
Ranging Desire

Even the surrounding will tremble with fear when the great Lioness and the mighty Alpha are in a cold war with none bowing to defeat... .... The business world being the battlefield and marriage ...the weapon.. What happens when the one you hate so much suddenly fills you with an unquenchable RAGING DESIRE... "Do you know the meaning of the letter 'H' in my name?" Crystal asked Xender while leaning dangerously close to him. Gently she whispered.. "It means Heaven.. I can take you there.." The sides of his mouth raised slightly "You can't take Hell to heaven Becca" ... IT'S SOO ON!

ArmyElla · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 11: Blaze and Soraya (Part 2)..

After a long day at work, it was finally closing time. Raya stretched her body after she was done with the dishes. Everyone said their goodbyes and departed. She was only a few steps away from her restaurant when a G wagon pulled up beside her and stopped. She tried to walk away from it when the tinted window rolled down and an almost perfect face came in view. There were no traces of warmth on his face which looked as cold as ice despite being breath taking. It was none other than her husband, Blaze.

"Get in" were the only words he said to her before rolling up the window. She made to open the front door beside the chauffeur.

"Are you trying to get me into trouble or are you just dumb? Get your silly self over here!" there was no warmth in his voice either that it almost scared her.

Obediently she made her way to the passenger's side of the car and on opening it the strong smell of a ladies perfume that she has come to know hit her nose offensively. How can a person wear such heavy chocking perfume? She knew it was his side chick cos he doesn't even try to hide it. Something must be happening today for him to pick her up cos she knew very well that she was dead to him.

The chauffeur parked smoothly into a large building with a huge mansion in the middle. Then it clicked, his grand parents house! They must have asked him to bring her along cos Raya was sure that nothing in this world would make him pick her up even if she were to slump on the streets.

The butler came in and took the boxes in while they made their way in. Blaze stopped in his tracks and Raya almost bumped into him.

"This is a warning, do not embarrass me..." and with that he walked ahead of her, never turning once to see if she followed.

Unknown to the two persons, there were two young ladies watching them from a slightly pulled curtain.

"She'll do for the meantime..."

"I believe Blaze won't mind if we played with her a little..." that smile was anything but innocent.

They were showed to their room and told to come down for dinner soon so they just went downstairs for dinner meanwhile the seats were filled up with just one empty. Blaze casually strolled to the empty seat and sat down leaving Raya awkwardly standing alone in front of everyone. She wished for the floors to open and swallow her up, everyone sat looking at her like a sore thumb sticking out and the one who was supposed to be of help sat buried in his phone not caring about what happens to her.

"Who are you?" Hilda, one of the ladies at the table asked while starring at her all over.

"I don't recall ever seeing you... "

"Do they now let in stray dogs?"

"Enough both of you!" That was Mr. Hillson also know as Grandpa.

"That's your cousin's wife, show her some respect! I am very sure that a seat was reserved for her." He said starring them in the face one at a time till they lowered their faces and didn't dare to say a word. Everyone at the table knew what their Grandpa could do.

"My dear, forgive these immature adults, they didn't mean any harm." He called on one of the house ladies to get a seat for her. After she had sat down, Mrs. Hillson welcomed her into her home.

"Welcome to our humble home darling, I hope the trip wasn't too long?"

"No it wasn't ma'am"

"Oh please, call me grandma, everyone does."

"Yes... grandma"

She gave her a beautiful smile and urged her to try the meals before her. It was obviously that the grandparents liked and dotted on her much to the displeasure of Hilda and Joanne who watched her from their glass of wine.

Blaze felt their was a cold war going on, he felt the stares from his two female cousins and knew they were up to something but they didn't bother him as much as the silent treatment from both his grandparents but most of all the way Alec his younger cousin kept staring at Soraya... He knew that look all too well, he was already a grand master at such games but he knew he never did such to another man's wife and so won't tolerate such. Blaze made sure to hold eye contact with him that screamed murder while eating and for the first time Alec's eye went back to his meal cos he knew better than to touch a sleeping lion's tail. He knew... but that pretty little thing beside Blaze was just to tempting...