

A group of travelers make their way around outer realms, escaping enemies and making tales with no set goal. But what if their journey opens new mysteries of their pasts? it may not be just fun adventures and dramatic combat.

YoungByrd · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
49 Chs

Trial at Dawn

Elsewhere, Tunda wanders the temple for a while before coming across another Paladin that was a blue jay kenku. they seemed to be lost in a trance until Tunda spoke to grab their attention.


"How's our ladyship?"

He mutters as they pass by each other. They both stop in the dark of the hall they were in without turning to face each other. The blue jay opened her mouth and her voice began to mock a familiar and unpleasant voice.


"... I need him back before the trial starts. Tunda, that cursed mongrel, I need him dressed up for the noble guest. He didn't want me at all, just a twisted fixation for the unnatural. If you find him, send him to the second floor to the viewing platform of the courtroom after he's changed into what I've left him... And here I thought I would finally get the riches I deserve..."


"pfft! As full of herself as ever. I'll be there in twenty so stay patient."

The blue Jay continues on and Tunda waits for her to turn the corner before continuing on his way to an isolated room to find a black suit lightly studded in diamonds and padded with leather on the chest, waist, shoulders, and thighs. He dresses up and puts on a set of boots, then puts on the silver chain harness and heads back out. On his way he meets the blue jay again, they look directly at him as he adjusts a cuff and whistles as he approaches her.


"Alright. What's your business, pretty bird?"

The blue jay's eyes brightened as soon as he called her a pretty bird. her voice mocks a man's voice this time. her voice changed between a few different voices.


"Where have I met that man? I just can't put my finger on him for the life of me?"


"you know that short Goliath?"

"I ain't that short."

"oh him! He's been hanging around her because of Patrice. I've seen him with Belle a few times."

"the blue jay?"

"yeh. you know how she likes to hang out in the dark places."

"But why Patrice of all people?"

"Lots of people said she was keeping an eye on him cuz he's a criminal under surveillance."


"to be honest, it looked more like she was dragging around someone's slave with how she had him dressed the first time he was here with her. He was dressed head to toe in black with diamonds and chains."

"Oh shit! yeah I remember now! did she finally get caught with that!?"

"yeah. She's got a public trial today. but this is just between you and me since only the elite ranks are allowed to view this trial from the upper stage."

"Hell about time. Let me know how it goes."

The blue jay stops and looks at him with an eager look. Tunda sighs with a smirk and approaches her to pet her head and scratch at her chin.


"Thanks for that info, Belle."

Belle, the blue jay, changes her voice to the unpleasant one again.


"What to do with that fool?"


"I don't know what'll happen to me. we'll see, though won't we."

Belle nods happily then leaves him. Tunda makes his way to the courtroom now with an eager smile that he hides behind his hand.

In the office, Sarale opens the door and enters the office, with a stoic looking Vajor following behind her. Karma and Aktlass wearing nervous expressions. Elyria smiles behind her veil as she sits behind her desk and Sardan nods at the group as they enter, allowing Sarale to shut the door behind them. Lendral stands before the desk.

LENDRAL:(smiles at Sarale)




Elyria motions for the group to sit as Sarale comes to stand next to Lendral. Her hands folded behind her back in an at ease stance. Lendral mimics her stance before Elyria speaks.


"Thank you for joining us."

Sarale bows her head in reverence and Lendral does the same.


"Of course, ma'am."


"you're both here for sentencing. If that wasn't clear before. Lendral for inciting a fight with a member of our order, consorting with unsavory individuals, destroying an innocent's lively hood, and trying to kidnap an innocent for the sake of his own personal gain. Sarale for trying to take the life of another, who had surrendered and inciting a riot."




"Wait wha'? Dove? Eliciting a riot??"

Karma and Aktlass snap their heads to Sarale in shock at what they just heard. Karma with a knowing enough expression to show them their understanding of what might have happened.


"... I believe it."


"That's no surprise."

Aktlass thinks for a long moment before coming to a realization of a riot that occurred during his last bounty mission to quietly take the head of a tyrannical lord in the city of Mostrim. He cringes at the thought of recalling Sarale's appearance standing on top of a fallen statue of the late tyrant.


"... That was you leading that riot!?"

Sarale gasps at Aktlass' statement. Vajor's shock is now directed at Aktlass.


"Wait, you were there?!"


"You stole my bounty in Mostrim!!"

Elyria looks at Aktlass and tilts her head with apparent concern and curiosity.


"Sorry~. I didn't know you then."

Sardan raises a hand to silence the group, remaining composed.


"Please remain quiet during the trial."


"Yes sir."

Elyria rests her hands over her stomach.


"Both are under serious accusations. Though one is far more serious than the other. How do you both plead?"


"Guilty as charged."


"Guilty. There's no reason to hide from the truth."


"Lendral would you like to explain yourself?"


"I believed the wrong person. Patrice had me believing helping in her scheme would gain favor with our father. As you both well know that situation."

Sardan and Elyria nod.


"We are terribly sorry for that, some people can't see what they have despite it being right in front of them."


"Your words humble me, high priestess. I'm not going to pretend I didn't have my reservations about following her, but she had me feeling as though she was the only one who would truly ever accept me. That's when my relationship with Sarale became rocky."


"So Patrice has been conditioning you for years?"


"I'm afraid so. She'd tear me down just to bring me back up in her ideal image."

Sarale grits her teeth, but remains quiet.


"With that in mind, your sentence is community service. Hrongar has agreed to allow you to work at his diner. The wages you earn will be confiscated and placed in a savings of sorts as compensation for the damages to Mr. Eirrondronnol's shop. (to Vajor) I hope this is sufficient?"



ELYRIA:(to Lendral)

"I do hope you conduct yourself in a manner befitting a paladin of our order."


"Understood ma'am."


"Very good. (to Sarale) Now, Sarale. I'm disappointed to say the least. You know better."

Sarale swallows and dips her head lower.


"Yes, ma'am."


"Don't speak. Let me finish, understand?"

Sarale nods, keeping her head down.


"I've had time to look into the riot incident. You incited a riot to overthrow a corrupt noble who was not only torturing and starving his people, but also murdering innocent people. Correct?"

Sarale nods again.


"Do you understand what you did wrong?"


"yes ma'am."


"Good. As for trying to kill Lendral after he has already surrendered. I'm assuming you lost control of your emotions?"


"Yes, ma'am."


"And your friend here stopped you from killing him."

Sarale nods.


"Because of this his life was spared. Though that doesn't mean your sentence will be any less harsh. (sighs) It pains me to say this, but you will be exiled."

Sarale's head snaps up, her eyes filling with tears



Elyria holds up her hand.


"For the duration of a year. You are not to set foot in this temple or this city. Do you understand?"

Sarale takes a shuddered breath, blinking back her tears.


"y-yes, ma'am."

Elyria continues as she pulls a pendant from the desk drawer and stands to walk around the desk.


"Furthermore, you will not be permitted to maintain communication with anyone here and you will be watched closely."

She places the pendant around Sarale's neck and goes to stand in-front of her, speaking more gently.


"Understand this was not an easy choice for us. We are certain it is the right one. After the year is up we will reevaluate your actions and determine if you will be permitted to return. I am sorry."

Sarale steels her nerves and nods, refusing to look her mother in the eye. Her expression eerily blank and her voice monotone.


"I understand, ma'am."

Elyria sighs before turning to go back to her desk.


"With that being said. We do need your cooperation. We plan on holding a public judgment for Patrice under the pretense of judging you two."


"you will need to be chained for this until we have her in custody."

Sarale nods and Lendral frowns.


"I agree."

Vajor's ears droop upon seeing Sarale so sullen and guarded, but he remains quiet. Aktlass sits back in his seat with a twisted expression of guilt and disapproval, while Karma pats his hand to keep him at bay, holding back their own frustration. Sardan approaches the two with a pair of shackles for each. Sarale extends her hands and waits to be shackled without looking at Sardan. Sardan sighs and approaches Lendral, shackling him as well.


"We do appreciate your cooperation in this. Patrice is a flight risk and considered extremely dangerous. It's against our code to execute her, but we will ensure she gets what she deserves."


"I hope we can at least give the bitch life in prison."

Aktlass takes Karma's hand with a rattling hiss softly escaping him.


"... patience-ss."


"Prison is too good for what she's done."

Sarale shudders at her mothers tone and lowers her head while Lendral swallows and takes a step closer to Sardan. Vajor quirks a brow curiously. Sardan glances back at Elyria and narrows his eyes.


"what did you do?"


"nothing you need to worry about."


"Right… (sighs) Regardless, we need to get to the courtroom."

Sardan opens the door to the office and two armed and heavily armored Paladin's enter to approach Sarale and Lendral. A tall hawk like Aarakocra speaks first.


"Sorry, Sarale, Lendral. We may need to be a little rough to make this believable."





The second paladin, a brown furred Minotaur, draws his blade and frowns as he places a hand on Sarale's shoulder.


"I really hate this part."


"It's alright Bruce. We understand."

Bruce nods and guides her out of the room. While the Aarakocra draws his own sword and grabs Lendral's shoulder.


"I have to agree. These situations are very unpleasant."


"you always did have a softer disposition, Ansler."

Sardan lets them leave and turns to the group.


"You three can stand in the back, but please don't say anything unless directly addressed."

Elyria motions for them to leave before her.


"And please try to keep your eyes off Patrice until she's apprehended."


"I've never met 'er. So I don' know who I shouldn' be lookin' at ma'am."


"Even better. She'll think you find her attractive if she finds you staring. Her vanity has always gotten the best of her."


"Only got eyes fer one an' she ain't it."


"You're adorable. I like you."


"someone special said somethin' similar not too long ago."

Karma thinks back on what she said about Patrice and recalls the well dressed elf woman they saw with a chain figure behind her.


"... I think I've seen her once. She was watching Aktlass' spar with that flirty ganasi. Looked like a bitchier Lendral with tits. I don't think she'll be a problem from how she left afterwards."

Lendral stops in his tracks and his shoulders shake with laughter as his head falls forward. Ansler clears his throat and remains composed. While Sarale and Bruce burst into laughter. Sardan snickers, turning to cover his face and Elyria looks towards Karma with an unseen proud smile. Vajor's ears twitch and his tail swishes as he tries to remain composed in the light of Karma's comment. Aktlass smiles as he pats Karma on the head, Karma doesn't understand why he does this but they let it happen happily.

The group makes it to the courtroom where many elite paladins and priests oversee everything from the second floor balcony. Sarale and Lendral are guided to a central pit where Ansler and Bruce chain the pair to a ring on the floor. Both of them keep their heads down and shifting uncomfortably as they stare at the floor in front of them. Sarale's expression is blank and Lendral sighs in annoyance. Vajor stops at the back of the room near the door, looking troubled as his ears twitch, and his tail swishes. Vajor glances up to the upper balcony and catches a glimpse of Tunda standing next to a feminine looking Lendral. He looks away quickly and tries to hide the glimmer of a smile in his eyes, just now understanding Karma's comment.

Karma and Aktlass step to the other side of the door. and wait with him patiently. Tunda looks over the balcony and sees Sarale and Lendral chained side by side in the pit and cringes at the sight of them looking so pitiful. Tunda glances at Patrice who stood just in front of him and notices a small smirk creep on her cheek as she looks down on the room. everyone waiting for the trial to begin.

Bruce and Ansler unshackle Sarale and Lendral as Patrice is guided to the pit. They step to the side and wait. Lendral frowns at his half-sister as Ansler hands him a sword and Sarale smirks, quivering her brow. Bruce hands her her own blade and she sheaths it, crossing her arms over her chest. The dwarf shackles Patrice to the ring in the same fashion Lendral and Sarale had been before and the Goliath flanks her on the other side as they stand guard.


"Enough, Patrice!! How do you plead?! And know that anything you say can and will be held against you."

Sardan raises his hand and speaks a few words as the pit begins to glow a dazzling pink light. The light settles and his ear twitches as he watches the scene play out. Tunda steps forward to look over the balcony and watch as the scene plays out before him. He leans against the railing and gets comfortable as he covers his mouth to hide his creeping grin.


"What is happening!? Why are you doing this to me!? I will find out who is behind this wretched joke!"


"very well if you will not answer then we will have to take your lack of response as an admission of guilt."

Sardan raises his hand.



The two next to Patrice, as well as several others around the location snap to attention. Elyria crosses her arms.


"We shall commence with sentencing!"


"Do you really think you can get away with detaining me with this mockery of nonsense! When father hears about this treason, you will all be begging me to raise this lowly place from the ground! Release me at once! what should I be guilty for, Just by doing as I please with what is mine!? I have my rights as the one above them!"

Lendral starts to tremble in anger as his hand clenches around the hilt of his sword. Sarale takes a deep breath through her nose before letting it out slowly. She rests a hand on Lendral's shoulder to help calm him and nods after gaining his composure. Elyria tilts her head and the rumble of thunder echoes around the room.


"Your father will know of this and I am certain he will understand the importance of your sentencing. By your own testimony you have committed these crimes and therefore as the High Priestess I hereby pass judgment. You will no longer be allowed to stay in this city, nor seek aid from any member of this Order. Our ally's and any association they may possess are no longer yours to utilize. Exile, Excommunication, and Banishment."

As soon as these words leave Elyria's lips the Paladin's around the room whisper and Sardan raises his hands to silence them. Elyria begins to descend the steps of the pedestal.


"Remember these words well little girl. You are not above anyone, Patrice. Not for any reason and especially not because you are an elf. There are many of those in this room, even some with more noble birth than you. I certainly do hope you live a long and happy life, it just won't be here."

Tunda suddenly snickers loud enough for most of the courtroom to hear him. He fails to hold back his giggling as he clenches his face and holds the railing for support. Patrice glares at Tunda with a new found rage.



Tunda looks over the railing and lets the smile stretch across his twisted, wide eyed face as he looks down on Patrice, his body shivering as he chuckles maniacally. He holds his hand up and flicks her his middle finger with madness in his eyes.


"Up yours, ya spineless fucking cunt ass WITCH!! HAAH HAHAHAH!!"

Elyria turns to look at Tunda, then to Patrice.


"one of your victims I presume?"

Sardan watches Tunda and hides his annoyance and laughter alike. The room is scattered with giggles of both nervousness and actual glee at Tunda's words. Lendral turns and rests his face in his palm as his composure breaks and Sarale bursts into laughter. Vajor's shoulders shake with laughter as he turns his head to look away. Karma laughs with tears streaming from their face while Aktlass reacts the same way Lendral does.

Patrice, on the other hand, is now in tears from fear and panic as she realizes how much control she had lost in just a single room full of people. Laughter echoing through her mind and mocking her, her bind with Tunda broken before her eyes before she could realize it. She glances around the room as she's dragged off out of the courtroom, taking one final glance at the people in the room to lock eyes with Bishnar, the fiend that gave her Tunda. Bishnar snickers with a smirk before leaving and vanishing into the shadows of the doorway.

Patrice starts to panic and scream, failing to fight the guards off her as they carry her to an isolated area of the temple where the Kenkus, Belle and Ashta wait at the large iron doors that lead to a basement area.


"AAH!! how dare you do this to me! You have no idea what I'm capable of!! I won't be here long. Just you all see..."


"(*Patrice*) Of course you won't. I will be the only one."

"(*Tunda*) I can already tell this'll be a delightful trip for us all. Hope I don't have to meet any of these assholes in hell later."

Patrice looks at her for a long moment as she listens to Bell mock Tunda's words to her. She finally calmed down and snickers to herself as they shove her through the darkness of the basement and let the door's shut behind them. Belle and Ashta look at each other and walk down the hall back to the main entrance chirping and squawking to each other.