

A boy and his family and friends introduced to war, and now with an awakened soul the fate of the universe is now in his hands. Chapters will be released every Wednesday

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40 Chs


Jason and Frisk stepped foot through the diner doors, the bell ringing above them.

"Ah welcome to a Gerrshire Diner ah" The waiter yelled. He was like a fat middle-aged man with a West-Town accent but very polite.

"Table for 2 please," She said. She looked around to observe all the people in the room, everybody looked like a normal townsperson but one stood out in particular. A guy wearing a cloak, he wasn't, wasn't small but maybe just the right size

"Aha right this way ah" The waiter continued. He led them to their booth right beside a window across from the guy in the cloak.

"What ah can I get for you guys today?" He asked. Jason and Frisk looked down at the menu scrolling through the pages of food that surprisingly looked good.

"I'll take rainbow eggs with strawberry jelly on the side and a Spider Cider" Jason ordered.

"And I'll a breakfast Glamburger with stoic onions on it please" She ordered.

"That it? okay ah" The waiter answered. He walked away back towards the kitchen to get our food prepared. Jason stared at Frisk as she looked like she was trying to keep a low profile her head laid low and her just closely watching everyone eat.

"Listen Jason, here's the deal... Try and keep a low profile and eat fast so we can get out of here" she explained.

"Right" Jason replied while nodding his head. The waiter came back and dropped off our food and left as Frisk and Jason began to eat.

"WOW! This stuff is pretty good!" Jason shouted with his mouth full.

"Hey! keep it down, remember?" Frisk interrupted. Jason stabbed his eggs with his fork and dipped them in the jelly, then stuffed it in his mouth. "You sure don't understand the significance of silence, do you?" Frisk sighed.

"Nope!" He laughed. Frisk continued eating her food while also observing everyone else too.

"I'm finished Frisk," Jason said, as he sat back.

"Great me too, let's get out of here" She mentioned. They got up and Frisk put her coins on the table for the bill. They walked past the empty seat in which the guy in the cloak was sitting. "Are you ready to leave this district?" Frisk asked when they got outside.

"But what about Khila?" he mentioned.

"We can't wait up for her" She replied.

"Why not...?" Jason asked.

"That guy... I knew him... the one with the cloak" Frisk stuttered.

"GUYS!!!" a voice screamed from afar. Footsteps approaching fast, closer and closer. They both turned around to be greeted by Khila again, running towards them and waving her hands to get their attention.

"Khila!" Jason screamed, waving back. She caught up almost out of breath.

"I ran back as fast as I could, to see if you guys have left the district already!" She mentioned.

"We were abou-"

"So it was you... Frisk" a deep voice from above interrupted. She looked up to lock eyes with the guy in the cloak.

"So... You wanna tell me who you are?" Frisk asked, as she stepped forward and summoned a knife. The man pulled off his cloak to reveal a man with dark gray hair and a large scar on the top left of his face, Frisk grunted.

"Awww come on! Forget a familiar face already?" he chuckled. Jason stepped in front of Khila, knowing how weak he was but at least trying to protect her. Frisk held her other hand out, then came the flashing yellow light, it looked like the star the boys saw at the park a couple of weeks ago. "Y'know, you have a pretty high price on your head... S.O.U.L. needs your power Frisk" he continued with a dirty smirk on his face.

"I still don't remember you..." She said.

"How 'bout this... People learn little from success, But much from failure." He chuckled. Her eyes widened as her knife floated away in pieces.

"Ruben... Lucero?" She asked.

"Bingo!" He yelled. Suddenly all the memories hit her, her childhood, her training in S.O.U.L, everything came back. '

"What..... Happened to you...?" She asked.

"Ah ah ah, First my name's Ruin now, and second, I became a ranked officer now," he said. he hopped off of the roof and landed on the floor. "Also... I'll be taking your bounty" he laughed. Ruin tore off his cloak to reveal another sturdy suit, he reached behind his back and swung out a black and green katana. "Say hello to Thides!!" He Laughed as he dashed towards Frisk at an ultrasonic speed. Frisk summoned her knife again and clashed with Ruin's blade, cracking the floor and sending debris in the air.

"I thought we were friends!" She yelled.

"Khila! let's get back!" Jason yelled as he led her away from the fight.

"We were until you left... Your bounty could give me enough coins and infamy to prove I could be a higher rank!!" he laughed. They stepped back and swung their weapons, clashing again. "Sorry Frisk.." he stopped. "Business is business"