

A boy and his family and friends introduced to war, and now with an awakened soul the fate of the universe is now in his hands. Chapters will be released every Wednesday

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40 Chs

Back at the lab...

"So Gaster what're we gonna be doing for my training?" Nate says with enthusiasm.

"We're gonna study" Gaster responds with very little emotion. Nate looks unsurprised but still saddened that he's doing something so boring compared to Jason.

Nate has always had above-average intelligence but still finds studying and school boring.

"What are we going to be studying?" Nate asks.

"Everything relating to how souls work, what they are, what they do... And a surprise," Gaster replied.

"And as for him, He can do some light studying too," Gaster says, pointing at Joseph

Joseph starts squirming throwing a mini fit because he doesn't like studying. Gaster pulls out a mountain of books each look about 200-500 pages, Nate looks at them in disbelief as Gaster dusts them off and puts them on the table.

"Here are the books you need to start with, purely fundamentals," Gaster says handing 2 books to Nate, He looks down at the medium-sized books and reads the titles. the first book says 'Characteristics of A Soul' and the second one is named 'Soul traits, and how they are used' Even though Nate doesn't want to study he's still getting a lot more excited, he starts reading the first book as Gaster goes to give a book to Joseph.

"Here ya go kid," Gaster says as he gives the book to Joseph.

"It has a good amount of pictures in it," Gaster says, forcing a smile. He then goes back to Nate to review the books.

"Okay! Finally done with both of the books" Nate says stretching his back.

"Quick quiz!" Gaster says.

"Which soul is yellow?" Gaster asks

"JUSTICE!" Nate responds.

"Which soul is cyan?" he asks again

"Patience!" Nate responds again. He and Gaster continue to go over each soul and later go over the souls' abilities.

Gaster pulls out another book and hands it to Nate, this one a bit more 'commercial'. He looks down at the book and the title reads "Tricks to analyzing A Soul"

"You're going to be going against a lot of unknown threats and need to know how to stay safe and counter them," Gaster says, smirking. Nate lets out a sigh and starts on the book.

Gaster goes to check on Joseph and hears loud snoring. He walks over and gently shakes Joseph to wake him up.

"Did you finish the book?" Gaster asks quietly.

"h-huh, no not yet," Joseph says half-awake.

"You're the only one who doesn't have a soul, you need to be able to at least defend yourself," Says Gaster

"But I don't need it! I have Joseph and Nate to do all the fighting instead" Joseph says getting flustered and angry.

"One day you're gonna need it," Gaster said.

Joseph shoots up out of his seat and runs outside with his tantrum.

"Joseph!" Screams Nate, "What happened Gaster?"

"He thought I was calling him weak... you should go after him before he gets hurt," says Gaster standing firm.

Nate walks outside, looking for Joseph almost taking 15 minutes "Joseph! Come back" He looks around a corner and sees the shadowy figure of 2 kids, one sitting on the floor, the other standing near him. He wanders down the alley, trying to sneak up on them, his Iris in his left eye turning emerald-green.

"I was just checking if he was okay... he was crying," says the kid standing up.

"Huh?" He asks.