
Razar et Herdis: The Chronicles Of The Dead

“In the deep and dark forest of Athens a grave is laid there for Ignitia the only survivor of the Athenian and Mal-dohian war centuries back, she was a maid of the great witch, Queen Karen who was amongst the authors of the chronicles of the dead, she alone knows exactly where the Arenian diary consisting of the chronicles of the dead is. Awaken her and request her guide only her can help you” The commander of the Olcian army, Razar and the second general, Herdis ( Princess Azrath's fiancee ). Go on a search to find THE CHRONICLES OF THE DEAD, to save the King's daughter from death. Facing supernatural wars and battles to get the correct antidote to bring the princess back to life. Read to find out what happens when the 90 day dead line is almost crossed and within those days many secrets of the royal family and everyone's loved Razar is exposed. Pls vote I promise a great novel.

AnnaKhris · Fantasie
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13 Chs



Razar and Herdis are seated opposite, Tyrian and General Urien, silently glaring at each other. Darloc walks in and relays the King's message and after what seemed like ten minutes the King comes in. Taking a seat on his throne he receives greetings from Razar and Herdis.

"Good day, my Lord", Herdis greets with a sheepish smile.

In a cold and protruding manner, Razar greets, "Good day King Hysander".

Without caring about the cold greeting from, Razar, the King receives the greetings.

"Good day Razar, Good day Herdis, I am honoured to receive such a fast reply to my call", heaving a heavy sigh he continues, "I would want to waste the time left, Princess Azrath is sick, she has been diagnosed of an incurable disease and has barely four days left, Tyrian has suggested to search for The Chronicles Of The Dead, to use as a revival after her death. You both are the highest ranking officers of the Olcian army, after Urien, and I believe you both are capable of saving my daughter".

"What are The Chronicles of The Dead, if I may ask", asks Herdis.

"I would let Tyrian take over the explanation from here because I myself am not educated enough in that area" the King says signalling Tyrian to speak up.

"The Chronicles of the dead is a book that spells out a potion that can be uses to revive the dead, But the rules are vast and the journey is dangerous" he continues, "In the deep and dark forest of Athens, a grave is laid there for Ignitia, the only survivor of the Athenian and Mal-dhorian war centuries back, she was the head maid of the great Queen Karen, who was amongst the authors of the chronicles of the dead, she alone knows where the Arenian diary consisting of the chronicles of the dead is. Awaken her and request her guidance, only she can help you both". Tyrian explains.

Still unsatisfied Herdis asks, "We are to go in search of a potion to revive the dead, and the only person that can give us the clues we need is dead in a grave, how exactly are we going to awaken, Lady Ignitia".

"Actually, she is laid in a Kagfenite, its an ancient crystal, that keeps a person laid in slumber for years, decades and even centuries, its a rare crystal that was only owned by the ancient nobles, after that war centuries ago, Ignitia was the only survivor amongst the armies, the royals and their slaves, the remaining people of Athens and Mal-dhor had decided to migrate and make a place for themselves in Erlk and Foth, but Ignitia remained loyal to Queen Karen even after her death, she had decided to die of starvation and cold in the same land her mistress was killed, but she found the Arenian diary and realised that her death would bring about the end of her Queen's long research. She finally decided to make use of the Kagfenite owned by her mistress to make a grave, she laid herself in there and has been put to slumber for centuries", heaving a sigh he continues, "It has been said that many had failed to awaken her and those who have, had failed to grant request, some of which had granted her request and had gotten access to the Arenian diary, never made it through the battle with the Eight Messengers Of Death, that's all I have to contribute to this", Tyrian says.

I hope this story is good enough

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