

Chapter 1394 - Seven Colors Again (2)

The woman's mind was cloudy and there were flashes of green light inside. Wang Lin's divine sense swept through it, trying to find her memories. However, no matter how much he searched, he couldn't find anything relating to her memories.

This place was extremely cloudy.

As his divine sense was spread out, an unknown amount of time passed. Wang Lin's divine sense suddenly began to gather from all directions toward an area surrounded by green fog.

The light from the green fog here was weak, and after circling it a few times, Wang Lin's divine sense slowly extended inside. Just as he entered, the green light from the fog increased and shot toward Wang Lin's divine sense.

This green light was extremely similar to the green gas Wang Lin had just faced outside.

As the large amount of green light arrived from all sides, Wang Lin's divine was like silk, avoiding all the green light as he continued to move forward.

The deeper he went, the more green light there was. In the end, it was so dense that it formed a net and closed in on Wang Lin's divine sense without giving him a chance to escape.

Wang Lin's divine sense shrank rapidly and all the divine sense that had entered here condensed into a needle. The moment the green light closed in, his divine sense shot out and collided with the green light.

Thunderous rumbles echoed. In the cave, Wang Lin still had his hand placed on the woman's forehead. His eyes were closed and his face turned pale as blood flowed down from the corner of his mouth. However, his eyes remained closed.

Inside the woman's mind, most of Wang Lin's divine sense had dissipated by the time he broke through the green light. The remaining divine sense charged into the depths of this cloudy area.

More green light arrived, but Wang Lin's divine sense moved around and in the end arrived at the deepest part of this green fog!

The moment Wang Lin entered the depths, his divine sense trembled and he saw something shocking that he could never forget!

Deep within the green fog sat a person!

This person wore a seven-colored robe and was a middle-aged man. As he sat here, he gave off seven-colored light. He wasn't an origin soul or real, but was formed by a seal!

Inside the cave, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes, feeling shocked. He moved his right hand from her forehead. Although he didn't find her memory, his gains were great!

"The figure in the woman's mind is exactly the same as the statue!" Wang Lin silently pondered.

"It's seven colors again…" The moment he saw the figure, he first thought of the Sovereign! However, he dropped the idea immediately.

Although the Sovereign was strong, he was not strong enough to make Wang Lin terrified just as a statue! He had see third step cultivators before. Dao Master Blue Dream's cultivation level was really close to the Sovereign's, so Wang Lin could tell the difference quite easily.

"Seven colors… Seven colors… During my cultivation life, I have encountered the seven colors many times. The All-Seer likes the seven colors and the Sovereign also has the seven colors. There is also the spells that are seven-colored… and the Seven-Colored Realm, where the dao fruit was!

"There is also the Seven-Colored God Void Nail!" Wang Lin had a feeling that there was a great secret hidden in the seven colors!

"There is also the green gas and green light. Could they be part of the seven colors?" Wang Lin frowned, and after a long time, he let out a sigh. He waved his sleeve and put the woman in silver back into his storage space.

"This matter is too unfathomable for me, it is pointless to think about it now. I should refine Greed's treasure and obtain the Fire Sparrow Clan's essence!" Wang Lin pondered a bit and then no longer thought about the statue. Instead, he took out Greed's treasures to refine and research.

"99 Hollow Crystal Swords! Greed obtained this from a boulder with the head of an ancient demon. In his memory, the eyes of this head didn't have any stars. The 99 swords were stained in blood and formed a sword formation!" Wang Lin waved his right hand and the 99 swords immediately surrounded him, each giving off powerful cold energy.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and his divine sense swept out. He carefully examined each of the 99 swords.

"They are indeed treasures of ancient demons, and they contain powerful demonic energy! It might not display its full power in my hands, but if my second avatar is complete and I use it as an ancient demon, the power would not be ordinary!

"This treasure, should I keep it or refine it…" Wang Lin pondered a bit before waving his right hand. He left his divine sense imprint and restrictions on the swords before putting them away inside his storage space.

"If I refine them, the demonic energy inside will be wasted. Once I return to the Inner Realm, the second avatar can absorb it! Unfortunately, my connection to my second avatar is being blocked by the Sealed Realm Formation, or else I could transfer it now."

"I won't know how my second avatar is doing after all these years…" Wang Lin silently took out the second treasure, the Protection Bone Tablets!

The nine tablets surrounded him and gave off an aura Wang Lin was familiar with. This was the aura of the ancient gods!

He lifted his right and touched a stone tablet. In Greed's memory, he obtain them from a boulder that had the head of an ancient god on it.

That ancient god head looked very young; it didn't seem to be an adult. The anger and confusion had lingered for an eternity in his eyes.

"The material of these stone tablets… They are made out of the bones of my ancient god clan… However, it wasn't made out of malice, but from the bones of an ancestor who died and willingly gave out their remains to be refined as treasures… Otherwise, there would be powerful resentment coming from it and it would not be this calm.

"Greed only used this treasure as protection and wasn't able to activate the hidden ancient god spell inside…" Wang Lin waved his right hand and the nine tablets began to shine. Powerful ancient god aura erupted from the nine tablets as they rotated around Wang Lin.

In the end, they shrank until they condensed around Wang Lin's right arm. The nine tablets fused into one and turned into a gauntlet! This gauntlet was greyish-white, looking as if it was a piece of bone!

It wrapped around his fist so that his fist was now one size larger. It even wrapped around his fingers, so when he formed a fist, there would be crackling sounds.

There were also many damage marks on it. There were sword marks and cracks, representing all the battles the young ancient god had fought.

"There is also an ancient god spell hidden inside this treasure… Just like the green shield, it's a life-saving spell… Unfortunately, it wasn't able to save the life of that ancient god." Wang Lin had a complicated expression on his face as his ancient god energy rushed into the gauntlet.

"8-Star Ancient God Spell, Ancestral Protection! This spell is not in Tu Si's memory." Wang Lin was immersed in the spell inside the gauntlet and only awakened after 15 minutes.

"If this spell is used with the Light and Shadow Shield, it will be extremely powerful!"

After looking at his right hand, with a thought, the gauntlet melted and fused with his body.

He raised his hand and reached at the void. The third treasure appeared!

Emperor Furnace!

When Wang Lin first saw the Emperor Furnace, his heart skipped a beat. This was an aura he was very familiar with. It was an aura unique to royal ancient gods, and only royal ancient gods could feel it!

"I didn't expect Greed to obtain a royal ancient god treasure! Although it wasn't passed down by inheritance and was refined by someone else, it indeed is a royal ancient god treasure!"

Wang Lin's eyes were filled with joy as he looked at the Emperor Furnace, and the ancient god stars rotated rapidly between his eyebrows. Then starlight fell on the Emperor Furnace. The furnace rumbled and began to spin. Eventually, starlight came out from the furnace and landed between Wang Lin's eyebrows.

Its size rapidly shrank until it eventually fused with Wang Lin's first star!

Tuo Sen had fused third step cultivators into his stars, while Wang Lin fused treasures. These two methods were fundamentally different, so their paths were naturally different.

Wang Lin's body trembled and the ancient god power in his body rapidly increased. Popping sounds echoed in his body. This lasted for a long time before dissipating. His hair moved without any wind and his body became stronger.

"Although it can't compared to the blood sword or the heaven splitting axe in the Sealed Realm Formation, it is almost on par with Tu Si's God Slaying Spear. If I can completely refine it, its power will be endless! More importantly, its power is focused on refining!"

The joy in Wang Lin's eyes became even stronger. He waved his sleeve and took out the fourth treasure. It was the fog lance that constantly changed between real and fake!

The moment the lance appeared, devilish energy filled the cave and mournful cries came out of it, making it more fierce.

"Ancient devil treasure… Unfortunately, I don't have an ancient devil avatar. If I did, I could display its full power!

"Ancient devil avatar… I think that if I can integrate all three clans, I can reach back to the power of the Ancient Order!!" Wang Lin stared at the devil lance and pondered.

"I cultivated the ancient god body myself. The ancient demon avatar was formed from the soul fragment and the worship from Thirteen's clan, forming a power similar to Joss Flames. This made the ancient demon think it was me, so I didn't have to spend much effort to make it a part of myself… As for ancient devil, I might be able to create one myself! Of course, if I can catch one, it will be better!" Wang Lin pondered as his right hand reached at the void and Greed's Devil Soul Bottle appeared before him!

The moment the Devil Soul Bottle appeared, the devilish energy in the cave increased greatly and countless devil shadows appeared. The devilish energy shrouded the entire planet.

From afar, the Dark Scorpion Clan's planet was shrouded by a layer of devilish fog. It was extreme shocking!

"I can't form a devilish body, but I can create a devil soul. Using that soul to control the ancient devil treasures would increase their power greatly. If there is a chance, I can possess a ancient devil body and make it my third avatar!

"However… what are the chances of success…" Wang Lin stared at the Devil Soul Bottle and hesitation appeared in his eyes.

Chapter 1395 - Wind Rises

A moment later, Wang Lin's eyes were filled with determination and his right hand pointed at the Devil Soul Bottle. The bottle immediately let out a mournful roar. This roar seemed to contain a penetrating force and directly entered Wang Lin's mind.

"Even the power of a firefly would dare to compete with the bright moon!" Wang Lin snorted, and his voice turned into ripples that collided with the mournful cries.

Shortly after, black fog came out from the Devil Soul Bottle. There were ancient devil souls struggling inside the black fog, and they immediately charged at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression remained calm. As the devil souls rushed at him, he waved his hand and a gust of wind swept past the devil souls. They were all trapped in his hand.

"Dao spell, fuse!" Wang Lin's voice was calm, but it contained a sense of coldness.

As his words echoed, his eyes revealed a strange light and he immediately used Dao Master Blue Dream's dao spell. Popping sounds echoed and the devil souls began to let out mournful cries once more. They wanted to escape, but Wang Lin's hands were like a heavenly prison that they couldn't escape from!

Wang Lin closed his eyes and focused his mind on fusing. Under the effects of the dao spell, the countless devils were being fused together. Time slowly passed, and in the blink of an eye, seven days went by.

During these seven days, Wang Lin had continuously used the dao spell and didn't relax at all. On this day, the souls had fused together into a ball, and this ball gave off a ghostly light. This light got stronger and stronger until it lit up the whole cave.

A violent aura came from the ball, and at the same time, a roar that sounded like sound of countless devils fused together echoed.

"You want to refine my ancient devil clan. Impossible!!!"

"Blood refining!" Wang Lin's eyes suddenly opened and he bit the tip of his tongue. He spat out blood and it landed on the ball. This blood contained essence and was also Wang Lin's ancient god heart blood!

The moment the blood landed on the ball, the ball let out a miserable scream. The ball became chaotic, as if it would collapse at any time.

The ghostly light dissipated almost completely and was replaced by blood light. The blood light slowly circulated through the entire ball. It didn't take long for the ball to become blood red!

Wang Lin relaxed a bit and his right hand reached out, grabbing the Devil Soul Bottle. He spat out origin energy, and it entered the bottle. In an instant, large amounts of black fog flew out with countless devil souls. The moment they appeared, they were absorbed by the ball of blood.

"This ancient devil treasure contains 3,000 ancient devil souls. I'll fuse these 3,000 souls and form my ancient devil avatar!" Wang Lin waved his sleeve and then the cave became filled with fog. The fog was filled with devilish energy.

Time slowly passed as Wang Lin refined the devil souls. One month went by.

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It was less than one month away from the Fallen Elder Selection. Wang Lin had been in closed door cultivation for two months! During these two months, a major event had occurred in the Fallen Land!

On the edge of the Fallen Land, on an abandoned planet, the entire planet burst into flames. The fire was blue, and it shrouded the entire abandoned planet.

However, this fire didn't last for too long. It dissipated after eight minutes and then everything returned to normal. However, just these eight minutes caused the skins of all the fire cultivators in the Fallen Land to crawl!

It didn't matter what they were doing, the moment the planet burst into flames, they were all shocked. The fire inside their bodies flew out of their bodies without their control.

Their fire began to move toward that abandoned planet as if it were being summoned!

This strange thing shocked all the fire cultivators! In particular, all the Fire Sparrow Clan members felt a stronger sensation than the others. The elder that had traded with Wang Lin was cultivating when the fire in his body suddenly appeared and turned into a fire sparrow. It opened its wings and seemed like it was going to fly away, causing the elder's expression to change greatly!

This matter caught the attention of the fire cultivators in the Fallen Land. The elder of the Fire Sparrow Clan quickly left his closed door cultivator and went to the abandoned planet with a few of his clan members. However, when he arrived, he didn't find anything no matter how much he searched. However, he did feel a hint of essence that was the same as the one from the pills!

Also, during these days, an event that shocked the entire clan took place in the Fire Sparrow Clan!

The three people who had escorted the drop of blood back from the Fallen Land had handed over the drop of blood. Then they waited there to be summoned again. They were anxious as they didn't know if this would catch the attention of the clan.

In the vast star domain occupied by the Fire Sparrow Clan, on the main planet, there were giant fire sparrow statues scattered across the planet. There was also one that was almost as high as the sky.

There was a hall under the statue, and at this moment, there was an old man sitting inside. The old man's face was red and covered in flames. He was the Fire Sparrow Clan's patriarch!

A drop of burning blood was floating before him. He stared at the blood with shock in his eyes.

"This is… essence!!"

The old man's eyes shined and then he suddenly stood up, grabbing the blood. He took a step and disappeared without a trace.

When he reappeared, he was in the inner part of this cultivation planet. The inside of the planet had been hollowed out and was filled with a sea of fire. Even fire cultivators would find it difficult to bear the heat.

This old man quickly moved through the sea of fire and soon arrived in the depths of the planet. The fire here was dark purple and looked terrifying!

There was a flashing formation at the center of the purple fire, and inside the formation sat a middle-aged man. His clothes were also purple, and as he cultivated, a shocking aura was slowly circulating through his body.

The old man seemed to be afraid of the dark purple fire. He stayed at the outer edge and respectfully said, "Junior requests to see Ancestor!"

After the old man spoke, he remained motionless, waiting to be summoned.

After a long time, the middle-aged man inside the sea of purple fire slowly opened his eyes. Each of his eyes contained a fire mark. Combined with the mark between his eyebrows, they formed a triangle!

These were three fire marks, but the colors were all distinct. The fire mark between his eyebrows was purple, the fire mark in his right eye was blue, and the fire mark in his left eye was ethereal, as if it didn't exist. But if you looked closely, you would see traces of it.

This ethereal fire seemed like it hadn't stabilized yet and was blurry.

However, it was this trace of ethereal fire that shocked the old man, causing him to lower his head and no longer dare to take a second look.

"Even though you're the clan's patriarch, without my summon, you can't take half a step into the holy land! Did you forget?" The middle-aged man's voice was flat.

The old man's face was covered in sweat as he licked his lips and whispered, "Ancestor, please don't be angry. Junior was anxious because some clan members found an extremely strange drop of blood, and I require Ancestor to examine it."

The middle-aged man's expression remained the same, as if nothing could cause his expression to change. The indifference in his eyes remained, and this coldness created a startling contrast with the fire in his eyes. This made him look even more strange.

"You even messed up a small matter like this. I'm not satisfied with a clan patriarch like you! Take out the blood and leave. Punish yourself according to the third clan law."

The old man's face immediately turned pale. He wanted to explain, but the moment he saw the ancestor in the sea of purple fire, he nodded. He waved his right hand and the drop of burning blood appeared. Then the old man lowered his head and left.

The middle-aged man casually reached out and grabbed the drop of blood from the sea of purple fire. The drop of blood landed in his hand and he casually took a glance at it. However, this casual glance shocked him greatly and he stared wide-eyed at the drop of blood.

"This… This is…" The calmness within the middle-aged man collapsed and was replaced by shock and disbelief. He quickly held the blood closer to his eyes and his divine sense spread out. After scanning it hundreds of times, the shock in his eyes became even stronger!

"Vermillion Bird Blood!! This is Vermillion Bird Blood!!" The middle-aged man sudden stood up and held the blood next to his mouth. After licking it, his body trembled once more.

"That's right, the essence inside the blood can't be wrong, it is Vermillion Bird Blood!! Vermillion Bird!!" The middle-aged man was excited, and his left hand reached at the void.

The Fire Sparrow Patriarch was about to leave the underground, his face full of remorse. He let out a sigh when a rumble suddenly came from behind him. He turned around and his pupils shrank as a giant, fire palm grabbed him.

In a flash, the hand brought the old man back to the edge of the sea of purple flames.

Before the old man could react, he heard the ancestor's excited voice. "Where did you obtain this blood?!" He froze for a moment. He had never seen the ancestor so excited. He quickly said, "A clan member from the Fallen Land brought it back!"

After the middle-aged man heard this, he began to laugh. There was ecstasy in his eyes, and even the three flame marks began to burn wildly.

"Good, good, good! You're worthy of being chosen as the clan patriarch by me, good job!! Immediately send all clan members and find the source of this blood in the Fallen Land at all costs!!"

The Fire Sparrow Patriarch quickly nodded and was about to leave. The middle-aged man's eyes lit up and he suppressed the excitement in his eyes. He said, "It's not convenient for me to go the Fallen Land, so I'll be outside to pick you all up. Also, be careful when you're there, and check if this is a trap!"

Chapter 1396 - Waves Surges

The Dark Scorpion Planet was still surrounded by a layer of devilish energy. From afar, it looked extremely bizarre, and even the creatures on the planet were being affected.

On this day, there were six more days until the Fallen Elder Selection, and the devilish energy shrouding the planet began to change. The devilish energy rumbled loudly and all began to condense toward one location!

This sudden change caught the attention of the Dark Scorpion Clan and the Cloud Escape Clan. Just as they spread out their divine senses to observe, they noticed that the dense devilish energy was all gathering toward Wang Lin's cave!

It was as if a vortex had appeared inside the cave and was attracting all the devilish energy!

In just an instant, all the devilish energy disappeared, sucked into Wang Lin's cave. From afar, it looked like a giant vortex had appeared, and the center of the vortex was Wang Lin's cave.

The vortex rotated rapidly and rapidly contracted. It was done in a flash, so fast that people couldn't react to it!

As the devilish energy gathered in Wang Lin's cave, a thick layer of fog that divine sense couldn't penetrate formed. The fog was still rapidly condensing. Wang Lin was sitting inside this fog, and before him floated a small, red person.

This small person was blurry and looked like an origin soul. It was more like a soul, and it looked extremely similar to Wang Lin. Except it gave off an aura of madness, and it was ferocious.

At this moment, the small person opened his mouth and began to devour the devilish fog! After a moment, all the fog was devoured by the little person.

The little person's body turned a bit more solid, but it seemed unsatisfied. He had a ferocious expression as he stared at Wang Lin. He let out a roar before pouncing. He seemed to even want to devour Wang Lin.

When it pounced, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes and revealed a cold gaze. His gaze was like a bolt of thunder, and it collided with the gaze of the little person.

"Scram!" With a cold snort, the little person let out a miserable scream, but Wang Lin didn't use any spell. He was thrown back and landed on the ground.

"I created you, so I can easily destroy you!" Wang Lin stood up and reached out toward the little person.

The little person revealed fear. When Wang Lin's right hand reached over, he trembled before collapsing into fog. The countless strands of fog escaped in all directions, and after escaping Wang Lin's grasp, it reformed outside the cave.

As soon as it appeared, it turned into a cloud and escaped. It moved very fast and was about to disappear.

Wang Lin's expression was calm and he revealed a sneer. His right hand formed a seal and he blew out a breath. In an instant, a miserable scream echoed from the horizon.

Shortly after, the little person flew back by himself and knelt down by himself. His body trembled and looked blurry, as if it could dissipate at any moment.

Wang Lin's eyes were cold as he slowly said, "I just need one breath to destroy you!"

The devil soul little person trembled and quickly kowtowed as if it was begging for mercy.

Wang Lin raised his right hand and reached at the void. The fog lance suddenly appeared and pointed at the devil soul. The devil soul and Wang Lin's mind were linked, and it revealed a look of hesitation.

Wang Lin let out a cold snort.

This devil soul trembled and turned into a ray of black light. It shot toward the Fog Devil Lance and integrated with it. The moment it entered it, the Fog Devil Lance seemed to gain a soul and gave off a terrifying aura. It turned into a black python and flew out of the cave. It stretch itself in the sky and let out a heaven-shaking roar!

The Dark Scorpion Clan members were all gobsmacked as they stared at the black python that was giving off endless pressure. They were completely shaken.

The Cloud Escape Clan members were the same. They stared at the black python in the sky in terror. A sense of fear appeared in their hearts.

The black python contained unimaginable tyranny and madness. Its powerful bloodlust made it feel like every living thing in the world was its enemy!

Zhong Big Red swallowed and excitement filled his eyes. He was different from Xu Liguo. The stronger Wang Lin was, the more glory he felt. He quickly knelt down and roared, "Master's treasure is complete, he is invincible!!"

As the black python in the sky dissipated, its body gradually dissipated. It turned into a ray of black light that entered Wang Lin's body and disappeared.

An extra devil soul appeared next to Wang Lin's origin soul. Its eyes were closed and it was completely suppressed by Wang Lin's origin soul. It couldn't resist or struggle at all.

Wang Lin's expression was calm, but there was a hint of joy in his heart. The devil soul avatar wasn't complete, but it had taken shape. After refining it many more times, it could become a real avatar!

"I wonder if I can return to the true form of the Ancient Order once my ancient god, devil, and demon avatars fuse like I expect them to!" Wang Lin licked his lips and waved his right hand. Two treasures immediately appeared before him.

A yellow leaf and a sealed treeman!

In the Fallen Land, the Fallen Elder selection was a holy event. All the small clans that were qualified to compete were preparing!

The location of the event was the most mysterious planet in the Fallen Land, the Great Emperor Planet!

This planet was very famous in the Ancient Star System and was a focus of research of the Sovereign Council. The rumors of this planet spread far across the Ancient Star System.

Anyone who personally saw the Great Emperor Planet wouldn't forget such a shocking sight!

It has to be said that most cultivation planets in the Ancient Star System were spherical. Even though some were irregularly shaped, they were mostly round. This was a very strange phenomenon, and a lot of powerful cultivators tried to discover why this was so.

However, in the end, they had only found some clues and weren't able find the truth. It wasn't until the Sovereign Council announced the result of their research. It was a new law called "the law of rotation."

They believed that all planets were constantly rotating, and due to this rotation, all irregularly shaped planets would become round after a long time.

However, this law changed completely when it came to the the Great Emperor Planet. This planet was long, and from afar, it looked like the needle on a compass that was slowly rotating.

No one knew why the Great Emperor Planet was like this. This was the holy land of the Fallen Land, and where the Great Emperor's cave was.

Normally, there was an unimaginable tearing and magnetic force around the planet. Cultivators would find that their treasures had become useless here, and even their cultivations would be suppressed.

Only during the selection of Fallen Elders would these forces weaken greatly and several tunnels to enter the planet would appear.

Aside from the more than 300 clans participating in the Fallen Elder Selection, there would also be people from the Ancient Star System. Most of them were invited by these clans and would sometimes help in battle.

The Great Emperor never cared about this, and this gradually became an unspoken rule. However, someone who wasn't from one of the clans of the Fallen Land couldn't become an elder, or else they would die!

Every Fallen Elder Selection, the Sovereign Council would send people to observe as guests. This was to show their recognition of the Fallen Council and pay respects to the Great Emperor. They also came here to observe and even support certain clans.

Aside from the Sovereign Council, the Fallen Council would also send out invitations to invite powerful people in the Ancient Star System.

The Great Emperor ignored all of this. It was as if the Fallen Elder Selection was merely a festivity.

Wang Lin moved to the Great Emperor planet with the Dark Scorpion Clan and the Cloud Escape Clan.

A woman with long hair was standing on a giant, octagonal compass outside of the Fallen Land. She was frowning, and no one knew what she was thinking about.

Beside her was a middle-aged man. He was also looking ahead, and his expression was gloomy.

"Grandmaster Yun Luo, that Great Emperor killed my avatar. What is the Sovereign Council's stance on this?"

"There will be compensation." The long-haired woman whispered as she looked at the Fallen Land. She thought in her heart, "To be sheltered by the Great Emperor… Now I really want to see this person with my own eyes… I just don't know if he is the person mentioned in the ancestor's prediction…"

In another part of the Ancient Star System, there was a soft, blue light. Dao Master Blue Dream was slowly walking with his hands behind his back.

Li Qianmei silently followed behind him.

Even further away, in a star domain where almost no one went to, there was a beast the size of a cultivation planet slowly moving. This beast was the shape of a ellipses and there were countless tentacles tens of thousands of feet long slowly swaying throughout its body.

Moongazer Serpent!

There was an old man wearing a white robe. He had an extremely bizarre appearance, and half of his face was black. His face was like an yin and yang symbol.

Behind him stood three people that looked like servants. If Wang Lin saw them he would find them extremely familiar!

Yi Muzi, Wudo Chan… and the already dead… Ji Xiantian!

1. They were people who got sucked into the void with the Moongazer Serpent

Chapter 1397 - Thump

The day before the Fallen Elder Selection, Wang Lin arrived outside the Great Emperor Planet with the Dark Scorpion Clan and the Cloud Escape Clan. When Wang Lin saw this strange planet, his eyes narrowed.

The Great Emperor Planet was surrounded by a layer of illusion, as if it was being hidden by a layer of fog. However, there were big spatial rifts that would devour everything inside this illusory fog.

There were also waves of grey lines moving within the illusory fog. If you looked closely, you would find they weren't real, but gave off waves of magnetic force.

Before Wang Lin even got close, he felt an extremely shocking force inside the illusory fog. This power was heaven-shattering. It could cause cultivators' spells to disintegrate and their treasures to collapse.

This wasn't man-made or the power of a treasure, but something created by heaven.

Wang Lin's pupils shranks. He observed it for a long time as he floated outside the illusory fog.

There was already a large amount of cultivators outside this illusory fog. There were hundreds of them scattered everywhere, and those that knew each other were chatting softly.

Wang Lin's arrival drew some attention and divine senses swept over. When they swept past the Dark Scorpion Clan and the Escape Cloud Clan, they all withdrew.

As for Wang Lin, with his divine sense, very few people could see the real him.

Wang Lin's expression remained unchanged and he coldly stared ahead.

"Every single Fallen Elder Selection is carried out at the Great Emperor Planet, but it is normally not accessible. When everyone has been gathered, a tunnel opens from the inside to allow everyone in.

"We didn't come too late, so the tunnel should open soon," the Dark Scorpion Patriach whispered to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin nodded and his gaze swept by the cultivators gathered here. There was no less than 10,000 cultivators. Although there were a lot of people, it was still insignificant in this vast space.

"I didn't think the Cloud Escape Clan would take an interest in the Dark Scorpion Clan, which always likes to be underground, and be accepted as subordinates. Really interesting!" A sharp voice came from the front. A middle-aged man in blue walked out from a group of nearly 1,000 cultivators.

This man's appearance was ordinary, but his eyes were like venomous snakes; there was a coldness hidden in his eyes. There was a serpent mark between his eyebrows, making him look even more gloomy.

His words were filled with ridicule, and he stopped moving when he spoke. His gaze swept past Wang Lin's group.

The Dark Scorpion Patriarch's expression changed. He looked at the middle-aged man and let out a cold snort.

The Dark Scorpion Patriarch whispered, "That is the Soul Serpent Clan's head elder. During the last Elder Selection, they fought with the Cloud Escape Clan. The result was a tie, and both were disqualified. They also had some friction in the past."

The Cloud Escape Patriarch was naturally also standing next to Wang Lin. When he heard the Soul Serpent Clan's head elder's words, he remained calm and silently kept his head down.

The Soul Serpent Clan's head elder smiled and slowly said, "Rumor has it that the Cloud Escape Clan invited Greed as an honorary elder. With Greed, I presume the Cloud Escape Clan will be set for a seat as a Fallen Elder! However, how come I don't see Senior Greed?"

His voice wasn't loud, but it contained his cultivation, so it echoed.

The ten thousand cultivators here were all from the clans in the Fallen Land. They had all come here to steal a spot in the Fallen Council, and it could be said that they were all enemies to each other.

Obtaining more information would be a great help in obtaining an elder seat. After hearing the words of the Soul Serpent Clan's head elder, everyone looked toward the Cloud Escape Clan.

The name of Greed was very famous. Him helping the Cloud Escape Clan was enough to catch the attention of the other clans.

"This old man heard that Fellow Cultivator Greed had become an honorary elder of the Cloud Escape Clan. Fellow Cultivator Greed helped me once before, so I wanted to visit him. Master Yun Dun, why has Fellow Cultivator Greed not come?" The person who spoke was an old man in a purple robe. His face was pale, but his voice was loud.

There were three arcs on his forehead. It was a water wave-like mark.

The Cloud Escape Patriarch raised his head and looked at Wang Lin. Then he said in a cold voice, "Senior Greed had to leave due to some urgent matter and won't be coming. There's no need for all of you to guess!" and lowered his head.

This scene was seen by the old man who had spoken, and his pupils shrank.

"A branch of the Five Element Clan, the patriarch of the River Creek Clan. He is currently the 13th Fallen Elder!" the Dark Scorpion Patriarch next to Wang Lin said softly.

Wang Lin's expression remained calm and he nodded slightly.

"Who is talking about this old man's name!?" the River Creek Patriarch, the 13th Fallen Elder, said in a cold voice. His gaze was like lightning, and it fell on Wang Lin and the Dark Scorpion Patriarch.

The River Creek Patriarch's eyes lit up and he slowly said, "Little scorpion, why haven't you come and kneeled after seeing this old man?" However, his gaze was locked onto Wang Lin.

The expression of the Dark Scorpion Patriarch changed greatly. To demand him to kneel before all these people was a great insult!

The commotion caught the attention of the surrounding cultivators. They all looked over with the intent of watching a show.

The middle-aged man from the Soul Serpent Clan smiled and shook his head. "Little scorpion, even if you want to climb up, you should be careful of who you choose follow. However, I can't blame you, scorpions that only know how to hide underground are short-sighted."

"What, still not coming over? That's good. You, come come here and kneel!" The 13th Fallen Elder, the River Creek Patriarch, pointed directly at Wang Lin.

After he spoke, the Dark Scorpion Patriarch's expression recovered and he revealed a hint of ridicule. Not only him, but the Cloud Escape Patriarch also raised his head. There was mockery in his eyes and a deep, hidden sense of pride.

Wang Lin smiled as he looked at old man and slowly said, "What, we can't say your name?"

The 13th Fallen Elder's eyes lit up. He saw how the Cloud Escape Patriarch looked at Wang Lin, and from the way they were standing, this person seemed to be in charge. This was why he had spoken.

As the 13th Fallen Elder, in order to get re-selected, he needed to show a display of might. Although the Dark Scorpion Clan was small, the Cloud Escape Clan was not. With Greed's reputation, they were the best choice to use to show off his might.

As far as the old man knew, Wang Lin was someone appointed by Greed, so using Wang Lin to show off his might was the same as using Greed! However, the mockery in the eyes of the Dark Scorpion Patriarch and the Cloud Escape Patriarch made him feel like something bad was coming.

"This person must've been appointed by Greed. Although Greed is strong, I'm a Fallen Elder, so there is nothing to fear!"

Thinking about this, the old man coldly snorted and said, "Only people that are qualified can say it. I just don't know if you have the qualifications."

The elders and patriarchs were all old foxes, so they more or less guessed the situation. They had all come to the same conclusion that Wang Lin was someone appointed by Greed to come here.

"You must not be from the Fallen Land. I advise you quickly kneel before me. Know that even your master, Greed, would have no choice but to kneel in this situation." The eyes of the head elder of the Soul Serpent Clan lit up. It was he who had provoked this, and he was very happy to see the 13th Fallen Elder target the Cloud Escape Clan.

"Qualifications…" Wang Lin smiled.

"Who dares to say Senior doesn't have the qualifications?!" A roar suddenly came from the distance. A burst of rumbles echoed and more than 1,000 rays of light rushed over here.

The person at the lead was a young man, and beside him were elders who were at the Heaven's Blight stage. They came with a powerful momentum and stood beside Wang Lin's group.

The young man quickly stepped toward Wang Lin and clasped his hands. He was extremely respectful and loudly said, "Junior Armored Dragon Patriarch greets Senior."

Behind him, the more than 1,000 Armored Dragon Cultivators all looked at Wang Lin with respect and a hint of fear. They clasped their hands and said, "Greetings, Senior."

This scene caused the expressions of all the cultivators here to change.

"Armored Dragon Clan!!"

"The ninth elder's Armored Dragon Clan!"

"Rumor has it that the ninth Fallen Elder was stripped of his title a few months ago and a new patriarch was chosen!"

"This matter spread far and away. However, the reason for the removal of the ninth elder was kept secret, so not many people know!"

"Although the Armored Dragon Clan doesn't have many people, they are very powerful. They can be considered top 10 among the 372 clans in the Fallen Land!"

"Who the hell is this person to make the Armored Dragon Clan greet him?"

"Could it be he has nothing to do with Greed?"

The middle-aged man from the Soul Serpent Clan was stunned and his eyes lit up. The old man from the River Creek Clan became gloomy. He looked Wang Lin and the fear in the eyes of the Armored Dragon Clan members. A terrifying thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

This guess immediately made the old man feel like a bucket of cold water had been dumped over him. His body trembled and his eyes were filled with terror and shock, along with a hint of disbelief.

"Impossible… I must be overthinking it!"

Just at this moment, the illusory fog formed by the magnetic force began to rumble. Then it began to expand and continue to spread. Then a passage was suddenly ripped open and revealed!

Dozens of cold-looking cultivators came out of the passage. The person leading was the messenger that had appeared in the Armored Dragon Clan. He didn't even look at the surrounding people and flew toward Wang Lin.

Seeing this, the 13th Fallen Elder felt his heart skip a beat.

Chapter 1398 - Cheeky Little Girl

The messenger flew at Wang Lin very fast. He instantly closed in on Wang Lin. When he was within 100 feet, he stopped and revealed a respectful smile. Then he clasped his hands and said, "Subordinate greets Young Emperor!"

Not only him, but the cultivators that came out of the passage quickly flew over as well. They also stopped 100 feet away and respectfully clasped their hands. "Greetings, Young Emperor!"

The entire area became completely silent. The hundreds of clans and 10,000 cultivators were silent. Their expressions suddenly changed as they stared at Wang Lin with shock and disbelief in their eyes!

Young Emperor was real! This matter had been announced by the Great Emperor a few months ago, but no one had seen him. This was the first time these cultivators had seen the Young Emperor in person.

"Young… Young Emperor?!!" The middle-aged man from the Soul Serpent Clan turned pale and horror filled his eyes. His heart pounded rapidly, his mouth turned dry, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He stared at Wang Lin and was dumbfounded.

There was also the 13th Fallen Elder. His expression changed greatly and he subconsciously took a few steps back. His mind trembled and his eyes were filled with fear. He would never have expected his guess to be true!

"When I saw the Armored Dragon Clan, I should have realized it. The ninth Fallen Elder was stripped of his title due to offending this person!! I… I tried to use him to show my might…"

The River Creak Patriarch trembled and licked his dried lips. He began to panic in his heart.

The messenger began to respectfully explain, "I made Young Emperor wait long. It takes a while to open this passage, so it took some time."

After he spoke, the surrounding ten thousand cultivators reacted. The actual time to open the passage hadn't arrived, they should've had to wait a few more hours for it to open.

"To open the passage early, this Young Emperor…"

"In the Fallen Land, there have only been two Young Emperor, and now a third one has appeared!!"

"This third Young Emperor must be valued even more than the previous two, or else the passage wouldn't be open early. This kind of thing has never happened before!"

"Hehe, the 13th Fallen Elder is really blind to provoke the Young Emperor. I want to see how he intends to deal with this!"

"There is also the Soul Serpent Clan's head elder. I fear he will also suffer."

The words of the messenger had set off a huge wave in the hearts of the surrounding cultivators. Wang Lin calmly nodded at the cultivators before him.

"Young Emperor, please enter the Great Emperor Planet!" The messenger respectfully stepped to the side and made way.

Wang Lin slowly walked forward into the passage that had opened up, accompanied by the messenger.

After seeing this, the 13th Fallen Elder relaxed. He felt that Wang Lin wasn't the vengeful type and wouldn't make it difficult on him.

No matter what, he was still a Fallen Elder. Even if the other party was the Young Emperor, he would still have to give a Fallen Elder some face. Maybe he could even use this method to earn a favor.

"This person is benevolent. Although he is the Young Emperor, he is an easily bullied man…" Just as he thought he was lucky, his pupils shrank.

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Just as Wang Lin took a few steps, he suddenly turned around and looked at the middle-aged man from the Soul Serpent Clan.

Wang Lin's gaze was cold. The moment it landed on the middle-aged man, his body trembled and more cold sweat appeared. He felt as if Wang Lin's gaze could pierce through his mind and was filled with coldness.

The messenger beside Wang Lin also stopped and revealed a hint of doubt. He also looked at the middle-aged man from the Soul Serpent Clan, and his expression became gloomy.

"Capture him!" The messenger's voice was cold. In an instant, the people around him rushed forward toward the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man from the Soul Serpent Clan revealed a look of despair. The expression of the Soul Serpent Clan members behind him changed greatly, and they were filled with fear.

"His sin doesn't deserve death, but the Soul Serpent Clan is stripped of their right to participate in the Fallen Elder Selection!" Wang Lin's voice was low, but it clearly echoed in the ears of the surrounding cultivators.

The cultivators charging at the middle-aged man stopped and retreated behind Wang Lin without any hesitation.

The middle-aged man from the Soul Serpent Clan was pale, and when he heard Wang Lin's words, he trembled once more. Even more despair filled his eyes. Those words were several times worse than killing him.

It has to be said that even if he died, it would just be one person. Although he was saved, he had become the sinner of the entire clan. The middle-aged man clasped his hands and bitterly smiled. "Thank you, Young Emperor, for having mercy."

Wang Lin's attention drifted away from him and his gaze fell on the River Creek Patriarch, the 13th Fallen Elder.

The 13th Fallen Elder's heart skipped a beat and his face turned ashen.

Wang Lin pointed at the 13th Fallen Elder and slowly said to the messenger, "Strip him of his Fallen Elder status, and make him kneel on the Dark Scorpion Planet for 100 years!"

The messenger hesitated for a moment, but when he saw the coldness flashing through Wang Lin's eyes, he nodded.

"The River Creek Clan loses their spot in the Fallen Elder Selection!" After Wang Lin finished speaking, he looked at the Cloud Escape Patriarch not far away and said, "Break one of your arms, and don't let it happen again!"

The Cloud Escape Patriarch felt cold sweat appear on his forehead. He knew that Wang Lin was powerful, and he had intentionally glanced at Wang Lin to make the 13th Fallen Elder provoke Wang Lin. He didn't expect Wang Lin to notice his intention.

At this moment, he clenched his teeth, his right hand formed a sword, and he pointed at his left shoulder without hesitation. With a bang, all the meridians in his left arm were broken.

The Cloud Escape Patriarch's face was deathly pale as he softly said, "Thank you, Young Emperor, for showing mercy. Junior knows his wrongdoing."

Wang Lin turned around and calmly walked into the passage.

The surroundings were even more silent. The gazes of the 10,000 cultivators gathered on Wang Lin, and their minds were shaken. However, some people felt disdain toward Wang Lin's behavior and felt that he was nothing without his backing.

"If this person wasn't the Young Emperor, he wouldn't be so arrogant!"

"There isn't just one Young Emperor. He came to the Great Emperor Planet to participate in the Young Emperor Trial. Only by successfully passing it can he become a true Young Emperor!"

"That's right, the Young Emperor trial is extremely difficult. Over the years, there were many qualified participants, and although they weren't appointed by the Great Emperor personally, none of them passed. Even though he was appointed personally by the Great Emperor, it will be difficult for him to pass!"

"The duty of the Young Emperor is very important. They can even take over the place of the Great Emperor to rule the entire Fallen Land. Even the the Sovereign Council has to be respectful toward the Young Emperor."

The messenger followed Wang Lin and gradually closed in on the passage. Just as he entered, he felt a tearing force come from the edge of the passage, and there was also a magnetic force. His origin soul loosened as if it was going to be sucked out from his body.

However, the suction within the passage wasn't strong. If one was outside, the tearing magnetic force would be terrifying.

However, just as Wang Lin moved 100 feet, his expression changed and he looked into the distance. A heaven-shaking rumble came from the distance.

This roar was extremely shocking and immediately disrupted the silence outside. Even the expression of the messenger changed.

An octagonal compass flew from the distance. This compass was about 1,000 feet wide and gave off glaring light. There was also a large amount of rune marks flashing, making it look even more imposing.

The compass got closer and closer. It closed in on the Great Emperor Planet in an instant. There were two people standing on it!

The person in front was a long-haired woman. Her hair was like silk and she was very beautiful. Her eyes were like moonlight and charmed all the surrounding cultivators.

She stood there like a fairy, her clothes moving gently along with her hair.

Beside her stood a middle-aged man. His expression was gloomy and he was like a mountain, with a pressure spreading out from his body. This pressure hit like a storm, causing the expressions of the surrounding cultivators to change, and they retreated.

There was blurry smoke surrounding the man. The smoke contained distorted faces that gave off silent roars.

There were more than a million different faces showing up.

"Joss Flames! Third step cultivators!!!" Some people immediately recognized what the smoke was, and their expressions changed greatly.

"This little girl is Yun Luo. I came to represent the Sovereign Council to greet the Great Emperor. I was invited by the head of the Fallen Council, and I greet all follow Fallen Land cultivators."

"Master Simo greets the Great Emperor!" The man beside the woman looked at the Great Emperor Planet with an indifferent gaze. However, his expression immediately changed and became filled with killing intent!

He had spotted Wang Lin inside the passage to the Great Emperor Planet.

Wang Lin also saw Master Simo!

Their gazes weren't distant, and they collided like two swords that could destroy the world!

"Little bastard!!" Master Simo's voice squeezed through his teeth, and it contained powerful killing intent.

Wang Lin's expression was calm as he slowly said, "Loser! You can only rely on words. What kind of third step cultivator are you?"

"You! Do you are to fight me?!" The thing Master Simo hated the most was his avatar being killed. Now that Wang Lin had brought it up, his killing intent was monstrous.

Wang Lin smiled. There was mockery in his eyes as he said, "Do you dare to enter this magnetic fog to destroy your cultivation until you fall down to fifth Heaven's Blight and battle me?"

After he spoke, the surroundings went into an uproar!

Master Simo was startled and was unable to say a word, but his expression was extremely gloomy!

He didn't dare!

"Fellow Cultivator is very sharp. I just don't know what your name is. Could you tell Yun Luo?" The long-haired woman smiled and her gaze was like moonlight as she looked at Wang Lin. However, to Wang Lin, that smile was extremely pretentious and made him feel disgusted.

"The position of the Sovereign Council's grandmaster isn't based on cultivation level. It is a title passed down by each generation. You're just a cheeky little girl that has cultivated for less than 1,000 years, and you dare to call me 'Fellow Cultivator?' No respect for your seniors! Is this how your predecessor taught you?" Wang Lin's expression was cold, and his words were even colder.

Chapter 1399 - Ancient Soul Restriction

The woman was startled for a moment and a hint of gloominess appeared on her face, but she soon returned to normal. She revealed a gentle smile as she slightly bowed toward Wang Lin and said, "This little girl has learned her lesson. I wonder if Senior can tell me his name."

This woman had asked Wang Lin's name twice and had already attracted Wang Lin's attention. Although he didn't know of any spells that used one's name, the grandmaster of the Sovereign Council had extremely strange and unfathomable spells.

When he thought of how she could calculate where he was hiding as if she had seen it herself, Wang Lin couldn't help but remember another person he had a profound memory of… the All-Seer!

In truth, in all his like as a cultivator, the All-Seer was the one person Wang Lin couldn't see through anded dread the most. Not even Daoist Water could create the same sense of dread.

At this moment, Wang Lin's expression was calm, but his heart was vigilant. He looked at the woman and slowly said, "Xu Mu!" His name was no secret for those that wanted to know. However, Wang Lin vaguely felt that her finding out and him saying it himself were different.

The woman's eyes lit up. After saying the name "Xu Mu" three times in her heart, she made an almost indiscernible frown.

"If this person doesn't personally say his real name, I can't use the Name Puppet Spell on him…"

Wang Lin turned around. He didn't look back at the woman and Master Simo and went deeper into the tunnel. The messenger quickly followed, and the two disappeared into the distance.

While moving forward, Wang Lin's eyes lit up. What he had done to the River Creek Clan and the Soul Snake Clan were done to test the Great Emperor. The Great Emperor was too mysterious and had suddenly given Wang Lin many benefits, so it couldn't be helped that he had become cautious.

In order to know other party's plot, he must test them. The matter with the Armored Dragon Clan was the same, and the matter with the River Creek Clan and the Soul Serpent Clan was also the same. Only by constantly prodding could Wang Lin find the other party's bottom line!

"He stripped two Fallen Elders of their titles, he let me pick the Armored Dragon Clan's patriarch, and he even let me revoke the rights of two clans to participate in the Fallen Elder Selection. All of this is above his bottom line… Perhaps the Fallen Council means nothing to the Great Emperor!" Wang Lin pondered a bit and his eyes lit up. He suddenly said something to the messenger behind him.

"The Dark Scorpion Patriarch is not bad, I intend for him to become a Fallen Elder."

The messenger was startled and hesitated for a moment. Wang Lin's gaze swept by the messenger, and his pupils shrank. He vaguely felt like the messenger was using some special method to send a message to someone.

After pondering for a bit, the messenger seemed to no longer hesitate and nodded. "Since Young Emperor has personally appointed him, it is naturally not a problem!"

Wang Lin revealed a smile and continued to walk forward. However, his smile gradually disappeared after he turned around.

"I was right! The mysterious Great Emperor doesn't care about the Fallen Council at all! He… Who the hell is he?!" Wang Lin silently pondered as the two of them moved through the passage.

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Shortly after, they arrived at the Great Emperor Planet. Seeing the planet up close, Wang Lin suppressed the shock and carefully looked at it.

There was a powerful sense of majesty rotating around the planet. Wang Lin stepped into the planet under the guidance of the messenger.

"There is no atmosphere?" As soon as he entered the planet, he noticed all the strange things about the planet. This was the first time he hadn't encountered an atmosphere when he entered a planet.

There were no mountains on the entire Great Emperor Planet!

It was all plains, and there was a lot of strange vegetation growing. Many of them had leaves so big that several people could lie down on them without feeling crowded.

At a glance, these plants were endless and seemed to cover the entire planet.

Only in the northwest region did the vegetation lessen, revealing a grey-colored ground. There was also an open area about 500 kilometers wide, and there were countless restrictions placed there.

"This is…" Staring at the restrictions, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and a thought appeared in his mind.

"That is the location of the Fallen Elder Selection." When the messenger saw Wang Lin's gaze lock onto the northwest region, he quickly explained.

After explaining, the messenger clasped his hands and said, "Young Master, this subordinate has been instructed to bring you here. I still have to go back to bring in the other cultivators. If Young Emperor has no other orders, then this subordinate will take his leave."

Wang Lin didn't intend to keep this person here. He clasped his hands and said, "Many thanks!" Wang Lin's personality had always been to treat others how they treated him. Since the messenger had been respectful to him both times they met, he would naturally not make any trouble for the messenger.

"Young Emperor can first get familiar with the Great Emperor Planet. When the Fallen Elder Selection stars tomorrow, there will be someone sent to notify Young Emperor." The messenger bowed before disappearing into the distance.

After this person left, it felt as if Wang Lin was the only person left on this large planet. His gaze lingered on the arena to the northwest before he withdrew it and disappeared.

When he appeared, he was outside the arena. The 500 kilometer arena was unimaginably large to mortals. It would take a full day to cross it with fast horses. However, for cultivators, this arena was just alright.

Outside the restrictions around the arena, Wang Lin raised his right hand pressed down. At this moment, a powerful force gathered from the void and rushed toward Wang Lin's hand. In an instant, a tortoise shell-like object formed before Wang Lin's right hand.

There were endless swirls on the edge of the tortoise shell that continued to rapidly rotate. Wang Lin's right hand touched the shell and he suddenly felt a powerful force coming from it. His right hand went numb and he was pushed back three steps before he finally stopped.

Wang Lin sensed the aura of an ancient soul inside that rebound force.

"What a powerful restriction!! This isn't the Annihilation Restriction, Life and Death Restriction, or Time Restriction… It looks like the rumored fourth great restriction that has been lost in time, the Ancient Soul Restriction!!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. When the messenger was here, he had already noticed something strange about the restriction, so he had come here to check. Now that he had seen up close, it he was surprised.

"Interesting!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He knew that people would be brought here by the messenger soon, so he didn't have time to waste. He flew up, and once he was in the air, thunder flashed in his right eye. His hand formed a seal and the thunder tattoo in his right eye immediately flew out.

A giant thunder tattoo formed before Wang Lin.

The moment the thunder tattoo appeared, it attracted the endless thunder of the world and the sky became grey. The entire planet became dim due to the appearance of the thunder clouds.

Wang Lin pushed the thunder tattoo and moved like a meteor toward the arena! The thunder tattoo rumbled as it fell with Wang Lin toward the arena!

Just as the thunder tattoo closed in on the arena, the arena emitted a flash of light. This grey light was like a cloud fog, and it appeared out of thin air. The light quickly condensed to form a tortoise shell!

The side of the tortoise shell was several times larger than the one that had formed from Wang Lin's test before. It also contained swirls that were rapidly rotating on it edge.

The thunder rumbled, then Wang Lin's eyes lit up and the thunder tattoo closed in. At this moment, the tortoise shell rapidly expanded and covered the whole arena.

Wang Lin's pupils shrank and he sucked in a breath of cold air. What tortoise shell? This was obviously a giant tortoise 500 kilometers large!

There was a giant head under the shell to the west side of the arena. There were also the four feet that belonged to this tortoise, along with the tail on the east side of the arena.

In this short period of time, a giant tortoise had appeared!

An ancient aura spread out across the planet! The giant tortoise was grey and its eyes were clear. When Wang Lin closed in, it let out a roar!

This roar was heaven-shaking and twisted the space around it. The sky changed colors and endless sound waves echoed.

This scene was extremely shocking. The giant tortoise was roaring at the sky, looking extremely ferocious. Its entire body gave off a grey glow as its four feet popped out. The sharp nails on its feet could rip open the sky!

Several bumps appeared on its tail and several green spikes poked out. They obviously contained very powerful poison.

Then a horn pushed out of its head. An aura of water spread out from the giant tortoise and made Wang Lin have the illusion that he was looking at the ocean!

It was as if this place had turned into a vast ocean!

Wang Lin waved his hand and the thunder tattoo returned to his right eye. He didn't intend to attack this arena, he had only used the thunder tattoo to force the restriction around the arena to activate completely.

Now that he had achieved his purpose, Wang Lin quickly retreated and his eyes revealed a strange light.

"It really is the ancient soul restriction!!!"

As Wang Lin retreated, the giant tortoise lowered its head and its body slowly dissipated. A moment later, everything returned to normal.

Among the four great restrictions, the Ancient Soul Restriction was very mysterious and had been lost for many years. However, the remaining clues showed that the Ancient Soul Restriction was related to beasts. It utilized the souls of beasts as the body of the restriction using special methods, and it was extremely powerful!

Chapter 1400 - Moon Concealed at the Heart of the Lake

While he retreated, Wang Lin's eyes were bright and stared at the giant tortoise that was disappearing. After the tortoise disappeared, joy filled his eyes.

"I didn't expect the Great Emperor Planet to have the Ancient Soul Restriction!!" Wang Lin took a deep breath. It took him a long time to suppress the excitement in his heart. He couldn't help but be excited.

If he could learn all four great restrictions and fuse them, he would have a chance to comprehend the restriction essence. If he succeeded, then Wang Lin wouldn't just have five essence, but… six essences!

Six essences!

If this information spread out, it would shock all cultivators. Even third step cultivators would be terrified. The more one understood about essences, the more they understood what having six essences meant!

Five essences was already extremely shocking. However, one more would be even more shocking! But similarly, having six essences would make completing them much more difficult.

Wang Lin's breathing was rough and he subconsciously licked his lips.

"I have obtained the Annihilation Restriction, the Life and death Restriction, and the Time Restriction. Although I haven't had too much time to study them, if I can learn the Ancient Soul Restriction, I will have learned all four great restrictions… At that time…"

Wang Lin's heart pounded. This chance was too unexpected. It had appeared completely outside of Wang Lin's expectations.

His eyes lit up, and after a long time, he suppressed his excitement completely.

"Who is this Great Emperor to use the Ancient Soul Restriction on an arena…" Wang Lin felt even more dread toward this mysterious Great Emperor.

"He let me come here early… Could it be that everything was within his expectations and he expected me to be attracted by the restriction…" Wang Lin silently pondered, and the more he analyzed the current situation, the faster the excitement in his heart dissipated.

"This Great Emperor Planet is filled with strange things… There is no atmosphere, it's covered in strange vegetation, and it contains the Ancient Soul Restriction…" Wang Lin landed on the sparse land without vegetation on the northwest region.

The ground was grey, and after landing, Wang Lin grabbed a handful of dirt. After taking a closer look, his expression darkened even more.

Just at this moment, rumbles echoed across the sky. It was the messenger bringing more cultivators in.

Wang Lin looked up, and with a step, he disappeared. He reappeared on the eastern side of the planet, an area filled with endless vegetation.

Wang Lin sat there as he looked at the grey soil in his hand and frowned.

"This soil looks ordinary, but I feel like something is wrong with it…" Wang Lin pondered and closed his eyes. The memory gradually appeared in his mind. It was when he took a half a step into the gate in the Heaven Defying Bead. He had turned into chaos and then floated in the void before turning into a cultivation planet.

Wang Lin had a powerful impression of this memory. It was that experience that allowed him to gain a vague understanding of many things.

He clearly remembered that after he turned into a planet, countless years passed and volcanoes erupted on the planet. The materials from the center of the planet escaped through the volcanoes and covered the planet's surface. These things dried out and gradually turned into soil.

Some extremely primitive vegetation was born inside his soil. As they vegetation grew and died, vitality began to form in the soil, and it fused with the vitality of the entire planet.

"When a planet forms in the void, it has no soil… The soil is gradually generated… In other words, the age of the soil on a planet is uneven and should be younger than the planet itself."

Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a strange light as he stared at the soil. After a long time, he softly said, "Flowing Time…"

The power of time spread out from his body and surrounded the soil in his hand. It seemed to be searching for when the soil was born.

However, the soil was born too long ago and it was impossible for Wang Lin to trace it back that far with his cultivation. However, he was still able to get a general idea.

After a very long time, Wang Lin waved his right hand and the soil scattered. Then he arrived next to some vegetation, and after grabbing a handful, he used Flowing Time once more.

After a moment, Wang Lin let go of the soil in his hand and let it fall. There was enlightenment in his eyes.

"If this soil was formed by nature, there would be an uneven age… However, the soil here seems to have been born at the same time!! There are only two possible explanations!

"One is that shortly after the planet was born, all the volcanoes on it erupted at the same time. They were all destroyed and formed this soil… However, this is kind of unreasonable. After all, the primal vegetation that give this soil vitality can't all grow and die at the same time… If this isn't true, then there is only one explanation… Everything here is man made, it was created by someone a long time ago with a powerful spell!" Wang Lin took a deep breath. He was also a powerful cultivator now, so he could imagine someone creating a planet. The cultivation level required was unimaginable!

While silently pondering, Wang Lin shook his head. He didn't even dare to believe it himself. He didn't know that if others knew of his speculation, it would shock many people.

Few cultivators could figure out so many things through clues found from the soil. Even if they had the ability, unless they knew the life cycle if a planet, they wouldn't be able to come to this conclusion.

Wang Lin was the first person to figure out the origin of this planet from the soil!

If the mysterious Great Emperor knew of this, he would also be greatly shocked. It was even more shocking than the fact this was a man-made planet!

Between cultivators, aside from the difference in cultivation level, there was also the understanding of dao. Dao, in truth, was the understanding of how the world worked. Someone who understood how the world functioned, and possessed a matching cultivation level, could achieve unbelievable results!

After scattering the soil, Wang Lin pondered for a bit before lying down on a leaf and looking at the grey sky, pondering. He was someone who liked to think. It was because of all this thinking that he was able to survive all the dangers in his life.

Although Wang Lin was extremely arrogant to the Sovereign Council's Grandmaster Yun Luo and Master Simo, in truth, he was extremely cautious. Although he didn't know what the Great Emperor's intent was, it didn't prevent him from borrowing the Great Emperor's power for his own use.

This method was very practical in this cruel cultivation world. Those that knew how to take advantage of the situation would be able to achieve their goal in the end.

Rays of light continued to flash across the sky as more people entered the Great Emperor Planet. Wang Lin lied on the leaf, looking at the people passing by, and slowly touched the giant leaf below him.

Just at this moment, his expression suddenly changed and he touched his right hand. When he was touching the leaf with his right hand, he felt a faint trace of origin energy leaving his hand outside of his control and get absorbed by the leaf.

However, when he looked closely, he found nothing, as if what he had just felt was an illusion.

Wang Lin sat up and his eyes lit up. Although he had found nothing, he had that shocking feeling in his mind. He flew into the air and looked down.

The endless vegetation slowly swayed… "This Great Emperor Planet is extremely strange…" Wang Lin no longer wanted to set foot on the vegetation. He began to fly around the Great Emperor Planet and carefully observed his surroundings with his divine sense.

The sky gradually darkened. The only source of light that remained were the rays of light flashing through the sky. Wang Lin wasn't moving fast, and around dusk, he saw a lake surrounded by endless vegetation, and beside it was an old man in white!

The old man was sitting on the side of the lake with a fishing rod in his hand. He was currently fishing. There was also a wine jug beside him.

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed. This was the first person he had seen aside from the messenger and the people flying across the sky. After pondering a bit, Wang Lin didn't leave but slowly landed behind the old man.

The old man ignored him and continued to look at the lake.

Wang Lin sat down on the side and also didn't speak. The surroundings were completely quiet, the only sound was the sound of people breaking the sound barrier in the distance. However, that noise seemed to merge with the silence and didn't feel disruptive.

The water was very clear. Although you couldn't see the bottom of the lake at a glance, you could clearly see that there were no fish in it.

The young man and the old man sat there with the wine jug between them. Time slowly passed and the sky gradually darkened and the bright moon appeared above.

The gentle wind blew by, causing the surrounding vegetation to rustle, but it didn't break the peace here.

Gentle ripples set off on the surface of the lake due to the wind. The ripples seemed to pluck the moon from the sky and buried it deep within the lake. Looking at it now, one couldn't tell where the moon was… Was the moon hanging in the sky or buried deep in the lake? The serenity produced by this beautiful scene caused Wang Lin's tired heart to relax for the first time since he had come to the Ancient Star System.

After an unknown amount of time, the old man's hoarse voice slowly echoed. "Do you drink?"

Chapter 1401 - Fishing Dragon

Wang Lin picked up the wine jug. Without looking, he took a big gulp.

When he swallowed the wine, it turned into a spicy feeling that burned from his abdomen to his throat. It was as if he had swallowed a dragon. Drops of sweat appeared on his forehead and immediately turned into white gas.

The feeling of burning didn't disappear but became even stronger and filled his body. Wang Lin felt like his body was burning and the power of fire was going to erupt from his body.

The heat cycled through his entire body. It was as if life had been injected into his origin energy. His origin energy seemed to come alive, and a moment later, Wang Lin noticed that his origin energy had increased a bit.

Just as his origin energy increased a bit, the fire inside his body increased and surged through him. Even his body began to burn. Heat began to come out of his pores. It was an extremely shocking scene!

This fire grew stronger and stronger, causing the Vermillion Bird mark to appear in his left eye. Blue fire erupted from his left eye and fused with the heat inside his body.

The cry of a Vermillion Bird echoed as a blue Vermillion Bird flew out from his left eye. It coiled around Wang Lin, revealing a comfortable expression.

It wasn't until 15 minutes later that the Vermillion Bird returned to Wang Lin's left eye and the heat in his body gradually disappeared.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and said, "Good wine!"

The old man looked at Wang Lin with a kind smile before turning back to the face the surface of the lake.

"Not just anyone would dare to drink this wine; even third step cultivators would hesitate. Yet you went and downed a big gulp."

"What kind of wine is this?" Wang Lin licked his lips. Just that mouthful had made the fire essence in his body stronger. What made him even more excited was that the wine had allowed his Vermillion Bird move closer to the next awakening!

"This isn't wine, but blood." The old man's expression was extremely kind and he smiled.

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed, and at this moment, a violent ripple echoed from the lake. There was also muffled roar coming from the bottom of the lake.

The clear lake water became cloudy at this moment. Not even divine sense could extend more than half an inch inside!

The old man laughed as his right hand held the fishing rod and jerked it backward. The fishing line shined silver under the moonlight and was immediately pulled straight.

The roar from the bottom of the lake became even more intense and got closer and closer. Soon, as the fishing rod was being pulled, a head 1,000 feet large was pulled out from the lake!

The head looked like a dragon!! There was a bump on the head of the dragon. Its color was very dark, a brownish red!

This old man wasn't fishing for fishes at all, he was fishing for a dragon!

The dragon's head was extremely large, and it opened its mouth with the fishing line in its lip. The body that had extended out from the lake was more than 10,000 feet long!

This sudden scene caused Wang Lin's expression to change and shock to appear in his eyes. Before the dragon, Wang Lin was like an ant. The red dragon let out a roar and moved its body as if it were trying to break free from the fishing line.

However, the fishing line was made of some unknown material and was extremely tough. No matter how much the dragon struggled, it couldn't break free. The old man smiled as he pulled the fishing rod once more, pulling the dragon out and causing it to roar even more intensely.

All of this happened in a flash, it was fast beyond imagination!

Just at this moment, the red dragon seemed to notice that it was hopeless to struggle to escape. It suddenly let out a roar and charged at the old man. Before it even got close, a fishy wind blew over.

As the dragon closed in, an indescribable aura suddenly erupted from the dragon. It was extremely powerful!

Wang Lin's expression turned pale when the pressure hit him, and terror appeared in his eyes! The dragon was like a grinder that could crush all living things. Wang Lin subconsciously retreated a few steps.

"Third step!!"

He clearly felt that this pressure was no weaker than the feeling Daoist Water had brought him back then!

"A powerful beast comparable to third step cultivators!!" Wang Lin sucked in a breath of cold air. He couldn't comprehend what was happening. If the old man was just fishing for a dragon, it would've been fine, but he was fishing for a dragon that had the power of a third step cultivator!!

The old man smiled as he flew into the air with the fishing rod in his right hand and his left hand waved toward the dragon. Wang Lin immediately saw fire appear in the old man's left hand.

This fire seemed illusory and was more like a fire mist! Then the old man waved his hand. It didn't look like he was using a spell, but there was a thunderous rumble. The dragon let out a miserable cry and its head jerked back as if it had been hit by a powerful force.

As it was pushed back, the fire mist spread across the dragon's body. The sound of flesh burning echoed across the world. The screams from the dragon became even more miserable and it was about to go back into the lake.

The old man waved the fishing rod in his hand and held the dragon in place. The dragon that was going to withdraw back into the lake let out another miserable scream and was pulled out a few hundred feet more out of the lake!

"Damn it, you little fire dragon, how you dare to run from this old man!!" the old man roared as he jumped into the air. He landed on the roaring dragon's head and his hand mercilessly slammed down!

The moment the old man raised his left hand, Wang Lin's mind rumbled and his pupils shrank from shock. He clearly saw something appear behind the old man at that moment… It was a giant Vermillion Bird!

Its size was far larger than Wang Lin's Vermillion Bird, and it covered the sky. An ancient aura spread out from the giant Vermillion Bird, and an ethereal flame covered the entire Vermillion Bird!

Ethereal Fire!

The moment the Vermillion Bird appeared, it let out a heaven-shaking cry!

This scene shocked Wang Lin. The size of the Vermillion Bird, the amount of fire, and its power were far stronger than that of the old Vermillion Bird Divine Emperor. There was no comparison!

It was like the difference between a young Vermillion Bird and its ancestor!

The old man's left hand suddenly fell, and the moment it fell, the giant Vermillion Bird moved, fusing with his left hand. In an instant, the Vermillion Bird became one with the old man's left hand. From afar, one could no longer see the old man's left hand, they could only see the sharp beak of the Vermillion Bird!

In the blink of an eye, the sharp break pierced through a bump on the dragon's head and a jet of blood shot out.

"What are you startled for? Quickly, pick up the jug! Do you think this old body can withstand all this for long!?" The old man looked up, and his roar echoed like thunder in Wang Lin's ears.

Wang Lin grabbed the wine jug without hesitation and immediately collected the blood inside. However, the jug had a limit and was soon full. Seeing how there was still some dragon blood left, Wang Lin immediately took out a bottle to hold it.

However, the moment the bottle touched the blood, it melted. It wasn't able to hold the blood at all!

All of this happened in an instant. Seeing how the blood couldn't be collected and was going to fall into the lake, Wang Lin charged forward. He knew it was precious, so he rushed toward the falling blood and inhaled.

With this, he inhaled all the dragon blood that was going to fall into the lake into is mouth. This mouthful contained about as much blood as three big gulps from before.

When the old man saw what Wang Lin had done, he smiled. He jumped off the dragon's head and took back the fishing rod. His right foot stomped down when he jumped off the dragon.

The dragon was extremely angry, but it didn't dare to roar. Borrowing the force of the old man's stomp, it quickly drilled into the lake and disappeared without a trace.

"Good, you're indeed someone from my Vermillion Bird Clan, and you know that wasting is shameful!" The old man smiled and landed beside Wang Lin.

After Wang Lin devoured the dragon blood, the fire in his body became monstrous and his face turned red. He had no time to pay attention to the old man; he sat down and cycled his origin energy.

The old man stood beside Wang Lin and scanned him. He revealed a satisfactory smile.

"I thought I'd never be able to see another junior again. This child's Vermillion Bird awakening is only one step away from the Ethereal Fire, this child is not simple!

"He should be my clan's sixth generation Vermillion Bird Divine Emperor… Not bad, not bad!" The more the old man looked, the happier he became. He even crouched down and pinched Wang Lin's cheeks. Then he carefully patted Wang Lin's body.

"Yes, definitely a member of my Vermillion Bird Clan and not made by our enemy. However, this little fellow's body is actually an ancient god… Haha, not bad, not bad!" There was excitement in the old man's eyes.

"The fourth generation Vermillion Bird was too frivolous and couldn't cultivate my spell. The sixth generation seems pretty cold and should be able to…" As the old man patted Wang Lin's body, he was startled.

"His origin soul's Yang has been broken… I…" The old man revealed hatred in his eyes. He stopped patting Wang Lin and sat down.

"Juniors nowadays… All of them… Alas… It's still this old man who has the willpower, and my origin soul's Yang is still intact to this day."

Chapter 1402 - Vermillion Bird Ancestor

The old man muttered for a while and looked hatefully at Wang Lin while shaking his head.

"Since his origin soul's Yang is broken, not only can't he cultivate this old man's spell, but it would be much more difficult for him to enter the realm of Ethereal Fire than those that have their Yang intact. Unfortunate, unfortunate!" The old man sighed as he looked at Wang Lin, who was cultivating. However, as he looked, his eyes suddenly widened and he exclaimed.

"Something is wrong… This little fellow's body… This is…" The old man's eyes widened and he walked next to Wang Lin. There was a hint of excitement and disbelief in his eyes. He decided to simply press his finger down on Wang Lin's forehead.

He didn't hurt Wang Lin at all, but a mysterious force entered Wang Lin's body.

When the old man withdrew his right hand, his eyes widened and he stared at Wang Lin's forehead.

Just at this moment, an invisible fire flew out from Wang Lin's forehead. The moment the fire appeared, it filled the world, giving off unimaginable heat!

At this moment, the invisible fire suddenly shrank until it turned into a weak flame. Although this flame was weak, there was a suffocating aura inside it.

This was Wang Lin's fire essence!

When the old man saw the fire essence, there was no change in his expression; it was as if he already knew about it.

After the fire essence, another light came from Wang Lin's forehead. This light was heaven-shaking and extremely bright. Thunder rumbled as a bolts of thunder shot out from Wang Lin's forehead!

The moment this thunder appeared, it formed a tattoo, and nine accompanying thunders rotated around it, giving off a shocking force!

The sky changed colors and the clouds scattered. The thunder essence was extremely strong!

This was Wang Lin's second essence!

"What a great guy. Not only does he have the fire essence from his Vermillion Bird awakening a few times, he also has this thunder essence! I had noticed it before, but seeing it now, I can't help but be surprised! This thunder essence is complete too! It is at the point where it can challenge the Void Gate! How did he cultivate it? Could he really have devoured an ancient thunder dragon?" The old man sucked in a breath of cold air.

However, just at this moment, there was another flash of light from Wang Lin's forehead. The old man's eyes widened and he revealed a hint of excitement.

"This is it, this is what I saw before. This little fellow's body…"

There was another flash and black and white light shined from Wang Lin's forehead. The world rumbled and a long, illusory river appeared in the sky!


This river was the Underworld River formed by Wang Lin's life and death essence!

The river swept across the sky and the head and tail connected. It was cloudy inside, and an aura of life and death erupted from it.

This was Wang Lin's third essence formed by his life and death domain!

The old man revealed an unimaginable excitement, and joy that he hadn't felt for tens of thousands of years appeared on his face. His eyes widened and he smiled. "Good, good, good, there really is a third essence. This old man didn't look closely before, so it was unexpected! I…"

Before he finished speaking, he was startled for a moment. Another light flashed from Wang Lin's forehead and an illusory Yin and Yang symbol flew out.

This Yin and Yang symbol contained karma. When it appeared, it seemed to tear the world apart. The sky and earth seemed to mix and a karma cycle formed.

Fortunately, there were no other cultivators nearby. Otherwise, they would've been entangled inside and their inner demons would erupt, making it difficult for them to escape! All the karmic cause they had planted would become karmic effect that would destroy themselves!

"There are more!!" The old man was completely stunned and his expression was filled with shock.

"Four essences… This… How did this child cultivate to have four essences? This is too per…" The old man's pupils shrank again and he stopped mid sentence because there was another flash of light from Wang Lin's forehead.

The light this time was extremely bizarre; it looked like it was there, but it wasn't there. It constantly alternated between true and false. Real and fake images began to appear, making it impossible for people to distinguish them at a glance.

The old man stared at the five different essences floating above Wang Lin. He swallowed hard and didn't know what to say. It wasn't until all five essences had disappeared back into Wang Lin's body that he let out a long sigh.

"No more? That's good, that's good." The old man looked at Wang Lin was if he was looking at a monster.

"Five essences… Five Essence… Damn it, this little fellow is more of a monster than the fourth generation Vermillion Bird!! How can such a monster appear in this world?!" Although the old man was saying this, the excitement in his eyes was indescribable.

The moonlight was strong and the gentle wind continued blowing, causing the vegetation to rustle. The night gradually passed and the run slowly rose, dispelling the darkness and coldness of the night.

After a night of cultivation, the fire essence in ide Wang Lin's body had become a lot stronger. However, there was still a barrier to the fourth Vermillion Bird awakening that Wang Lin couldn't break through.

The Fallen Elder Selection had already begun at dawn.

It wasn't until the sun was high above the sky, almost at noon, that the dragon blood Wang Lin had devoured slowly dissipated. Wang Lin's face returned to normal and he opened his eyes.

Wang Lin let out a mouthful of foul air. This air was black, and when it fell on the ground, it created a cracking sound. It was like the ground was being baked.

The moment Wang Lin opened his eyes, he saw old man. He pondered for a bit before getting up. He bowed and respectfully said, "Junior Wang Lin greets… Fourth generation Ancestor…"

The old man looked at Wang Lin with a strange light in his eyes. He let out a dry cough, hid that strange light in his eyes, and smiled. "This old man is not the fourth generation Vermillion Bird."

Wang Lin was startled for a moment as he looked at the old man, then a thought appeared in his mind.

"You… Are you… the first generation Vermillion Bird?"

The old man laughed and shook his head. "This old man is not the first generation Vermillion Bird, but the second! It has been a long time and things are complicated. The fourth generation Vermillion Bird is also here. You're the second clan member I've seen after him."

Wang Lin silently pondered for a bit and then asked with some hesitation, "Are you the Great Emperor?"

"I'm the same as you, a Young Emperor!" The old man smiled. When he saw Wang Lin pondering, he explained, "This old man and the little fourth generation fellow are both Young Emperors! As for the Great Emperor, it is a name only outsiders use. To the Vermillion Bird Clan, he only has one name: the first generation Vermillion Bird Ancestor!

"He's also one of the four strongest generals under the ancient celestial emperor!"

Wang Lin's mind trembled and he suddenly looked up.

The old man smiled. "As for the details, once you have been through the Vermillion Bird Divine Trial, you will know.

"This trial is something you must do, and for you, it might be a great fortune for you to break through to the Ethereal Fire realm. However, it is extremely hard, so you don't have to feel too much pressure." The old man looked to the northwest. After pondering for a bit, he said with a hint of dissatisfaction,

"Why didn't you agree to Master Simo's challenge? The people of my Vermillion Bird Clan aren't afraid of battles! After you attempt the trial, let loose and fight him. People who are invited here won't be able to cause any trouble here!

"The selection of the Fallen Elders is mere child's play. The main reason to invite so many third step cultivators is to let them know that a new Young Emperor has appeared in the Fallen Land!

"You're a member of my Vermillion Bird Clan, it doesn't matter if you come from the Inner Realm or not! If you leave here, I can't protect you, but if you are here, I want to see who would dare to hurt you!

"Remember, my Vermillion Bird Clan must be tyrannical and biased. We must be tyrannical so that we can have a foothold in this chaotic old. Only by doing this can you make people dread the thought of moving against you!

"This is why instead of hiding, show off your might! That Master Simo is your target to show off your might. So what if he is a third step cultivator? Use him to show your might!"

The old man's words were extremely tyrannical. Wang Lin pondered for a bit before nodding, and there was a flash of coldness in his eyes.

Seeing Wang Lin's expression, the old man was extremely satisfied. He looked at the lake and pondered for a bit. "Drink this dragon blood for the trial. You can't cultivate my cultivation method, but since we've met, I should give you something… Let's do this: this old man will pass you a secret spell of the clan!"

When the old man said the words "secret spell," his expression was very strange.

"Since you're a member of my clan, there is no problem in telling you. My Vermillion Bird Clan never had any so-called secret spells. This 'secret spells' was, in fact, stolen from the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise clans when the old ancestor could still move!

"After he brought it back, he called it the clan's secret spell!

"Among the three clans, the Black Tortoise has the greatest strength. I checked your body before and found that you somehow became an ancient god. The power of the ancient gods should make this spell even stronger!

"This spell isn't a spell, but a method for using force. Observe carefully!" After the old man finished speaking, he walked up to the lake. He raised his hand and waved at the lake!

His palm caused the water to depress, but just as the depression appeared, the old man's palm smashed down at the surface of the water.