

Welcome back to Earth, a place where you already know what's going on and didn't really miss much besides some boring politics. With nothing better to do than improving yourself and getting rich, you get to work. Just when you thought everything is going to the exact same, you feel a strange connection pulling you to an empty land. You don't notice anything until you see a spaceship crash land, you start heading over there. Upon arriving at the spaceship, you notice some familiar faces you didn't expect to see. The single digit sekireis exiting the ship, you now realize what world you are in and the characters that are in it. Armed with knowledge of what will happen, you prepare for what you need to do. Just when you are about to speak, you sekireis say something you didn't expect to hear "I have found you, my Ashikabi". You are now expected to wing every single sekirei that is in front of you and the ones in the ship, this is going to be a long day. Will you be able to keep up with all the sekireis being yours and not be overwhelmed.