

A group of travelers make their way around outer realms, escaping enemies and making tales with no set goal. But what if their journey opens new mysteries of their pasts? it may not be just fun adventures and dramatic combat.

YoungByrd · Fantasie
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49 Chs

New Chapter

The party eats their fill and bide their time for a while before returning to their exploration.


"So, where would you guys like to go next? We have the aquarium, library, and botanical garden."


We could always go to the library. It's quiet and peaceful."

Karma seemed to be preoccupied with their thoughts. Aktlass gets their attention with a look of worry.


"Some quiet may help them."


"Sounds like a good idea, maybe we can get more information there."

Lendral leads with the others following behind him.

Lendral leads the party to a large tree with a door carved into the front. Upon entering the smell of books reaches them and they're greeted by a vast library. Walls lined with innumerable books with various tables, some empty others inhabited by one or two people. A short gnome man sits behind a counter with round spectacles sitting on the bridge of his nose.


"ah if it isn't Lendral and is that Sarale I see?"


"I think you need new glasses, Felji."


"Nonsense dear girl. I just couldn't see you past your large friends, here."

Karma looks around and sees a section with records of mixed-races and their strength and maps of different islands that encompass the outer realm.


"Hey, do you have a map and record book of the Volaon Islands?"

Felji, the gnome, looks at Karma with curiosity.


"Well of course, young lady."

He hops from his chair and comes around the counter leading the group to a section of shelves with various scrolls, books, and maps of the islands surrounding the mainland.


"This'll have everything you need."


"I prefer 'young friend'. Thank you."

Felji looks at Karma and seems to look harder as he adjusts his glasses.


"My apologies."


"Felji is the keeper of knowledge here at the library. Felji this is Karma, Aktlass, and Vajor."


"Pleasure to meet you."


"Pleasure ta meet ya, Felji."

Felji glances at Vajor and slowly looks up.


"well aren't you a big fellow?"

Vajor chuckles, his tail swishing as he pulls a book from the shelf.


"'is place is amazing."

FELJI:(grin's proudly)

"Thank you."

Karma had stepped away to sit at a seat and looked through the book they were given and looked through it. Aktlass leans over them to watch until they stop on a page with an image of an island. Lendral takes a few tombs and maps to the table, setting them down next to Karma.


"I'm guessing that's where you were born?"

Vajor joins them with a book on fey smithing in his hands. Karma doesn't look away from their book as they scan the map and point to a small dark red spot that was hidden in an enclosure of green and brown.


"That spot there is my tribe."

Vajor leans over the table and looks at the spot.


"living on an island seems like it would 'ave been fun."

Sarale watches the group for a moment before slipping away to an abandoned part of the library. There she finds what she's looking for, The Complete Collection of Fiends, Fey, and Celestials. She sits at a large stained glass window, the painted lights covering her in a kaleidoscope of colors. She flips through the book, stopping on a page detailing demons and devils and the different types.

Karma keeps the group entertained with stories from their home and odd traditions that made Karma's vibrant nature seem even more strange. A small crowd had gathered around Karma, each person enamored by their stories as they formed a small pack of bodies around the table. Karma finally finished another story when Aktlass looked into the new crowd, baffled by how many people had gathered when he noticed Sarale wasn't in the small group of spectators. He whispers to Karma for their attention and Karma looks around to find her.


"Huh... Guess she went to find something else to do. Alright everyone, storytime's over. I know my beautiful voice is impeccable with these amazing tales of new lands, but I need a break."

Vajor stretches and looks around, noticing Sarale's absence as well.


"I wonder where she got off to."

Felji points as he hops off the table.


"She's usually on the second floor in the back by the stained glass window. You should find her there. I gotta get back to work."


"you shoulda been back to work bud!"

Felji shrugs as he takes several of the books and starts walking back to the shelf they belong to.


"not very often you get to hear these stories straight from the source."


"Well, glad you like 'em. Maybe I should write a script of short tales from the island?"

FELJI:(*snaps* grin)

"That sounds like a marvelous idea! Let me know when you do. I'd love to have a few copies for the library."

Karma stands from their seat and goes to where Felji directed them with Aktlass following close behind. Vajor and Lendral follow. They find her sitting amidst several open tombs with loose bits of paper scattered about. She was writing on a piece of parchment, seemingly copying text from a tome and muttering to herself in Undercommon. Karma makes Aktlass stay by the door and grabs Vajor's wrist to take him with them.


"Sarale~. Whatcha doin'?"

She looks up quickly and tucks the paper into the book she'd be reading. Closing it as if she'd been just about finished with her task. She looks at the window.


"Is it time to go already?"

Vajor's ear twitches at her distracted tone, but doesn't question it, figuring she'd gotten lost in her research.


"aye it is dove?"

Sarale straightens the books and tucks a few off to the side, including the one containing her copied research.


"I was just doing some research into fey creatures, why do you ask?"


"really? Cause I know for a fact you never forget how many hours are left on the day. So what are you really up to?"


"Okay fine. I was researching demons and devils. You can never be too careful."


"Is that all? Why were you researching them?"

Sarale just stares at him blankly before looking at Karma, Vajor, and Aktlass for help. Vajor's ears perk up as he turns to Lendral.


"ain't it part o' ya job ta know 'bout these thin's? Dove is jus' tryin' ta keep tha knowledge fresh, right dove?"


"yeah. That's what it is."


"I guess that makes sense. She always did have a habit of working harder than everyone else."

Sarale grabs the books and quickly puts them away to save the few she had set aside.


"If you're all ready, we should head out."

Aktlass waits for everyone to pass him before following Karma out. Everyone goes to the checkout and Sarale stops at the counter and waves to Felji.


"I'm taking these with me, Felji. That okay?"

He looks up at her then at the books before waving his hand.


"yeah, I know you're good for it so that's fine."

Everyone leaves the library and the sun was about to hide behind the horizon to bring the night.

SARALE:(sighs*to Lendral*)

"We should probably head to the temple. I know you're about as eager to get this over with as I am."

LENDRAL: (Slouch and sigh)

"about as eager as I would be sticking my hand in a hungry tiger's mouth."

Karma pushes Lendral's back and smiles at him.

KARMA:(flirty nudge)

"Hey, you might get off lighter than you think. And even make some time for a date with that pretty goblin, Rise."


"I-I… if I don't get exiled then I guess I will."


"I'm with you, Lendral. I won't let them exile you."

Aktlass tussles Lendral's head with his own brotherly smile and goes to pick up Karma. Aktlass holds Karma in one of his arms and cuddles them.


"Whoa!? Pfft! Hee hee hee! Stop that! That tickles!"

Vajor slaps Lendral on his shoulder, nearly toppling him over.


"we've all got yer back lad."


"thanks. That means a lot."


"Hey, don't sweat it. This big guy is literally following us cuz of his parole. You might just need to help out around the place and get to see Rise more often cuz of it."


"Karma, he's not that bad."

Sarale leads the group to a large temple carved out of stone and wood. The outside has reliefs depicting Mielikki and her life. Lendra steps up next to her as she places her hands on the large wooden doors and pushes them open. Revealing a large room with pews and at its front an enormous statue of the goddess herself. Around the dais was a river filled with calm water, lily pads scattered throughout it.

Several paladins turn and their eyes widen upon seeing Sarale and Lendral. Whispers break out amongst them as they approach the dais. Sarale and Lendral hold their heads high as they approach the altar. A woman in green stands at its head and the Firbolg at her right breaks the silence.


"Sarale, Lendral what's-"

The woman holds her hand up seeing the expression on the pair's faces.


"Maybe this is best suited for a more private setting, Knight Commander Sardan."

She steps off the dais and approaches a side corridor to her left. The Firbolg, Sardan, follows her and waits at the entrance for the party to follow. Aktlass sets Karma down and waits by the door.

Karma turns around only to find Aktlass and Vajor gone, leaving Karma alone at the entrance.