
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

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56 Chs

Chapter 56: Kimimaro's Choice

Ginju and Kashu frowned the moment the space turned white. Right now, they are could not see those young Shinobi. The only thing they could see are their selves who all got painted in black.

On the other hand, those young Shinobi attacked the Otsutsukis using their strongest attack. They bombarded the two Otsutsukis with jutsu from the distance. Smoke and dust covered the area as their attack landed on their enemies.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of the collision and explosion erupted and echoed inside the sealed space. The youngsters continued to throw even more artillery like jutsu and continue to hit the enemies.

Some time passed and the Shinobi eventually got tired of attacking as their chakra reserve continue to dwindle down. They then stopped their attack temporarily.

A few minutes later, the dust and dirt cleared out. The tired Shinobi stood there alertly as they waited, and checked the situation. Finally, they saw a large black ball in the distance, at the spot where they concentrated their attacks.

The black ball suddenly twitched. It then opened up revealing the two Otsutsukis inside. The opened black ball then transformed into one of the incarnate. Clearly, the Otsutsuki, Ginju used one of his incarnate to turn into a black shield and defended themselves.

"Damn. Even with those attacks, we still unable to kill them?"

"Tch. Did our attack got even weaker?" Questioned Naruto, feeling indignant when their attack didn't seems to affect the duo Otsutsukis. This feeling of punching a cotton wool is really frustrating!

"Look like they have a way to feel or see all of our attacks." Said Kimimaro. If these Otsutsukis are not affected by his eyes ability, then it will defeat the purpose of using his Black and White jutsu. "Should I cancel my jutsu?"

"Hold on. I think your ability affected them. Look." Said Kroku, pointing at the Otsutsukis.

Naruto and the others all looked at the enemies, and saw them still standing in one place, glancing around as if searching for them.

"Seems like they are still got affected by Kimimaro's jutsu. It just that they have a way to detect danger that going to harm them." Said Haku.

Neji also arrived at the same conclusion. He then said, "Let's attack them again."

The others nodded, agreeing to launch another group attacks. Just then, the Otsutsuki showed some changes in their strategy, from passively standing in one place to actively attacking the enemies.

They used their incarnates to create a Hurricane as a shield, while releasing random jutsu attacks to the surrounding place. Many elemental jutsu attacks flew away in a many forms, trying to hit those hidden young Shinobi.

Everyone expression turned serious when they saw those barrages of attacks, and hurriedly evaded them. At the same time, they formed their next attacks. This time, they wanted to launch the sharpest and most direct attack.

Naruto and Neji once again created a combined Bijuu Dama, and launched it at the enemies. However, a ball of fire like jutsu hit the Bijuu Dama, though the ball of fire dispersed instantly.

The moment the ball of fire dispersed, Kashu's eyes twitched. He then swiftly turned towards the Bijuu Dama, and made a hand sign. Then one of his Incarnate reached out it's hand, and shoot out several small black ball. The small black ball shot so fast and instantly collided with the Bijuu Dama.


The Bijuu Dama exploded upon impact, and caused strong impact towards the surrounding area. However, it didn't affect much the Otsutsukis. It only destroyed those small black ball that was released by Kashu's Incarnate.

At this time Kroku formed a big golden javelin that is powered by Sandora's natural chakra. The javelin then started spinning slowly, and then accelerated until it spun so fast that it caused the air around it to become hot.

"Golden Arrow!!"

Kroku then launched the golden javelin towards Ginju as swift as he can. The javelin flew towards the Otsutsuki and locked on the enemy's head. Just then Ginju moved his hand as if detecting some incoming danger.

In that instant, Ginju's Incarnate transformed into a black curtain that enveloped the main body, and forming a spherical black ball defense.


The javelin struck the black ball and drilled a hole through it. However, the javelin was stopped after just creating two to three inches of hole. After that, it cracked and broke into many sand particles. The sand particles was ten repelled away from the black ball.

At the same time, many black weapons were created out of the black ball, and flew towards Kroku. Kroku used his sand to block those attacks. However, many more jutsu attacks flew towards him bombarding his location. This forced Kroku to quickly left his location. Kroku cursed when he saw many more attack randomly rained towards his location. "Darn it. This guy could predict where is my location, even when he was affected by the Black and White jutsu."

The same thing happened to the rest of the young Shinobi. This caused them to try their hard to evade while launching several artillery attacks towards the duo Otsutsukis. The weaker young Shinobi were in even more bad condition. They could only put their focus on evading, and couldn't muster any counterattack.

While evading and throwing some attacks, Kimimaro looked at all of his tired friends, with slight emotion. Then, he glanced at the sealed space, and then at those Otsutsukis. Looking at their situation, he could tell that their situation is already turning from bad to worse.

Those duo Otsutsukis is really invincible inside this sealed space. All of their attacks look useless as the two enemies seems to be able to find their attacks, and make a counterattack or high level defense.

Moreover, this sealed space continued to weaken all of the young Shinobi. If this continues, they will certainly all get sucked out of their energy. If that happens, all of them will be powerless, and the enemies will be able to kill them easily.

For a moment Kimimaro was lost in his thought. He remembered long time ago when he was still very young, he used to feel afraid of death. This is because his Kaguya Clan have the tradition of the survival of the fittest.

Every single day is a dangerous day for him. Fortunately, he have the advantage of his bloodline. This helped him to survive and slowly become fearless. He even managed to come out as the strongest among his own clan, and killed many of his clan members ruthlessly.

As time goes on, many of his clan members died and reached the point of extinction. At some point, he was left as the only survivor of his clan. On top of it, he lose his purpose of living. He only continued to live as it feel like that is only natural for him.

His life only changed after he met Zokuto. This young guy have shown to him that his life has a purpose. At first he thought that his purpose was to serve faithfully under Zokuto. However, time passed and his perspective also changed.

He started meeting many other talented young people. He also gotten many friends that is close to him, appreciate him and shared the happy and troubled times with him. Without him knowing, he started to see these people as his family that he is willing to protect.

"So, I already found my porpose, huh." Mumbled Kimimaro. His lips turned up as he smiled in realization. For a second, his heart feel at ease and his body relaxed entirely. However, this caused his reaction to be slower than before. A black spinning knife flew directly towards Kimimaro's head.



Right before the spinning knife about to reach Kimimaro's head, Naruto pulled him away. Naruto then reminded Kimimaro, "Hey, don't just stand there spacing out."

"Oh, thanks." Replied Kimimaro, nodding at Naruto.

"Just be careful."

After that, Naruto headed towards Neji to create a combination attacks. Just then, his Bijuu Cloak twitched and vanished from his body.

"Huh? What happened?"

"Sorry Naruto. I need to replenish my energy for sometime. Until I restored my chakra, you have to think of a way on your own to handle these enemies." The Yang Kurama regretfully told the cause of Naruto lose his Cloaked Mode.

Naruto was surprised when he heard Kurama. He looked around, and saw those who are using Bijuu power already returned to a weakened state without the support from their Bijuu. "This is troublesome."

At this time Kimimaro spoke up, "You all, let me fight these two."

"What? You mean, you want to fight these two alone?"

"That's reckless." Said Kroku.

"Actually, I have one ninjutsu that I haven't used yet. I will use it to kill these enemies." Continued Kimimaro.

"How sure are you about winning against them?" Asked Haku, who silently stood at Kimimaro's side.

"I cannot guarantee it. However, I can at least kill one of them."

"..." Everyone looked at Kimimaro. They wanted to tell him not to be reckless, but the situation is not something that they can just play safe anymore. They are already severely weakened by the sealed space.

"You guys should back away and try your best to restore as much chakra as you can. In the mean time I'll andle these enemies."

After saying that, Kimimaro walked forward. Right now, he feel relaxed, without having much of a burden in his heart. As he walked toward the two Otsutsukis, a different aura was released from his body. Kimimaro stopped his step and spoke to Haku without glancing back.

"Tell Sensei that I'm very thankful he saved me and gave me a purpose in life. Also, tell him that I'm sorry..."

"Hey...wait." Haku shouted worriedly. However, Kimimaro already performed hand seal and activated his secret jutsu.

"Kaguya Secret Mode: Bone Will!"


In that moment, the lone Kaguya undergone a transformation. From his heart, liquid bones that was full of vitality gushed out and started enveloping him. Before long, he was wrapped in a pure white liquid bones, that still transforming his whole body into a new form.


At the next moment, Kimimaro finally finished his transformation. Right now, he no longer have any other color on his body, other than pure white. All of his body part including his eyes were wrapped in white.

Just then several white fire appeared on his back. There are seven of them, floating and circling on his back without really touching his back.

"First Will!"

One of the white fire flew up and stayed on top of Kimimaro's head. It lit up brighter than the other six white fire. As the First Will was activated, he now no longer released any aura on his body. He lightly lifted up his step, and took his step.


Kimimaro instantly disappeared from his location. At the same time one of Kashu's incarnate was rammed by something, and shot out up into the sky. Just as the Incarnate flew even higher, it suddenly hit an invisible wall, which is the sealed space.

At the place where the incarnate standing just now, the white Kimimaro stood there quietly.However, the fire on top of his head is already flickering out, as if about to die.

"Second Will!"

The second white fire moved towards the flickering fire and absorbed it. As it absorbed the first fire, it burn even brighter than the first fire as it stayed ón top of Kimimaro's head.

Without wasting anymore time, Kimimaro once again disappeared and launched another attack. Another Incarnate was then sent flying away. Just as Kimimaro wanted to continue, a punch arrived and hit him on his waist.


The punch sent Kimimaro stumbling away, and hit a big boulder. The one who attacked him was Kashu. While his incarnate got beaten by Kimimaro, it helped him to predict Kimimaro's exact location. With that, he used the chance to attack him.

"Brat, I don't know how you managed to stay strong till now. However, don't think that by using this blind jutsu could help you win against us. Just give up." Said Kashu, showing disdain towards the group of young Shinobi.

At the distance, Kimimaro stood back up. However, a big chunk of his torso was torn apart caused by Kashu's punch just now. The white fire on top of his head also getting weaker.

"He is hurt. Let's help him." Naruto was about to get involved back in the fight. The others also wanted to attack too, even with their almost depleted chakra. Just then, Kimimaro stopped them. "Don't get involved!"

Just as everyone frowned and want to ask why, Kimimaro activated his next Will.

"Thirld Will!"

"Fourth Will!"

Two white fire left his back, and joined the second fire, forming a new accumulated fourth fire on top of his head. As the fire started burning brighter, two black horn grew out on Kimimaro's forehead. At the same time his torso got healed instantly.

"Let's fight once more!"