
Rakudai kishi no cavalry: Persona

human soul finds themselves trapped in an endless void after their death. With nothing around them, they are forced to confront their own thoughts and feelings, causing them to spiral into madness. They spend thousands of years in this state until, finally, they begin to regain their sanity. His memory shattered and forgotten. As they try to make sense of their surroundings, they slowly start to move and suddenly find themselves thrown through a light door, entering a new world. The world is unfamiliar to them, and they are filled with a mix of fear and excitement. His memory shattered and forgotten. With no cheat ability and only his wits, how will he thrive in the new world? After being thrown into a new world, the soul finds themselves in the body of Kurogane Ikki, an infant with a troubling future and a strong desire to prove himself in the world of "Blazers" - individuals who can manifest weapons using their souls.

Sky_Demon_Order · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

New Heir, Old Pressures

Itsuki Kurogane stood beside his wife's hospital bed, admiring their newborn daughter. Shizuku was a lovely baby, with tiny fingers and exquisite features that filled him with pride. But he couldn't help but feel uneasy as he held her in his arms.

"You're going to be a brilliant magician, aren't you, little one?" he said, attempting to put his anxieties aside. "You're going to make our family proud."

Yet the words rang empty in his tongue, and he knew they weren't real. The Kurogane family emphasized magical skill so strongly that it was difficult to see anybody flourishing without it. Itsuki had witnessed personally how his own average magical skill had damaged his life, and he didn't want his daughter to go through the same thing.

Itsuki's wife, who was laying next to him in the hospital bed, stared down at Shizuku with a frigid face. "She'd better be an excellent magician," she added sharply. "I don't want our second kid to be another letdown."

Itsuki was irritated by her statements, but he didn't say anything. He was well aware that their marriage was organized by their families to boost their political influence. His wife had never cared for him, and he had long given up hope of changing that. Itsuki noted a shift in his wife's demeanor as she continued to look down at Shizuku. There was a softness in her eyes, barely imperceptible, a glimmer of recognition.

"She reminds me of myself," she replied, barely above a whisper. Itsuki was surprised. He'd never heard his wife show any love for their children before. He watched as she stretched out to pat Shizuku's cheek, her expression filled with amazement.

"Maybe she'll be different," she speculated, her voice abnormally low. "Maybe she'll be the one to make us proud." Itsuki was perplexed by his wife's abrupt change of heart, yet he sensed a glimmer of optimism. Maybe, just maybe, Shizuku will be the one to win her mother's affection.

Itsuki was relieved as his wife's statements seemed to imply a shift in her attitude toward their daughter. He could only pray that this newfound love would last that Shizuku would not become just another piece in her game.

As he handed Shizuku back to his wife, he caught the eye of Mizuki-sama and Akeno-san, who had come to witness the new heir. They both wore smiles on their faces, and Mizuki-sama stepped forward to take a closer look at the baby.

"Oh, she has shows such a promise," she said, her eyes twinkling.

"Look at her silver hair and that B-rank magic capacity. She'll be a valuable asset to our family."

Itsuki forced a happy smile, but he was unpleasant on the inside. He knew the elders placed a strong emphasis on magical talent, and he couldn't help but wonder what would happen if Shizuku didn't live up to their expectations.

But as he watched his wife cradle their daughter, he felt a sense of hope.

For the time being, all he could do was love her and hope that she was protected from the expectations and pressures that came with being a Kurogane.

Itsuki couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as he thought of his brothers. He remembered the year of torment that Ikki had endured, all because he lacked magical ability. It wasn't fair, but that was the way things were in their family. He hoped that things would be different for Shizuku.

As they walked through the hospital corridors, Itsuki couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that the birth had gone smoothly. The Kurogane family had spared no expense when it came to medical care, and the hospital was one of the best in the country.

The halls were filled with the sounds of beeping machines and the chatter of nurses and doctors. Itsuki walked alongside his wife, who was still recovering from the birth, holding her arm for support. She was quiet, lost in her own thoughts.

As they stepped out of the hospital doors, Itsuki was momentarily blinded by the bright sunlight. The car was waiting for them, the driver standing at attention. Itsuki helped his wife into the back seat and settled in beside her.

The drive to the Kurogane estate was a long one, and the silence in the car was palpable. Itsuki could sense his wife's tension, and he didn't know how to break the ice.

She finally spoke out. "You understand the family's expectations, Itsuki," she replied, her voice icy. "If Shizuku is to succeed, she will need to be properly schooled in the eqtquette hosuewife duties and become a reputable mage knight ."

Itsuki sighed. He knew that his wife was right, but he didn't want to think about the pressure that was already being placed on their daughter.

"I understand," he admitted. "But all I want is for her to be happy. I don't want her to be devoured by our family's expectations."

His wife didn't respond, but he could sense her disapproval. They had always been at odds when it came to the topic of their children. Itsuki wanted them to have the freedom to pursue their own passions, while his wife saw them as nothing more than tools to be used for the family's benefit.

As they approached the gate, Itsuki's mind flashed back to a painful memory. He remembered a time when he was just a young boy, barely able to wield magic. His father had been furious with him for not being able to complete a simple task, and he had taken out his anger on Itsuki with a severe beating.

"I'm sorry, father," Itsuki sobbed, tears spilling down his cheeks.

"Sorry, isn't going to cut it!" his father had snarled. "You're a disgrace to the Kurogane name. How can you ever become a great magician if you can't even perform this?!"

Itsuki shivered and forced the memories away, focused on the present. He didn't want Shizuku to experience the same abuse and strain that he had.

Yet when they approached the estate's gates, Itsuki realized his daughter's destiny had already been decided. All he could do was hope that she would discover her own path and that he would always be there to support her.

Ikki's room A few days later, at night

Sora moved across the room towards Ikki's cot, quietly closing the door behind her. The moonlight coming in through the window gave a gentle glow over the room, illuminating the toys strewn over the floor as well as the colorful decorations Sora had sneaked in earlier. Ikki's eyes brightened with excitement as she lighted the candle and began singing.

"Ikki, happy birthday!" Sora spoke in hushed tones, her voice full of excitement and devotion. "I got you a cake exclusively for the two of us."

Ikki giggled and reached for the cake, his little fingers firmly clutching the frosting. Sora giggled and cut him a little piece, taking a bite and enjoying the sweetness.

When she watched Ikki enjoy his birthday gift, Sora couldn't help but feel sad for him. She was well aware that if news of this reached the elders, she would be punished., yet she couldn't help but fall in love with the real Ikki, the one she met and didn't read about in the story, and the thought of him growing up in such a harsh and vicious environment worried her.

"Ikki, my little sunshine," she said quietly as she brushed a stray hair away from his face. "Whatever happens, I'll defend you. Even if it means defying the Kurogane family's desires or silencing uncomfortable people."

Sora knew that her actions were risky, and that if she was caught, the consequences would be severe. But she couldn't help but feel like Ikki deserved better than the fate that awaited him as a member of the Kurogane family. She would do anything to protect him.

Suddenly, the door burst open and a lively two-year-old Ouma Kurogane rushed into the room, grinning at the sight of his baby brother. Sora was relieved to see him, hoping that he could distract the other maid and prevent her from causing more harm.

"You, what are you doing here?" Ouma asked, a puzzled expression on his face.

Sora quickly shushed him, putting her finger to her lips to signal for him to be quiet. "I'm here to take care of this child" she whispered. "But we need to be quiet so we don't wake him up."

Ouma nodded, realizing the gravity of the situation. "OK, I'll be quiet," he said before walking over to the cot to check on the infant.

Sora watched as Ouma laughed and clutched Ikki's small hand, a grin on his face. She couldn't help but feel relieved - at least for the time being, Ikki was secure and loved.

But her relief was short-lived as the other maid burst back into the room, her eyes narrowing as she took in the scene before her. "What is going on here?" she demanded, striding towards Sora and Ouma.

Sora felt a sense of panic rising in her chest, but she tried to remain calm. "I was just taking care of Ikki," she said, her voice shaking slightly.

The other maid sneered at her, clearly not believing her story. "You know you're not supposed to be here," she spat.

Her expectations were swiftly dispersed as the other maid directed her rage towards Ouma. "What are you doing here, you little..... "She almost finshed but stopped midway and finished curtly "Ekhem, young master what are you doing here?" She chastised him, gripping his arm roughly. Fear caused Ouma's face quiver.

His cries echoed down the hallway as the maid dragged him away, leaving Sora and Ikki alone in the room. Sora felt a twinge of guilt at not protecting Ouma as well, but she knew that her first priority was Ikki. She glanced down at him, and to her surprise, he was looking up at her with a small smile.

"It's alright," Sora said softly as she ran her fingers through his lovely hair. "Don't worry, he'll return shortly."

She felt a pang of sadness at the thought of Ikki growing up in a family that didn't value him for who he was. But she also felt a fierce determination to protect him from the cruelty that surrounded him.

As she held him, she heard the banging at the door and the voice shouting from outside. Sora's heart leapt in her chest as she realized that they were in danger of being caught. She held her breath, waiting for the worst.

But the other maid seemed to back down, and Sora breathed a sigh of relief as she heard the door slam shut. She looked down at Ikki once more, his little face peaceful in sleep. She knew that she had to be careful from now on.

"I promise, little one," Sora said quietly, putting a delicate kiss on his brow. "I'm not going to allow anybody harm you."

Next day elder council

When Sora was cleaning up the Kurogane estate's main hall, she had no clue that the same maid who had admonished Ouma earlier was reporting her behavior to the council of elders.

The maid's voice dripped with disgust as she spoke of Sora's behavior towards the baby. "I don't know what's gotten into her," she continued, shaking her head in disapproval. "She spends all her time with that child, doting on him and neglecting her other duties. It's unbecoming of a servant."

She paused for a moment, as if deep in thought before continuing, "I even overheard her talking to the baby as if he was a person, telling him about her favorite stories from her favorite anime that she called "Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan" or something..... It's ludicrous!"

The maid's brows tightened as she recalled the incident. "That is not everything. She was baking a cake for that trashy baby and singing 'Happy Birthday' to him. She seemed to have lost her duty in this family. She is certainly becoming too devoted to the child."

Her words were laced with venom, and it was clear that she had a personal vendetta against Sora. But as she spoke, a small voice in the back of her mind wondered if her anger towards Sora stemmed from something deeper, perhaps a feeling of jealousy or inadequacy. Whatever the reason, the maid was determined to make sure that Sora knew her place and that the elders were made aware of her behavior towards the young master.

The council members exchanged glances, their expressions stern and disapproving. "This is unacceptable," one of them said. "This maid's behavior must be corrected immediately."

Mizuki-sama, the head of the elders, spoke up. "What do you suggest we do?"

Another member, Akeno-sama, chimed in. "We cannot simply fire her. She has been a loyal and hardworking servant for years."

"But we cannot allow her attachment to this child to cloud her judgement," Mizuki-sama replied. "We must show her the error of her ways and make it clear that such behavior will not be tolerated."

Sora continued to work diligently, unaware of the trouble brewing behind closed doors. She wiped down the tables and chairs, humming a tune to herself as she worked. Little did she know that her fate was being discussed, and she was being accused of doing something wrong.

After some discussion, the council decided to send an elder to speak with Sora privately. The elder, a stern-looking man named Takahashi-sama, arrived at the mansion a few days later and asked to speak with Sora in private. Sora nervously led him to a small sitting room, unsure of what was about to happen.

Takahashi-sama sat across from her, his stare unwavering and penetrating. "Sora-san," he said, his voice low and solemn. "We've heard that you've been acting improperly with the young master." Sora's heart sunk as she understood what he was talking about. "I apologize, sir," she murmured quietly. "I had no intention of causing any problem."

Takahashi-sama leaned forward, his face solemn. "Your conduct is not acceptable," he said emphatically. "You are a Kurogane family servant, and your responsibility is to serve them diligently and without question."

Sora nodded, the weight of his words pressing on her shoulders. "Sir, yes. I see what you're saying."

"Your job has not been terminated by the council. Instead, we'll give you another opportunity "Takahashi-voice sama's softened significantly. "But, you must realize that any future disobedience will not be accepted."

Sora breathed a sigh of relief "Thank you, sir," she said earnestly. "I will do everything in my power to serve the Kurogane family with honor and loyalty." 'Ha as if you old fools'.

Takahashi-sama nodded, standing up to leave. "See that you do," he said sternly. "And remember, your every action reflects not only on yourself, but on the entire Kurogane family." Sora watched him go, feeling a newfound sense of determination.

Sora's mind raced as she processed the conversation with Takahashi-sama. She couldn't believe that the council had received reports about her behavior towards Ikki. She couldn't abandon him now, no matter what the council suggested.

Yet she was also aware that she needed to exercise caution. The council was scrutinizing her every action, and any slip-up might lead to her dismissal. She couldn't let it happen, especially because Ikki needed her the most.

When she returned to Ikki's chamber, she silently vowed to protect him no matter what. She would go to any length to keep him safe and happy, even if it meant going against the intentions of the council. He was, after all, the reason she had remained with the Kurogane family in the first place.