönk muffled out and spat out the spear and transfered it to his right wing

"Why is the a goose with us?" everyone except Naofumi and Hönk asked the priest.

"It seems to be that the Holy Spear Hero is that goose." the priest answered.

"It's time to meet the king of this country." the priest stated while ordering them to follow him to meet his royal highness

*Throne Room*

"I am this country's king, Aultcray XXXII of Melro-."

While he was introducing himself I was looking at the corner of my eye to look at my system status

[Name: Hönk]

[Race: Goose?]

[Title: One Who Understands]

[Points: 0]

It seems that I have no stats shown in my system screen let's call up my "status magic"

Name: Hönk

Race: Goose?

ATK: 10


DEF: 10


MOVE: 10

Pretty much a starters basic status, now let's get back to the others

"Now then, Heroes, name yourselves." Aultracy the cane jerk asked all of us

"My name Naofumi Iwatani and I'm 22 years old and I'm a college student" Naofumi the Bow Hero stated fiddling with his bow and status

"My name is Amaki Ren, 16 years old. I'm a high schooler." The sword hero answered also fiddling with the legendary weapon

The king's gaze locked onto me like a tactical missile and wanted an explanation. on why there is a goose here.

"Honk Hönk, honk honk honk honk honk honk...(I am Hönk and I am 1(23) year old and I'm a Goose...)" Hönk the spear hero honked and bonked his way into the conversation

The King wanted to end there but then

"I'm Kitamura Motoyasu. 21, and also college student," the Shield Hero introduces himself while the murmurs and whispers of the nobles and priests get louder

~why is the shield summoned~

~he would only free our slave peasants~

~he looks like a rapist~

~hide yo kids hide you wives hide yo momma's and hide ya sisters~

~Guards! get this person out of here, I wonder how did he even get here~

"What do would you give for our troubles?"

"The Sword hero what do you want for your troubles?" Aultcray asked Ren

"We want an explanation and compensation, right guys?" The Sword Hero exclaimed and asked the other heroes to join in and get an explanation on where they are

"Sirs Ren and Iwatani," Aultcray spoke to the two of them ignoring Motoyasu the Shield Hero "We will naturally explain and reward you for your efforts in the incoming wave" a person who looks like an ugly bastard wearing fancy clothes like a bishop right next to the very old man that may be the pope answered

'He must be at least a bishop to be right next to the pope of the three heroes religion and the king' all of them thought except for Motoyasu who was ogling at the maids who were wearing anime maid uniforms

"You will truly reward us?, any proof that that you will not backstab us?, and what are the rewards that we will receive?, " Ren rapidly asked the king for more information

"Yes, yes, and we will reward you after the waves are done." Aultcray replied back to Ren The Sword Hero "Now you should go to your rooms" Aultcray ordered while ordering the maids to bring all of us there almost leaving Motoyasu behind

The rooms were if I can explain it in a single word "Old" is the right word for that everything was old the doors were old the locks were old even the anime body pillow was old and crusty

Now that they're all gone and I'm the only one awake in this room I should practice and remember all the strengthening methods that are available, I started practicing by absorbing the air

[Air Strike Spear Unlocked]

[ATK +5]

[Nitrogen Spear Unlocked]

[Ice Resistance +3]

Miscellaneous Spears Unlocked

[Argon Spear Unlocked][Feather Spear Unlocked][Goose Spear][Dirt Spear][Rock Spear][Flame Spear][Wax Spear][Cloth Spear][Blood Spear] and more were unlocked

I now tried absorbing a part of [Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap] into the Spear

[Stand Spear(Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap)]

[Grants the ability to use the Stand [Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap] *System Note: "You now just found a way to copy a stands powers"*]

I am surprised that even worked if you could have the Legendary Weapons have the Cursed Series and the Blessed Series why not a Stand Series

Now that's done let's actualize the strengthening methods that I remember


[Weapons can absorb loot such as items and materials]

[Weapon Transformation]

[Weapons can transform into different variations that grant new bonuses including stats, skills, and abilities. Additionally, the user may permanently retain the equip bonuses even if they switch transformations. ]

[Weapon Copy]

[The user can copy weapons of a similar class to the Legendary Weapon. Equip bonuses may still require materials to unlock.]


[Increase stats of your selected spear while gaining mastery levels]

[Rarity Rank-Up]

[Rank up rarity by resetting mastery levels of your selected weapon]

[Power Up]

[Increase Weapon Stats by using ores or materials, it has no chance of failing if you have enough ores or materials]

And that's all the Strengthening Methods I remember since I last remember the novel

*Time Skip One Night*

I woke up on my bed and took a look at myself

and remembered I haven't actually tried to transform into a humanoid since half a year ago when I tried transforming while Louise was doing away.

"Honk hooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnk!" I Honked out like it was a dragon ball episode

[Transformation Failed]

[Please Unlock Transformation Function]

[Unlock Condition Absorb DNA other than yours]

'Query what is the [Transformation Function]'

[The transformation function allows you to transform into anything as long you have their dna and absorbed it into the system]

'Query so as long as I absorb someone's dna I can transform into them or only their species?'

[Only into their species or ???]

"Honk! Honk honk honk honk...(Damn! now I can't troll people without illusion magic...)"

'Unless... Query If I absorb enough DNA can I transform into them?'

[Yes the transformation time depends on how many mass you have absorbed into the system/spear]

"Honk!!!, honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk hon-(Hell Yeah!!!, I could become Motoyasu and and troll him everytime he gets near fil-)"

"Shut Up I'm trying to sleep for 5 more minutes" Oh did I forget to mention I had to share a room with one of the heroes?

Yeah I actually had to share a room with Naofumi did you really expect they will just have a goose sleep in one of the many vacant rooms, nope I had to share with Naofumi who actually slept as soon he saw the bed

While he fell asleep again I cut a bit of his hair and took a vial of blood from him and absorbed the dna into the system

[Transformation System Unlocked]

[Available Species]

[1. Goose]

[2. Human]

Now I got a trump card available for later

*Empty cafeteria*

"Hey, this is just like a game, don't you think?"

It looked like the other "heroes" were discussing about the world

"I think it actually might be a game. I know games that are with this premise" Motoyasu replied with arrogance with his knowledge of games

"What?" Naofumi asked Both Ren and Motoyasu

"Yeah, Emerald Online is a pretty famous online game. Haven't you heard of it?" Motoyasu replied back to Naofumi

"Uh, no? And I'm a hardcore Otaku but even I don't know that" Naofumi replied back

"Naofumi, have you even played an online game? It's pretty famous in the world" Motoyasu gets even more confused at his reply

"Nah, I've only played stuff like Odin Online, or Fantasy Moon Online. Those are pretty famous mouse and keyboard mmos." Naofumi replied back again

"'I have never heard of them before. Must be very minor titles in the game industry." Motoyasu gets even more confused than before

"Honk honk honk honk?" Hönk decided to join in the conversation

"See even the duck is confused!" Motoyasu said and then got hit by Hönk using his spear

"Ow!?, What was that for?" Motoyasu asked

"Dude that's a goose, it can even understand us" Ren answered Motoyasu

"What kind of antique games are you talking about? These days, aren't all online games VRMMO"

"What?/Honk?" Both Hönk and Naofumi questioned them

"Yeah the most popular game is Brave Star Online, Why's haven't you guys also heard about it?" Ren asked both of them also confused by what's happening

"Ren. The game you mentioned, Brave Star Online is a VRMMO?, VR technology isn't that advanced yet!?" Motoyasu yelled confusion clouding his mind

"Okay let's figure this out one step at a time/Honk" Naofumi said and Hönk agreed with him

"Who is the Prime minister of Japan?" Motoyasu asked all of them

"Obviously it's Drump" Ren answered

"No way isn't Drump from 2019, It's obviously Shrek" Motoyasu asked

"The prime minister is someone from the national party named Fuhrer Bradley " Naofumi replied

"Then it must mean we must be from different earth's" Ren concluded

"If that's the case, it seems like we were all brought here for different reasons, and in different ways." Ren stated as if he was the smartest person in the room and then continued "I was on my way home from school when I stepped on some cracks and had some bad luck and died in a murder case. It was the talk of the town at the time."

"Okay." everyone said except Hönk

"I was with a friend, I remember saving him, and I remember the criminal getting arrested…" Ren looks away and touched his chest feeling ghostly pains while continuing his story "Anyway, before I knew it, I woke up here standing and with a sword in my hand."

"Makes sense, It's nice of you to save your best friend and not run away." Naofumi said

"Ok, I guess I'm next" Motoyasu then pointed at himself while looking a bit slow

"To put it simply, I have quite a few.. girlfriends.." Motoyasu explained

"Yeah right and the goose can transform into a human" both of them said in disbelief

"And well...I got stabbed by all of them for not choosing one of them to be my main girlfriend" Motoyasu explained further

"Women are terrifying, why did you have to have so many girlfriends?" Ren asked while Naofumi looks like he wants to kill Motoyasu

"So all of us must have died to be summoned here." Ren concluded with the information available without asking Naofumi on what he did before he came here

"Uh... I just open and read a book before I knew it I was suddenly transported here" Naofumi stated his whole backstory

Silence within the room, everyone stared at Naofumi as cold as the frozen turkey in the freezer truck

Both of them talked before going back to Naofumi

"I am jealous that you didn't have to die to even experience this fantasy world" both of them said in envy before going back on topic

"All right, so is it fair to assume that we have a pretty good idea about how the system in this world works?" Ren asked both Naofumi and Motoyasu

"Could you guys teach me what I need to know? There were no games like VRMMOs where I'm from." Naofumi asked Ren and Motoyasu

"All right then, your big bro will teach you the basics as best as he can." Motoyasu cheerfully said at teaching a noob

"First of all, and I'm only talking about the game I know, Emerald Online, Your class is what I call an Archer/Hunter, Basically you use your bow to snipe and pets to defend you while sniping"

"Could I make the goose my pet?"

[Legendary Heroes cannot party with each other] the bow suddenly stated

"Aw that sucks I was hoping for something like Hero and the Spear Goose"

"Okay you see that icon at the corner of your eye? that's your menu button try and think about opening it" Motoyasu explained

Naofumi then reached out his hand to the floating screen infront of him

"Okay so it seems that my status only has 10 of everything" Naofumi Said

Then they talked to each other for a while then guards came and then they all stated

"The King needs your presences in the Court"