

A group of travelers make their way around outer realms, escaping enemies and making tales with no set goal. But what if their journey opens new mysteries of their pasts? it may not be just fun adventures and dramatic combat.

YoungByrd · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
49 Chs

Time Before Dawn


"You really didn't have to walk me out, Lendral. I'll be okay."


"Snow, I've known you long enough to know when you don't need to be left alone. Even when you want to be."


"true. Thank you Lendral. I know what you went through there was hard."


"not as hard as what you went through. I have to thank you for having my back. Without you I'm afraid of what might have happened to me."

Sarale pats his arm as they arrive at the stables.


"don't mention it, it was-,"

A tall slender man with white hair, bumps into her as he walks past.


"sorry friend I-"

Her brows furrow as she looks back at him, her words stopping short as she stares after him. Lendral looks at him then at her.


"you okay? Do you know him?"

Sarale shakes her head.


"I.. no. He seemed familiar, but I've never met him."


"Sure. Maybe you're just a bit on edge from the hearing."


"Yeah, it must be."

SARALE:(*looks at Lendral* smiles)

"what I was saying is don't mention it. You would have done the same for me."


"I'm not so sure. I was pretty deep in Patrice's lies. It took you to help me see that. I'm sorry, by the way, I should have come to you sooner. I should have-"


"should have, would have, could have, Lendral. It's in the past. What matters is, we made up and you're free."

Lendral takes Sarale by surprise and hugs her.


"Thank you."

She stiffens before relaxing and pats his back.


"you're welcome, Lendral."

She pulls away and raises a brow.


"So Rise?"


"shut up."


"She's cute. Treat her right and I know you two will be happy."


"Yeah. Yeah, I will."

Lendral pulls something from his pocket and hands it to her.


"Here, I know you're not supposed to have contact with anyone, but if you ever need help go to this address. They'll help you."

Sarale takes it and nods.


"Thanks. I'll keep it in mind."


"Please do. I should get to the diner. Gotta report for duty."


"And I have to get out of the city. See you around brother."

They clasp arms and he heads out as she puts the note in her pocket and finds a letter folded there. She puts it away and gets the horses ready, leading them to the meeting place. Once there she takes the note out and reads it.

Meanwhile, back at the temple, the rest of the Party is dining in the mess hall with the other paladins. Aktlass and Karma share a plate together, Vajor was getting teased and passed jokes with Elyria and Sardan, and Tunda was enjoying the company of the Kenkus, Belle and Ashta, and the Aarakocra, Ansler. Elyria looks over at Tunda.


"Tunda was it? Why don't you tell us a story of your travels? I'm curious what you've seen."

Tunda suddenly becomes as still as a cold graveyard when he looks over to Elyria, taken aback by her interest in him.


"... not while we eat. I don't wanna lose my appetite."

Karma looks at Tunda with worry in their eyes as the room suddenly goes quiet.

Elyria shrugs and quickly changes the subject.


"If that is what you wish then it is how it shall be. There's no reason to make anyone uncomfortable. You said you needed new clothing earlier. The best place in town is Felicity's. Lovely little gnome, I'm sure she'll have something to your tastes."

Tunda's smile quickly returns as if his discomfort never happened.


"so long as I don't get no leather trousers like these tight things."

Tunda tugs on his trousers and it stretches out before he lets it go and snaps back onto his hip. Karma smiles sullenly as they watch.


"Felicity has an array of fabrics to choose from. You don't have to pick leather."


"Whoever said I picked my clothes. I'll check that out asap."


"Of course we gotta go with you."


"Well, that's just a matter of fact."

Tunda starts scratching at Belle's chin and she churs happily, nuzzling into the pats she was getting. Elyria chuckles and Sardan smiles.


"She likes you, that's easy enough to see. You'll always be welcome here. I think I'll meet up wit' Dove. Ya three 'ave fun."

Tunda stands from his seat as the trio surrounding him wave their farewells.


"Well, I'm full of food and full from fluff."

He says as he pets Ansler's head as he walks by. Ansler shivers in his seat as his neck feathers fluff out as soon as Tunda stops. Karma stands and goes after him, forcing Aktlass to finish his plate in one go before following them.


"Shall we get going?"


"see ya lot later."

He heads out to meet Sarale in the forest. Everyone leaves and goes their separate ways.

On the way to the market, Tunda and Karma catch up on old times while Aktlass would catch on to some things Tunda would say indirectly until they make it to the clothing store, Felicity. A large sign hung above a fancy cherry red wooden door wedged snuggly into a stone hill. They enter the shop and see a large waiting area at the entrance, while further in were racks after racks lined with a multitude of colorful fabrics and clothing. Along the back walls was a line of curtains that acted as the changing rooms. A gnome with curly blonde hair enters the room and smiles at the trio,


"'Ello! How can I help ya?"


"... Oh my god, Karma. She so cute!"


"and you said I was weird about goblins."


"... shut the hell up."

Aktlass steps in front of the two as they pick on each other and speak to the gnome.


"pardon uss. We need new travel clothes for the pale clown there."


"OI! I heard that, slithers!"


"Thank ya kindly fer tha compliment. So what ya lookin fer? We got a lotta different styles."


"any thing that ain't fucking leather. Leather for armor and nothing else."


"Let's start with something comfortable first." Karma says.


"Wait right here. I'll see what I can muster up fer ya."

After a few moments she returns with an armful of clothes.


"Go on back to tha curtained area and see whatcha like. If ya need anythin' in a different size jus' let me know and I'll git it fer ya."


"Thank you very much."

Tunda gets changed and walks back out in soft water blue sleeveless shirt, dark gray, baggy trousers, that he tucked into the boots that came with the outfit and a large ash brown belt that held the outfit together.


"... Hm. Very nice. Very comfy too. Can I get more like these?"

Felicity tilts her head and smiles shyly, her cheeks turning pink.


"Yes, sir."

She scampers off to gather more clothes in that style in various autumn colors, jewel tones, and pale blues and browns. He has fun trying on each outfit, with Felicity's guidance. Every now and then Felicity would put Jewelry on Tunda after changing a few outfits before he notices.


"... hold up. Where the luxury come from? I look like a back alley merchant in this."

Aktlass kept himself occupied with a roll of thick, embroidered fabric, trying his best to hide his smirk.


"yeah? I thought you looked like a dancer."

FELICITY:(Smiles shyly)

"It's a nice touch. You should think about workin' in fashion. (*looks away coyly*) Ya look nice in that mister. Personal opinion ya should git it. Can even work out a discount fer tha whole outfit."

Tunda looks at her for a moment with a blank stare noticing her pinkish cheeks. leans over her and pats her head with a snicker.


"If I were staying longer, I'd have asked for a date to the diner instead. I'll just take the blue one I had on earlier with that fur top."

Felicity squeaks in surprise and giggles happily.


"There's always next time. I'll git it rung up fer ya. Still gittin' tha whole outfit gits ya a discount."


"Thank you very much, little lovely. Hey, Karma! you're paying for this right?"


"yeah yeah. I got you."

Karma trots to the front counter and pulls a coin pouch from their belt ready to pay. Tunda and Aktlass step next to them. Felicity takes the payment giving them 20% off for the entire ensemble and waves them goodbye as they leave.


"come an see me again sumtime! It's a pleasure doin' business whicha."

Everyone waves their farewells as they leave, Tunda now in the new outfit as they all head for the forest. The sun has completely vanished behind the horizon once the trio leaves out the city gates. As soon as they walk into the woods, Aktlass catches a glance of the large pink firbolg, Vajor, sitting against a tree slouched over Sarale.

Sarale sits with her knees in her chest tucked between Vajor's bent knees as she looks up at him while he talks. His arms are draped over his knees and he smiles down at her, before leaning down to give her a sweet peck on the lips. She stretches to accept his affection, happily.



Sarale's head jerks in the direction of Aktlass' voice and Vajor looks up. Karma and Tunda look in their direction After hearing Aktlass call Sarale. Sarale cheeks tinting the slightest shade of rose.


"You're back."

Sarale pushes herself up to stand and Vajor does the same, staying close to Sarale as she walks over to the group. Vajor eyes Tunda.


"Lookin' snazzy, Tunda."

Sarale locks eyes with Aktlass before glancing at Tunda and Karma.


"Felicity really hooked you up didn't she?"

TUNDA:(smiles proudly)

"Thank you much."

Before Karma could greet them, Aktlass steps directly behind Karma and grabs their chin from behind and Kisses them deeply. Once Aktlass finishes, Karma's mouth gapes open as they slowly look back at the group blankly before covering their mouth with confusion and loss for words, eyes wide with interest as their tail ticks widely behind them. Aktlass looks at Sarale and smiles at her reassuringly. Tunda looks at Karma for a moment then at Aktlass.


"Well, someone's loved, ain't they?"


"awe~ so cute!"


"loved indeed."

Karma looks at Sarale and Vajor with an unamused glare as their ticking tail slows into a tap.



Aktlass smiles at Karma's reaction and grabs their hand to guide them to their horse.


"Oh come on with as many times as you've teased me about becoming flustered I think I deserve this. it really is cute."

Tunda follows them and takes the pendant off his necklace and calls to it.



HIs moorbounder beast, Loonu jumps out of the pendant and instantly starts purring loudly as it nuzzles him aggressively before standing at his side. Tunda hops on Loonu and takes the reins of the saddle on the big cats back ready to move. Vajor stands next to his horse and waits for Sarale before boosting her up on his horse and climbing on behind her.


"ya ready ta go?"


"Ready when you are."

Aktlass nods his head as Karma leans back onto his torso, letting Aktlass take the reins. Vajor holds the reins and Sarale looks at the group.


"So where exactly are we going?"

VAJOR:(head tilt)

"never been, wha's it like?"


"Lot of spicy. The locals are friendly and love to make travelers feel at home. festivals are abundant with fresh produce feasts for the people. I'm guessing your bounty has something to do with the recently founded under-market?"


"I'm not sure. There's no name for this one but I was given a face and activity description."

Vajor's ears twitch up.


"sounds like fun."


"Sounds like too many people."


"It'll be fun, dove. We'll be there wit' ya."


"I guess."


"Well, word of advice for the antisocial, don't travel at night. The city is famous for its shadow activities."


"Don't tell me it's full of red."

Tunda sighs as if he was already tired from thinking back on his visit there.


"No. Just stay away from the central market tower and the side roads with the pretty big signs. I'll help us find an old inn or something to stay in. otherwise we can go to a hunter's or venture's guild to stay in for a collection service."

Sarale stretches her back and settles again as she pats the horse's neck as he sways and dances, ready to get moving.


"Well, what are we waiting for? I may not be looking forward to it, but the sooner we get it done the sooner we can leave."

Vajor holds the reins loosely as his hands rest on her thighs.

VAJOR: (chuckles)

"ya really don' like people do ya dove?"

Sarale shifts looking back at him.



She turns back in her seat and studies Karma before mimicking their posture and leaning back against Vajor's chest, surprising him a bit. He grins as she continues.


"not most people anyways. You guys are an exception."

Tunda gets Loolu moving and trots ahead of everyone with Aktlass and Karma following close behind.

TUNDA:(smiles deviously)

"We'll be for any of that, how 'bout we take a detour for a bit of carnage?"

Vajor grins as he follows behind Aktlass and Karma.


"ya mean wha' I think ya mean?"

Sarale cracks her neck and leans forward.


"bitch is getting what she deserves."

Aktlass nods with a new conviction in his expression.


"Damn right!"


"Follow me. We're gonna have quite the carnival tonight."

Tunda races into the woods with everyone following close behind.