


"Nooo". I screamed as I jumped out of bed. It was just a dream, A silly dream with absolutely no meaning. I checked the time and found out I was asleep for just thirty minutes.

I washed my face and headed downstairs to watch TV.

The TV was turned on, but I was very sure that I didn't turn it on, I searched the entire house but no one was inside. Maybe it was turned on before and I didn't notice.

I got busy with my phone and turned off the television and left for my room.

I looked up at the my room clock, I have been so caught up on my phone that I didn't notice an hour has passed and I should probably start making dinner. Walking downstairs from my room again, I was surprisingly shocked to find out that the TV was on.

"What the...I turned this shit off". I said as I walked towards the TV and checked the switch, The switch was plugged, not wanting to think about it, I unplugged the switch and left to make dinner. I finished making dinner and called my mom to ensure she was coming home.

"Hello mum".

"Yes sweetheart, I am almost done I will be home in an hour".

"Ok, I will be expecting you".

"I have to go now". My mum said and ended the call. I felt pressed and headed to the bathroom, but as I acsended the stairs I noticed something very strange.

"You have got to be kidding me". I said as I walked towards the TV it was plugged on. Mark must be messing around with me again.

"Mark!, I am never afraid of anything, you of all people should know that. So cut the shitty pranks". I yelled through the window. he must have plugged it and ran outside. I don't mean to brag but I am simply un-prankable, I hardly got scared of anything, people called me proud some called me arrogant, but I was generally nicknamed as THE DAREDEVIL. I got the name after I had a fight with the principal of my school. That's right THE PRINCIPAL.


It was a Thursday and I was in 9th grade. Being a new student in the school, I desperately needed to join a club society in school. I decided I would join the basketball club, but I found out that only boys could join the club. I got annoyed and was on my way to the principal's office, and bumped into him by chance.

"Oh, it's the new student, how are you enjoying the school?". he asked smilingly.

"Not very well Mr Victor, I wasn't allowed to join the basketball club". I replied.

"Well you must know the basketball club is strictly for boys".

"That is totally not fair, girls can do anything boys can do".

"Look, basketball is quite dangerous, you can join the debate club i see you are quite good at debating issues, you will surely love it". he said changing the topic.

" It is a crime to deny people of their rights". I said getting irritated.

"If only you could understand that...".

"That what you are doing is regarded as gender inequality under the rule of law". I said on top of my voice.

"Really?". the principal asked with a surprised look on his face.

"Yes Mr Victor". I stomped my feet to the ground.

"Look the rule of this school is different for safety reasons, so please be considerate.". he explained.

"There should be no reason why a girl cannot play basketball, as long as the boys play it and don't get hurt then girls can do it to.

Why is it so hard for you to accept people the way they are?". I had completely lost my temper and didn't even notice the crowd of teachers and students staring at my argumentative speech with the principal.

"I could sue you for this sir!". I added angrily.

I ended up in detention but at least achieved my goal, the absurd requirement was finally canceled.

End of flashback...

I locked the doors of my house and decided to text Mark who thought his pranks could get to me.

ME. 6:00PM

Hey moron, great prank didn't scare me though.

MARK 6:01

What are u talking about?

Me 6:02 PM

Oh please don't act innocent.


Elaborate please???

Me 6:03 Pm

Who do you think you are messing with.


U okay Sara?. (^_-)(^_-)

ME 6:04PM

I should be asking you Mr!.


I am watching a movie and you my lady, are distracting me.

ME 6:06PM

oh pls I've got better things to do than texting a jobless person like you.

MARK 6:06

Ow that hurt, I guess you might wanna do something important so, CIAO.

ME 6:07PM

You better not put me on READ. I will rip your head off your body and use it as a Scarecrow.


I do feel like annoying you. ;-)

ME 6:08PM

What makes you think you aren't right now, huh?


LOL, I am so good at my job, I ought to be paid.

ME 6:09PM

Oh I can pay you if you want.



ME 6:09PM

Yeah by beating you up with a baseball bat.


Okay, I can't believe I actually fell for that, time 4 payback.

ME 6:10PM

Don't you dare!

READ 6:10PM.

"Ugh he is so stupid, did he just dismiss me?" I muttered to myself.

I remembered I had to go to the bathroom so I climbed the stairs slowly, looking at the TV and making sure it was plugged off. The doors are locked so I am sure I have nothing to worry about, Mark can't get in and I am totally going to kill him if I get a hold of him tomorrow.
