

The standards for success are often measured by the level of education we attain, the amount of money we have, the material possessions we own or the title we have.

Education is most important, we should go for all that is available to us. And there's nothing wrong with the good job and wealth. Let's be honest, what we do with our education and money to serve others that will be remembered long after we are gone.

How do you measure success?

Let's say you had a lot of money. Anything you wanted, you could buy. You would probably have a list of you want. And will all that money, many people would call you a successful.

But what about the other list? The real list of things that money can't buy, the list that comes from the heart. Your real list probably includes, the need to be accepted the way you are, a happy family and something more.

True success can only be measured at the end of the our lives by how we used we had to serve for our society and honor God. This is the only kind of success that can never be taken away from you.

I have things that bring success for us. First, work hard at something you like. Second, living peacefully with others. Third, making right choices no matter how difficult. Fourth, start over after making mistakes. Last, believe that God's love you because he has the best plan for you.

So work for true success what I mean is success of the heart.