

MC dies and wishes to get reborn in Danmachi with a Tensura skill system. - NO HAREM! - NO Ultimate Skills, skills are capped at Unique - Romance (IDK who yet) - 3 years before cannon - OP MC - Miach Familia - MC looks like Data Jahad from TOG (cover image)

Data_Expunged · Anime und Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 2

Miach froze for a second before questioning the man in a panicked voice, "Troy what happened?"

The man looked at the ground for a moment before responding, "It's Naaza, she got separated from the group and ambushed by a group of monsters. The others are rushing her back now, but I don't know if she's gonna make it,"

Miach's eyes opened wide as he hurridly ran around the room collecting potions and ingredients. As he went by Miach swiped everything off of a large table at the center of the room, setting down a sheet and a pillow on top of the table. Glass shattered and liquid potion went everywhere as he continued preparing to save Naaza. Finally, he turned to Troy and gestured back to me.

"Troy, get Agustus here up to one of the spare rooms. He's the newest member of the familia by the way, so treat him well." Miach said distractedly, only paying half attention to the conversation.

"Sure thing Miach," Troy said, shooting the god a sad look that went unnoticed.

I caught the look and understood what it meant. People, even the ones who didn't get injured directly don't just recover after watching a friend get all their limbs ripped off by monsters. I guessed at least a few people would immediately retire from the familia after this. I don't know much about the familia, but if they work for a god of medicine then they probably know that it will cost an astronomical amount to heal Naaza. The writing was already on the wall, the members would either leave and go to new gods or quit entirely.

I quickly grabbed my status sheet paper and allowed Troy to help me get up off the table. The pain flared up as soon as I started moving, so I had to lean heavily on Troy. The man gave me a pitting, slightly guilty glance as he helped me up the stairs. As he began to open his mouth, probably to explain everything I already knew I cut him off.

"No need to say anything, I can read the situation clearly. I can tell it's not good," I said simply, finding no reason to sugarcoat the truth.

"Yeah, a few of the others are going to retire, and more are going to move on to new Familias after Naaza...," He didn't continue the thought, deciding instead to stay quiet.

We got up the last few stairs with little difficulty on Troy's part. I guessed that he was probably at least lv. 2, but I didn't care too much. After arriving on the second floor he led me to the nearest available room and opened the door. After helping me sit back on the bed he went to the door and looked back.

"Good luck," he said as he closed the door and I heard him jog down the hall and down the stairs.

After he left I finally pulled out the status paper and gave it a look. Nothing on it was surprising, I already knew that my real skills and magic would be in my system, not on the falna.

[Augustus Zahard

Lv. 1

STR: I-0

END: I-0

DEX: I-0

AGI: I-0

MAG: I-0


Magicule Manipulation



After I was done inspecting the paper I thought the word 'status' and watched as an ethereal blue screen appeared in front of me. I smiled as I looked at the skill written on it.


- None


- None

Common Skills:

- None

Extra Skills:

- None

Unique Skills:

+Rule Breaker (A/N: Skill here, subskills below)

- Remove Racial Limits (A/N: can use any races skills and magic)

- Indefinite Growth (A/N: self-explanatory)

- Unreadable mind and soul (A/N: self-explanatory)

- Chant annulment (A/N: no chants needed for magic)

- Removed Maximum Magicule Capacity (A/N: self-explanatory)

- Improved Skill Acquisition (A/N: killing gives skills sometimes, but they are also easier to get naturally)

Ultimate Skills: (Locked in Danmachi World)]

My smile became even wider once I read through all the subskills of Rule Breaker. It was definitely an incredible skill that would be extremely useful in my new life. Just as I was about to continue fantasizing about getting stronger and maybe even getting a girlfriend I heard a commotion downstairs. I could hear the door slam and shouts as multiple people entered the building in a rush.

I laid back in bed and was able to listen to the sounds of a familia that is about to collapse. I tried to shut my eyes, but I wasn't all that tired. I stayed up until late into the night, listening to people walking around and talking in hushed voices until Miach finally called it and sent someone to the Dian Cecht familia. After that, there were many more raised voices that ended with many people stomping out of the building and slamming the door. After that, I gave in to temptation and fell asleep.

I awoke briefly during the next day, but it was already late in the evening when I awoke so I just went straight back to bed. 'My body must be more injured than I thought' was my last thought before drifting off once more. My next awakening on the next day was luckily bright and early. As I sat up I felt around my body and discovered that there was very little pain, it appeared that I had healed up nicely. Just as I rose out of bed Miach walked into the room and stopped, seemingly surprised to see me awake.

"When you didn't wake up yesterday you had me worried, but it appears as though you just needed a bit more rest," he said with a smile.

Looking at him he had dark bags under his eyes and it looked as though he had just been crying, but I choose to comment on none of that. Gods have emotions too and it wasn't my business if he had been crying or not. As we got downstairs I could see that the shop had considerably less stuff in it than before. Miach sighed and signaled for me to sit down while he walked over to a cupboard and grabbed a few apples. He walked back over and placed them down in front of me, allowing me to start filling up my famished stomach.

"There is something I need to tell you," Miach said, sitting down across from me and looking serious.

I motioned for him to continue as I quickly finished the first apple and began on the second one.

"The situation from when you joined the familia turned out to be extremely serious. One of the members of the familia got injured and it required us to take out a large loan to get her a new arm. This caused a disagreement among the familia and they all either left or retired. So, it's just you, me, and Naaza left in the familia. Plus now we are in crippling debt. I won't be upset if you leave because this is a bad situation," he said, trying to be optimistic, but failing horribly.

"I'll stay," I said, patting Miach on the back.

This caused the god to smile sadly. In the next moment, he wrapped me up in a hug and from the sound of it he was crying. I patted him on the back as I thought about what to do to help pull this familia out of debt.