

A boy and his family and friends introduced to war, and now with an awakened soul the fate of the universe is now in his hands. Chapters will be released every Wednesday

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40 Chs

Entrance of Astmarsh

"Welp! it's time to go, Jason, we've stayed here for long enough" Frisk said

"really? It's only been 3 days" Jason mentioned

"Do you want to master the power of your soul or what?" She asked.

"Y-yea, you're right" Jason replied as he gathered his jacket and walked to the entrance of Gaster's lab. Frisk nodded as she waved goodbye to everyone.

"W-when will you guys be back?" Joseph asked, almost pouting. Jason peered over his shoulder and gave Joseph a smirk. "W-will you be able to tell me all about your adventures when you come back?" Joseph asked.

"Don't worry Joseph, I'll tell you everything" Jason replied while walking out the door.

"Hey, Frisk!" Nate shouted.

"Yes?" Frisk replied.

"Make sure he comes back in one piece," He said

"guaranteed" Frisk replied as she smiled and walked out. The door to Gaster's lab slid shut as Gaster, Joseph and Nate sat there and watched the door in silence.

"So Gaster, what about my training?" Nate asked.

"You'll know when your training begins" Gaster muttered. Joseph walked over to the couch and sat down, wondering what he was gonna do next.

"Hopefully he comes back okay and stronger," Joseph said.

"If it's one thing I know about Jason it's that he never gives up, so trust me, he'll be fine" Nate replied. Joseph nodded and began to wander around the lab.

"Well... I'll be over here if anyone needs me" Joseph stated as he pointed to another room in the lab.

Jason walked with Frisk as they neared the end of the Shadyhearth district.

"Hey Frisk, we're leaving Shadyhearth?" Jason asked.

"Yup! where we're going is far away from Shadyhearth" she replied while smiling. They walked past the exit sign saying 'You're now leaving the Shadyhearth District' and were greeted by a forest only known as 'The Forest of Astmarsh'. Astmarsh was a MidGod that was thrown away from his own Father, an OverGod because he was accused of stealing the Silver Oracle which OverGods can use to tell the future. They banished Astmarsh from the Temple of Qibum and he was left in a plain in the middle of nowhere. He cried and his tears had spread all over the plain and in those places grew trees with a certain power.

"So, the Forest of Astmarsh can shrink and grow depending on the person's desire for their destination?" Jason asked.

"Wow, someone reads their lore books" Frisk laughed as she nudged Jason's shoulder. "But we do have to be careful because different monsters lurk around this forest, be on your guard" Frisk added in a serious tone.

"Right!" Jason replied. They began to walk into the Forest of Astmarsh, being cautious of their surroundings. Suddenly all the trees began to twist and turn almost bending out of shape and in the blink of an eye, everything was back to normal.

"What the hell just happened?!" Jason yelled.

"it's just as you said, the forest might've grown or shrunken the thing is we don't know" Frisk replied. At the same time of the Forest's change, bushes and leaves in the trees began to rustle wildly, like something in them was struggling to get out.

"Well well well, it looks like we stumbled into an encounter only 10 minutes in," Frisk said as she summoned a knife and smirked. "Hey kid, this is your first training session, create something," She said.

"But I don't know how!" Jason replied. Frisk groaned and pushed him behind her.

"Welp looks like I'll handle them on my own!" Frisk shouted. Six shadowy figures launched into the air readying their attack. "Here we go!" she shouted as she also launched into the air.