
Shell Shock

The snow had yet to be entirely clear from the Russian Soil, despite the fact that it was finally spring. Instead, Ludwig sat huddled up against the wall of a shelled outbuilding. The ruined structure provided no shelter to the man, who watched the snowflakes fall as soldiers walked past him, not even recognizing the officer tabs on his uniform's shoulders. 

He was just another shell-shocked soldier. One who was staring off into space. The thunder of guns in the distance had no effect on the man as he stared a thousand yards into the distance. He did not even recognize two men who were close members of his family as they approached him. 

Bruno and Kurt spoke in the background. What they said went entirely unnoticed to Ludwig, who was suffering from a rather acute case of temporary tinnitus. The ringing in his ears blocking out what they said, as their lips moved in accordance with the words spoken.