

A boy and his family and friends introduced to war, and now with an awakened soul the fate of the universe is now in his hands. Chapters will be released every Wednesday

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40 Chs

A Passionate Encounter

As dawn began to break amongst the trees in the Forest of Astmarsh. You could hear the birds chirping loudly and the wind brushing against the bushes.

"Hey kid, it's time to get up now," Frisk said, shaking Jason's shoulder. His eyes jolted open as if someone was about to murder him. "What's wrong with 'ya?" She asked.

"I uhh... I had a bad dream...." Jason replied.

"Oh yeah? Tell me about it" Frisk said.

"I don't remember it clearly..." He started. "There was a man... I-I don't remember his facial features... but, everyone... everyone was....."

"Everyone was what?" Frisk asked. She could already tell by the look of terror on his face what was about to come out of his mouth next.

"Dead" he stopped. "I-I know... it was a dream- but it- it felt so real" he explained.

"Jason... Just try and forget it, you need to focus more on your training instead" Frisk demanded. She got up and walked over to the stream to get a drink of water. "Hey, why don't you put out that fire," she said.

"R-right" Jason replied. He took the remainder of the water in his canister and threw it on the fire, putting it out. Jason then walked over to the river stream to also refill his canister.

"We're about to get going again" Frisk mentioned. She saw the look of disappointment on his face from her disbelief in his story. "Look, that's what we're on this journey for... you're gonna get stronger so that thing's like that won't happen" She explained.

"Yeah.." He replied. Jason walked back to the tree to clear out the rest of the stuff they're leaving behind, then waited for Frisk. They began to follow the trail along the stream not even looking at each other. They walked for about 20 minutes until the stream ended leading to a small hill below. "A waterfall-" Jason stopped as he was interrupted by the cries of a young girl, screaming for help. Frisk grabbed his shoulder immediately.

"Wait- Jason I know what you're thinking and we don't know what it is... maybe we shouldn't interfere" She told him. Jason nudged free from her her grasp and slid down the small hill.

"She's in trouble! I'm going to help her!" Jason yelled. He ran towards the screams of the girl. picking up a medium sized branch on the way, Frisk chased after him immediately. Jason jumped the bushes to be met with a pack of Doggos trying to attacking her, he ran in swinging the branch around hitting one but scattering the rest. "Get behind me!" Jason said, pulling her up off the floor. Jason charged at the Doggos attempting to hit them with the stick until he drove them off back into the forest.

"T-Thank you very much!" She said.

"Um, no problem..." Jason replied.

"I'm Khila Morris! Nice to meet you" She said, holding her hand out.

"I'm Jason, Jason Oconner! It's also nice to meet you too!" He replied, Shaking hands with her. Khila had long black hair with ocean blue highlights just like her eyes, and she was also wearing a black dress with blue stockings. Just as they finished shaking hands, Frisk hopped out the bush to see the 2 kids just staring at each other.

"Welp, it looks like you handled it without me" Frisk chuckled.

"Yeah!" Jason replied.