
The Diversity Class (2)

Class began about thirty minutes later with Mrs. Tina, the demi-human rabbit and healing teacher, taking charge.

"I'd love to see y'all chattin', but it's time to get this class rollin'," Mrs. Tina grunted out, her voice firm and direct.

The only ones actually talking were Padma and her growing entourage as she began chatting happily with the other three demi-humans.

"We are sorry, teacher," Padma said with a smile, but Mrs. Tina was immediately startled as well.

"Aarakocra who can socialize well, do they have one like this?" Mrs. Tina thought to herself.

Everyone returned to their seats, and Padma found a spot at random before the class began. Mrs. Tina initiated with individual introductions, focusing primarily on the diversity class.