
Full chapter of a political career

A kid who don't know about the power of politics.

He just enjoys his life ,playing game studying and family is all to him.

Now I'm going to tell my own story. I live in Bangladesh and it has big population and it's a small country. I live in Dhaka named puran Dhaka Lalbag. There are so many politicians and some little don drug dealers and poor people and some good people also live there. Every day there have problems fighting family fighting and police are ready to take money and go away to anyway,only politicians are the king and everything to there peoples.one a day my family have a problem for our side building management then we complain and they want fight and there are rich so that's why police take there side , I know my family is not rich we're a normal family and there are no one to fight or no one to have power we can do anything we take down our head and don't say something to anyone.I was 17years old and I read in class 9. I want revenge for my family I decided to join politics and became a student league woad president and then I will punish everyone who related to crate problem for my family.I was a normal boy we lead a good and normal life but there is nothing no one respect a normal man. When i became a student league woad president everyone give me a good suggestion respect me like a don like a king i just want something and everyone want me for this reason they give me what i want I know that's not right but when i take my revenge then i was directly join with politics I can't go from that can't leave that if i leave i will pay for what i do with many peoples but one think i never do bad for good people

I'm bad for the bad persons and bad peoples. I'm now ah politician for the power for the people to help people poor people and good people.

When i have some money always I help them when i help them i fell so good fresh.The felling is awesome.I don't leave it with my last oxygen i want to become ah most popular and powerful politician to help people.