

A group of travelers make their way around outer realms, escaping enemies and making tales with no set goal. But what if their journey opens new mysteries of their pasts? it may not be just fun adventures and dramatic combat.

YoungByrd · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
49 Chs

Morning Greetings and Challenges

Sarale and Vajor stand outside of Aktlass' room, having already checked Karma's, and knock on the door.


"Hey, guys, it's time to get up."

She shifts her weight and plants a hand on her hip as she waits for any sign of life inside. Vajor's tail reaches up to tickle her ear and she swats it away glaring at him.


"Stop it,"

She hisses quietly looking down the hallway to make sure nobody noticed. He chuckles as she knocks on the door again. Karma wakes and shouts through the door.


"HANG ON! HANG ON! J-just open the door. I can't get up."

Sarale pauses before opening the door.


"Are you decent?"


"woman, you know I always wear a shirt and shorts to bed. get in here and help me with this big lummox."

Sarale opens the door and spies Karma on the bed, Aktlass is wrapped firmly around their legs.


"Well okay then."

She sighs and walks into the room with Vajor stooping to enter behind her. Sarale goes to their bed.

SARALE:(*offers hand to Karma*)

"Come on. Maybe I can pull you free."

Karma takes Sarale's hand and Sarale pulls Karma free from Aktlass' grasp. Aktlass suddenly growls, his arms searching for Karma until he finally wakes and sees them standing with Sarale next to them.


"(falsetto) Good morning~! (military) Get up. Breakfast is in ten minutes. Temple life starts early."

Sarale walks out the door.

Vajor shakes his head and smiles as he watches her leave.


"Looks like you two 'ad fun. I'll see ya in tha hallway."

Sarale shuts the door behind Vajor as he steps out and leans against the wall as they wait.

they suddenly hear a series of cracks and pops while Karma groans along with the sounds until they stop. Karma opens the door moments later fixing their mess of curls into a loose bun behind their horns.


"phew~! Man I was not expecting a massage this early in the morning. Sup guys? How was your night?"


"Really? We're late for breakfast now."


"I'd say it was great, but she'd probably hit me if I did."


"I would. If you want food you better keep up."

Aktlass and Karma rush down the hall after her. Vajor turns his gaze to Aktlass and sees a mark under his jaw and then to Karma to notice the four holes along the back of their neck.


"I'd say it went well then."

Vajor races after everyone.

Sarale leads the party to a room not far from the training grounds. Three rows of long tables, made from living wood, line the room, two of which were filled with Paladins all shoveling food into their faces. Some of them chatted with each other happily while others looked as if they'd stab someone for looking at them sideways. Along the center of each table was a plethora of breakfast style foods. Some of the paladins were getting up and going to the nearly empty table and grabbing plates of food to carry back to their tables.

Sarale sits at the table next to Sardan, Elyria, and a few other high ranking paladin's.

SARALE:(to the party)

"Come on now. Sit, eat, they don't bite."

One of the paladin's, a kenku with raven feathers, looks up and smiles.


(Sarale)"Come, eat, we don't bite."


Sardan gives them a look.


"Ashta, leave them alone."

The kenku giggles before going back to its meal.


"Ignore Ashta, they're a jokester. Nobody's going to bite you."

Vajor glances over at Aktlass and Karma and chuckles, keeping his thoughts to himself as he sits next to Sardan. Sarale sits next to Vajor and grabs a few pieces of bacon and a fruit muffin with nuts scattered across the top of it. She yawns before grabbing a metal pitcher with a steaming liquid in it and pouring herself a drink. She offers it to Vajor and he sniffs it, his nose crinkles and he shakes his head. Elyria chuckles at him before taking a sip of her own. Aktlass sits near Vajor then pulls Karma into his lap. Karma starts dishing the food in front of them and they both start to eat. Aktlass sits near Vajor then pulls Karma into his lap. Karma starts dishing the food in front of them and they both start to eat.

Sarale finishes her meal and stretches, her shoulders and back popping making her groan.


"When you're all done eating, Sardan and I would like to have a word. In the meantime Sarale, since you're finished eating, please come with me. We have some things to discuss."

Sarale stands and follows after her.


"yes ma'am."

Vajor watches them leave before looking at Sardan.


"it's just occurred ta me 'at we've never been properly introduced. Name's Vajor Eirrondronnol."


"Sardan Mistspark. So Vajor, what are your intentions with my daughter?"

Vajor chokes on his food and starts coughing as he pounds his chest, Sardan pounds him on the back while several of the paladin's around chuckle. Karma and Aktlass decide to leave the room before they lose their breath from laughing too hard. one of the paladins stops them on the way out and guides them to the training ground. Vajor regains his composure before taking a few deep breaths.

VAJOR:(Clears throat and adjust)

"well, sir, treat 'er right an' maybe one day make 'er me wife."

Sardan quirks a brow and smiles.

SARDAN:(pat's shoulders)

"good answer. When you're done eating we'll head to the training grounds. We can spar while we wait for the high priestess and Snowdrop to finish their talk."

Vajor nods then he drains his drink and stands stretching.


"Why not go now? I could go fer some exercise."


"I like your spunk, kid."

Meanwhile, Karma was talking to a group of paladins while Aktlass leaned against one of the support pillars in the shadows watching them make new friends. As Karma chatters away and makes Jokes. they see a glint at the corner of their eye and find someone walking down the other side.

On the other side of the training ground, on the upper walkways, Tunda was with a woman watching the room from above. The room had a few people training and sparring with each other. Tunda stood back behind the woman watching Karma from the shadows until Karma looked up to see them. He steps back further into the dark to avoid their eyes.

Karma sees the woman in a beautiful green gown with a cloak pulled behind her shoulders standing tall and elegant as if she were of noble lineage. her gold hair and pale skin similar to Lendral's with taller ears and a well framed figure that seemed wasted on the disinterested scowl on her face. she walks away with a chain connected to the person behind her as if walking the temple with a pet criminal.

Karma cringes at the sight of such a person existing in such a temple.

Vajor and Sardan enter the training grounds shortly after, both of them noticing the expression on Karma's.


"oi, Karma, wha's tha matter?"


"... uh... how do I answer that after seeing something so unsettling?"


"unsettling? What did you see?"

karma walks over to Sardan and Vajor and whispers what they saw to him. Sardan and Vajor both lean over to listen. Sardan straightens and clears his throat looking displeased.


"That is definitely unsettling. I'll look into it and I have a feeling I know who you saw. (sighs) Just do me a favor, don't tell Sarale. She's under enough stress with Lendral's trial. Which when we question you two and your friend, we'll be able to appropriately pass judgment."


"Oh yeah. Aktlass!"

Karma turns to call to Aktlass and sees him wander off with another paladin before. he looks back at Karma before continuing.


"where are you going?"


"She wanted a spar."

The paladin looks at Karma and smirks, making Karma a bit unnerved as they smirk back.


"M'kay, then. kick her ass then come inside, 'kay?"

Aktlass tilts his head nervously at Karma's tone, noticing the annoyance. He nods and follows the Paladin to the center and they take their places on either side. Karma takes his place by the pillar to watch.


"I'm Brixis by the way. I hope you can satisfy me well, good sir." Paladin smirks and winks at him then grabs their longsword from their side. "Mind if I get your name?"

Aktlass reaches behind him and pulls the great sword into existence. Everyone who saw him draw the greatsword from nothing gaped in awe and surprise except for Karma and Vajor.


"Aktlass... don't think too badly of me."

Karma raises their hand in the air, their tail tapping the ground with obvious annoyance.



Aktlass takes the signal and rushes to Brixis. in an instant he forces her to drop her guard and send his sword into her stomach, sending her back a few feet with a heavy hit that cracks her armor. She gags and staggers a moment before recollecting herself and readies herself for his next attack. She looks up at Aktlass and meets his fiery gaze. He looked ready to hunt her down. The sight of him excites her and sends shivers down her spine as she flushes red in the face and bites her bottom lip with a hum.


"ooh... I was not ready for that, I'll admit. That got my blood boiling..."

Aktlass feels his scales rise for a moment and glances at Karma to see their tale ticking at the corner of his eye. He gets more serious and attacks again. Aktlass swings at Brixis and she blocks his attack with her sword. with a good shove, she breaks their connection and swings at him. Aktlass steps back to dodge her first swing and tries to block her second to get parried back a step. Aktlass feels a sting on his arm and notices a cut then quickly attacks again. Brixis blocks his first attack and steps away from his second attack and swings at him with a cross hand slamming her hilt into his head and slashing down at his shoulder.

Before she hits, Aktlass' tail quickly reveals itself from under the fur of his belt and swipes at her feet, sending her to the ground. Before she hits the ground he hits her across the room with his tail, allowing some distance. Brixis takes the opportunity to use her natural abilities, as an air genasi, to gracefully land back on her feet, using the flight she took to her advantage to land.


"ooh neat trick. I wonder what that tail can do in other ways."

Vajor quirks a brow at her words and side eyes Karma. Sardan frowns at Brixis with a heavy sigh. Karma didn't seem to hear her words as they were too preoccupied with the fight. Aktlass tilts his head to Brixis' comment and simply hisses with a tongue flick then goes after her again with a swing of his sword, colliding with hers and sending it in the air behind her. Brixis jumps back from his swing after losing her sword and he points his blade at her throat with one hand. his body towers over her, casting a shadow on her and making her shiver and nibble her lip in happiness.


"... Okay. I quit. there's no way I'll be able to resist that look."

Aktlass raises a brow at her words and puts away his sword then starts to walk off.


"So this is my win. It was a good fight."


"Hey, you could at least give a girl the courtesy of a date after a spar. it's the least a handsome man like you could do, right?"

Aktlass stops and looks at her with mild surprise.




"Yeah. What do you say you and I get to know each other with more intimacy?"


"... I'm sorry, but my mate will have my head if this conversation continues, so I'll be declining."


"What!? Mate!?"

Karma rushes to Aktlass and hugs him around his waist from behind, surprising him. He quickly turns around to see Karma looking up at him with a gleeful smile. His clueless surprise relaxes into happiness and he picks up Karma for a better hug and kisses them on the neck with a nuzzle, making Karma giggle.


"yo! that was awesome! way to go, gorgeous!"

Karma is excited and hyper from the fight. They kiss his forehead and Aktlass walks back to Vajor and Sardan. Sardan slaps Aktlass on the shoulder.


"Well done lad! Don't worry, I'll have a talk with Brixis about their behavior. (Sigh) this is a habit she has that needs to be put in check."

Vajor just laughs and claps his hands.


"'at was amazing, Aktlass! Kinda wish Sarale had been here ta see it."


"To see what?"

Sarale comes around the corner with Elyria.

Karma looks at Sarale and hops out of Aktlass grasp and rushes to Sarale to brag.


"bro! you should have seen this fight, Sarale! Aktlass rushed in with a big ass swing of his greatsword, and this paladin lady blocks him and gets pushed back a bit before giving him a few smacks with her longsword. BUT!- MPHF!!?"

Aktlass covers Karma's mouth to shut them up.


"tell her later. we should go."

Sardan and Sarale chuckle and smile at Karma's excitement.


"Yes, there will always be time later, Karma. In the meantime mo- the~ high priestess would like you three."

Elyria covers her mouth and giggles under her veil.


"Your friends certainly are charming, Sarale."

SARALE:(giggles & shrugs)

"I know."

Sardan places a hand on Sarale's shoulder.


"What will you do while we question your friends, snowdrop?"

Sarale looks up at him and thinks.


"Probably just read in my room. Ooh! Can I go to the kennels!? (Excited bouncing) I haven't seen Kennel Master Freda in ages!"


"Are you going to see Freda or the new pups?"




"Well, go on then."

Sarale's beams with excitement as she turns to run to the kennels. Before she takes a step she turns back around and hugs Sardan around the waist looking up at him.


"Before I go, I'm sorry I got so mad at you, before. It was uncalled for."

Sardan pays her head and looks down at her affectionately.


"It's alright. I'm honestly just glad Lendral and you are on speaking terms again. Now go."

Sardan pushes her away gently as she takes off running waving bye to her friends.


"and remember-"


"Be home before it gets dark, yeah I know dad! Jeez, I'm not a kid anymore."

Vajor sighs and looks after her with a sad expression.


"Everything alright, Vajor?"

Vajor nods his ears, touching his shoulders.


"Hm? Yeah."

Vajor scratches his beard and makes eye contact with Sardan, who pays his arm with a knowing chuckle.


"Come on, if we get this over quickly I can show you three where the kennel's are."

Karma and Aktlass follow after Sardan while Brixis watches as Aktlass grabs Karma's hand and lifts them into his arms again as they follow.


"Hey, come on. Let me walk, will you? you already worked out the tension from this morning."


"Stop whining and let me hold you more."

another paladin pats Brixis on the shoulder in pity.


"... you know Sardan's gonna have your ass for this, right?"

