

A group of travelers make their way around outer realms, escaping enemies and making tales with no set goal. But what if their journey opens new mysteries of their pasts? it may not be just fun adventures and dramatic combat.

YoungByrd · Fantasie
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49 Chs

Within the Garden

The day is close to high-noon, as the party returns to the main temple after Sardan had left them at the Kennel. Tunda had left the group after everyone had agreed on the idea he proposed to them.

Sarale crosses her arms as soon as they all make it to the main entrance.


"What do you guys want to do? We can train, we can see the aquarium, the botanical gardens, we could go back to the restaurant. It's really up to you."

Karma looks at one of the paladins and sees Brixis looking down.

KARMA:(devious smile)

"I wanna train a bit. I haven't been able to use my sword or Scimitars in a good minute. I need to get my moves back into gear from all that traveling."


"I'd like ta train too. Never got ta spar wit yer dad."


"good luck he doesn't hold back."


"jus' means I'll 'ave a challenge."


"You may come to regret that challenge."


"You can fight me then! Gives us both a warm-up."


"Sounds like a plan."

Karma pulls Aktlass to their level and gives him a passionate kiss then goes to Vajor.


"Mind if I steal your future husband for a minute?"


"I-I!! Hmph… why Karma. Why do you do this to me?"


"Come now dove. No reason ta be so coy."

Sarale embarrassment intensifies and she covers her face. Karma snickers at Sarale's reaction wickedly and pulls Vajor by the shirt and drags him off to the training ground, passing Brixis and gives her a mean grin that seems spiteful and gives Brixis a fright as they pass. Sarale stares after them quietly contemplating before looking to Aktlass.


"So, what do you wanna do? We could join them or we could go do something else. The choice is yours."


"... The garden sounds nice."


"Then to the garden we shall go."

Sarale guides Aktlass out of the temple and down the street to a large building entrance cut from a tree. Once inside the space seems extra dimensional. A vast sprawling garden with floating mountains in the distance and waterfalls of various shades in color. She sighs contentedly.


"This is my favorite place in all this land. My haven. I could wander here for hours and never see another soul. (smiles at Aktlass) I'm glad I get to share it with you."

Aktlass pats Sarale's head, content with her words.


"You are my elder ssister and kindred. I will always be happy to be here as your brother."

He looks around for a moment and takes a breath of the garden air with a content sigh of peace.


"Where will you take me?"


"It's a bit of a trek, but there's a little place not many people know about. It's beautiful."

Sarale leads Aktlass through the forest and across a natural bridge before they come to a clearing. The far end contains a small iridescent pond with a waterfall pouring into it from a cliff. Butterflies float around lazily and drink from the numerous flowers that loiter about the clearing. A cave sits near the waterfall and a few fox pups and their mother play around trying to catch the butterflies before noticing the pair and running towards them to play around their feet. Sarale kneels down and scratches at their bellies before walking to a rock covered in moss and sitting on it to enjoy the peaceful scenery. Aktlass follows her to sit at her side on the ground, watching the pups for a while before pulling out his pan flute to play to the flow of the waterfall.

Sarale listens, closing her eyes before pulling her own yarting from her quiver and strumming a harmony along with him. As they play, several of the pups stop and tilt their heads back and forth like puppies to a new sound. A gentle glow descends upon the clearing and giggling can be heard from the trees and pond. Aktlass remains focused on the song they played together as the small glow approaches closer and starts to sway to the tune. As the glow recedes several small figures can be seen as the fae dances and spin to their music. Sarale smiles as they continue to play. Aktlass transitions to a new song and changes the tune as if it were natural and continues, letting the flow of the music take his senses away from his surroundings as he changes the song once more before finally ending his score. Sarale sets her yarting down by her legs and watches him from the corner of her eyes, as the little fae clap enthusiastically and rush towards them giggling. One of the smaller girls dressed in a flower dress tugs on Aktlass' hand gently trying to get him to join them in their dancing.

As soon as he felt the pull on his hand he flinched in mild panic as he looked at the little fae girl in shock. He was completely confused and bewildered from seeing a fae. He looks at Sarale for answers. She giggles and takes another little girl's hand, the two looking as if they were twins and allows herself to be pulled from the rock. She offers Aktlass a hand.


"They want to dance with us."

Aktlass allows himself to be pulled along.


"What are they??"

Sarale tilts her head at his question.


"The fae. These ones are nature spirits. They guard this grove and don't normally show themselves, it seems your music lured them out. They want to play. They're harmless to us, but if anyone were to try and bring harm to the land or those they protect they wouldn't hesitate to end them swiftly."

Aktlass looks around curious and cautious of the new being that he was seeing as they giggle and dance around. Some of them startle him every so often to grab at his hair and distract him constantly.


"Easy, brother. They're just like children. They only wish to play."

Aktlass feels one buzzing near his ear moves his head back, doing his best not to hurt them. He swings near one by mistake and the fae vanishes before his eyes. His caution quickly turns into shock and panic.


"... children that can vanish..."

Aktlass backs away as the fae reappears in front of him and follows him curiously with a sweet smile. Aktlass starts to hiss with a tongue flick at the one closing in on his face. It was obvious how nervous he was getting.



Sarale raises her hand.


"enough, away with you, you mischievous little thing. Let him be."

The fae pouts and floats away to play with her sisters completely forgetting about the yuan-ti and drow. Sarale watches them before turning to Aktlass.


"why do they unnerve you so much?"

Aktlass' scales visibly rise from his body. He looks down at the water and sees his reflection. his apparent fear fading to shame.


"Spirits… I rely much on my senses to survive... spirits and illusions... anything that disrupts my senses... I fear... if-ss my senses grow dull, it means my death... they... are death to me."

Sarale tilts her head, taking in his demeanor, and rests a gentle hand on his arm.


"illusions are harmless. Spirits.. well they're another story entirely. I can see spirits and ghosts, even ones others can't. I'll keep you safe from them. You can trust me. (smiles) These, though, are truly neither. They're real, they have bodies and can bleed. They feel pain. They're fae. The term spirit is used more loosely as the type of fae they are. They're more like sprites."

Sarale points to the ones wearing flowers as dresses, with tiny antlers or horns, and flower crowns.


"Those are nature sprites and the small ones over there with the blue skin and hair are water sprites. Guardians of nature. All of them are ruled by the summer king."

She glances at a few hiding in the shadows and waves, motioning for them to approach. They wave back timidly before slowly inching towards the pair.


"These ones are also nature related, though the shadowy ones and the ones that resemble fall or winter are ruled by the Queen of Air and Darkness, the Winter Queen."

She continues explaining the fae to Aktlass hoping to ease his mind with understanding. Aktlass looks at Sarale as she spoke, following where she pointed to as she identified the fae for him. he knew her words were true and they helped calm him enough to watch them, but his body still stayed alert, forcing him to keep his distance.


"... I'm ssorry. I can't help my ff-ears. They are engraved in me."


"There's nothing to be sorry for, brother. Everyone has their fears. I know I do. If there's ever a time you feel overwhelmed from your fears or your sorrows, I will do my best to help set your mind at ease. I will always protect my family. We can go somewhere else if you'd like."



Aktlass follows after Sarale to another area. The area she leads him to is only accessible by climbing a small cliff and venturing through a thicker patch of forest, but the view is well worth it. She and Aktlass sit on the cliff's edge and stare out over the vast landscape. It's quiet for a long time.


"The fae won't venture here. They don't like it. The natural occurring iron in the ground here is like poison to them… this feels weird, you know?"

Aktlass looks at her for a moment before looking back over the landscape.


"... Times like these make the hardships all the more enjoyable, but that doesn't make them comfortable."


"Very true. Being able to relax is almost unnerving. I keep expecting the sky to open up and dragons to start pouring out."


"Don't jinx it."



Sarale lays back on the ground and gently kicks her feet that hung off the cliff.


"I wonder if Karma and Vajor would enjoy this."


"Karma isn't one for quiet places. They prefer small crowds or some sort of sound. That's why I carry a pan flute."


Yeah, that's why I was wondering. I do think they'll like the aquarium though. There's always a crowd and that's if we even get to see it. We might have to wait until next time, especially since Patrice is here."

A figure crouches down behind them and suddenly speaks.


"Oh, trust me, Karma would want to go to that water park the least."

As soon as Sarale yips in fear, Aktlass quickly reacts to the voice and swings behind him to connect to his target with a backhanded fist while Sarale rushes to hold on to Aktlass.



Aktlass stands with her still holding on to him like a cat avoiding water. Tunda had taken a direct hit to the temple, getting sent off his feet to the ground holding his head from the pain.


"BITCH!! FUCK! Ah-ha ow. What was that for?! You damn near took my damn head off! Fucker all, that hurt like a bitch!"

Tunda sits back up as he speaks. His temple now swollen and red and his face grew paler than his normal complexion with fear and confusion, despite his voice sounding like he was ready to chuckle from his own complaining.

Sarale lowers herself to the ground after realizing who the voice belonged to.

SARALE:(mutters to Aktlass)

"Sorry, Aktlass."

Sarale gives Tunda a look of confusion and betrayal.


"This is exactly why I don't fucking relax."



Tunda shuts his eyes and takes a few deep breaths as he sits on the ground cross legged, then looks at them.


"Ugh. For fucks sake I wasn't even trying to be sneaky."


"It's your own fault you're so quiet."


"Hey, I didn't do it on purpose!"


"First off, why the hell are you skulking about here? And second, it's not a water park, it's an aquarium."

Tunda shakes his head and pulls on his cheeks and jaw before answering.


"Keh! Well first off, I've been up here napping before you two showed up. And second, regardless, water's water to them. If it ain't in a glass, they ain't going near it."

Sarale glares at Tunda.


"That's what an aquarium is, Tunda. The entire thing is enclosed in glass. And why would Karma not like a water park? Is it because of the ship?"

Tunda continued to rub his cheek and jaw until he felt comfortable enough to finally stop.


"Yeh, they don't like being 'under water'. I've seen the aquarium. They ain't going through it just to get to the top to see the merfolk."

SARALE:(*brow raise*)

"you realize you don't have to go under the water right? There's another way around. (waves hand) it doesn't matter anyways. We probably won't have time. Why were you napping here? I thought you were going to make sure everything went smoothly for when we take care of the bitch."


"It's taken care of already. That's why I'm nappin' here. Apparently, something good happened to her today and she told me to bugger off until late tonight when her plan gets movin'. Think she got herself a new sugar daddy."



Tunda puffs his cheeks for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh of relief. Sarale stands and heads for the entrance of the garden to leave. Tunda and Aktlass follow after her as Aktlass looks at Tunda questioningly.


"What are you doing? I hit your head, not your face."


"Yeah, no shit, fucker. I got my own quirks just like Karma's got their sleeping habits."


"Patrice is at the temple and you're not there with her. I don't want to leave Karma alone knowing that she's out for their bounty."


"She's not, but whoever she's getting money from is. And they don't want to do anything till tonight when the grounds are asleep."


"All the more reason to leave while we have the chance. I'm not risking their safety."


"Alright, alright. I gotcha."

The boys follow Sarale out. The air in the town feels denser, more humid, than it had in the garden and everyone starts the short trek back to the temple. She seemed jumpy, more on edge than normal.