
Re-Born: Live, Lust, Conquer

On a faithful night, a man catches his girlfriend of 3 years cheating on him with another guy, his best friend at that. Distraught by the events and disloyalty by his girlfriend and best friend, he storms off in anger all alone in the nightly rain. As he begins to cross the street, he gets hit by the infamous and classic truck-kun and dies upon impact. The protagonist is suddenly reincarnated into a new world, but not as a normal human but as a King. He isn't any King, however. He has been reborn as a God-Emperor, the Stongest King to exist who is seen as a God in their Kingdom. The protagonist soon discovers that his kingdom is in a crisis after a cruel war took place and his kingdom was destroyed. This is where the protagonist's legend begins in the story of Re-Born: Live, Lust, Conquer.

ForgottenSaint · Fantasie
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19 Chs

There is no Re:demption

Everyone evacuated into their homes as they saw me walking ahead. I looked at everyone and smirked. Sareth watched me and jumped off the tower and landed in front of me and I stopped walking.

"God-Emperor. You made it within a day. I'm so glad you could make it. How about we have some fun before you battle against Anastasia." Sareth smirked.

"Hmph. I won't fight you. But I know someone who will." I said.

Theresa walked ahead and dragged the blade of her claymore along the ground. She stopped in front of Sareth then glared.

Sareth laughed and looked at Theresa. "This bitch is going to fight me? You're joking right?! This is the same bitch I tortured for years, at a snap of my fingers I can take over her mind and make her turn her sword against you!"

"Sareth. Who are these people to you?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"The Reval Empire is my home kingdom. These people are like family to me." Sareth answered and looked at me.

I held my hand out to one of the houses and caused it to explode. Felix and the others looked surprised and watched the debris fly in the air. Sareth's eyes widened as she watched the house explode.

I gave an evil smirk and looked at Sareth. "Your family huh? If my memory serves correctly, I remember seeing you destroy my kingdom along with Rudolf...You also tortured Theresa for years right..? Heh. Today is not your lucky day." I boosted Theresa's power with my Divine Aura.

I formed an aura throne and sat down where I stood. Theresa smirked and glared at Sareth. I snapped my fingers and displayed a screen with a timer on it.

"You have 10 minutes to defeat Theresa. I know Merla and Ashelia are at the citadel and I've already located Charlotte, Raven, Venus, and Mars so they will be safe. If you beat Theresa, I don't blow up your entire city. If you lose...well...you will become my slave and I will torture you for as long as you tortured Theresa. I will break you. I will use you as a hostage, more importantly you will follow every command I give." I said. "Oh yeah, and so you won't get any cheap ideas."

I gave Theresa the power to be immune to all of Sareth's abilities.

"Theresa is immune to everything you try to throw at her. Everyone else stand back behind me. Everything in front of me is the battle area." I said then watched the others get behind me. "The clock's ticking."

"I'll end this quickly!" Sareth bellowed and summoned her staff and shot multiple beams at Theresa.

Theresa walked forward and tanked the magic beams like they were nothing. She ran to Sareth and bellowed then swung her sword at Sareth. Sareth dodged the attack then looked surprised when Theresa appeared behind her and hit her with the claymore. Sareth coughed blood and crashed through multiple buildings and slammed into a brick house.

Sareth could barely keep her eyes open after Theresa's attack. She held her head and wobbled and stumbled. She groaned loudly when Theresa hit her with a body shot then tossed her to the side. Theresa felt so free. She didn't have visions of her family being killed over and over again. She felt joy beating up Sareth.

Sareth bellowed and her aura surged powerfully. She summoned multiple monsters to help fight against Theresa. Theresa rushed into battle and began to cut down the monsters with ease and laughed. The horde of monsters stood no chance against Theresa's prowess and combat abilities. She quickly rushed to Sareth and swung her sword at her. Sareth dodged her attack then shot a beam through her body.

"Theresa!" Ignas bellowed. "Lord Ares! You have to stop the fight!"

"Just watch." I said.

Theresa gave a menacing smile and grabbed Sareth's face. "Lord Ares...gave me immortality. You can't kill me Sareth.."

Sareth looked surprised and groaned when Theresa smashed her head into the ground. Theresa laughed and impaled Sareth's body with her sword. Sareth groaned loudly as the blade of the claymore was being pushed deeper inside of her body. Theresa's smile grew wider at the sound of Sareth's suffering. I warped Sareth and Theresa back to me.

"That's enough Theresa." I said then stood up and the energy throne disappeared. "Ten minutes have passed."

Theresa took her blade out of Sareth's body and kicked her body to me. She licked the blood off her sword and licked her lips then gave a satisfied sigh. "I wish it lasted for longer...she deserves more than just those ten minutes of pain.."

I healed Sareth's wounds and grabbed her hair then picked her off the ground by her hair. "The rest of you, go to the citadel. It's time for Sareth's punishment for losing."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Felix asked.

"I can always build another city whenever I feel like it. Now go, I don't want you all caught in the crossfire." I said.

Felix and Grimm lead the army to the citadel and I looked at Sareth then used my aura to pry her eyes open. I forced her to watch me summon magic bombs above the city. I summoned an indestructible barrier around the inn Charlotte and the others were in.

"God-Emperor please..! Show mercy! The children! The mothers! The animals!" Sareth said then looked afraid.

"It's funny...how now you care about all of that. You didn't think about the children and mothers when you all attacked my kingdom. Why should I care about your people..?" I asked and looked at Sareth.

"I'll do anything for you to spare them! Please! These children, at least protect the children! Please!" Sareth pleaded.

"Say goodbye to your city!" I said then dropped the bombs on the city and Sareth looked surprised.

The screams of the women and children were loud and clear. I smirked as I watched the destruction and dropped Sareth on the ground. She closed her eyes as she grunted then opened her eyes and looked surprised to see no destruction happening on the city.

"W-What happened? I witnessed it! I witnessed the death of hundreds of thousands of people! How is this possible?!" Sareth yelled.

"You actually thought I would commit genocide? Hmph. Get up." I said.

Sareth slowly stood up then looked at me. "What happened to that family you killed..?"

"That house was completely empty." I said then walked away. "If I want to make peace, taking the route that The Fourth took isn't the way. Enslavement is a crime against humanity. The moment I fall down that path is the moment I lost."

"What are you going to do to me then..?" Sareth asked.

I snapped my fingers at her and Sareth grew incredibly weak and fell to her knees. I turned around and looked at Sareth. "Why did you attack my kingdom..? Why did you attack and destroy my kingdom..?"

Sareth looked at the ground and her hair covered her face. "We...were afraid of your bloodline. Ever since the First God-Emperor...ever since he acquired his powers every Dark Lord of each generation feared the God-Emperors especially the Fourth. We've been at nonstop war with your Bloodline until we managed...to kill the Fifteenth God-Emperor and destroyed your kingdom and taking the crown. We thought we had won but you lived."

I listened to Sareth and looked at her.

"Rudolf...plans to do something that can't be reversed once done. He wants to kill you so badly that...He is planning to revive the Fourth God-Emperor and fusing with him. If he succeeds in reviving him, it might just be the end of the world for all of us." Sareth said.

"Why are you helping him when you know this?" I asked and walked to Sareth. "Why are you helping the Dark Lords? Why make this foolish mistake..?"

"Because...deep down inside. I'm scared. Everything I've done was for the sake of my own life. My own freedom. I didn't want to destroy your kingdom. Kill the innocent. I only did what I needed to stay alive..." Sareth said.

"You didn't seem scared when face to face with Theresa." I said then crouched down in front of Sareth. "Tell me something...do you wish to repent? Start over?"

Sareth looked up at me then noticed my smile. "Showing me mercy..? Heh....even after everything, you are still kind. Everyone was right about you. Benevolence over Tyranny...I do wish to start over.."

"Well too bad." I said then stabbed her with my dagger. I smirked and my eyes shined. "The innocent people you killed can never start over...so why should you get that luxury? And don't worry. This isn't an illusion. This is real life now. I gave you the ability...Mortality and also gave you two abilities called Resurrection and Reincarnation Denial. You will never come back to life no matter what your allies do with your body. Sareth...this is goodbye...forever."

I snapped my fingers and the magic bombs appeared above the city and I stood up then warned Charlotte and the others of my attack that will nuke the entire city. Charlotte and Venus grabbed Raven and Mars then Venus warped them away from the Inn. I dropped the bombs on the city then walked away. Sareth fell to the ground and watched the bombs fall down. Her eyes became lifeless and she slowly closed her eyes. The bombs began to blow everything up, destroying the city and killing every person in the city.

I turned around and watched the destruction of the city then sensed Charlotte and Venus appear behind me. "Anyone associated with the Dark Lords deserve no sympathy nor redemption. After I kill the Dark Lord of this Kingdom, I'm gonna nuke this entire fucking kingdom."

"You committed Genocide.." Venus said.

I looked at the city then closed my eyes. I turned around and walked towards the citadel. "Yeah. I did. I know of Rudolf's plan. There's nothing we can do at the moment since we don't know where he is, but I know that none of his followers are being left alive."

"What is Rudolf's plan?" Charlotte asked.

I stopped walking and looked back. "He plans to revive the Fourth God-Emperor."

Charlotte and Venus looked surprised then looked at each other and back at me.

Merla sat in her cage and her stomach growled. She looked at Anastasia with a piercing glare and kicked the bars of the cage. "You're so fucking lucky I'm in this cage..."

"Yeah, and what do you expect to do to me?" Anastasia smirked.

"Kick your ass-" Merla heard the explosion and stopped talking. She heard the groaning of the knights and maids.

A knight was kicked through the throne room doors and laid on the ground dead. I walked ahead and glared at Anastasia.

"Lord Ares!" Ashelia said with hope in her voice.

"God-Emperor!" Merla said excitedly.

"You finally appear." Anastasia smirked. "Now-"

I shot her in the chest with my hand cannon. Anastasia looked surprised and fell to her knees. I walked ahead and kept her alive for as long as I needed to get enough answers out of her. "Where is Rudolf's location?"

"W-What..?" Anastasia said in shock.

"Don't play dumb with me, I've already blown up your entire city, you have nothing left. Death for you is inevitable. Tell me...where the fuck...is Rudolf." I said.

"Right here." A male voice said.

I looked back and noticed Rudolf standing behind me. I shot Anastasia in her head then turned around to face Rudolf.

"I'm gonna take it that you've heard of my plan correct? I assume Sareth told you? Well yes, I do plan on reviving the Fourth. I do plan on fusing with him and becoming the first Dark God-Emperor! It's just I need a little time to do it, so in the meantime, do whatever you wish...but I'll let you know, my Nine Generals will be your toughest opponents yet if you do decide to persue me. Especially the Galactic Four. It took me some convincing to get them on my side. Next time we meet, it will be on my own terms. Take as long as you like taking down my generals. Conquer the rest of this side of the world if you want, fuck it. I'll give you the rest of the kingdoms I own on this side of the planet since my Nine Generals are on the other side of the planet!" Rudolf laughed.

"You're that confident in yourself..?" I asked.

"More than confident...I know...when I am heard of again, our battle will decide the fate of this planet." Rudolf said then warped away.

"We were just given the other kingdoms." Grimm said in shock.

"What kingdoms?" Iris asked.

"Tridentum, Kular, Vozmead, Aetas, Skadi, Legacia, and the most important kingdom on this side of the world, the Transcedia Empire. I am actually concerned about the fate of our world if Rudolf is this confident, but luckily reviving someone like the Foruth would take literal years to complete since he's basically trying to revive a God." Grimm said.

"How many years are we talking?" I asked.

"Roughly around four to five years." Grimm said.

"That's enough time to do what I want to do. I do want to explore around more." I said then looked at Anastasia's body. "We're done here. Feel free to do whatever you want for the next few years. I'm going to see what all this side of the planet has to offer."

I freed Merla and Ashelia then walked off.

"He seems off." Felix said. "Let's go check up on him."

Yukari and Iris nodded then they hurried after me.